A new star was born in the world, and that was for certain!
A star who was loved and adored by every single walking being!
Especially, after hearing her sing!
She would have everyone in a state of awe, as she belted out lyrics to her songs!
Even with all the difficulties of being called fatty, chubby, and weighty-scaly Whitney; and at other times plain old obese, by the persons in her life who were closest to her like her mother and other siblings; she still was striving to be great at what she does best; bellow out sweet melodies with her voice.
Whitney Washington graduated from her high school with flying colors, and now she was on many local stages, thrilling the hearts of many with her songs.
Starving herself, almost to the point of death which landed her in the hospital for over a month was a tough and frightening time for her. But, soon after finding her biological father who she hadn't met until recently - at seventeen years of age, and began singing for a living, she started becoming a completely different person. She was filled with self-confidence and felt alive in her mind, body and soul!
At this point in her young life, some of the name calling, feeling of belittlement, and also some body-shaming, didn't hurt that much. Because, she had found the seed from which she had arrived from, and she could now see where her chubbiness had come from. It was in her genes, in her bloodline, and there was not much she could do about it, since that was who she is; just like her real father, tall, fair and chubby!
It was around eight months after doing concerts all around America that Whitney Washington, had met the rest of her father's sibling and other relatives. And now, she could fully embrace herself for what she looked like and stop forcing herself to look like a noodle; lank like her step-father and the children he had produced with her mother. And just like her biological father and his generation had spread it out on the table for her, she had accepted it...
"If you're not tall, fair and chubby, you are not a real Huston!"
"You might be Huston alright, but certainly not a real one, or a good old chip off the Huston block!"
Her father would tease laughingly.
Meeting all her father's children and relatives, had brought much joy to Whitney's heart. She had spent almost her entire life without any love from her own mother and any of the siblings, her mother had with her step-father. And now, she was receiving a double portion of love from all her father's family and Huston generation.
Whitney now was wishing, she had been acquainted with them in her younger years, allowing them to have her on some holidays, or some weekends, so she could sometimes get away from that mean spirited atmosphere she had been living into all her life.
She thought, things would have been different and she could have experience some of this good loving and nurturing as a child, and just probably, wouldn't feel so lost, so embarrass, and almost, alone all the time.
But, this was no time to cry over spilled milk!
Whitney had her real daddy, in the palm of her hands, along with his other relatives and siblings, and now she was very, very happy to have them in her life for now and also for the future.
Not only was she embracing the reunion of her and her father, but she was also embracing her fat, fashionable and fabulousness!
Every single day with the Huston's was a different adventure - a new experience for her, and she was loving every moment of it.
They were getting to know her better, and likewise, she was getting to know them better as well. They were loading her up in cars and buses to visit this grandmother, then that grandaunt, this cousin and then that cousin; and then uncle after uncle after uncle!
At other times, they would be having cookouts - looking more like a feast, just for her; so they could welcome her into the family. Not only were family members showing up to greet her and welcome her into the family but, many who were there were total strangers! Because, many had seen her on television singing and also heard some of her interviews over their radio and was very impress and even touched by the sound of her voice and her story of not being accepted by her own family because of the way she looked.
It was Whitney's father, Christopher Huston, who had stood up on the rails of his back porch, looking over at the crowd and laughingly announced over the microphone at one of the gatherings.
"I can tell, many of you here is not a Huston, but eat-up, dance and enjoy yourselves anyway! But please, don't be telling my daughter, you are related to her or be giving her your addresses, asking her to send you money for any of your hard-luck stories! Because when I find out, and I will; I'll be coming to your houses and collecting every single dime from you and sending it back to her!"
The crowd began laughing and then returned to stuffing their faces, chatting and dancing to the music that was being played, and having themselves a real good time!
However, one of Whitney's aunt decided and was very stern on the family having a good family gathering which only consisted of the Huston's so her new found niece could know who her real family members were. Instead of all these strange people showing up in her brother's back yard uninvited and turning; what was supposed to be only for family members, into a live concert or a road side circus!
"How is she ever going to identify her true blood... her rightful genetic pool with all these strangers gallivanting out in her father's backyard like they are part of the family?"
Whitney's aunt went on to questioned annoyingly.
