It was the lonely secluded suburban community of Hunterdon where I once worked as a nursing assistant.

After finish working the night shift I was heading on home in the wee hours of the night... twelve-thirty going onto one o'clock in the dew of the morning hours!

Although, the company had a bus that would transport its workers for a fee, I decided on driving my car because I hated waiting in the bus for an extra forty-five minutes or so, until all the other employees get on the bus after finish attending to their patients.

The supervisor had refused to let us leave until every patient was completely taken care of. Despite the fact that, the shift after us who had come on the same bus we were leaving on had to check each patient and care for their personal needs as soon as they signed in on duty!

With my work done, I signed out and I was on my way! Leaving the company bus still parked in the parking lot of the facility!

It was around half an hour into my ride that I heard a very loud sound and my car was lap-sided on the side of the road! I came out of the car to see what it was! It was then that I had noticed that one of my rear tires had been punctured!

The bus would come any time soon and assist me, I thought! So I returned inside the car, sat and waited for the bus to show up!

The streets were dark and misty! And whatever street lights that were installed by the wayside were very far apart causing very little to be seen clearly form a distance! Furthermore, the fogs from the mountains had descended onto the roads obscuring the vision of every road user!

Not long after waiting, a black car pulled up and stopped around three car spaces from where my car had been punctured!

A very tall, muscular man of brown complexion emerged from the car with a piece of iron in his hand. Although it was dark I could recognize that he was wearing a tan jumper suit with some black marks tattered all over it! I was thankful at first when I had seen him stopped! But I notice he had put the piece of iron behind him as he walked towards me! The iron didn't look anything like a tire changer!

A sense of fear was felt and stood imminent in my being as he came closer towards me! And I hope and prayed for the company's bus to show up quickly before this man gets any closer, to me! This man was looking and feeling very dangerous to me - to my inner core, to my spirit and my being! Just as I was about to put up a fight!

Magically and miraculously a little blue car pulled up to where I was parked and stop, immediately! It was a man and his wife!

The man jumped out of his car with such great urgency and began attending to my tire, before I could say to him that my tire had been punctured!

He was moving at great speed! He was energetic and full of life! And his wife sat in the car and watched as her husband changed my tire for me; while I chit-chat with her until he was done!

It was as if; the Almighty had spoken to him! He was operating as if he was on a mission from God!

I still can't forget the lady's face... his wife! Because her cheeks were chubby... blush-red in appearance, like a child had daubed some rouge on them without any care! She was wearing a royal blue dress and her hair was comb up into a bun! She was a very pretty lady, indeed!

And within no time her husband was done replacing my tire!

He had fixed the tire with such passion!

As though he was working for heaven and had to do his very best or else he won't be able to re-enter in!

I was nudged internally to raise my head, to see if the man who was approaching me with the iron in his hand, was coming to assist the miraculous stranger who had been changing my tire! But when I looked-up he was heading towards his car! And in my gut I felt he wasn't coming to assist me but to finish me off - to eliminate me from off this planet and took whatever little funds I had, probable even my car!

The devil was coming towards me to steal, kill and destroy me! But the Almighty had sent angels to rescue me from right under the devil's hands! For sure, it was the Almighty who had protected me!

And so the angelic stranger... the saint of a man, saw to it that I got in my car and that it was ok for the road again! As he motioned to me to go ahead before him!

I pushed my head out my car window and shouted out...

"Thank you very much and God

bless you both!!!!!!!!"

And so they reciprocated with... we are all Gods' children, we must look out for each other!!!!!!!!

With my hands waving good-bye as if they were some longtime friends who I wouldn't be seeing for a while!

Around twenty minutes or so into my ride they past me on the high way and tooted their horn as if they were on another rescue mission!

And by I glanced they were gone! And so I tooted back! And within another forty-five minutes or so, I was home safe and sound! Where praises and thanks to the Lord were uttered. I was surely glad to be safely, home!!!!

Winter had rolled around again and I had upgraded my vehicle from a tiny car to a SUV instead! Something much more stalwart - more-sturdy so as to maneuver the chest high snow piles that usually over power any car that I had ever had! Often times causing me to call out from work on numerous occasions or sometimes would have left me bang-up on the way side, of the snow storm tradition!

