There was a nuisance in the house and it was very hard to figure out! One, two or three I was unsure, but there was a nuisance in the house indeed!

Working two three shifts per day I was sometimes tired but not confused... no way!!

Nevertheless, God had given me the strength to follow through! So whatever little rest I had gotten when it was my days off was much appreciative. However I needed to wash my uniforms, dust off my furniture before I jump into bed!

But there was a nuisance all around my head!

Oftentimes disturbing the whole neighborhood which the neighbors interned looked at me with disdain and dread!

I knew they had to work too! Some of them were working in the same field as I was, to pay the mortgage and to maintain a roof over their heads!

There were many times I wondered what the problem could have been!

I had paid thousands of dollars to have the situation fixed; but the smoke alarm kept on going off annoying every single soul living on my street up to three hundred yards of me... oh my goodness the sound was deafening!

It was one of those old electrical smoke alarm systems with the wires that ran through the metal pipes encompassing the entire building! So you can imagine, just to have it fix... one had to clutch their purse and un-grip the thoughts that ran through their head... except for the unseen creature of course, who was causing the outrageous noise to occur!

Brand new wires were brought and replace in the pipe shell and circuit box wiring and switches were changed to accommodate the new apparatus of electrical wiring so as to eliminate this beastly, depraving and depriving noise from everyone in the surrounding community, head!

Spontaneously, this evil noise would go off... waking everyone as though they were in a Gestapo Camp jumping to the alarms of wickedness which hung over their heads!

Even in the dead cold of winter when everyone was snuggled under blankets and in bed, this atrocious monster would start pawning away continuously... you think it would raise the dead!

Banging on my doors was coming from outside and within! Some had great concerns while others were just tired of this continuous, very annoying, nuisance, happening... this outrageous noise!

I had to grab my slippers, throw on my robe and rush to the basement to stop the noise from continuing! With flashlight in hand; turning off this carefully mark breaker switch with all its confusing components was a challenge I had!

If it was done too fast then the whole upstairs lights would be gone and if done too slowly the tenants in the rear would start complaining that their heat had gone out and they were freezing to death although, the switch had just gone out seconds ago!

Another jerk in the purse had to be realized again!

Separating dash-board wires from smoke alarm system just as the electrician had mentioned! But I needed my peace of mind... what else was there to do but get the job moving... it might be liberating!

A full renovation was now in the works and I felt almost proud because everyone would be getting their sleeping without being alert! But it would be my pocket that would be feeling the financial burden! Nevertheless I allow joy to ride because sooner or later this smoke alarm system will not be a problem or a burden, and I too will be resting in my master suit that was decorated like it was heaven!

The renovating transaction hadn't gone smoothly has I had thought it would; because the tenants were complaining that they didn't want to be bothered with all these work men coming in and out of their apartments rooms!

Removing their furniture, pets and disrupting their belongings; I had to convince them as though they were children that the men were only fixing the smoke alarm wirings so this will be the end of the smoke alarm ringing and annoying their sleeping pattern!

Thankfully, few weeks had past and the work was finally done! A vast amount of dough was spent to have this work completely done... I was so sick and tired of the murmuring and the complaining... these grown ass persons were acting like little children attending kindergarten! Whatever I did, I just couldn't please them! They were on my back like insane patients in mental asylums... how irritating!

With all my frustration, I took some-time to thank the Lord for helping me raise the funds to pay the workers off and have the renovation job at last, done!

Almost two weeks had past and the alarm went off again! Now I knew there was a demon or unseen being lurking in the corners of my basement!

Disrupting our sleeps... no way we could sleep like an angel or like a baby in a den!

Was I surrounded by a force I couldn't comprehend or was it there to frighten me; so I ended up in the mad pen?

I wasn't afraid; but I needed to know what was happening! So I started praying and ministering words of discernment to see if it would leave my surroundings!

After all, I wasn't living amongst saints! The tenant above me had a huge Maccabees Bible weighing over thirty ton or more! And all sorts of African dolls, attired in various bright colors with an array of push pins sticking into them...

When I ask what they were for? He often said... they were simple just for decorations!

But my gut told me otherwise! He was into something real deep; but I was a prayer warrior so, he couldn't conquer me!

