Chapter 4: The Con-Man On My Page!

Scrolling! Scrolling! Scrolling! Scrolling! Hay! There you are! A familiar face! A friend! A friend... could that be! A message! A like and then unlike! A comment! Many comments! A moment of indecision! Let me try! Let me see who she is! I don't like that face! Yes, I like this face! I wonder if we are related! Well we are all grown up now! People change over the years! That couldn't be her! She's looking so plump! So voluptuous! So prosperous! She might be married! Is there a ring on her finger? Look at her hair! That hair style not so nice! It looks good on her face, though!

Oh my-gosh! Well who is this guy? Let me see! Wow!!!!! He is looking real, real good in this picture! That one! Well not so good! He must work out every single day! Why he has to take a picture of his bed room? What do you think? Hay! He looks a little old here! Well!!!!! He is looking more like a couch potato! It seems as if he likes God! Oh and all those prayers! Gosh he shares them too!

So many pictures! So many quotes! So many post cards! One for every day of the week! Some cursing the negatives and some blessing the positives! Quotes from Zig Zigler, Taffy Dollar and even Gaskins Junior! Some pronouncing the Lord is at hand! Some encouraging you to hustle until you find a man! Some presenting disheartening videos of turmoil in Africa, Jamaica and Afghanistan! And the confused American politicians, who refuses to sign Obama care plan! And some showing weak and sickly babies who don't even have a medical plan! And some saying, just type Amen, that will save them! So they can stick around longer on the land! While others say; may the good Lord bless their souls, for only He alone can raise them and take them to his thrown!

And for all the people I encounter on my page each tiresome day; from pastors, pimps, prostitutes, planters, preachers and even professors! Business people and dealers! From the fashion divas to the non-fat eaters! I wonder who is doing the most work for the redeemer!

And then! There are the tuners advertising all sorts of music on the computer... wishing to get a call from a promoter or even a record deal... while hoping it's not a contract or set-up for demotion! Not to mention the game players! Some down-load games on the I-phones while others' stay on the lap-top with their thumbs pressing gentle on the tablets! Games with Satan! Games with God! Games with funny looking pets! And games to make you mad! And quite so often there are the dirty laundry... spreading out at the door... on world stage... for everybody to know!

Here!!!! A picture of so and so! It's your brother, your sister, your niece, your cousin! Or maybe your aunt or your uncle! The one we were searching for all these years... for so long... that no one could locate! Good god! They just pop up on my page! I can't even decipher who they really resemble or if it is a mistake!

I just want to say thank god for the internet, especially face-book! Because it sure introduces me to some new types of crooks I can never forget!

The first message read... something like!

Dear Beautiful... along with my page name. I saw your picture and you're so beautiful! I have been looking at it for days now and I can't resist taking my eyes off of it! I had to let you know how much I love you and have been admiring you a whole lot! I have been praying and fasting and asking God for a woman like you! And he as answered me! I know you are the one for me! I'm hoping to hear from you soon! Please don't disappoint! Yours' truly; Mark-us Jackdaw"

My goodness! Who is this? I wondered! He had prayed and fasted and the redeemer of the universe introduced my profile to him! How awesome is that! I thought...

It was within moments I responded! Letting Mr. Jackdaw know how I appreciated his admiration for me! And how he was looking quite jaunty himself! Dressed in his dark blue suit and yellow tie! I further stated to him; with continuous correspondence we will see where this relationship will lead to! And if it is God's will; then surely it will work out! Sure! I was single but wasn't looking! So what harm could be done conversing with this kind looking man!

I had sworn he was a missionary man! A man of the cloth! A man who had the word down-pack! A preacher man! Not that I didn't have some word down inside of me already! But I Lady Cee! As I'm often called! Taught I better prepare myself with some more of the Holy Word... for I'm going on missionary duty! Where to? I wasn't sure as yet!

The following day before the cock crowed my prompter signaled that there was a new message at my disposal which stated; that this new found admirer was very thankful that I had responded to his letter and stated how grateful he was that I didn't disappoint him by not responding! And how because of his work he was unable to actually go out on dates! And how he didn't feel much pride for using social media to accomplish such quest as finding a date or a Christian Diva!

I felt very badly for the guy! His profile didn't show a heck of a man with a six packs rippling on his abdomen that any babe would gladly take advantage of! Let alone... run down like he was some flamboyant celebrity! He was just a simple, ordinary looking man! Who showed a sense that he was distinguish, diplomatic and caring! A man of God! A man who loves God! And who can quote the scriptures like any Baptist preacher! And who was in a very high position in the army... for whatever that was worth! A show case of just a man who wanted a "good woman" and a nice little family; so he can display his own pattern of love, provision and protection!

And I thought, "How sincere! He wants a family for his now seventeen year old daughter! He wanted to have a stable dwelling so whenever he returned to his country he could have that kind of atmosphere! Could he really be short of such?"