Her father in total agreement decided, he would have to redo this family gathering, stating that they would have to book a hotel, a cottage out into the woods somewhere, or, two or three suits at one of those places called retreats and hold their family gathering there instead. So Whitney could actually meet and get to know her closer relatives and also some of the distant relations as well.
That plan was in the making for the next month, after learning from Whitney's mentor her bookings and singing engagements for the rest of that particular month of March. And by the end of March of that same year, all funds were collected and reservation made for a ten room cottage in the hills of Montana. Where all of Whitney's generation would jump on chartered buses, then meet-up together; so they could introduce themselves to her and each other once again; so she could officially get to know more about them, in a peaceful manner.
It was truly a wonderful time at the Moore's Cottages in Montana for Whitney, and most of her living relatives getting to know each other... with some cousins looking just like her while some of the distant cousins looked nothing like her but, anyone could somehow see and definitely tell, the Huston resemblance showing forth in their appearances.
Officially, Whitney was united and reunited with the majority of her kinsfolks. And soon, she was exchanging contact information with many of her cousins and aunts, especially those cousins whose age and hers were in very same proximity. She somehow knew that later down the line, she was going to need their sisterly advice and brotherly love, for one reason or another. Especially, since she had not gotten that kind of a bonding relationship from either the brothers or sisters she was raised up with in the Washington's household.
How could she ever, let her guard down, around her mother side of the family after so many years of torment, mental abuse and verbal abuse as well?
She was with her people now, and for most part, they were loving each other, sharing all the family old folktales, and were certainly seeing eye-to-eye with each other! They were telling her those stories of the past, to give her that connection; so she could have an understanding from where she had come from and the struggles they had experience and faced, propelling them to where they were now in their lives.
Because, just like her, Whitney learned from her cousins that some of them too, mainly the female ones, had gone through tremendous amount of experiences with body-shaming, insults and the name calling; just because they weren't fitting into the size zero or any of the single digits sizes in the clothing department.
Some of her cousins were tease in their communities, at churches, at schools, on the buses which they travel on daily as they go about their businesses. But thankfully, unlike her, they could come home and be comforted or encouraged by their mom, uncles and other cousins; allowing those ugly words set out for degrading them; to be distracted from their young minds so they could focus more on their dreams and aspirations.
Hearing some of the details of her cousins' bullying and fat shaming stories, Whitney began weeping!
One cousin told her a story of herself while she was at school doing PE (Physical Education) lessons, how a group of the lean and mean girls had gotten an igloo container, packed it with ice and water and then poured it all over her body; just after their PE class was ended. Proclaiming, the ice-cold water would freeze the fat in her body and by the time she reached home that afternoon, she would shrink to at least a size ten. And how at their next physical education class, they would dunk her with freezing cold water, and how she would definitely be down to a size zero by the time they were done with her while they were all giggling and laughing about it.
Another cousin told of her scenario at school, during her dance lesson, how a group of her class mates hid her winter shoes; so she would have to walk home from school in the snow, and how it was the mercies of her teacher who wrapped her feet in the gym towels and then gave her a ride home. And how lucky she was that he had a set of keys on him for the gym at the time; so he could get inside there and retrieve the towels to securely cover up her feet in, since most of the janitors had already left the school for the day.
It wasn't only the girls in the Huston family who were ridiculed but also some of the males as well.
Her cousin Irvin was constantly mocked because of his weight and because he was also very tall and the meat on his body looked much more feminine than masculine. It wasn't until he started working out - training constantly; trying to get that strong, manly muscular physique, and then soon after was accepted on the football team at school, after shedding a hefty eighty pounds from his body; that such antagonizing and mockery would ever stop from his hearing.
Now, he wasn't only looking like a giant; but also like a very strong and smart one.
Few months later, Irvin also took on the responsibility of tutoring the freshman; a group of younger students who started attending his school, giving them one-on-one attention with lessons seeming difficulty for them to comprehend in their crowded classrooms at the public school.
Soon, changing his outstanding image from one who should be veered and respected, and not one to be mocked or to be messed with.
And just like he had done, pushing his body to the limit, exercising constantly, his brothers and sisters would followed right behind in his foot-step. Even though they still remain to be the show-stoppers in any room they would entered into with their very tall and heavy-weighted presences. Knowing and understanding their self-worth this set of Whitney's cousins took on very serious jobs which played right into the hands of what their very large body frames would certainly compliment.
