Chapter 5: The Girl Called Lupa

From the luscious green hills of Prospect District; live a beautiful young girl called Lupa. Her complexion was as smooth as butter and as dark as mid-night! She had jet black curly hair that lay at the nape of her neck and dark brown eyes that pop! Causing anyone who looked into them to wonder what was in her soul! Not to mention her beautiful white teeth! They were as white as the belly of an Ethiopian apple! Allowing her smile to be like taking away of the breath while one was still standing clutching onto their chest! And anyone who had come into contact with this exotic creature was floored by her beauty!

Lupa was raised in the hills of Prospect! But now she had grown up to be a fine young lady! She was very intelligent and spoke very well! From the religious to the social atmosphere had their own aspiration or idea of what career path she should take to contribute to society and also make her living by! Nevertheless, she listened to everyone and their thoughts of what she should become! They wanted to see their dreams fulfilled through her! Some of them, not even their own children they were expecting to carry on their dreams, but they wanted Lupa to sacrifice her own personal desires in order to make their dreams of what they wanted her to be to become a reality!

Their expectation was too high at the time and also too demanding! She wasn't at all thinking along the lines of what they had been thinking for her! Although, it all sounded good!

Her parents had gotten married late in life and she was the only product of such! According to the doctors, if her parents had tried to have any more children it would be a very high risk for her mother! She especially, wouldn't have survived the pregnancy because she was suffering from hypertension and she was almost out of the years of child bearing! There were times her mother would have risked it! Just to give her a sibling but she knew her husband would be in no position to care for his self properly much-less, for two infants! So they decided to be satisfied with their one and only beautiful daughter Lupa!

It was always in Lupa's mind to have a brother or sister to play with! She was the pillow of her two parents twenty-four seven! And there were very few extended family members to look to for socializing or companionship! And those who were still alive were mostly old and decrepit! They were in a complete different era and so was she! But she wanted someone her peer! Someone from her own age group! Someone who was relevant and in the now! Someone who understood her generation! But also someone of the same blood-line! She had spent her whole life looking at them and them looking at her! Furthermore! They were getting old! She had said to herself many times that she didn't want to wait until she was as old as her mother to conceive a child!

And so Lupa went in search for such! Without the permission of mother or father! After all, she was of age! Although, she was still living under their roof! And furthermore, they knew her present around them was more valuable than her absence! She had just turned twenty and they were in their early seventy! And so Lupa set out for what she wanted! What she desired! What she was dreaming of for a very long time! Not the beauty contest so many had suggested she could enter into! That some had promised they would sponsor her for such! Or any noble profession others had wished she could master and be of great contribution to her society! From air hosted to teaching and nursing! To sitting at the front desk of some bug co-operation looking pretty and directing phone calls! But none of that was on Lupa's agenda right now! She wanted something completely different! Opposite to what everyone else wanted for her! And she would find such in a simple walk!

It was a sizzling sunny Sunday afternoon Lupa decided to leave her hills and go for a walk! She had no specific plan on where to go! She just felt like stretching her long dark limbs that curved at the knees like any ribbon sugar cane! As she walk and thrust through the narrow tracks that would lead one to and from the Prospect Hills and onto the plains of the districts which would further lead one to the main streets, and then through the heavy green bushes where the horses and other animals grazed for hours obtaining their nutrition for the day! Causing their coats to look shinny and silvery in the afternoon sun! And eventually, then onto the dirt roads that led one to the big beautiful blue oceans! Where the water lay almost still with soft baby waves flowing back and forth welcoming some and releasing others! And where the sun also rest still on top of the water as if God had spread a silver sheet on top of it, allowing colors to come and go as the waves move back and forth in unison on the shore!

It was there that Lupa saw one that had caught her eyes! Allowing her mind to think thoughts of,

"I must have one of those or one that looks just like him!"

But it was more than a thought! It was an instinct! And intuition! A gut feeling! A calling from the ancestral spirits from the mother land! A calling of souls joining and recognizing each other from a distance!