But he somehow could disturb my surroundings. And I also concluded that he was the one causing the smoke alarm to go bizarre without any obvious malfunction.

My suspicions had caused me to test his faith; inviting him to many a church services; but he wouldn't accept any of my offers.

He preferred to nuzzle under his comforter with remote control in hand and switch from channel to channel like he was a voluptuous gay man!

As he proclaim...

"You just go ahead Blessing! I'll stay and watch the house... you can pray for the both of us... I'm all tired and worn out from giving these children piano lessons!" "Tired of doing what? Watching television all day and eating frozen foods and ready mix pan cakes with maple syrup!"

Were the words I blurted out!

"I'll come with you some other time, probable next week or the week after that! I have to get cloths and shoes prepare for

occasions like this!"

Were the lying boring words he muzzled out of his mouth!

He knew my looks meant I was very suspicious him and I wasn't please or agreeing with any of his divination attacks!

So when I had returned from church that Sunday evening he handed me the thirty ton

Maccabees Bible and said...

"It's yours... It's a present... it is yours to keep... it belongs to you!"

For sure, I was extremely stunned!

This is some very old ancient artifacts with golden leaves and numerous colorful emblems and pictures... a Maccabee Bible, now sitting in my lap!

"Are you sure you wanted me to have this?"

Was the question I blurted out!

I was so surprise of his generosity, but my gut was filled with doubt!

This Bible was priceless! Very few had handled it! But it was always mentioned by the old folks... I had heard it more than once or twice that this book was associated with witch-craft... it could be used to raise the dead, at least twice!

It had now become a piece of sophisticated ornament and left rested on my entertainment center for months once it was in my tenor; in the living room section of my house!

As my church sisters came over to visit they would peruse through it for religious answers they believed they weren't getting from their deacons, or preachers or religious masters!

Many times I didn't feel good about it being in my house and thought about throwing it out side or taking it to the thrift store so someone else might make good use of it! But I kept on delaying that action until I was muzzled out of my house and have no clue of what became of it!

But before I was deported there were many tapping on the walls even under my foot bottom as I climb the stairs and walk the hall!

It was shortly after that, stranger things had started happening! Because, I swear I had seen a huge headless angel going down my basement with his internal organs hanging as though he was human!

Strangely though, I wasn't scare at all because, I ran after it as if I was James, Peter or Paul!

I looked around the basement but interestingly, I didn't see anything! However, I kept on declaring out loudly... show yourself! Because I knew for sure I'm not crazy! Who had cut your head off? I asked expecting an answer! Because I had assumed it was John the Baptist... he was the only Jesus follower I knew that had been beheaded... had his head cut off!

It was a few mornings after that I was facing another saga!

Now there were other heavenly beings coming to see about me!

These beings were ascending and descending as they touched some part of me as thou they were playing tag or rugby... or I was some important being in the making or being initiating!

Now, there were stranger miracles happening all around my house! As this humongous angel adorned in pale yellow spoke out... words of revelation, it was seemingly very loud! Giving me words of wisdom of what my future might hold! Commenting on; and suspending deliberate, degrading actions that had been conspired against me from eternity!

It was then and there; that I had realized I had an assignment in this life.

There was no way I could move ahead because there were unseen beings blocking my progress so I couldn't strive! My mind had now become a rotating information center because the new revelation I had not too long received had kept me under the weather!

Is this really happening? Is this for real? I just couldn't belief what I was hearing from these so call angels or heavenly beings!

Who had claimed to be rescuing me from the evil that had been plotted against me!

I know for sure they weren't lying because of the strange or unusual experiences I had been having! I had to stay still and recollect my senses... what is my life purpose? What should I be presenting? What are the dreams and visions I must express before I go away and be at rest?

I was now much older and a little wiser too... I had gained some spiritual knowledge and some academic ones too! So I started searching for a job in whatever I do but was unsuccessful in fulfilling that aspiration too!

Like any Olympian, my mind was racing to be the champion... I had to collect my thoughts and get myself together and find out what God really wanted me to do, what was my plan of action!

Now the teachings of old had started rumbling within my head and I recalled what most teachers had ask me to do... not arithmetic or science although I was good at those too... but writing words expressing... that's what I really do!

I was always in God's training classes, but I just never realized it yet!