From an international basketball player, to being a judge and also an officer of the law. Intimidating some, and standing as a form of great protection for many just because of their presence!
Another aunt by the name of Oprah Huston gave an account of her struggles growing up, and being a black girl with light complexion and how she had to fight her way in this world twice as hard; just because of how she looked. Because children at school and in her community who were much darker than her and her other siblings had seen her as part of the white man's world. And then, the white children had seen her as trying to be an upper-class black girl who wanted to fit in with them when she was doing neither of the two.
Aunt Oprah told the story to Whitney of her mother only popping out babies; but she had never seen with her own two eyes, any man in her life. Therefore, she and her other siblings had no idea what their biological father really looked like; and if his surname was actually Huston or something else.
Or, if it was a made-up name which their mother liked, and decided to give to her children when they were born.
"None of us knows what was going on in her mind. And back then, children ask few questions, even if, they had the intelligence to do so. We usually just do what we are told! None of us bother to ask; where is my daddy, because mama was loving us all and providing for us all, the best way she knew how and at times, much better than those around with both parent living in their household!"
Aunt Oprah revealed, as her mind travelled on back in time.
Further along, in her recollection of the past, Aunt Oprah went on to state that when she was around eighteen going on twenty years-of-age, some old man had stopped her on her way to the shop. And as they struck up a friendly conversation, he went on to tell her little details of her mother very secret love life, and how her mother was sleeping with the man who had freed the slaves.
That is how her and her other siblings arrived at the name Huston, and the reasons for their very fair complexion, chubbiness and very tall statue.
But, Aunt Oprah claimed that she did believe every word coming from the man's mouth, however she wouldn't say a word about it to her mother or any of her other siblings living in the house. Fearing, that one; the topic might upset her mother's feelings!
And two; she didn't want any of her other siblings going behind her back to their mother about the issue and questioning her about who she was sleeping with and having all these babies with!
Eventually, causing contention in their community and with the old man who shared the news with her and anyone else who had known about it, and were only talking about it behind their backs. Because back then, she would have to reveal to her mother, sooner or later, where she had gotten such information from, and she wasn't at all prepared to call anybody's name at that time. Knowing that the leather belt or the switches in the yard would start playing a roll on her behind, for opening her lips and babbling her tongue with a complete stranger about her mother's personal affairs.
Some of the stories, Whitney heard left her sad and heartbroken. However, the majority of those stories had made her very proud and happy to be a part of the Huston linage and family clan and she was looking forward to many more years like this when her and her cousins and other relatives would come together and celebrate each other's life and vision for the future.
Eight weeks later, the wonderful family union had come to an end and persons were giving hugs, kisses and shaking hands with each other to show their appreciation of each other. Being very happy for this blessed and great occasion when everyone in the Huston family could come together, greet each other, catch up on happenings and have some good old fun.
But, most importantly, welcoming and knowing about the beautiful daughter of their uncle, Christopher Huston, who was now known as the newest member of the Huston family group. Especially since her own mother wouldn't allow her any information that someone else was her father. And that the man who she was seeing every day and believing to be her biological father; wasn't, but was only her mother's husband.
After spending nearly a month and half with her father, one of the most influential voices in the Huston family and his other relatives; getting to know them better and understanding her roots was a delight and very eye-opening to Whitney. And after saying good-bye and wishing fare-well to her father and other family members, Whitney and her mentor, Ann Hathaway, decide to return home to Cherry Gardens. Because they both needed to cool off for a bit, from all the hostility from traveling and working on the stage, hoping to be discovered by some bigwig music producer who recognizes excellent talent when he sees it.
Upon returning home though, to her own neighborhood, Whitney would not go anywhere near or set foot into her mother's house again. Because of the awful and painstaking way in which she had treated her over the years. She was actually feeling ashamed that Caroline was indeed her mother, and didn't care to exchange words with her, or even look at her again.
They had been on the road doing shows, sleeping in hotels, and now Ann wanted to check in with her daughter, Gail and her close friend Dorothy, who she had left to care for her daughter while on the road trying to get Whitney's singing career up and running. Meanwhile, Whitney wanted to get some rest and relaxation for a while before setting foot on another stage.