And as she stood in the hot boiling sun! She stared at the tall handsome figure that had elevated itself from beyond the almond trees and entered the soft crystal clear water as the waves splashed upon the shores to greet him! Immediately she was speechless! Her body was on fire! Her soul within her burn for this tall dark and handsome creature! Who is he? Where is he from? His he preoccupied with another? The questions just kept racing through Lupas' mind!

"I have to let my presence be known to him! I can't hesitate! I can't procrastinate! He has to know that I'm here and that I need him! I belong with him and he belongs with me!" she kept saying to herself!

She was not at all prepared for the occasion but she needed to get close to him! And so she took her clothes off; leaving only her brassiere and panties a plunge straight into the soft water! Not even realizing how deep it was! Furthermore she couldn't even swim!

The tall dark creature which she admired so much! Notice she was in dire danger and had to rescue her! It was her third time underneath! Her hands were in the air! Waving frantically! As she barely shouted out the words help me! Help me! Help me! As more and more water engulfed her lungs! And so he dove deeper under water and used his entire body to elevate hers to the atmosphere! He somehow, spun around and caught her into his arms! He then brought her to the shore and placed her delicately on the fine dusty gray sand and rolled her back and forth until all the water had expelled from her lungs! Although it wasn't a conventional resuscitation the job was done! Because she kept on coughing! And so more water was been discharged from her lungs!

By now Lupa was lying flat on her back on the sand! Her eyes were blood red! She began to inhale and exhale rapidly! She was frightened for her life and frighten about her intentions! And also the risk she had taken to carry it through! And so the stranger whom she admired from a distance stared into her dark brown eyes and told her how lucky she was! Because without a shadow of a doubt! It was his quick actions that had saved her! And so she replied!

"I know!"

His quick actions in saving her made her desire him even much more! Now she wanted to know his name and where he was living! She wanted to know him and everything about him!

By now the tall dark stranger had placed her into a sitting position! He had gone to one of the old tree stumps that had fallen down during one of the hurricanes seasons to fetch his towel; so he could cover her from the heavy wind! Because she was still obviously shaking! Her lips were trembling and quivering continuously! Like a puppy which had fallen into an icy puddle!

With the salty residue still lingering in the back of her throat, making it very difficult for her to think or speak properly! The burning sensation was too much and so Lupa rested her head on the sand and ask the strange for some fresh water! Hoping that the awful sensation she was feeling would diminished or disappear from her throat! She was sorry she couldn't be as expressive or impressive as she wanted to! Instead she was just like a little duck that had fallen into some deep oil spell and was drench in the stick substance disabling its ability fly! She wanted to make her move on the stranger she admired so desperately! But she kept on coming up short of words and a debilitating smile!

And when the stranger had returned she made an effort to squeeze out her name.

"I am Lupa!"

"Ho I'm Benny! It is nice to officially meet you!" uttered the words of the stranger.

"Yes! And thank you for saving my life!" Lupa continued.

"You have a pretty name and also a pretty face, I may add!" Benny complimented.

"Are you from a round here? I have never seen you around here before!" enquired Benny!

"Yes I was born and raised around her but I went to school out of town; I went school far-east to be exact!" Lupa expressed.

"And I went school far west!" Expressed Benny as he giggled!

"So probable that is why our path hasn't crossed!" Benny suggested.

"I guess so!" Lupa stated.

"So where exactly do you live?" Benny asked.

Lupa was still coughing up salt water and the back of her throat continued to be irritated from the stings of the minute grains of salt that laid on the back surface of her larynx. Causing her to cough and gaggle periodically! She was feeling completely embarrassed! But under the circumstance she just couldn't help herself!

There was a boulevard of trees in front of the ocean on the main land! And there were also too many humongous almond trees that were cascading the sea line! Therefore, Lupa had to walk Benny to where it was much clearer, so as to show him where she was living!