One afternoon after coming from work the snow trucks had salted the roads and had pushed heaps and heaps of snow unto the side of the roads! Somehow, my vehicle was stuck into the snow and I was unable to get it out!

Thousands of vehicles had past me to and fro and none cared to stop to assist me! And as I stood out in the cold on the dangerous highway I saw my angel coming with full force like bullets in a row!

I had felt him from a distance! But this time he wasn't driving a little blue car like the one he was driving on route eighty-seven... when the tall evil looking man with the iron in his hand was approaching me!

He too had upgraded his vehicle! He was driving one of those very huge pick-up trucks! And just like the night when he had assisted me on the high-way like he was on a mission from heaven or from God! He jumped out of his truck and single-handed removed my vehicle to the shoulder of the road, enquired if I was ok and he was on his way again like he had a urgent task to see about right away!

I couldn't get in a word to him! He was moving so briskly! One-twothree I had deliver thee! Now I had to assist others who needs' me! Was the jingle that played through my mind at the time! I wanted to ask him if he wasn't the same person who had helped me on route seventy-eight that frightful late summer night!

He had the same built, the same complexion, the same body type, the same shape head and he had the same velocity - body strength and motion! And I knew I could recognize him anywhere on the planet... after all he was my road angel with the bald head and the prominent forehead!

My gut had been talking! I had an innate knowledge - a hunch! Not to go to work one afternoon... I went anyway!

While driving through the access roads my intuition had gotten even stronger but mentally I couldn't resist the urge to report to work for it was normal to show-up for the job, furthermore, I was a dependable worker... I didn't call out! But today, my will to disobey... would allow me to falter!

And so I had ignored my gut and headed straight for work! And just as I entered onto the high-way my big black beautiful truck made a tail spin on the high-way... like a foot-ball on the pointed finger of an expert footballer, around and around again!

With thousands of cars coming full force ahead at various speed towards my direction!

Now I was screaming from my gut repeatedly.

"Lord Jesus Christ me dead now!"

I thought I would be mince to pieces and my beautiful black truck would be severely indented!

As my vehicle spun around and around like a gig in a motorcade of up-coming traffic on the busy high way... as though some mighty, gigantic hands had taken it and spun it around like a hoop-la-hoop!

It was not until when my vehicle had finally stopped from spinning and I looked through my rearview mirror to see if I could somehow save myself; from the motorcade of traffic that was rushing towards me, that I had noticed... they had all stopped at a distance from my vehicle like some miraculous magnet had somehow stopped them!!!

I had to pull my vehicle to the shoulder of the road and recollect my senses and pray for how bless I was! While all the traffic passed by and their occupants stared into my vehicle to see how lucky I must have been and how some of them were too, also! But this time - not one single soul stopped to enquire how I was doing! Only unbelievable stares were directed at me!

And while I sat there trying to gather my senses, I pondered on the condition of my vehicle and from what I could recall it was still in very good condition!

I had just taken it to the shop a few days ago and had changed the oil, brakes fluid and anti-freeze solution. It had gotten a thorough inspection!

I vividly recall the mechanic saying... it was in good condition and he had not found any problems with it! Therefore, there was no reason why I shouldn't go and earn my daily bread, right! And so I put myself together and I was on my way to work again... eighteen miles to go! Nevertheless, my gut was still sore from discernment! Telling me no, no, no!!!!


Disobedient!!!! Disobedient, was I!

For surely, I was being disobedient to my perception - to my initial gut reaction! Probable it was just the signs or signals from the Almighty that Satan was on the road that hour and my road angel was too busy assisting another!

A more serious case than mine in that very hour!

I was almost at the door-steps of my job when a police officer's eyes met mine and he was unto me like a crab in a barrel!

I was less than a block from my job and so he followed me, stopped me and asked for my credentials... license and registration please, he said to me!

This spirit was very different! And I could see he was ready for war! And so I kindly handed him my credentials after asking him why he had stopped me on par?