So I began to get real inquisitive!

Tick! Tack! Tick! Tack! And the questions kept rolling out of my head like clock-work! I needed to know more about this distinguish, missionary looking man! Who was distance away behind my computer screen as he had claimed to be or maybe; he could be closer than I thought! Who was that soul and what he wanted from me?

Because money I didn't have! And my profile surely wasn't showing off anything fake! Anything cosmetic! Or anything tuck! Or even a lavished dwelling like that of the Kardashians' or a perfectly manicured garden or lawn like that at Oprah Winfrey's mansion! Screaming yes man!!!! She has some millions!!!!

"She got some dough- she got some wealth in her hands!"

The only thing that was unreal- fake in that picture was the painted scenery behind me that I had stood-up against! Up to my lean booth heels were real! And it wasn't my weight either! They were really lean!

And so I began to ask: "Where do you live? Where do you work? How many other girl friends or lady friend do you have? What is the color of your eyes? How old are you? And finally! The big question! Why do you believe God! The Almighty of the universe has chosen me specifically for you?"

Some questions were totally ignored while I had gotten some updates - some answers on other questions! But the message of love was still strong! It was stated several times throughout his letters! And after a week I became marriage material! And a walk down the church aisle was indeed in the works and so he found it fit to give me his age - 49! And his occupation...a general in the army!

Immediately, I began searching! And as I type in the names Mark-us Jackdaw... the picture he had sent me was there! And then I started scrolling and then I found a group of men in army uniforms! With guns! They seemed to be In the Middle East some place; in some of the pictures... then other pictures showed as if they were being house in a hotel lobby! He had a gun packed at his hip as he scroll up and down in from of what appears to be some Shiites or Muslim officials in their long, colorful robes as if they were some of Jesus disciple!

Now none of these pictures had depicted a sweet looking missionary man! A man of the cloth! I was now seeing a man that was serious! Was interrogating! Was investigatory! Was intimidating and cooperative! Probable a license rebel! A warrior!

Nevertheless, the letter of love and passion kept on coming! And a sense of sorrow, sympathy and sensitivity crept up on me like butterflies on rose pebbles! And I started writing poems and telling jokes to a man who I believed to be in the desert righting the wrong of a war between America and Afghanistan claiming to be destroying the terrorist of that region plans!

It was the following day... bright and early! A reply of warmth, joy and happiness was returned to me! And I felt good that I had made his day! I had made him laugh! I had uplifted his spirit! And now he was much-much more positive that I was the one for him... without a shadow of a doubt! He was thankful and so grateful that I had showed him some love... some care... some attention... some humor- something to laugh about! Causing me to feel even more special than I was already feeling!

For I had surely eliminated some of my doubts about it- the relationship! But my antenna was still up for any tricky displaying of character! And then and there! I felt- if I could have this wonderful impact of positivity on another human being then my work on earth is done!

Well, I must be born for a purpose such as this; I thought! And I wondered if I had really brought joy to an American soldier man in Afghanistan!

So I scrolled and scroll! I now saw a picture of a child I bore! She was looking beautiful and radiant on the sea sure! I thought about her hair style, her caramel looking complexion that I had never notice before! Ho! She has grown up, very mature, looking well nourish or is it... just pure Diva Dajour that he relish!!!!!

With deep interest and observing eyes I wonder what hair style would fit her best! A total cut which hangs over the front of the face; sometimes covering the eyes! Or something slick back and jell down not making her look like a clown! Nor anything that will show too much crown whenever she frowns! Ho well, I better leave that alone now and continue scrolling... check out something of my own!

Well- well, ho look! There you are! It's Maadea, Tyler Perry co-star! There are times I taught! Ho he is looking so great! But then again! I don't comprehend if he is gay or straight! I only know him as a super star! He is just getting curvy and weighty! Because he refuses to get himself a sweet-tee... to call his main squeeze-zee! One interview... I heard him say- he is scared to get married! But I don't think no woman in their right mind is going to burn him up with hot grits or even hot porridge!

Let me scrolling along and leave that fine looking American man alone! Let me stick more to those my type... those short yellow looking skin persons in Japan, China and Korea! With their countries' rich and colorful history! With vast architecture! Glorious water scenery and strange looking animals making me wonder if God had used them first for His inspiration before he made all the other species!

Ho my goodness! I had totally forgotten that I was from the western region! Specifically, I'm Jamaican! Because Tess-Ann Chin won the voice! I had taken myself as one of those yellow skin persons from the eastern region parts!

Plop! A message came through! I had stop scrolling to check who it was! And it was no other than the soldier man! Who claimed that he loved me so much, not even I could understand! And the words of love melt through the screen of the computer like butter in sun! Making me ponder and wonder!