Because he was always sending me dreams and visions which I had to write down and often times reflect on; if they were actually true or if he was the one stressing and didn't know what to do!

Although, some of my writings would often times come true; which would surprise me at times... even to my roots! Causing me to ponder and sometimes wonder! What is the mission... what did He really wanted me to do or to see?

So I have concluded that many books were inside of me! I have to get them out to the nations; so persons will know and remember that their redeemer lives with a purpose laid-out for you and me; and probable for the whole wide world to see!

This day, another day my mind was at rest. I had been relaxing in my living room one afternoon, much closer to the evening hours. I was resting before I got up and take my shower, when I saw a reflection showed it-self from my front room windows. I could see the burglar bar gates open and a figure exit onto the road! I had seen so much already!

So I wasn't frightened anymore or had any doubts of what I had just seen!

Immediately, I got up from the couch that I was lying on, though! And I race down the stairs like a bullet, to see if I had observed anything very peculiar on the streets! But I saw nothing wired or mysterious occurring so I returned to the interior of my apartment and contemplated the unusual phenomenon that had just taken place in front of my sight!

On top of all that I had been experiencing!

Something much more sinister was about to take place! I wasn't prepared for it... but I was brave enough to face it head on - I could handle it!

It was around nine p.m. and I was at home going over my school work when the phone had wrong. I removed the receiver from the base of the phone to respond to whomever, was at the other end.

Surprisingly, it was a police officer at the other end requesting for me to take-in my sisters' children!

Because they were in conflict with their father and step-mother! And if I didn't come and get them they will be place into a foster home for their rearing!

I readily agreed because placing them into a foster home was too much of an embarrassment for the family or even me. After all I had the space to accommodate them... all three of them, so I agreed!

Within an half an hour or so the police officer had all my three nieces' at my door... with all their belongings they could afford to bring with them!

The doorbell wrong and within minutes I was downstairs to welcome them in! Not that they were strangers... they had visit me on more than one occasion already, for whatever!

By now months had passed and everything was going well! What wasn't expected was the Catherina flood in New Orleans that had occurred; which allowed my sister to be release from her job in that state and returned to the eastern section of the United States!

I had heard the news on the television that a storm had been brewing but how dangerous it was, I was really clueless until she knocked at my door and told me it was a mess!

In hindsight... it was one evening when I and her girls were at home she showed up! Expressing that her boss had to move out of their luxurious home and resort to living into a hotel; because where they were living was flooded-out! Her employers were unaware of their next move so they had to let her go!

Strangely though, the following morning she and her children had locked themselves into the front room where the girls had occupied.

It wasn't until around one o'clock the following day that I had suspected that something wired was going inside the house! The one and only door to the room was locked... I meant bolted shut! With several attempts of knocking and banging on the door I had received no response at all! The action was very suspicious!

The girls were in their teens and they were smarts girls. So I couldn't comprehend what could have been the matter... why were they acting so strangely! But the demons were playing out their part as well and they realized that I wasn't scare of them, one bit either!

So I did what any intelligent adult would do... I called the police! Within minutes they were there! Another shocker was about to hit me but it couldn't break or shake me! I was mentally good! I had heard and had witness enough already!

It was only when the police officer had showed up that the room door was open! And with the door opened my sister exited the room. As she exited the room she stared me down as if she had been told that I had done her children wrong and with great envy in her eyes! You know the stare... the stare that says, I hate you b...!

It was the police officer who had informed me that my sister claimed that I wanted to take her children away from her... she was getting mad!

I felt so belittled by the news! I thought I was helping and now I had found out that I was conspiring to take her children away from her!

And what made it worse the children who were old enough to understand didn't reject that claim either!

Needless to say, with the constant accusation about me trying to take her teenagers away from here... knowing well that I had called her on more than one occasion; and they had called her also on my house phone to tell her that they had a conflict with their father! And in our telephone conversation she mentioned how she was glad that I able to care for the children for her!

And furthermore, it was the police officer who had called me asking me to house them until they had resolute their situation or else they would be place into a foster home!

I realized that something far more sinister had been plaguing her mind! One minute she was praying with me and another minute she thought I wanted to kill her and her children! She was having a mental break down!

So she was accompanied to the doctor for treatment to alleviate that issue at least for a while... was it demonic or mental illness?