He didn't responded but return to the patrol car to run my driving documentation on his computer instead. I had some points on my licenses already and from what I knew I was slowly deleting them, at least that's what I thought!

It wasn't until the officer returned with my driving credentials and told me, I had ran the red lights and that is why he is summoning a ticket to me!

Again, I was on amber and at the middle of an intersection which gave me no choice but to go forward once the lights had changed to amber.

Because, if I hadn't continued from the intersection there surely would be an accident!

Furthermore, I wasn't the only one! It was a two lane street with another car right beside me and I was the one who had been stopped!

So, with the points I had already acquired on my license... and I had been charge for running the red lights, at this present moment... I was now in big trouble... and I could have beaten myself with a whip! And to add trouble to misery I didn't have my insurance card on me either; it was left into another pocket book I had... things were looking real bad!

More shocking news was to come my way which left me in complete devastation!

It was when the officer said, he had to take me to jail because I didn't have my insurance card in my vehicle; that was when the real weight of disgrace had come upon me! I was sinking in sorrow! And I regret the moment when I didn't follow my gut!

And I asked, not to be put any in hand-cuffs but I will go into the patrol car and he could take me to the jail house to have me process. And he threw a fit! It was like him placing the hand-cuffs on me would bring him great joy!

He now, began getting rough with me! He then twisted my hands behind me and slapped the cuffs onto my wrist! And then and there I began weeping bitterly like a child who had lost its way far away from home; and was afraid of the surroundings it had now found itself in!

The road angel was still on my side but he wouldn't appear or defend me when I was expecting him to! This was a situation I had to handle by myself for now!

However, I was shoved into the patrol car and taken away to the police station where I was allowed a phone call!

My best friend at the time, Dimple, answered the phone and promised to come and get me out of jail before day break! Which she did in the cold!

I was so very grateful and thankful that when she showed up, I began crying again! It was then that I called my job and told them I was facing some serious issues and I won't be able to report to work that day and possible the following day either.

After I was release I was given instruction of where to obtain my vehicle... it was placed in the car pound. I had to pay four hundred dollars to retrieve it and I also had to show up with my insurance card before they would even consider releasing it to me! That was atrickry!

It had seemed like my oracle, my karma, my luck, my favor or blessings from above had run out! I felt as though God had forsaken me, without a doubt!

The spirit of depression had swallowed me up and I wasn't feeling good about the whole situation at all! I felt as if there was some form of a conspiracy against me... someone wanted me off the road! Whether it was temporarily or permanent I didn't know!

I decided, however, to make an arrangement with a driver who transported other workers to various companies or health care facilities to start taking me to work... for a fee of course!

I found the experience to be good and so I continued riding with that driver for a while!

A month had now past and I had to appear at the court house in the town where I was arrested for my traffic ticket violation. I still hadn't gotten over my experience and I was feeling jittery and nervous! But mostly ashamed! Hand-cuffs on mw... what a tragedy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Numerous pictorial of old engulf my mind! I saw and felt the pangs of my ancestors - my fore-parent being shackled and dragged with ropes and chains; and been place on ship in Africa to travel west! I saw Jesus being shackled and dragged through the streets and gutters of Jerusalem before going to the Calvary!

And I was feeling bad for myself and I felt even worst for them too! Now I even began weeping in the court room as if someone had been beating me!

The clerk of the court had to stop whatever she was doing and assisted me with water and some tissues as she rubbed my shoulder to comfort me; while professing to me that everything will be alright!

But my soul was bleeding and I couldn't stop weeping!

At the court house, I had not seen the police officer who had given me the ticket in the court room until my name had been called! Strangely though, as soon as the judge had called my name, he then called the officer's name who had given me the traffic ticket and placed the hand-cuffs on me!

To my amazement both his wrists were in Plaster-of-Paris!

Obviously, they had been broken! It was the judge who had brought further awareness to his condition, when he asked.

"Officer Bradshaw, how is your wrist?

And he replied that he was still in severe pain but, he was feeling a little better from the initial incident!

