Chapter 2: The Long Awaited Phone Call

Hearing her father's voice on the telephone moved Whitney to tears and now the pain of former years were flooding her mind. After her imagination had led her to all she had missed out on, in her earlier years without her father by her side or the rest of his Huston family in her life.

She was just too heartbroken, and she just couldn't held back the tears, while she stood there, envisioning, what could have been.

All the love, emotional support, and just that better way of life she had hoped for with her family or she could have encountered and experienced, if only, she knew of all these kinfolks being accessible to her.

If only she had her father to call her on her birthdays, Christmas time or any other celebrated holiday seasons and special occasion. Instead of those times when she had lock herself in her room, afraid of facing her own siblings, fearing what they would be saying to her or how awful they would be making her feel in the house they were sharing together. Seeing the wetness on her face and the intensity of pain and sorrowful emotions splattered all over her face, Dorothy got up from where she was seated, went over to where Whitney stood and wrapped her arms around her.

"Come on sweetheart, everything is going to be alright! At least, you have found him now, so you both can start from here... pick up the pieces from where it was left off; alright!"

Dorothy spoke comfortingly in Whitney's ear while her head rested over her shoulders.

And just to add some sweet humor, Ann Hathaway teasingly spoke.

"Whitney, your father is one handsome man... I would have him on my arms anytime; night or day! So that step-mother of yours better watch the hell out, or else, I'll be next in line for the job of being your real step-mother!"

Causing Whitney to start giggling between the sniffling and the snorting of her nostrils as she wipe away those tears, making a little river pathway on her face. Her streams of tears wiped away, Ann encouraged Whitney to go upstairs, get in the shower and get into bed; so she could finally shower and have some rest, since they have been travelling form early this morning.

Without any hesitancy, Whitney took her advice, slowly made her way up the stairs and soon, disappeared beyond the white walls of the large corridor.

Her disappearance had caused Ann and Dorothy to start talking about her mother and how awful she had been to such a nice girl like Whitney. But, shortly after starting their conversation on the topic of Whitney's mother, Gail came bursting through the front door of her mother's house, looking all sweaty and exhausted.

"Aunt Dee, I've washed all the dished, pots and utensils and put them all away; so you don't have to worry about cleaning up the kitchen when you go over tonight!"

Gail excitingly announced.

"Thanks very much my darling, I really appreciate you doing all of that for me!"

Dorothy responded.

"My baby seems to becoming a responsible young lady!"

Ann Hathaway interjected.

"Mom, I'm not your baby anymore; I'm an adult now!"

Gail echoed back and then began asking for Whitney.

"Whitney is gone upstairs to shower and get into bed!"

Her mother responded.

And soon, Gail was making her way up the stairs and into her room where she too managed to have her shower and get dress for bed. But instead of going straight into her bed and going to sleep, she made her way into Whitney's room and jumped onto her bed like she was jumping unto a trampoline. Causing Whitney to spring up and down, in the air and on the bed repeatedly before ever settling on the center of the bed.

"Are you alright?"

Gail asked.

"Yes! I'm good, only a bit drained from being on the road so long and trying to fall asleep in a different place or hotel room every night!"

Whitney express.

Soon, Gail was on her knees, kneeling over Whitney and removing her blouse. Seconds later, she began massaging her shoulders and her upper arms, slowly and gently.

"Doesn't that feel real good?"

Gail asked.

"Umm... Umm... it sure does!"

Whitney replied.

Minutes later, Gail was asking Whitney to lay on her back so she could continue with massaging her in other places of her body. But instead of rolling over on her back, Whitney sat up in the bed and began telling Gail that she wasn't interesting in having any form of sex with her. Because, she wasn't a lesbian, would like to meet the right man, settle down with latter and marry him someday. And not having this lesbian spirit trailing her for the rest of her life, or have it taking up residency in her marriage.

"Who told you, I wanted to have sex with you... can't I give you a massage without it being sexual... what are we friends for, if I can't give you a massage when you are feeling heavy-laden and tired from life's hassles?"

Gail asked smirk on her face.

But instead of responding to her question, Whitney sat up in the bed and just stared at her, trying to figure out her true intentions, but was unable to read beyond her fiery warm brown eyes as they stared back at her.

"Come on, I'm not going to touch you in that way!"

Gail stated, as she forcefully pushed Whitney by the shoulders onto the bed and having her landing on her back in the position in which she wanted her. And just like she had promised, she reached not for the crotch or her bulging balloons, but for her legs, lifting them up and down in the air and stretching them back and forth like she was an actual physical therapist who knew exactly what she was doing to her client.