It was already dark when they had arrived home to Cheery Gardens and Ann and Whitney were very happy to be home now, catching up with her daughter, her friend, and also her friend's daughter Elizabeth.
And before stopping over to her house, Ann made a conscious decision to stop by Dorothy's house first, and when she did, she found Dorothy, and her daughter, Gail, in the kitchen, cooking meat balls and sipping on wine.
Delighted to see her mother, Gail ran into her arms and greeted her and also did the same to Whitney after she felt good about letting her mother out of her arms, whom she now considered to be her very best friend.
Soon, Dorothy and Ann were tightly embracing each other, and cooing while wrapped in each other's arms, lasting for a good ten or fifteen minutes.
Few minutes later, Dorothy was pulling out chairs from under the kitchen table for Ann and Whitney to be seated on, so they could be comfortable to give her all the juicy details they had encountered on their long adventures of working the stage and blazing sweet melodies to strangers.
But before getting into all the juicy stuff, Ann asked.
"Where is Elizabeth?"
"My daughter Elizabeth, finally had gotten accepted into a college after her and Mrs. Banner has been going at it for months now over her grades being tampered with. Elizabeth is certain that she had passed the end of year exams; before they had graduated, and the principal is verbalizing otherwise!"
"So, Elizabeth suggested to her that she gives her the test again; so she can re-sit the exams! But, that conniving bitch and rejecter of her own flesh and blood name, Banner, claims that such wouldn't make sense, because she wasn't the one marking the exams papers and that all the test score had to go to the ministry of education for scoring. Therefore, Elizabeth had to redo the exams in September... she just received the results in January and few weeks ago, got accepted in the Union County College! So that's where she is now!"
Dorothy explained.
Staring at her daughter from the back, Ann surprisingly asked.
"Gail, what's wrong with you?"
"It seems to me, you have lost some weight; Dear!"
"You have been worrying over your, Mama?"
Ann ask smiling.
Spinning around with a broad grin on her face, Gail announced.
"Yes Mom, I have lost some weight! Dorothy and I have been doing the healthy eating stuff, not long after, you and Whitney when on your singing tour! Because whenever, you guys go on the road again, we will be toggling behind you guys... so we are getting ourselves ready now!"
Gail unveil.
"So what about college... I thought you and Elizabeth were planning on going to college together?"
Ann stated presuming.
"Mom, Whitney and I have plans on going to college together; not Elizabeth!"
Gail responded.
"And if Whitney gets a record deal, she will be focusing on making music and will be doing worldwide tours before ever settling down for a college life or a college degree!"
"Are you going to wait for Whitney until then?"
Ann Hathaway ask with some concerns in her voice and puzzle look in her eyes.
But Gail only stared at her with dead silence, before returning to stirring the pot with all those juicy meat balls she was cooking, and unfolding the bowl of vegetables resting on the kitchen counter.
However, Dorothy was pushing to get all the news about Whitney and Ann's trip, and didn't care much about the food being prepared at this point.
She wanted details!
She wanted to hear all the juicy stuff that had happened in the road!
She wanted to be informed about who had seen Whitney and who had plans on booking her or giving her a big record deal!
And just after Gail had poured her mother a glass of pineapple juice, she began giving Dorothy all the sweet details of what went on, during her and Whitney's mini music tour.
"We were well received everywhere we went to, and the crowd was craving for her more and more from the very first show on the Guardian stage, right until she sang in the Diamond House Theater in Florida! And what was even more exciting, for the both of us, Whitney at last, found her biological father, had a family reunion with him and his family! But she will give you more details into that later than I ever could!"
Ann excitingly expressed.
Covering her mouth with both hands, Ann whispered to Dorothy.
"He is married and gorgeous!!!!"
"So no record deals resulting from this trip?"
Dorothy questioned eagerly and smiling.
"Many numbers exchanged hands after each show, plus, she went on numerous television shows and radios, broadcasting her status as a new artist in the business. So I'm expecting for a record deal any minute now from anyone of the top music producers in New York, Los Angelis or anywhere else in the world they might be!"
Ann revealed optimistically while Whitney and Gail stood around the kitchen counter of Dorothy's kitchen, giggling and playing with the meatballs as though they were food toys.
Few minutes after chatting with Ann about her and Whitney's trip, Dorothy got up from her chair, walked Ann towards the front door and then across the street over to her house while Whitney stayed back with Gail, helping her to finish up with the delicious meal she had been preparing for her and Dorothy.