It was unbelievable to me that just as how, I had asked him not to place the hand-cuffs on my wrist; he had been hurt at his both wrists in the same place where the handcuffs had been place on my hands! And to make matters worse! He could never stop staring at me right throughout the entire court session! Even when I had broken the stare and looked away from him and looked-up again! He was still staring at me!

Scary... right!

As I paid the necessary fees that were required of me and left the court room; the police officer's eyes were still fixated on me like bees in a honey comb or flower pad!

It was at the entrance of the court house building ... the lobby area of the building ... a prosecutor who was very tall in statue and had very curly hair! He reminded me of Saint Peter, one of Jesus's disciples... had confronted me.

He began pressing both his hands on my shoulders ever so firmly! As though he was signaling to me that I had done a great job or placing some form of anointing on me! He seemed very happy to have met me... to share close space with me! He wanted me to tell him what had happened between me and this officer again, as if there was some form of conspiracy going on! But I was feeling a bit confuse, tired, uncertain and a bit frightened!

Nevertheless, I realized that a bigger force was indeed present... my road angel was still working on my-behalf!

But I couldn't really comprehend all the details of what was actually happening! But as I travel through the beautiful, white, fluffy powder that at times cramp and dampen my feelings; when travelling places that seems uninhabited by man; I know my road angel is always there... sometimes close by and other times far away... signaling to me to continue-on or return home because there is danger up-ahead! As I recall this day... I must say what's in my heart because on my working journey my sight was spontaneously taken away... I was frightened! I was nervous! But I wasn't overcome with wroth!

So I pulled over to the shoulders of the road and prayed to God to help me, please regain my sight! It was pure darkness before me and I started tooting my horn!

Hoping someone would hear me and help me redirect my path! But it wasn't long before my sight had returned! So I started thanking God with praises and hallelujahs as I continued on my road journey... back to work I go again!

The enemy thought he had me... he knew my number and my sincerity! So I lend my co-worker and almost friend, my vehicle to travel to work now and again; because hers was giving problem! And furthermore, she couldn't find the funds to make it mend or run again! And what she did was inconceivable!

She had parked my car on the side walk on days at end! When it was forbidden to do so; because that side of the street had to be swept on those particular days... causing me to be served a couple of tickets well!

I had to borne the burden because the car was in my name! I thought how shameless is this situation... do I really deserve this pain! Now I had no choice but to pay for some of those tickets and had to come up with a strategy to get myself out of paying these wrongful charges... I had to nip it; before it had me financially bankrupt!

It was because of this matter that I decided, never to help-out a friend like this again!

So I went to the police station and reported the car stolen and then I wrote a letter to the judge voicing my frustration and misfortune! Hoping he would have pardon on me and annul the whole situation! Some of my chosen words in the letter were not pleasant for the hearing; but I had to express how I was feeling even if he condemned me!

Another summon was issued for me to return to court, again! Now I thought the books were going to be thrown at me, for the same very words I had written!

How can I forget? It was four yellow, legal size pages of angered expressions! And the judge had them in his hands when he called me forth and started addressing my case during the session!

"I got your letter Ms. Blessing! So I'll dismiss your case... sorry about your misfortune! However, you have to pay a court cost of thirtyeight dollars. Will you pay that to the court today... seeing that you don't like these parts of Newark, like your letter was expressing because down here makes you feel like you're regressing instead of going forward!"

I smiled! I chuckled! I laughed! I was feeling triumphantly in my heart! So I replied.

"I'll pay today, your honor and thank you for understanding!"

There were bursts of smiles coming from the corner of the judge's mouth as he signed off on my ticket before left out!

And I wondered where or what in my letter had tickled him so much that he had that smirk laugh at the corner of his mouth, as he threw my case out!

Because, as nonchalant as I was, I knew some of my word choices were very inappropriate! However, he was a trained judge and he must have known about temporary insanity!

I had been temporarily insane when I had written that letter! Considering, I was so very sick and tired of paying huge sums of money on parking tickets from out of my pocket! Due to, "My good nature-self" had allowed me to help-out another human being! Thank God, though, this case was now closed - finish, done-with! Now, my road angel had also become my traffic ticket agent... the case was thrown out! And I was now free to get on with another of life's projects!