She was not gone completely - mentally; because she had been experiencing some of the same things I had been experiencing in my house!

Like the bed had been indented as though someone was sitting on it on places where no one had been sitting! And white dusty clouds in the form of little children were jumping up and down on my bed; leaving their foot prints on my mattress!

I had seen it on more than one occasion but I had never made any mentioned of it before; neither did I let it bother me! I was flesh and whatever it was... I consider it or them to be a spirit! Was it there to harm me? I do not know; but I sure wasn't threatened by it!

My sense of reasoning had now been hijacked! I started to wonder if these little white and sometimes glossy clouds that I had seen around the house were able to possess, control and dominate ones being! Was this the art of prophecy? Was this the work of God or of man?

And in silence I started to observe my environment and the fellow human beings around it. And what I had observed was shocking! One of my nieces who I happen to have a soft-spot for... was now saying what I was thinking and she was also prophesying to me!

She had stated that I was going to be deported from the states unfairly!

And somehow this thought had resonated within my spirit-being probable two days or so before she had spoken it out of her mouth!

The look in her eyes had also changed... innocence wasn't there anymore! Her eyes were looking slant and red in color! And an evil look was staring back at me, but I kept my cool and prayed! One thing I knew for sure that it wasn't peaceful, pure, pleasant, or polite!

In hindsight, I had seen this spirit before in the basement of my first house! And from what I can recall it was very scared of me! It was stepping away from me as if I was a consuming fire!

Now, I knew for sure that I wasn't crazy and what I had seen back then and there was for real!

My conclusion was that this was a drug spirit; because almost all the tenants were on drugs!

I had spoken to two or three of them and found out that they weren't dumb either; but they were hooked on drugs! Causing them not to see their life's vision clearly or even to live their lives in a constructive exemplary way!

They had become master to this spirit and they were serving it well!

The personally of my niece had also changed from my perspective!

She was now very interesting in wearing sexual things - clothes and jewelry which were at the time initiating sexual attention!

Her seductive behavior and desire to dress sexually were very demonic!

I had notice the eyes of older men staring her down whenever we were out; causing me to have a talk with her!

My advice almost went null! It was when her mother agreed with my advice, she retracted her thoughts of me being interfering and realized that I had meant her good and not evil! Needless to say, I had been there already and I had no one to guide me like I was guiding her now!

I had now become more fervent in the church and in praying! It didn't matter which church... every Sunday morning I was in a church fellowshipping with other church goers! Skeptical however to bring my issues to the pastor of the church, fearing the attacks and negative comments I might receive from fellow parishioners... the much of knowing everything and knowing very little!

However, the doorbell wrong one day so I poked my head through the window and saw a group of women... they seem to be of a more mature age. Anyway, I went downstairs to see who they were! It was a group of three... Jehovah Witness members proclaiming to be spreading the good news!

After the introduction I allowed them inside my house to elaborate on the word of God and to see if they were able to observe anything unusual in my space!

And then again I was feeling a bit lonely and needed someone to talk with!

After we were seated for a while one of the ladies announced that there was a man at my window and if I was aware of him being there? My response was...

"No! But I have had some very strange encounters in this house!

Ones that would make most

persons lose their minds!"

Anyway it was very nerve wrecking at times! Especially, at times when I'm sleeping and I would be awakened by trollies with maidens on horses riding on them through the house! Other times I would vision the house opening wide and sometimes woke up and realized that it was all still there! At other times too, it was the souls of persons going through windows, walls and doors that I could only see but couldn't touch! They always seem to be on duty, moving with speed like they were on a mission! Some were traveling east and west while others were travelling north and south and in between; and another set were going up and down into the sky! While another set walked around into the open air with their belonging, as though they had been evicted from their premises or had annul their heavenly union!

And so, I had consummated - concluded that my house had been the door way or gate way to heaven; but mainly for the working-class earth angels, the seasoned saints and the patriarch of the Bible days.

Well if this is a blessing or a privilege it is very hard for me to tell; I only hope and pray that someone had discernment enough to informed me that this would be my destiny and I wasn't heading for hell! So I wouldn't think so much that I might be really crazy and handle it with much more tact and human dignity! Instead of spending my hard earn cash on olive oil; rebuking what I sometimes smell; but I couldn't even see or fine! I can sure bet some of those giggling spirits were laughing after me!