"You see those mountains up there; where there are only three houses standing on the hill, that's where I'm living! The house in the middle is mine!"

"Ho my goodness! That's where you live? Really!" exclaimed Benny!

That is a far distance from the water! How did you find yourself all the way down here!? Aren't you afraid of lions and tigers attacking you up there, especially in the nights when it gets very dark?" Benny said teasingly!

The both of them started laughing none stop! They both couldn't contain themselves! And Lupa noticed then and there that not only was his physics attractive; but so was his smile too! And she knew then and there she wanted to get to know him much, much more! And he felt the same way also! But not with the intensity she was contemplating.

Lupa was imagining the whole nine yard! She had known right away that she wanted the tall dark stranger who had given his name as Benny to be her friend! Lover! Baby daddy! Confidant! And eventually her husband! She felt as if, he had been created just for her and no one else! His eyes upon her made her felt fire in her soul! A deep yearning of belonging and passion was stirred up within her and she thought if she didn't have him she would die!

And before leaving the beautiful ocean property Lupa and Benny sat still and speechless for a moment; as they watched the deep golden sun touching the horizon! Where it appears as if the skies and the oceans had become one! And Lupa hope in her heart there would be a million more moments like this!

"It is getting dark! I believe it's time for me to go now! After all I don't want any lions or tigers to snatch me away!" Lupa said gigglingly!

"Would you like me to walk you home? Benny asked.

"I would love that!" Lupa replied.

Benny got up from the sand first and then extended his hands to Lupas'. As he aided her to her feet! She then walked to where she had flung her clothes when her eyes had initially pounced upon Benny! Assuming they were still there! Some of the large almond leaves had covered her clothes when the wind had blown and some of the leaves had gotten stuck between her clothes causing them not to be very visible at first sight! Plus it was getting darker and darker! And she was unable to see well! Panic had set him! Lupa thought she might have to walk through the villages in only her under ware; if they were not found! It was a slight wind that had blown for a brief moment exposing her garments under the large almond leaves making them visible! And thank God they were still there!

Lupa was afraid and embarrassed to have walk on the main road, through the densely populated village and then up her neck of the woods, with only her under ware! She didn't want such to be rumored about her or to have had her good character questioned by persons who were ignorant about what had really happened! If she had not found her clothes! She thought Benny would be nice enough to lend her his shirt if he had worn one; so the on-lookers wouldn't look at her the wrong way or thought she was giving a free show!

And so Lupa pull her dress over her head as Benny continued to look at the sun setting! Which by now; was almost out of sight! They both retraced Lupa's steps until they had reached to the foot of the Prospect hills, where Lupa decided on taking a short cut to her house! Instead of the long dusty dirt track! She had compelled Benny to come with her, so he could know for sure where she was living and also get to meet her parents; after he had mentioned to her he was ready to turn back! Because she was almost home and furthermore, it was getting too dark for him to be up in these woods that didn't have any street lights!

Nevertheless! Lupas' compelling ways had won! And it wasn't long before Benny was standing in her parent living room sipping tea, eating muffins and chewing on roasted peanuts!

The view from Lupas' house was spectacular! And Benny loved what he was seeing! All the lights in the valley were into view, making it seems simultaneous with the heavens! The street lights! The house lights! And the moving car lights! Seem like something magical from a distance! And he wanted to spend more time up there and see more of this magical experience! And without a second invitation! Benny promised the Williamsons' he would come back to see them soon!

Paulette and Simon Williamson love their daughter tremendously! But Benny was not the ideal character they were expecting her to bring home! And they hope to God it was a phase she was going through and she wasn't planning on spending her life with him! As tall, dark and handsome as he was! He was just not the right one for her to create a life with, in their eyes! Although he spoke very well, he had on enough dread-locks on his head to make Mount Sinai look like mole hill! And some of it was thick as a wall and broad as a dinner plate! Mrs. Williamson joked that his hair looked like a clump of spoil beef in a butchers shop! It was only because his hair didn't stink that caused her to have thought otherwise!