This man is really in love with me! He actually wants me in his life! Even if ones' heart was made of concrete or steel he would have crushed it to pieces with his expressed words of love and magical compassion which so delicately fit to comfort and smooth any heart cast into mud! Even the women who were accustom to calling men dogs, would pause for seconds and proclaimed Darling Dexter Doberman a hero of the love words!

A romancer! A sincere soul! A man tired of running around, has finally come to his senses and wanted to settle down until some deeper revelation has manifested itself about his manipulation!

And so I replied!

"Thank you for choosing me as your future wife; but I don't know how I am going to be your wife if you can't answer any of my questions! Don't you believe I should get some answers? Don't you believe I deserve to know what I am really getting into? How must I trust you if you are unable to tell me even the colors of your eyes or where you live? How can I believe a word you say to me?" I pleaded.

I had gotten an occupation and an age already! But I still hadn't gotten where he lived? How many other girlfriends were in his life! The color of his eyes! And why he thought God had chosen me for him?

The following morning I had received my answers! But I somehow could sense it was carefully planned out; bit by bit!

And the letter read something like this!

"My darling, how could you mention to me about another woman? Another female! Darling you are the only one for me! From the day I saw your picture I haven't thought of another woman but you! My darling I'll see you soon! As soon as I'm off from my duties I'll come to see you and we will get married! I will be a wonderful husband to you and a good father to our children! I would like everything to be perfect for the both of us!"

I was tickled and I giggled!

A baby! I thought! Well God- The Almighty! Must be really talking to this man for sure! I must be a second Sarah, Abraham's wife! A repetition of the patriarch of faith life is going to be realized! Again in modern history! What a sit-ten!

I can see the head-lines already... then again it wasn't impossible! Because, I had read about persons who had conceived after the age of fifty! Even my own mother had conceived close to that age! Why block the blessings, it can happen!" I pondered.

Now it was two or so questions left to be answered! And I was persistent on getting them but I had to fight tooth and nail before they would be made known to me! Nevertheless, the romantic notions of love, marriage and family were still the main theme of his letters! And so I had concluded that he had to convince me that I was the only one for him! And he had to put me in a place of mental assurance and emotional security before any of my questions would be answered! So I decided to step back! Letting him have as much rope as he wanted to! So he could play jump rope with himself or room for rent apply within when I run out then you run in! And then again, he could just tie himself with it!

I had come to learn from a very long time ago; that two can play this game! And so I began to play! And so I set off with words of inspiration, encouragement and love! He was dishing it so there was no way that I couldn't return the favor! And so I wrote words that were very convincing complimentary and comforting which would make the relationship seems agreeable- mutual! Full of fun and laughter! Not dead and boring! If we were playing games with each other I wanted it to be fun! My heart was already set on not to take this computer courtship seriously because I knew the Darling Doberman instinct was working one way and my intuition was working the other way just the same! The way most women six senses often chip-in when something is very wrong! So I sent him a joke to break the uncertainty! And it when like this!

This is a joke i have for you! I wanted to tell you it from last night! A man and his wife were on a diet! He was doing very good with it for a while; but decided he was too tired of eating all the vegetables! So during the night when his wife was sleeping; he stuck out of bed and went to the kitchen and got himself some ice-cream and cookies to eat! Some of the crumbs from the cookies fell on the floor which his wife had cleaned the night before! So in the morning his wife went to the kitchen and saw the cookie crumbs on the kitchen floor and said to her husband, honey i think we have mice in the kitchen! Look at all this food he dragged in here! And so the husband replied as he turned his eyes over! We will just have to get a mice trap for him then! The wife went out and got the trap and placed it on the floor at the front of the refrigerator... but it was not visible! So in the night he got up to cheat again- steal food! The trap caught his toes! He screamed so loudly waking up the whole house-hold! His wife then turns to him and said what a big mice we have here! Lol

And his reply was welcoming! He loved it! And now he was expressing more of his love towards me! Now he was sure that I was the one for him! And nothing at all would and could come between us! Now he was expressing how he would die for me! Promising that he would be the best husband to me and an excellent father to our children! He even expressed that he worshiped the ground that I walk on! I was his heart beat and every breath he breathes! I made him laugh so now I'm his doll!

With comments like this my heart sank to the bottom of the ocean! And my lungs almost fell on the floor! I couldn't breathe! I was flabbergasted with the utterances of his words! And I now profess to myself that this guy is serious! He must be sincere! Who would want to express the depth of their soul like this and it turns out to be a lie - a game! I had now come to realize that I was dealing with some serious and dangerous stuff here... earnest love... thoughtful love! Every word he had expressed was so stern... so deep... so convicting!