Minutes later, Gail was off the bed and reaching for the body lotion on the vanity. Soon, she open the curvy pink bottle, poured some of thick creamy liquid in her hands, rubbed her hands swiftly together and began stroking Whitney arms and legs with it.

And after feeling completely satisfied with her task, she placed the lotion bottle back onto the vanity where she had seen it, placed the sheets over Whitney's partially nude body and then said to her.

"Just remember, to pay me for these services when you become and famous and very rich superstar!"

Giggling, Whitney responded.

"I will!"

Hearing her friend's response, Gail told Whitney she loved her, gave a friendly goodnight and closed her bedroom door behind her and then went back to her own bedroom to sleep.

Seemingly, Gail's priorities were changing and, even though, she very much enjoyed the pleasures of the flesh with her long time buddy, Elizabeth, she was no longer seeing Whitney in that manner anymore. She was seen her more as her dearest friend and a sister; a sister she could count on and always look up to.

Furthermore, she was growing up and her interest was changing as the time went by. She too was thinking about finding someone of the opposite sex who she could get to know, fall in love and then walk the aisle of the some church or garden with some day. Instead of being shamelessly over powered by a feeling or being controlled by the pleasures she had spent most of her teenage life sharing with Elizabeth.

And neither did Whitney want that kind of information about her out in the public at the start of her career; spreading that she was a lesbian. Because she knew, the stereotypes that came along with it, also, the missed opportunities and ill-gains she might have encountered just because of it. She wanted to have a smooth sailing that was free from complication and negative press, especially, in these initial stages of her singing career.

Considering and seriously probing those critical thoughts in her mind, Whitney went off to sleep in a peaceful rest and wasn't awake until the sun began blazing through her window curtains late in the morning; filling her room with great warmth and that presences of something wonderful is going to be happening that day.

Right after getting dress for the day, Whitney left her room and went to gently rap on Gail's room door situated across the hall from hers. But, not hearing her usual bubbly quick response, Whitney proceeded onto the main floors and then into the kitchen.

Considering that no one else was up and about, but her, she started fixing the morning meal for herself and also everyone in the house; hoping to give them all a pleasant surprise when they came down the stairs or came over to the house.

The coffee pot brewing, eggs and cheese, bacon and biscuits in the oven readying, the morning meal was set and well on its way! Thirty minutes later, the meals were placed in platters and seated on the large shinny kitchen island for everyone to dive into. But, no one showed up to eat after one hour had past. And shaking form their beds and crawling to the kitchen, still in their robes, everyone was happy to be greeted by platters of delicious meals all prepared and spread on the island waiting for them to devour.

Dorothy, who was alone by her house came over to the Hathaway's house and began banging on the front door and soon after Whitney opened the door for her, she asked.

"Have you guys fixed breakfast as yet, because I'm starving?"

"A matter of fact, we have!"

Whitney responded.

Soon, all three ladies were gathering around the beautiful kitchen island made of granite stone, chowing down on the delicious meal which Whitney had prepared for everyone with her both her hands. And around twenty minutes later, the queen of the house, escaped from her cozy nest and waltzed into the kitchen with a bright smile on her face.

"Good morning to all you lovely ladies!"

She announced, as she went towards the cupboard and reach for her favorite cup and began pouring her coffee, cream, and then sugar into it.

Ann was feeling strong and revived and even more revived when she started sipping at the mug of coffee in her hands. Soon, she took her position around the island and began eating with the rest of the group, and indulging in their friendly conversations. Little over an hour later, before they were done swallowing their food and gossiping about all the various stories they could find to talk about in their community and also from around the globe.

Talk about a session of current affairs... they were having it!

Right after done doing the dishes, there was an interruption!

The house was quiet - without the noise of any technical apparatus playing, that when the telephone rang, it actually startled everyone located around the kitchen island.

Ann was so startled that she placed her hands on her chest before reaching for the phone and answering it.

"Hello, Ms. Hathaway speaking!"

She responded to the call with much sharpness in her voice.

"Good afternoon, Ms. Hathaway! My name is Clive Wilson, and I'm a music producer and very much interested in a young lady, who I understand has been touring with you for a while now. Her name, Whitney Washington! I would like to sign her up for a record deal, that's if, no one else has jump to the opportunity to sign a contract with her already!"

The caller expressed.

Clearing her throat and containing herself from acting too anxious, Ann Hathaway paused for a moment before asking questions about what deal he was offering her client. Soon after Clive Wilson had gone down the list of what he was offering the young singer and most of the stipulations that the contract entails, Ann agreed that it was a fair deal and considered meeting with him.