It was urgent that a family meeting had to held, and the sooner the better! Before Lupa, had gotten any further with this Benny! Her parents wanted to know from her; what was on her mind! What was she thinking! Where was she planning on taking this relationship to! Because they knew for sure, this was not the person for her to end up with! She was beautiful! She had gone to the best schools in the country! There were a lot of offers for her to participate in the national beauty contest! To study for the best professions! The world of the elite was at her finger tips! There were a lot of well to do bachelors who admired her and wanted her as a potential partner in their lives! Some wanted to show her and even give her the world! She could do a lot better than this; dread-locks, ganja smoking Benny! What could she have seen in him? There must be someone from her school whom she must be interested in! Instead of this tall dark and not so bad looking stallion who is about to take advantage of her! So her parents thought!

And when the family meeting was held! Lupa expressed how she was feeling to- words Benny!

"I just saw him and I knew I wanted to be with him! Something inside me burn and I couldn't resist it! I wanted a life with him! The same feelings you had when the both of you had met each other, I guess!" Lupa explained to her parents!

"Lupa you are infatuating! There are a lot other decent persons out there who you can build a live with! What does this Benny has to offer you? A ganja-spliff! Some ital strew! Some ganja babies; running around saying that they want a draw! What does he really has to offer you? We are getting older and we want to know that when we are dead and gone from here; you are in good hands! And well taken care of; you are with a responsible partner in your life! Not someone who is going to smoke you out of house! Land! And money!" Mr. Williamson expressed furiously.

"Well not because he has dread-locks doesn't mean he will be unable to take care of a family! What about all the other famous Rastafarian who is taking care of their families and are contributing to society!" Lupa flash back!

"So is Benny famous? Does he even as a job? A skill to take care of himself; much-less a woman! And child if that should come along!?" Lupas' mother questioned.

Lupa was frustrated! Upset! Dismayed! She couldn't believe her own parents were unable to understand how she was feeling! What her heart was telling her! They were the ones who had often times told her to follow her heart! Follow her dreams and don't be bombarded with what other persons wanted her to do! After all she was getting a lot of that ever since her last year of high school! She hadn't at all question Benny's goals or future plans! All she knew was that she saw him and he sparked a fire inside of her! Something she couldn't explain! She didn't even ask him his last name or his age or where exactly he was living!

It was Wednesday in the cool of the day when a familiar voice called at the Williamson front gate! The house seemed so quite as if no one was living there! It was the barking of the dogs that raised the attention that someone was standing at the gate! It was Lupas' mother who had opened the front door of their house to see who it was and how she could assist whoever was standing there!

It was Benny standing at the gate with a big smile on his face! A smile that would light up any dark dungeon! And make any sad moment turn to joy! His head was uncovered and he had some form of a rubber-band holding it in the back like a pony- tail! Mrs. Williams pretended not to recall who he was! As she thought to herself,

"He would be a fine young man if he hadn't had on this damn kya-makka on his head and had some ambition! If ambition was selling at shop I would surely buy some for him!

She then asked politely.

"How may I help you?"

At the same time giving Benny a look of contempt and discuss!

"Ho Mrs. Williamson! It is Benny, Lupas' friend! I was here with you guys late Sunday evening!"

Mrs. Williams was just about to disappoint Benny by lying to him! Telling him that Lupa wasn't home at the moment! But Lupa had heard some of the conversation and run to the door when she had heard the name Benny! She swung the door wide open and stood in the center of the door way with a huge smile on her face!

"Hello Benny how are you!" She exclaimed

"I'm find thank you!" he replied.

Benny was still standing at the gate waiting to be invited inside. He could feel that something was wrong! That there was tension in the air! But what about, he had no clue! Being as diplomatic as he was, he reserved his suspicions and asked.