Strangely enough, it was only after Dorothy walked Ann over to her house that she realized that Dorothy in fact had lost some pounds off her bones and was looking much younger than usual. And in that very moment, Ann complimented her friend on her weight loss and the youthfulness exuding from her beautiful face. And also, the shapeliness that was showing off her curvy physique and seemingly uplifted rear end.
It was quite obvious that her gut had shrink down a bit, her limbs were looking much toner than the usual and her skin also seem firm and youthful looking. After observing the glowing appearances of her friend and also her daughter, Ann started giving off sounds that whatever they were doing, making themselves look much younger, she definitely wanted to be a part of it!
Having much delight and excitement in her voice, Dorothy said to her.
"Welcome, to have you join us... the more the merrier!"
"I would love, if you would join us in the creation of our new recipes and exercise classes in the morning while you and Whitney are still around! A little workout, change of diet and rest, will surely help in keeping you up and strong while on the road!"
Dorothy suggested.
Just as Dorothy was about to help Ann move their luggage inside the front door of the house, Ann paused for a moment and went on to question her about Mrs. Banner daughter.
"Did that girl... Nikki have her baby as yet?"
"What do you mean, if she has the baby already... is she an elephant or a donkey to be carrying a fetus inside her womb all this time?"
Dorothy asked cynically.
"She could have lost it or have it terminated!"
Ann responded.
"You have a point there!"
Dorothy interjected.
"Well, from what I have learnt from Elizabeth, she had the baby; it's a very cute baby boy Lizzy said! And now the father wants to get rid of the wife and move in Nikki inside the house; because she has given him a glorious male child to carry on his name in the future. And so far, the wife has only given him daughters!"
"Can you imagine that... throwing out your wife because she hasn't produce a male child for you?"
Dorothy went on to divulge.
"However, my dear, Nikki is still underage, and his wife is seriously threatening, if he should ever drive her out of the home, she will be going to the authorities and make a report of him sleeping with a minor, has gotten her pregnant and now wants to move her into their matrimonial home!"
Dorothy went on to convey.
"So much for loyalty and those damn wedding vows... a younger model comes along, all of a sudden, all the vows and commitments are gone straight through the window like cook breeze!"
"What kind of picture, he is setting for those baby girls of his... those he already produced with his wife... that they are dispensable when they can't produce what their mate wants?"
Ann spoke vexingly.
"And this woman is still young... the wife... isn't she still young and still able to produce babies? So how does he know, she won't give him a damn male child a year or two from now or later down the road?"
Ann lashed out angrily.
"What he should be doing is getting a house; whether he rents it or buy it, for that poor Nikki and her baby boy and then see to it that she gets back into school... that's what he should be thinking about doing! Not putting his wife and girls in a position of languishing... he's noting but an educated jackass... that's all that he is!"
Ann continued venting.
"What kinds of salary does pharmacists makes anyway?"
Dorothy asked with much curiosity.
"I'm pretty sure they make a decent salary; I presume!"
Ann responded.
"What's a decent salary for you... fifty, sixty, seventy thousand dollars a year?"
Dorothy inquired.
"I believe, they do make something in that range!"
Ann replied.
"Well that's good enough for him to care for his wife and children and then take care of his young concubine, he has gotten pregnant - now a mother, until she is able to stand on her own two feet!"
"Because from the looks of things, her damn mother is holding on to her own image for dear life, as if, it's oxygen! Leaving this child to face all this music on her own, and what makes it worse; this is the young girl's very first child... she is not ready for this as yet!"
Dorothy spoke with stirred emotion.
Her guesswork and assumptions were coming from a good place; because similar to Nikki Banner, she too, knew what it's like to be all alone with a young child; has no form of support coming neither from the left nor from the right to smoothen out the pathway. Since her daughter's father was a no-show in their life and none of his family members stepped in to assist her after he had walked out on her and their new born baby, without reserving for her a single dollar for them to get by.
Nonetheless, Ann was rooting for Nikki Banner to make it, so too was Dorothy! Hoping that she would be able to return to school, get an education so she could start taking care of herself and her baby, and get herself out of the gutter that she was now crawling in. And in their discussion and speculation, Ann thought, what would be even better for her; is her mother, getting off her high-horse, and helping her daughter to make the changes that would elevate her from out of the pits of hell, and restore her to a place of hopefulness and dignity.