Sometimes I wonder about all the people who were seeking prayers from me... if they had obtained their request or if they too were making mockery at me! Anyway, I really don't mind because in those moments I believed I was doing the right thing! I had even wanted to heal the deaf, dumb and blind! I also wanted to spread some financial blessings so the poor and the homeless could recover from their poverty and find a suitable dwelling place so they could be happy with their families and become refine in their liberty!

The illegal immigrants, they most I had in mind! I was praying they all would obtain their papers instead of living in a free land that the so call Christians and citizens often saw as a crime!

All shouting for human rights at the same time complaining they are here stealing their jobs... this country is not a bed of roses that they should have! While right in front of their eyes; God had sent these illegal immigrants, testing their sincerity for human integrity! But like Joana, they divert from the right path or actions and look at the illegal immigrants as though they were nuisance or criminals... while back in church every Sunday morning shouting allelujah and seeking God's intervention!

Often times the people who I had met along the way were visiting my house night and day!

Some just seeking prayers while others were confessing their life of evilness! Telling a lie here and there to sugar cote the truth! Yet, has my body hit my bed and my pillow hit my head God was revealing something else about them double-crossing me with their caca-me-nia stories!

Nevertheless, as day light was on the scene I would make a phone call revealing what The Almighty had prophesy to me... about what gibberish they were telling me!

Still, they continued to deny their iniquities! Now I was the one feeling foolish and believed God was lying to me! I almost had given up on this personality I called my savior! When blamm-blamm!!!! The doors slammed! Ting-ling-lingling!!!!!!! The phone began to wring!

The phone wrong and one of my so called friend started confessing that what I had spoken was for real... and I should please give her pardon because she was the one who was lying to me!

It was right at that moment I started believing the inner wisdom of the Almighty Father and how Satan will deceive me at any given moment or hour! Corrupting my thoughts and knowledge of the Almighty Father and lead me into a fold of those voodoo working and ungodly masters!

I had even followed one of the "voodoo practitioner" to the mental hospital! I really don't recall what she was testing for! But suddenly and for a brief moment I felt stillness in my awakening... in my being!

I immediately announced that the dead was located some place here, and I wasn't joking! So I stood still for a while to confirm what I was feeling and shortly after words; one of the hospital workers... he seemed to be a warder came from a room near where I was standing! It was he whom I had asked... what was located behind these walls?

As he removed the gloves from his hands, his reply was shocking! He stated out firmly,

"Behind these walls, is the morgue; lady! Do you have a relative or a family member here who needs to be identified or cremated?"

I hastily replied, "No mister, I just felt a strange sensation just as I stood here and you have confirmed what I was feeling, that death was lingering near here, sir!"

Now my friend was looking at me strangely, as though the covenant of heaven was really within me!

It wasn't too long after that, she was spilling her guts... telling all that she had done to achieve her husband... going to the cemetery performing rituals with the dead so soon after he would wed her and make her his genie in bed!

This wasn't the only divination she had carried out to impress those who were ahead of her and probable doubted!

I was amazed and appalled when she had confessed about all the employers and businesses she had manipulated using witch-craft to deceive their progress; so she could be uplifted, claim power and look good to them instead!

There were now more thoughts of wisdom resonating within me so I started pronouncing idioms of old! And these were the main two that stood out within me! Show me your company and I will tell you who you are... it's not funny, but misery loves company! Time after time these lingos would stroke deep within me as if my instinct was warning me that it was time to relinquish or renounce this relationship... stop being too friendly!

But the devil was ahead of me because as I was thinking of a way to do that diplomatically!

The following morning, my so-call friend called me on the phone ranting and raving historically! In an outburst, proclaiming...

"You think you're perfect? You aren't the only one who God love and was using!"

She then continued to say how he loved her also and was using her too... although she had mess up and was working voodoo!

There was nothing left for me to do but, to hang up the phone, grab my Bible and read Revelation one verse two! Within minutes later she called back again expressing words of apologies... sentiments and even more devious happenings has had figured out; while asking that I pray for her and her children too!