"Is it a good time for me to drop by? I'm very sorry I didn't inform you that I would be dropping-by today; I thought it was ok if I did so!"

"Come on in Benny and have a seat!" Lupa exclaimed.

And as he walked through the door Lupa open her arms and gave him a warm, welcoming hug while her mother stood at the side of the door looking at Benny from head to toe! As if he was some form of beast or culprit who had committed some horrible crime! Her look on Benny was that of a detestable, degrading and guileful nature!

Lupa offered Benny a drink of pineapple juice which he gladly accepted! Because the time was very hot and it took quite some effort and energy to climb up the Prospect hill! Although he had walked with his bottle of frozen water to keep him hydrated it was almost done! So he gave Lupa the almost empty bottle, asked her to refill it and place in into their freezer until he was ready to leave!

When Lupa returned with the glass of ice-cold pineapple juice she handed it to him and then sat down closely beside him as if to signal to her parent she had no intention of letting him go!

"Benny I don't even know your last name!" Lupa commented.

"My last name is Zunlan, I'm Benny Zunlan!" Benny replied.

"I have never heard such name before"

Lupa stated with surprise in her eyes and a soft smile on her face.

"No my name is not from these parts! It is an African name!"

"Are you from Africa?" Lupa asked.

"Well yes and no! My parents are from Africa! But I was born here in Jamaica! When my mother came to Jamaica she was already pregnant with me!" Benny explained.

Mrs. Paulette Williams was still standing at the door, but out of sight! She had heard all the conversation between Benny and her daughter Lupa. She was about to interject by asking Benny what was his ambition or how he had intended on making a living!

"I'm thinking about going into nursing or teaching as a profession, how about you Benny?" Lupa ask bluntly!

"You are thinking about it! Don't think about it! Go ahead and apply to a college of your choice! There are a lot of opportunities in the medical field!" exclaimed Benny!

Lupa had heard such statement before from her teachers and wondered how informed Benny was about career choices.

"Well for me! What career choices I would like to make I have made them already!" Benny stated.

Smoking a ton of weed day and night, cooking ital strew and parading in red, gold and green all day long! Were the thoughts of Lupas mother! As she rolled her eyes and was still standing out of sight!

"I'm doing my residency at Englewood hospital in the states! This is my final year! I'll be returning for the states in the next week or so!"

"Ho I see! You are a doctor!" exclaimed Lupa!

"So they allow you with your hair like that!" Lupa asked.

"No! Not really! I have to wear it covered at school and when I'm attending to any of my patients! Explain Benny.

It wasn't long after that Mrs. Williamson brought a tray of appetizers and her best crystal juice jug! Filled with grape fruit juice and placed it in front of Benny and Lupa! She then went back inside of the house! And later returned with her husband! They both grabbed chairs and seated themselves in the company of Lupa and Benny! All of a sudden! They wanted to know much more about Benny Zunlan! The soon becoming doctor! They wanted to know his mother! His father! His brothers! His sisters! His whole entire friends, folks and family!

And within a few months, closer to a year such was accomplished! When Lupa and Benny had decided on tying the knot! After giving birth to their first child! A bouncing baby girl! They called Zaieer! It was now Lupa and Benny! And little Zaieer making three! A beautiful family had now been created! But this wouldn't be the only child for Lupa! She wanted more! At least a half a dozen more little ones like Zaieer!!

When Mrs. Williamson had her heart attack it was her son-in law Benny who took excellent care of her! And whatever he couldn't do physically or personally, he made sure it was done! And when Lupas' father had suffered from a stroke it was Benny again! The doctor with the head rap who was by their sides! And Lupa thanked God for him and blessed the day when she had went for a walk and made a fool of herself! By diving into the ocean! Fully well knowing, she couldn't swim! But there was a bigger force that had drawn her to Benny who had become her best friend! Her lover! Her child's father! And now her husband! Because there was no way she could have taken care of her sickly parents! Without her darling Benny at her side!