So I started to believe every word with reservation and careful consideration! I don't want to be the one to play with some ones heart... with some ones emotions...with some ones' sensitivity! And so I started retracting on the words that I express in my letters! He was handling a gun and he was dealing with people! And I was smart enough to know... frustration and hurt will make one use one... to get rid of the other! And now my caring heart wanted to release some words of comfort some words of love! So I wrote this poem!



I leave America to Afghanistan to fight for causes some don't even understand! Whether in the east or in the west i carry out my duties so human beings around the world can rest! And when it's all over and my weary bones are tired and vex I'll return home so caramel girl and I can play chess or get a license to do some sweet caress! How long it last! Well, that will be the real test! But heaven knows they tried their best to make the union a success! Soldier man do not sweat these terrorist and their foolishness! Because god has provided you a woman in the west! So whether she is fluffy and loves to say give-me, give-me! Or thin and slim and love to dress up in her mini-mini! Just hold onto her shimmy, because god knows how long it took you to get a winny-winny!

And this was the wonderful letter he sent me in his responding to my poem! Here it goes... of course I did a little editing- no change of words though... only punctuation signs had been corrected!

My sweet heart; l am so very excited and happy because of your sweet mail. How is the atmosphere of everything around you (your health and work )? l hope that you are sound in health which is the most important thing in life and also that you are doing great in your work. You are the best thing that has happened to my life and the life of my daughter. My love how is your health hope you are doing good. I will love you until eternity because you have made it known to me that you are a simple and a gentle woman and as it stands now I promise to do whatever it takes to make you the happiest woman on earth. My darling, always remember that our relationship is made from heaven and I will be happy if we meet and that should be soonest God bless you..... I love you so much. My kiss and hugs!

Now what do you think? I said the same thing! He must be a good man! Because he was concern about my health and well-being! The surrounding that I was in... and even my work! His letter wasn't at all soporific! I wanted to read more of them! And every time I turned on my computer I was in a state of excitement! I wanted to know and experience what was the mood of his written conversation! None of his words were prosaically- they weren't dull at all! And I wanted to read all that he had written and responded in the same fashion also! The sensuality of romance was now boiling in my bones! And so I started scrolling! And scrolling! And scrolling again and again! Until my interest had changed and he was out of my immediate thoughts! But only temporarily!

And with a few more scrolls I knew I had to respond! I can't leave him hanging! Because I needed my drug- I needed the next letter! Because so far, he had never disappoint when it came to words of love! And so I tried to be creative! And I wrote back urgently.

Hello mark-us! Rise and shine! I didn't get a chance to write you yesterday because i wasn't feeling so hot! I got a little distracted from some stranger! Anyway I'm feeling better! How are you doing? I was hoping to hear from you from early this morning! Well you were asking me about my health; i assume you are thinking on the lines if i have any contagious diseases! I don't! I only have some high blood pressure problems. I try to eliminate salt from my diet; but I'm living with my aunt who loves to use salt! Sometimes, making it very difficult for me not to consume such! I take medication for it and it is pretty much under control! Away from that i am well as a horse for the races! How is your daughter doing? When last have you heard from her? If we should get married, how long will it take for you to file for me so i could join you in the sates? Or would you like to relocate? I am not a fan of Jamaica, i just never feel comfortable here! There is some important information i would like to say to you but I'll brief you on it tomorrow! I just submitted some of my work today to a publisher! Ii didn't get to do much writing yesterday either because of the distraction i had experienced; but i hope... to do a little better today! Sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No poems today!!!!!!!!!!! Love you take care of your sweet self until i hear from you, hopefully tomorrow!!!! Sweet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dreams!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And as I said... so far he was never a disappointment when it came to words of love and admiration! And this was his replied.

My lovely baby! How are you today? I hope you are in atmosphere of peace and love! Please forgive me late reply is due busy schedule... I have crossed many paths in my life, some of them I wish I had never crossed, while some I pray never to see and cross again but I swear the path I met you is one I will cross over and over again because I bless and cherish the day I found you.

I can't wait to be with you and show you what true love is all about and to fulfill my promise of being the best husband you can ever dream off, care and love our kids the way I love you with all my heart

You are the treasure that I see... this is the love that I seek for many years... you are right beside me now I can feel it.

My darling all is well you always have a special place in my heart, I will always share my feelings, love, care, experience and views with you alone, as far as you still give me the opportunity to be your husband. I miss you so much darling I wait to hear from you soon. Mark-us!

Now what would you do with a letter with words expressed like this... that's right! I would frame it! This is very involved! Very deep! Very committed! Some serious shake spare romance... without any of the old English added to it - but just as romantic! And so I replied!