Some called it foolish, but my mind had been programmed to be generous from an early age!

It was a Sunday afternoon and I was off from work. I decided to go shopping so I could send stuff back to my home country... stuff I thought they might need and appreciate. And on my way to the store I heard a voice above my head... it was very clear!

The announcement stated. "Spend your money on yourself!"

I looked up expecting to encounter some form of mystical being or an object... something or someone or at least that's what my imagination revealed to my thoughts! But there was no one or nothing there!

So I started rebuking what I had heard as the devil! Because I was programmed to give... it was God's way and it was also the right way! To be generous! To be a blessing to others! To share whatever I had! To help my brothers and sisters and to help those who are lessfortunate than I am!

Seeing, that was Gods' way and The Holy Book had confirmed such! Many churches had taught this, belief this and it was ingrained into my system, to give never leave my head!

But little did I know that I could be helping persons who did not have my best interest at heart... family or not! There are just some people who want you to stretch forth your hands to them, even when they are not in-need of anything! They just like receiving but never extending their hands in return! They only want to receive from you; until you have naught!

Now I had realized that some persons were programmed to give while others were programmed to receive. And here is a case in point! I had a friend who I knew had some money and also some material possessions as well! Whenever I would ask her for anything she would always reject my request! She often told me she didn't have anything or she couldn't afford to give me whatever I was asking her for... because she didn't have a red cent!

Although, all of my requests weren't serious! I was only testing the waters... I wanted to see if she would assist me in my times of need or disaster!

It was after her sudden and violent death when persons were looting - stealing her possessions from her apartment, mostly from under her bed... that I realize she had been really lying to me! But often times she was at my door-steps asking me for things she knew, without a shadow of a doubt that I couldn't possible afford; because I no longer had a job or investments or even a husband to stretch his hands to me!

And it was only when I had returned to a place of complete poverty that I realized; that the voice above my head who had announced for me to spend my money on myself was indeed a voice of truth; not a voice of the devil or a voice trickery! But it was my road angel warning me once again that the persons that I'm pouring into would despise me - scorn me in my time of need and they didn't matter if I was dead!

What could I do now? I had already given away thousands of dollars in cash and kind and even continued to do so long after I had received my warning! I had avoided and ignored the voice of truth which led me to reflect on a verse that states: I was born in sin and shape in iniquity!

I was molded and shaped to give; to be a blessing - to share... probable it is even imbedded in my blood-line!

But not with any discernment was I giving! Not with any plan or reasons! Now I know - I have learnt to give with a cause in mind and not to throw away my blessings to every soul or situation on the earth... surely not for every cause!

Looking back! I now know that I needed to apologize to the unseen being who had given me such truthful warning and advice. Although, I believe he understands that I was in a complete state of ignorance... completely unaware of my end from my beginning. He also knew and must have thought that I would come to realize the days of complete lack and abandonment from friends and family near and far would arrive at my door!

Nevertheless, my road angel continues to carry out his duty well while I learn more about myself and my purpose is for heaven and not for hell! And even if I'm touched to help another in their time of need I must make sure it is done responsibly and not for frivolity!

Now I'm wiser and I'm very sure that there is a force to bless and a force to destroy!

But what determines these forces to do so I'm really not sure! Although, I'm capable to identify these forces sometimes, I'm very unsure of their purpose to assist and their purposes to deny assistance. Because the forces or the spirit that will deny assistance does not obtain the ugly, devilish, demonic depiction that is often times portrayed in books and televisions or any avenue of media!

I have seen pastors, police officers, patients and many persons in the lime light of authority who carries this glassy appearance; especially, in the eyes!

Working in the hospitals for many years I had often times observed this glassy appearance in the eyes, mostly on patients who were dying or near death! I was raised in the Catholic Church for many years and there I had also observed it on more than one priest but not all of them!

At first I thought it was Godly, but has now come to learn that it is not so at all! Because the police officer who had pulled his gun on me also had that appearance in his eyes!