Few seconds later, Ann was telling her caller that she and Whitney would be flying over to California and meeting with him in persons at his office; in the next seven days. Therefore, he should send her the address to his office or wherever he wanted to meet up with them.

"I could give you that information right now if you have pen and paper handy!"

Mr. Wilson responded excitingly.

Right away, Ann started signaling to Dorothy to bring her pen and paper from the drawers on the kitchen cupboard, and quickly, she shuffled through the drawers, found them and immediately placed them at Ann's finger tips. Soon, she began writing down the address information and other details on the message pad given to her by Dorothy, and then repeated them over and over again to the caller; making sure, she had written all the correct information down on the paper.

Suddenly, Mr. Wilson changed his mind about her and Whitney finding their way to him and opted for a more generous offer. And now he began telling Ms. Hathaway that she and Whitney should just be at the airport and he will send a driver there to collect them and bring them to his hotel suite. And there, they could have lunch, discuss what he was offering in more details and signs the contract if they were satisfied with his proposals.

"Please, Ms. Hathaway, call me back with your flight information and then I'll give you the name of the driver who will be coming to escort you from the airport to my hotel. I will be staying at the Sherrington Hotel for at least another month before heading home to Texas. So I'll talk to you as soon as you get your plane tickets!"

Mr. Wilson stated.

But, before he could say good-bye to her, Ann Hathaway asked him if he would like to speak to Whitney and get acquainted with her before their big meeting. And without any delay, Clive Wilson said he surely would love to say hello to her.

Her hands covering over the phone receiver, trying desperately to block away any noisy sounds that she was about to make in Clive Wilson's hearing; Ann started yelling for Whitney to come to the phone immediately. And when she wasn't seen coming down the stairs fast enough for any of them, Dorothy join in; started shouting out Whitney's name, loudly as she could. Beckoning her to come to the telephone right away because someone very important was on the line who wanted to speak with her.

Hearing the noisiness bellowing from the downstairs area of the house, Whitney bolted from her room and stood at the top of the stairs with much suspicion covering her face before she asked.

"Who is it; Dad?"

"No sweetheart, this isn't your dad this time, this is someone more important than your dad right now... this is your future!"

Dorothy lashed out eagerly.

Worriment written all over her face, Whitney slowly took the phone from Ann Hathaway's hands, nervously brought it to her ear and spoke frighteningly.


She said softly.

"Hello Ms. Whitney! How are you doing today?"

The caller responded excitingly.

"I'm doing fine. Thank you, for asking."

Whitney responded in a very low pitch voice.

"I'm happy to hear that you are doing fine!"

The caller replied.

Not allowing Whitney to make another nervous comment, the caller hurryingly spoke and went on speaking, introducing himself with much enthusiasm.

"I'm Clive Wilson!"

"I'm a music producer and I have worked with some of the biggest names in show business! And guess what? I want to sign you up for a major record deal... eighty/ twenty!"

Clive Wilson revealed excitingly.

Unsure of what he was talking about, Whitney began stuttering.

"Um... Umm... Umm!!! What are you talking about mister... mister... mister...!

Realizing that she was unable to remember the caller's name, Ann came up behind her and softly whispered in her ear.

"Mr. Wilson!"

"I'm not sure what you are talking about, Mr. Wilson!"

Whitney went on rephrasing her statement.

"Well, what I'm trying to tell you Ms. Whitney, is that your singing contract is going to stipulates that all the songs that you will be singing, you are going to get eighty percent of the sales made from each one and I am... my company is going to get twenty percent of the sales made from each record. So while you do the singing, my team and I will be doing the promotion and selling of your albums!"

"Making sure that your songs gets frequent airplay, publish all over the world, and also get endorse by television shows, award winning programs and affairs, and the list goes on and on! Meanwhile, all you have to do is just sing, take care of that beautiful voice of yours and just look pretty while I do all the serious work for you!"

Clive Wilson explained in a nutshell!

Nut sure, if the deal was legit or fair, Whitney began staring at Ann with eyes that looked like they were popping form their sockets, hoping that she would somehow indicate to her that the caller's proposals were positive or negative.

Seeing, she was struggling for words to give her caller a reasonable response to his offer and suggestions; Dorothy who overheard the initial conversations with Ann and Clive Wilson, walked over to where Whitney stood, conversing with the caller. She then began gesticulating to her that she should tell the caller that they will talk more about it whenever they meet up in person.

Her lingering of speech and hesitancy, Clive Wilson realize that she was quite ignorant about what he was mentioning to her, and so kindly, he stated to her.