Hello mark-us, it's nice to hear from you again! I'm very happy that you are ok and there wasn't any catastrophe! Thank you for such a beautiful letter reassuring me that you want to be my husband. You mentioned about children! Which i would love to have with you but i wonder if that is safe for my age although i feel confident it will be ok! But i just have a bit concerns for such! And thank you for that special part in your heart for me! I just feel as if god is doing his best to hook us up! Please feel confident i'll be there for you no matter what! Ho! There was something that i wanted to say to you, but i just wasn't in the mood to relate this information to you. I was living in the states for almost sixteen years where i went to school and work very hard to improve myself. I had only gotten a visa from Jamaica to get there. However, i over-stayed and i just couldn't find the help i needed to get my papers! I even bought a house there! Anyway i got deported on the week of my graduation! I still had received my credentials; but because i was sent home i was unable to use my credentials. It has been a real challenge for me to find work here; plus most of the hospitals here are run by the government who only will employ persons of a certain age group! So i decided to write in order to make a living. Whatever family i have here pretty much has deserted me! Although i use to take good care of them when i was living in the states! One of my daughters' is living in the states and she also has deserted me! Assuming that i will be depending on her for support! So there is the story of my live! I somehow feel god's hand is in this relationship for some reason or the other! But i thank god for your honesty, sincerity and love! Now when will you be coming to the western side of the world and will you be ever going back to war... or will you be retiring from such? Love to hear from you soon! Keep safe! Many hugs and kisses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now I had made my payment for my drugs! And I know it was to be delivered soon! Although I had something to do- my job! I had to make sure I got my word drugs until I was contented or it wasn't available anymore! And in the early hours of the morning after I had finished gobbling-up some plantain porridge I took my seat and I started to gaze upon my page! And with one scroll there it was! I anxiously clicked and I read!

Hi darling, How are you today? I hope you are doing great. Darling I so much happy how you open your heart and your feelings to me I so much appreciate that from you honey. Honey now you show me love and agree to marry me! I will put my trust in you for everything and forever. Darling am ready to prove my love to you, if you can keep my secret as my wife, I have something I will like to do with you and it will be a top secret between me and you nobody again will hear about it because that is my life and my future and both our kids future and as my future wife. It's so much important to me doing it with you who is sincere, honest and faithful to me like you. But you have to assure me of your "TRUST, so I will tell you details. Thanks so much honey I love you and I miss you so much looking forward for your reply God bless you more for me!

And so I sniffed and sniffed and sniffed until I was almost over dose with words of love! It was my secret that had broken the camels' back! It was my secret that did signed the final signature of approval! I was in his heart and he was in my thoughts! And now I felt as if I had one foot through the doors to going back to America to finish what God had started with me there! To salvage some of what I had left undone! To acquire and finish my plans of the dream I had for myself and the aspiration I so desperately wanted to accomplished! Does God have his hand in this? Was the question I had asked myself!

But I was wondering what in heavens name Mark-us wanted me to experience with him that he couldn't rely on any other human being to assist him with- but only me! Because I was a good, faithful and sincere woman to him!

Those words kept me in a prosaic state- I couldn't sleep at all! I was up all night thinking about those words... something he had to do with me and only me! Now I had begun to wonder in the realm of negativity! And so I concluded that he might want to do something dreadful during sex or during the consummation of the marriage! Or he was a swinger and wanted to have an orgy party? And then again... he probable just didn't want any pus in any bag! Was he a freak? Rationally my mind couldn't let me digest such imagination! Because he had quoted some scriptures to me before and had stated how he had fasted to get to me! Now I began to wonder if my missionary man was some form of a freak, fraud or fugitive with some evil plans in the back of his mind! Or was I the one to be blamed? Probable I had seen too many movies!

But as I had always wondered in the back of my mind... what does this man wants from me? What does he sees in me? With all the young ladies throwing themselves on the internet exposing their breasts, their hair and their rear! Promising all sorts of favors...I questioned myself! What made me stood out from the rest of women on the net? What made me tickled this man's fancy? So I continued to scroll and scroll and scroll again!

It was day break the following morning that I had received an answer... a partial answer!

The revelation was surprising but not shocking! My profile was screaming trusting, caring and willing to help! And so my, military man in Afghanistan was ready to reveal to me his cunning plans! But I was ready for him like a rooster for a hen in any real country garden! And since it was top secret business! I encouraged him to fast, pray and humble himself in the Lord! Because, if it is to be the good Lord's will that we see and agree! He will certainly carry him through the journey he seeks! And I will be right here by his side to help him with it... whatever I could do or be! After all, he was a friend on my page! Although, he had portrayed, considered and had concluded that we were more than just friends! I was the woman he wanted to marry and he wasn't sorry!

It was shortly that the message came that I should send my full name, full address and telephone number to him! Because he was paid a huge amount of money by some Shiite diplomat in the Middle East! And the only way he could send the money out of the country was by a diplomatic courier. And this diplomatic courier will contact me as soon as he is in Indonesia and tell me when he will arrive in Jamaica so I can make the necessary arrangement with him to collect the funds because he didn't have a visa!