After I had been baptized into another church and I had returned to the Catholic Church to renew my faith there. The priest that I had spoken to had the same look in his eyes! After telling him about my dreams and my visions and all that I was experiencing spiritually; he blurted out at me that I was an unfaithful Christian!

But how could I be unfaithful when I was giving to the poor, helping the sick, sending money to my family, sending and cooperating with churches to send barrels to countries like Haiti, countries in Africa and Jamaica? Wasn't I still doing the work of a Godly human being! At least, that's what I had thought! Regardless, of what my denomination was!

Isn't the Lord they God One? Isn't He there in hell, if that's where I make my bed; as the scriptures has proclaimed?

Or is heaven partitioned off for various denominations or various races or various tribes? I guess each tub as to really sit on its own bottom!

Regardless of what the answers are; I am very much aware that there are two forces... one to render help and advance progress while another force is to reject help and stunted progression! It was this realization that broth me to reflect on the verses that states; one must pray without ceasing! And when we love one another we show that we are God's disciples! Because it is in so doing that the Almighty God can claim us and send angels to protect us in your time of need! And I will further point out that according to the scriptures: we must come boldly to the thrown-room of God so in our times of trouble we may obtain mercies from God! I would say all these scriptures counteract with each other... wouldn't you?

Are the angels around all the time? I don't think so! Or else they would encourage or discourage us in all our daily activities! And neither do I believe; they are not around us because they don't want to; but it is because of; our spoken words, disobedience, constant rebuking of their commands; that allows them to take a leave of absent from us.

And I will use my example to

clarify this point...

When I had heard the voice said, I must spend my money on myself! I rebuked it, and told that spiritual being that he was of the devil and how He didn't know what He was talking about because; "The Bible" said, I must give! But a few years later when I was deported and didn't have any money - not a red cent to my name... the same persons who I was sending money and goods to had rejected me! They wouldn't give me a red cent! They even encouraged others not to give to me either!

The voice of truth had been ignored... disrespected and driven away!

If I had obeyed the voice of God instead of rebuking it, I wouldn't be in so far of a predicament as I am in now! I had even went as far as to stop by the Korean store and bought myself a bottle of olive oil, prayed over it, so as to rebuke this voice that had spoken to me; much more than I had done, already!

I needed to make sure that it didn't speak to me ever again!

I was determined to anoint every door post, all my furniture, every appliance and also myself! Because I was a prayer warrior and an unseen being had spoken to me... telling me to spend my money on myself instead of spending it on other persons! How foolish was I?

And to make matters worse!

I continued to rebuke this voice for months and probable for years! A contradiction from the word and lessons that had been thought to me!

Now I had started going back to church and when the spoken voice said one thing, I said another or did another! Often times I would pinch myself to declare to myself; that I wasn't insane or crazy! And when the voice wouldn't stop or the pastor at the church that I was attending wasn't responding to my issues; but, instead he was preaching everything that I had dreamt... everything I was thinking and everything that the voice had spoken to me! I started blaming him for working which craft and I was out of there!

I started searching for another church! But everywhere I went I was experiencing the same thing or something similar!

And then I started refraining from attending any church at all!

I thought I had to get myself together! I had to figure out what was going on in my life... what was so different about me! Various persons were coming by my house who wanted me to pray for them! Some were saying that I was anointed and I was appointed and that was no accident; while others would throw papers at my door way as if they wanted to get or capture whatever blessing that had been pouring down from heaven onto me!

As I poked my head out and looked through my second floor window, I noticed that everyone else front yard was clean as a whistle, except mine! So I immediately concluded that something was wrong! I pulled the windows back down and for a while I peep through the blinds to see if this was a deliberate action or if something was wrong with my mind!

Not one thing was wrong with me! People were deliberately throwing candy-rappers or any other kind of waste at my front door! And so I got the broom and I swept as much as I could away! But for weeks this practice continued! And one day when I had finish sweeping the gutter of my street a tall man past by and dropped a candy wrapper right in front of my door. And so I demanded that he took it up!

And so he did! But surprisingly, all my neighbors came out and started complaining...

How I had just cleaned-up the area and here he comes and dropt the sweetie papers; as if he didn't care!