The grip of hunger was now having a hold on Ann's belly, and now, she was rushing Dorothy back over to her house to tell Gail to send a bowl of meatballs and vegetable she was fixing over there, so she could eat.
Hastily, Dorothy ran off back to her house to convey the message to her friend's daughter. And few seconds later, she was back with a colorful tray with a plate of steaming hot meatballs on one side of it and a large bowl of vegetables and bread sticks on the other side. Patiently, Dorothy placed the tray on the kitchen island and then raced back to her house to get her portion before Ann started eating and before it was done. And then bring it back to the Hathaway's house where she and Ann could sit, enjoy the meal and chat about the rest of the trip while doing so.
Having her and Whitney's luggage resting on the floors of her living room and also leaning against one of the large chairs in the room, near to the entrance of the doorway, Ann made her way over to the kitchen island, seated herself down and started slowly feeding her face. And while sitting there and eating her meal, she began telling Dorothy how thankful she was for her daughter Gail, and her being able to fix her a decent meal, especially, after returning home from such a long and tiring trip.
But, half-way into having their meals and chatting, the telephone wrong!
Dorothy began bursting out with great excitement; presuming, the call must be about Whitney obtaining a record deal or assigned to come on a major musical show.
Hurrying to the telephone and bringing it to her ear, Ann Hathaway cleared her voice, swirled away whatever food that was inside her mouth preventing her from speaking clear and said professionally as she could.
"Hello, Ms. Hathaway speaking; how may I help you?"
"Good evening, Ms. Hathaway!"
"This is Christopher... Christopher Huston; calling!"
"I'm calling to find out if you and my daughter had reached home safely, and also to exchange some words with her!"
The caller at the other end said.
"Thank you, very much for calling Mr. Huston and we have reached home just fine! A matter of fact, we have reached home just few minutes short of two hours ago!"
Ann Hathaway responded.
"Well, I'm so very glad to hear that the both of you made it home alright and in one piece!"
Christopher Huston, reiterated.
"I appreciate the gesture very much, Mr. Huston! But please, hold a few minutes for me, and let me go and get your daughter for you! Okay!"
Ann Hathaway informed Whitney's father.
"Alright, thank you!"
Christopher responded, while Ann rest the phone on the kitchen counter, placed a spoonful of meatballs inside her mouth and started making her way hastily through the front door of her house and then to Dorothy's front doors.
Although, Dorothy had offered to get Whitney from her house, Ann quickly stopped her and told her she would go and get her while she finish eating her meal, since she has been running back and forth for her ever since she returned home from her trip.
Less than three minutes later, Whitney was making huge strides towards the Hathaway's house. Once she was inside the dwellings, she quickly grabbed the phone from the counter, held it firmly in her hand and excitingly shouted into it while beaming with smiles all over her face.
"Hello Dad!"
"Hello gorgeous, how are you doing!"
Her father enquired excitingly.
"I'm doing fine, Dad!"
"You have reached us just in time; because we came home like two hours or so ago, and just settled down and started eating!"
Whitney responded.
"I'm calling to make sure that you and your mentor had returned home safely and to let you know that everyone is asking about you and sending you their love!"
Christopher Huston informed his daughter.
"Give everyone my love too as well, let them know I'm very happy to have met them all and I'm thinking about them!"
Whitney responded.
"I will do that my dear, I'll do just that!"
Christopher promised.
"I love you and I need you to know that; okay!"
Christopher Huston spoke tearfully.
"Dad, please don't cry! I love you too, and please remember that!"
Whitney expressed chokingly.
"I need you to take good care of yourself and give your mother my regards, okay!"
Christopher Huston expressed with much sentiments in his voice.
"Alright Daddy, I will!"
Saying those final words, father and daughter, said good-bye before hanging up their phones. Meanwhile, deep within Whitney's heart, she had no intention of seeing her mother or giving her the message sent by her mother one-night stand and her father.
But, would Whitney ever have a change of heart about her mother?
Would she ever forgive her for calling fat and encouraging her other siblings to do the same to her?
Could she make a mends, let by-gone-be-by-gone and start a fresh with her own mother?