The amount mentioned to me was a huge amount of funds... I almost had body come-dung! I was offered a very handsome amount for a job well done... I would have been one of the richest persons on the planet if such funds had be-hold my hands or my carriage! And with my sensitive self...and let me save the world attitude! I started thinking about all the persons I could help with this money that almost made my body run! I could buy homes for the homeless! I could improve the living conditions of those persons who hadn't been living well! I could build medical facility for the insane or mentally ill who lay on the street sides of my country land! I could buy cars for persons who didn't have a good car! I could fix the teeth of so many persons who lack dental care and have lost a tooth or a whole mouth of teeth causing their faces to look mash even when there is no forth coming sneeze! I could fix up some of those broken down churches in my community to encourage a clean place for worship and unity!

And ho! I had dreamt! Ho I had envisioned of all the things I could have done! For numerous nights I went to my bed thinking about how I could help the people around me and how careful I must be! Because anyone with a criminal mind might serve me with great harm reducing my calm!

Soon after the God factor came into play and I began thinking of how great God was and what he had sent my way! How he had sent this man into my life who wants to marry me... he has all this money... he had promise to give me a portion... I could fulfill my dreams of helping as many persons as possible! With homes and whatever else that was needed to make their life-style a little easier - a little better! I could serve the people the way I wanted to serve them without any sweat or short changing any of their requests! I was no politician! I had never thought of myself once... getting anything for myself! I then thought about the lack of appliances that my aunt needed and how I would replace them! Causing her to regain a sense of happiness and simple pleasures especially when she is under the weather!!

On a whim, I stopped scrolling! I removed myself from my machine and reflected on God and man! Mans' probable intentions towards another man! And I felt a sense of denial, doubt, dagger - not decimation or disgrace... but danger- risk! And right then and there I had forgotten about saving the world... ho how I wish!

The needy! The unfortunate! The sick! The homeless! And a scripture hit my mind - my brain waves with lighting force! And loudly, I said it! The devil goes about seeking whom he may devour!

I began to analyze the word may, more than once in my head and I had concluded that the word may, means to give or allow permission! So I put on the whole hammer of God and I was ready for the soldier man and whatever plots he had planned in his head or his hands! He wasn't going to devour or divide my provision!

In the wee hours of the morning I prayed not for sorrow or for war! I then made my bed, butter my bread and sup a cup of hot beverage! My cell phone vibrated and I checked... there was a text message! It was not from any of my friends but the diplomatic courier in Indonesia! Jonny Rockets who I was expecting!

Just as I was about to reply my phone died! Then I wondered about the money I could have had in my hand and under my bed! To aid in the suffering of my fellow country-men plight or dread! But it wasn't long another phone rang and the voice I could barely understand was at the other was the diplomatic courier man, again! And so he related to me with his deep Middle Eastern accent! Expressing his self to me as diplomatic as he could be! Causing me to say on more than one occasion; Sir, please excuse me... please repeat yourself I didn't understand what you said!

Jittery took me over! So I excuse myself and went and got some water to reduce my jitteriness! I returned to the phone feeling better and calm and so I ask... what do you want from me master or is it a false alarm?

"My name is Jonny Rockets! I am in Indonesia and I have a package for you! I will meet you in Jamaica with the package! But the custom department in Indonesia is asking for five hundred U.S. dollars before I can go through the customs department to meet with you! Could you please send me the five hundred American dollars so I can deliver the package to you, Madam Lady!" The claimed to be diplomatic courier said.

With repetition of the same thing! My mind started to guess! But I was no fool for this test! At least they trained him very well, I thought! But I refused to be anyone's scamming ball!

"I am sorry I don't have that amount of money! You have to call the sender and tell him I don't have that amount of funds on me! He should have given you the money you needed to clear yourself from the Air Port!" I replied angrily.

He wants five hundred American dollars! I which I had that amount in my possession I thought to myself! Ho how... that would be a blessing!

"Madam Lady this is very important! How much do you have to send me; so I can put it with whatever I have to get clearance?" He enquired again.

"I don't have anything to send you! I am very sorry! You need to call back Mr. Mark-us so he could tell you what to do!" I informed him repetedly.

"No Madam Lady, he told me you will take care of it! If I have any problems I must relate the problem to you!" The courier tried to convince me demandingly!

"I'm sorry can't do... can't do!" I replied.

"Well I'm going to leave the package here in the Air Port!" He said with frustration!

"Well go ahead and do that if you want to... I just can't help you out over there! Bring me the package and I'll keep it! But I don't have a red cent to send you!" I said with concern and hung up the phone.