Was it a spiritual punishment? Was God trying to tell me something? Or was I just being foolish?

I wasn't being foolish at all because when I went to the Catholic Church and tried to explain to the priest about what I was experiencing. He surprisingly asked me...

"Are persons throwing garbage in front of your house-door?"

So I replied...

"Yes they were; and I had to keep on sweeping in front of my house almost every day!"

He then informed me that everything is in the Catholic Church and I shouldn't attend any other denomination... any other church but the Catholic Church! And how God was punishing me because I was reducing him; so He, in-turn is reducing me!

I just couldn't understand his comments... I still have a problem comprehending what this Priest said to me - his statement!

Aren't all people of God regardless of the place they have chosen to worship? Is this "God" races! Does this God hates' me?

Most of my religious teachings were obtained from the Catholic Church from my eyes were at my knees; up until I was in my thirties; Which has been most of my life upto this point! And all during this time I have been beaten, abuse, mistreated, raped, ridiculed, talked about, laugh at, manipulated, jailed, rejected, scorned, wounded, unfairly fired from jobs and being homeless! So where was the God of the Catholic Church to protect me and defend my cause then and there? Wasn't I good enough for him to defend my cause? Did he even care for me? I just don't see how!

I was fasting and praying, even more than I am doing now or even more than some of the priest I knew! So where was he then? Or was he buried... on another planet? So a fake spirit had been unleashed to watch over me? I had even gone through forty days fasting just to appease this God and break any unwanted shackles I thought I ever had! Yet my fellow beings had mistreated me as if I wasn't worthy to be here on earth! Or was I a guinea pig that heaven had collaborated here on earth? Or was I given these dreadful tests from birth to see how much my strength was worth... to see how much I fit into an exclusive place on the planet call heaven on earth! Or was I hook-to and hook-up to heaven and didn't even know it? Because, with all I had been through I had never once thought about hell as my resting place or my dwelling!

There was even a time when my sight would fool me; causing me to see traffic lights as green when they were actually red; making me crash... having a head-on collision as though I was mad or ready for dead!

This accident comes with a consequence... now points were added onto my drivers' license and a new car I had to put in my budget again! The evil stares police officers gave me made me full with shame and maliciously dread!

Now I wondered what type of curse had surrounded me or was I really losing my head! Because every time I made an improvement something terrible would happen regressing my advancement so I couldn't move-upward, only backward, full speed ahead... not even to purchase a new bed!

Often times there was the same familiar face doing the same things over and over again, right in front of me! They must have thought I wouldn't have stop and taken notice or make any remarks, even casually!

As I travel to work one faithful Monday morning and had crossed over an intersection; a tall man resembling the one on route eighty-seven with the iron in his hand; had hit my car hard into a tail-spin and then had the nerves to drive away! He didn't care if I had been injured or if I had been dead! He just sped off in that big, brown, bent-up Lincoln with no care in the world on his head!

He had no insurance deductions to pay now! Because he had fled from the scene of an accident... neither would he receive any points on his drivers' license because I didn't get to catch his license plate number either!

Now I had to call out from work, put a new car in the budget again; because my job at that time was my only bread and butter... the only thing I could do now was kneel in reference and hope I see his face again so I could call the police and teach him a lesson!

In these three last situations my road angel didn't appeared to defend or rescue me. Now I began to wonder if he had been elevated to a new post or he was just sick and tired of assisting me! Anyway this was my thought; because I believe according to God's word, He would send a new angel, He just wouldn't abundant me so the wolfs can devourer me!

What I had found out in my little time analyzing the relationship with God; is that: A relationship with Him is like a seven layer cake - sweet, magnificent, deep and rich! The only trouble is if you don't cut into it you will never know what it tastes like!

Admiring it from a distance is only feasting the eyes, but when you taste it... it becomes a part of your systems... the cake is now in your blood stream... nourishing parts of your being!

So avoiding a relationship with the "God of truth" one will never experience the benefits!

This brings me to a verse that says: Oh taste and see that the Lord is good and blessed is he who thrust in Him!

He will send His Angles to protect you on the roads of life if you have come to join Him and eat at His table in this life!