"Fair enough... we will talk more when we meet in person!"

And with those words spoken, Whitney told Clive Wilson that they would talk, hopefully very soon, and then handed back the phone to Ann. Who then went on to confirm with her caller that they will meet up in California, in the next seven days, if all goes well.

Making mention of fulfilling her promise, the phone went on to dead silence. And now Ann was standing there, staring at Whitney with both hands covering over her jaws.

"It is finally coming to past... over a year and now it's finally coming through!"

Ann spoke softly.

She was now humbled by all the experiences they had gone through and also whatever that was to come very soon... the record deal, the tours, the shows, all the wonderful opportunity that Whitney was about to enter into as an artist.

For a brief moment, Ann held Whitney in her arms and began shedding happy tears; because she knew, this was the moment they all had been patiently waiting for, and now it was here.

The big realization of her singing career was now in the palm of her hands and her future was looking bright as a summer sun.

But, shortly after Ann was done wiping away her happy tears from Whitney's face, she ordered her into the basement of her house where her music studio was located. Because, she needed them to start rehearsing once again and not slacking up on their efforts causing her to get rusty in tone or in lyrics. Especially, since now important calls were being made inviting them to step out on the bigger stages of the world, and it was also the ultimate time for her mentee to start shinning and be her very best with her given talent.

However, Whitney was still jet-lag and only wanted to stay in bed and relax for few more days before doing any rehearsing. But Ann being persistent and her friend Dorothy, backing her up, Whitney had no choice, but to make her way down the spiral staircase and position herself over the microphone and started hitting the warm notes warming up her voice box. And just like they had done over a year ago, Whitney and Ann Hathaway fastened themselves in the basement of her house, repeatedly rehearsing one song after the other until it was almost midnight.

She wanted Whitney's voice to be that of perfection and she also want the lyrics of every song she would be opening her mouth sing; to propel from her tongue, as though, it was a part of her actual being... her breath, body and bones! All the song that she was going to open her mouth to sing, she should sound like, it was built into her like a computer C-drive.

Therefore, every moment of her rehearsing those lyrics was critical and very important to her success.

And just after 11:00 o'clock that night, Whitney and Ann made their way from out of the basement and into the living room area where few feet away the kitchen was located. And on the kitchen counter, Whitney and Ann could see that Dorothy and her daughter Gail had prepared a very sumptuous meal and had it there waiting for them.

Whitney was completely tired!

All she wanted to do now, was to stand under the faucet and the water from the pipes gush sown on her until the tiredness was gone, then get herself into bed and fall asleep. But, she was also starving to the core - with her belly grumbling and rumbling like a misplace car muffler, she knew, she had to eat!

She was certain, that if she went to bed on a hungry stomach, she would only be miserable, unable to fall asleep peacefully and then would have to get out of bed a few hours later, and then head for the kitchen to find herself something to eat. So she dragged herself to the kitchen and choose to join Ann around the kitchen island, and there she sat and had a scrumptious meal, before climbing the stairs, undressing and standing under the pipes before going to her bed.

Making her way down the hallway and then to her room, Whitney noticed, Gail's bedroom door was close and felt no need to disturb her. But just after taking her shower and dressing into her night clothing, Gail came barging into Whitney's room uninvited and also barely dressed. Soon, she was resting on top of the bed linen in only her bra and panties, and swinging her legs up and down in the air like she was an overweight gymnast who couldn't actually do a full body flick!

Standing there watching her, trying to make that overturn with her body until she finally decided on quitting after several tries, Whiney in her state of tiredness expressed to Gail that she wanted to just go to bed right now and fall asleep; because she was too weary for having conversations with her. Meanwhile, Gail was only interested in giving her a massage like she had done to her the night before.

"Come on; only ten minutes, and then I'll be done!"

Gail insisted.

"I know you slept very well last night, after I was done with you!"

Gail stated trying to get Whitney to give into her advances.

"I really slept well, last night, and I thank you, very much for that wonderful massage last night. But, tonight is a different; I just can't manage because I'm weary to the bones!"

Whitney stated jadedly as she stretched out across the bed, just above where Gail was resting her head.

And just in that moment, transitioning from awareness to a deep sleep, Whitney could feel Gail's hands rubbing against her arms, buttocks and legs but the strength of weariness was too strong for her to resist. Like an anesthetic, this kind of weariness was too powerful for her, and very soon afterwards, it had taken full control over her mind, body and spirit. And seconds later, she was knocked out; off in a very deep sleep like a log inside a trench.