My analytical cap was on! And so I started deciphering... with all that money - five million American dollars I was told - and yet still the courier didn't have the right amount of funds to take it to its location... its' required destination! Something was very fishy! And the sent was up in my face stifling me! I needed to find out what it was! Furthermore, my claimed to be husband had never once asked me about my funds - my financial status! How had he concluded that I had such amount of money in my possession to help him with his carriage? A false prophet was in my midst!

And so I got on my machine and I started scrolling again! And scrolling! And scrolling! I plucked his face with my cursor and started to write! The diplomatic courier had just contacted me and he needs five hundred American dollars from me... I told him to contact you because I don't have such fund on me! Why would I send that amount of money to your benefit and I don't even know where you live? Because you write me a few sweet words... sweet as sugar! And smooth sayings... smooth as butter! You think you can scheme me? Not today my computer page looter!"

What I was feeling was what I had expressed and I didn't care that much if it hurts him! I wanted him to be aware that I was very much aware of schemers like him! And I felt empowered in the moment because he won't be getting any - thing!!!

Ho my God! Within moments he replied!

I live at 21 Rosemary Ave. Glendale in California. Darling please sent the money to the diplomatic courier for me! If you send it; we will have enough money for the rest of our lives! Honey you know how much l love and adore you - just send him the money for me please! And when you get the package you can take back whatever you have spent! He replied desperately.

An offer was now made for me to have an increase of an amount if I could only pay the courier five hundred US dollars! One million American dollars was now my amount! Convert that to my country's currency and I would be filthy rich like any chines! A thousand cattle on a hill would be mine! Oh how divine!

My soul, my gut, my heart and my head was fighting! They were in an analytical battle! All the what-ifs' came into motion right away! And my head said none sense! Why transport such large amount of funds and then rely on someone else to pay for the completion of its journey without investigating if they were actually able to do so! Causing the funds - the millions to be abandon at god knows where! And so my head won!

I poke his face one more time and I wrote: this is very serious! You have written me so many letters and you had never once mentioned to me that you needed me to help you with the payment of the courier's fee! And from what I recall those fees are usually paid up front! And it is very stupid of you to send such a large amount of money without paying the person who is carrying your funds their fee first!"

I actually wanted to call him stupid; but I reserved the expression.

And I guess he poked me in the face too and said: "I think we have to end this relationship because you don't trust me! If you love me any at all you would do anything to get the funds and help me clear the package until I come and meet with you! I never know you would disappoint me like this! This is for us and our children! My darling, please send the money! I love you!"

Manipulation was at its highest! And a heart as tough as a cement block would crack upon hearing these words that flatters! But my head was much tougher than any cement block and screwed on tight! And my spirit of emotional security was in tack! Not one crack!

And so I wrote back after another poke in the face!

You don't love me or else you would have paid for the funds to be delivered at my house until you came to see me! You assume I have money... now you are forcing me to spend what I don't have! How is that love?

But deep down, I was feeling bad! And so I tried to ease the rift between us with a little humor! And this is what I sent a cunning friend! After all it was all fool days- I love his reaction whenever I sent him something to laugh about! So this is what I wrote:

Hello doll happy All Fool's Day!!!!!! So let me give you something to laugh about!!!!! A lady has a dog and she named him pepper! She wasn't feeling well one day so some young girl came to visit her! She told the young girl she felt like having some soup! So she should put on the pot on the wooden fire out in the back yard! She then told the girl when the water started boiling-up she should put some yam, potatoes, banana, time and pepper into the pot of boiling water! So the girl put all the food into the pot along with the dog call pepper! So the lady notices she couldn't see pepper come around or barked as he often usually do! So the lady asked the young girl if she had seen paper! The young girl replied! I thought you told me to put pepper in the pot!

Well he had replied alright; but not pertaining to my joke! He had much more serious business to deal with! One of greater importance than my comedic utterances! So I had to be equally as serious or else his confidence in me would be completely lost! Therefore he wrote back these words of urgency causing me to feel somewhat stupid and quirky!

My Dearest Darling! How are you today? I hope my love is doing wonderfully well. Please forgive me for late reply. My Home Town is Glendale-California-Address No-21 Rosemary Ave California. Honey let me explain it very well so that you will not make any mistake,, I just receive information from the Diplomatic office now the package have been label as a diplomatic luggage and baggage., they have finished and finally concluded all arrangement with the diplomat and the package have been given to the diplomats completely sealed and label as a diplomatic luggage and baggage. The Total money in the sealed box is $5 million US Dollars ($5,000,000 US Dollars)The Name of the diplomat is Danny Rockets and he will be traveling today Wednesday 02/04/2014 and he will transit to Indonesia to deliver some consignment on Thursday 03/04/2014 before heading to meet you over there in JAMAICA on Friday Morning 04/04/2014 and he will call you on phone or S.M.S you immediately he arrive So when the diplomat arrive he will do the clearance of the luggage from the airport Authority and after that he will deliver it to your address or any place you want it. Again the diplomats charged us to pay US$127,000 for their security handling charges and delivery fees which I have paid them here but the diplomat said that there will also be some charges there in airport so please honey you should help me take care of any other expenses in there and make sure you receive the sealed luggage without any delay. Honey, you will pay the clearance cost in Airport over there before the diplomat will deliver the luggage fund to you because JAMAICA government Airport Authority cannot allow him to deliver the luggage to you without first paying the fees in the Airport. Honey I have already paid them here in Afghanistan $127,000 so you try your best for the any expenses in there and when you receive the luggage you take back any expenses you pay and the [$1000,000] one million US dollar i promised you for your personal and keep the remaining safe till i come to meet you. Please my dearest love do not disappoint me when you receive this luggage because I believe and trust you so much as my wife and please follow all the instructions of the diplomat when he call or S.M.S and do everything he tell you; so they will not delay him in the airport and to make sure you receive the luggage without any delay or difficulties. Let me know as soon as you receive the luggage I love you so much. God bless you always. The Lord is our strengths always. Yours faithful Mark-us.

He must have forgotten that he had sent me the details of his address already! He was sending it to me again probable to convince me that he was genuine and for me to believe such also! The thought of investigating it came across my mind but my actions to do so were delayed; but I promised myself I would follow up as soon as I got the chance!

Now I started thinking! This man really believed I was a person who would just fork out some money for his cause because he had sent me some words of admiration after four or five weeks of communicating with him on my page! I wasn't that desperate for a man and neither was I eager let go off whatever little funds I had to some strangers that I had never met!

There is a saying; it takes two to do the tango! And now the two of us were dancing! So I wrote back a letter asking questions, giving suggestions and sharing my concerns of what should have been done to make the transaction much easier! So I wrote back with my two cents of indirectly denying his request! And it went like this!

Hi mark-us! I don't know how much it is going to cost at the airport and if I'm going to have the amount; that is of very great concern to me now! Why didn't you give him a traveller's check so he could clear it at the airport? You could have wired that money to me so i can clear the package for you! How big is the package? You should have brief me before he left! Then you said he would drop it off wherever i wanted him to! All does not sound well to me! You needed to send me his number so i could converse with him! It just don't add up to me! Anybody could be Danny rockets! What's his number? Do you have it? Send me the money you need to clear the package and I'll clear it for you, ok!

I was becoming frustrated! I was pissed! And I questioned if he really thought I was going to be scam by him and whoever this diplomatic courier was? And so I girded myself up for his rejection and the absence of my drug! There was no more getting high for me! And so when the diplomatic courier had called again demanding that I pay the funds; I told him I don't have such funds to aid him. So he should call back Mr. Mark-us Jackdaw to let him know that I was unable to provide such funds! Again he began to question me on how much money I had so he could put it on whatever he had to pay the custom fees! And so I replied out right... I don't have any! Talk with the person who had given you the package in the first place!

The diplomatic courier wasn't feeling good about my response at all or the tone in which I had used! He began pleading with me for the funds or else he was going to leave my package at the Air Port in Indonesia! I could hear the frustration in his voice! The anxiety!

What could I do? What could I say? And so I did what I thought best to do! I told him to go straight ahead and leave it there! It is not my problem! Somebody In Indonesia will become very rich because of me and hung up the phone!

I was now on my computer again! And I began to scroll! And scroll! And scroll some more! But this time I was looking for 21 Rosemary Ave. Glendale, California and who the occupants of that address might be! And it came up negative with the name Mark-us Jackdaw! And so I google the address once more to make sure and again it came up negative!

Just as I had anticipated before! He was a con-man! And when I mentioned that I had google the address he had given me and it had come up that no one was living there by that name. He flatly rejected me! Stating that I didn't have any trust in him and if I had any trust in him at all, I would do anything so as to get the money so he could have the fees paid in Indonesia! He even further went on to state; that if I love him I must love his wealth also and do anything to help him acquire his wealth! And after several back and forth of the same conversation of trust and wealth I responded with my winning spirit and knowledge of knowing that I was dealing with a con and so I wrote back!

How can I help you with what I don't have? I trust you but you are asking me for something that i don't have! I told you what to do already; but you keep insisting for me to send what i do not have! If you want to end it go straight ahead! It only tells me you are a very weak man!

I was now feeling very empowered! I was feeling very strong mentally and emotionally! I wasn't defeated or bamboozled with this so call soldier-man, shenanigans! Who now claimed he had to attend to his crew in Afghanistan after I had rejected his scheming plans! I just couldn't understand why this good missionary looking man turned out to be a money grabbing con man! Instigating schemes with a so call diplomatic courier to rip of voluptuous female warriors like me! And so I began scrolling and scrolling and scrolling again until the con man became obsolete!