Whatever, Gail had taken the liberty to do to her in that moment was totally out of her command now; because sleep had completely paralyzed her, making her, totally powerless to her friend's touch. And only after morning had come would the story be told of how far she had gone with her.

And when morning did come, Whitney woke up finding Gail in the same position where she had left her with her hands above her head like she was surrendering to a stick-up by the Japs, and stretching across the middle of her bed. Causing her to struggle in getting up from the bed and getting herself ready for her day of hard work. Because she knew, if she didn't push through with this opportunity of a lifetime, she would only be back to square-one, munching on her parents for an allowance and a place to cover her head.

But, those mockery of her size and fat-shaming were definitely keeping her motivated. And as soon as she had gotten comfortable, those words of insults popped right back into her mind and kept her focus. Not only did her own story kept her motivated, but also the stories she had heard from her father's brothers, sisters and her cousins at their family reunion at the Moore's Cabin. Pushing her now in the basement to sit at Ann's Hathaway's feet, rehearsing one song after the other, until, she had it down to perfection and it was sounding much better than its original artists.

Whitney wasn't a squeaky wheel any longer but, she needed that oil to keep her wheels running smoothly and taking her to the distance of her new career path!

So just after having her morning breakfast, she was down in the basement, ready for rehearsal without Ann opening her mouth and encouraging her to start practicing. And so it was with her, for the rest of the entire week, until it as time to fly over to California from Cheery Gardens New Jersey, so she could have her meeting with Clive Wilson a very famous music producer and promoter.

Now Whitney was past good!

She was so good that whenever Ann would make a mistake, trying to trip her up, she could instantaneously tell her that she was off key, or, that she was playing the wrong songs or wrong notes.

And while Ann and Whitney were stuck in the basement of her house going through music sheets and braking glasses with her voice, her darling friend and neighbor Dorothy Royston went about getting their plane tickets and booking their flights a day before her and Ann were schedule to travel. While Gail took on the position of being big sister to her friend, and began helping with the packing of her suitcases for the trip, so she need not feel too overwhelm with all the hassling and consideration one goes through for a voyage like this.

Just after having lunch, Dorothy called Clive Wilson just as Ann had instructed her to do; informing him of the time of her flight and also her flight number. And in return, getting the info of the person - his driver who he was sending to pick them up at the airport and bring then back to the hotel he was staying at and the room he had booked for them to stay there.

Hearing from Dorothy who he had presumed was Ann Hathaway's personal assistance, Clive Wilson was very delighted! And now, he knew for sure, that her and Whitney were very serious about doing business with him and hadn't made a contract deal with any other music producers in the industry or anywhere else; possibly, causing a riff with any of his colleagues.

And pretty soon, Dorothy was taking notes -writing down every single detail of the information required for Ann and Whitney to arrive at their destination safely as Clive Wilson patiently went over it with her repeatedly, preventing any mistakes or mishaps from happening on their arrival to California.

Bright and early, Tuesday morning, all four women were out of bed and gathered in the kitchen of Ann's house, preparing breakfast. And soon after Ann and Whitney were done eating, they returned to their rooms and started getting ready to travel to the airport.

Right after Whitney had done gotten dressed and returned to the downstairs of the house, there was another phone call.

She had been thinking about her father but she wasn't expecting for him to call her at that hour of the morning. Her assumptions were more on Clive Wilson calling to update them on some information that he had forgotten to give to Dorothy.

But, he wasn't the one calling the house.

It was her father, calling her with grave news that her grandmother, his mother was dead!

After giving him her condolences, he began enquiring from her, if she would coming to the funeral.

Right then and there, Whitney's mind wasn't thinking about the dead, and neither was she ready for attending any dead person's ceremony when this precious opportunity was at her feet calling her to come.

Unapologetically, she told her father no!

However, she soon began giving him a list of reasons why she was unable to attend her grandmother's funeral. Shortly afterwards, she began making promises, she would come and visit the family as soon as she had gotten her first record out and playing it to the public.

While in fact, she had no intention of doing so!

Her image was now changing for the better, and all her interest was on centering her life and making her dreams become a reality.

And hearing the disappointing news that his beautiful daughter wasn't going to be there, at his mother's funeral, made Christopher Huston very sad. Because this was a special moment which would allow them the opportunity to bond some more and for her to meet more of her relatives. And in addition to that, it would be a chance for him to parade her around with pride, and much enthusiasms to his friends, as his daughter who was on her way to becoming a very famous singing sensation.

Nonetheless, Whitney's heart and mind were totally locked in the image she wanted to portray to all her fans around the globe! And she wanted nothing at all, to get in the way of that dream right now!