Nonetheless, my emotions were mellow, so I didn't refused her request for prayer, but instead, I arranged with her to visit one of her sons in the psychiatric hospital... he too had a demons in his head, closet and under his bed!

Gifts in hand which I had brought; I presented after reaching the third floor mental ward. I then started praying as he sat still and gazed at the wall in front of him!

He was so very anxious for the food I had brought him; because he wasn't eating anything at all that the hospital was providing for those on mental ward!

It was only peanut butter and jelly he was craving! Amazingly, he had eaten the whole jar in one moment to satisfy his white squall! He then asked for some water to wash it down his gall! Well, that the nurses did rendered as I continued to pray and read more verses to release some of the demons he had been calling his redeemer and who were locked inside his head!

There was an apostasy in the making! In my eyes, my soon to be ex-friend son, wasn't looking so well at all! He had been looking like one of those starving, almost dead Ethiopian in Africa! Yet still, he was living in the land of plenty... America!

Instantaneously, my gut was squealing and my mind was revealing the thoughts of evil works that they had been performing and were very much involve in... hoping to acquire wealth at an early age but they weren't willing to work hard on the world stage! They had preferred to experiment with satanic dangling, so as to handle huge money handling!

It was time to cut... I knew it! These types of situations were more than I could take on!

So I started ignoring the phone calls until the relationship went dead as board... now was it a mistake or a scorn?

I wouldn't call it that! But it was a learning experience to increase my awareness of the actions people take to be rich and my faith in my God! This is no bogus talk... but pure unvarnished scoops... the way we talk!

The decision of apostasy had commenced or at least so I had thought! Only to hear my phone wrong one day, it was she ... my exfriend on the other end, suggesting that I had done a lot for her and her family so she wanted to compensate me with some money! She had expressed though, that much she didn't have but she wanted to give me twenty dollars for all the prayers she had had!

I simple declined the offer because I wasn't doing it to get a dollar! Needless to say, she had been persistent, stating she was feeling real bad if she didn't give me an offering!

It was one Saturday afternoon when she came over and presented to me the bill - twenty dollars! But my body felt jittery as though something was the matter! So I called a friend and a neighbor to relate to them what I was feeling down in my being; so as to get a feed-back of their thinking!

After all I was very ignorant about these types of evil planning and what they will do to obtain ones demise causing one to falter!

And the more mature of the two suggested that I put the money in a bag with some salt, pray over it and ask the Almighty to reveal if there was any iniquity in her gesture; and leave it there for a while and see what will transpire!

And so I did! And within moments later, dogs were barking in my house... dogs I didn't have! Causing me to run from kitchen to hall while shouting out Jesus... what in Moses name is this! As I called out with terror to dismantle the demonic alter!

This experience was shocking! More than I can explain! Straight away, I got my bible and started pleading the blood in Jesus name and then I began to pray!

Again, she called on the phone quarreling and barking at me like the demonic dogs she had released on me... because this time her iniquity or voodoo didn't work-out! So she started accusing me of working with Jesus, Mary and

Joseph to destroy her levity!

Later-on a dark shadow emerged around my house! I then started having visions of her husband attacking me! In my visions he couldn't hurt me though... he was confuse of what to do with me because I was too much of a prayer worrier for him to defeat me!

His only options was to observe me praying to the Almighty as he release tons of angels to guide and protect me from his wife evil works of divination power and plight!

At last the friendship annulment was final and I didn't have to deal with this presence of evil anymore!

Did the God's intervene? I surely believe so! Because I was certainly foolish and ignorant that Satan had this much influence in a country as America; much less, has persons working for him while still going to the alter balling out Jesus have mercy on me!

Yet still, they know exactly what they are doing is wrong and that the continuous practice of such might be unforgiving and destroy the land... bringing back no redemption!

There were times when I would just sit back and reflect about my experiences and what God was trying to tell me or show me about my surroundings and the various persons I had encountered in my everyday walking!

A new experience I was about to encountered; but God had only given me a preview of the matter. No warning from friends, family or church members! Only God himself would make me realized this almost fatal matter!

It was the enemy who was trying to tear me down! He wanted me in the grave; before my time and so he had set-up every trickery he could fine so I would look bad in everyone eyes; and then falter like a dead chicken that had been beheaded and was ready for boiling water for scalding!

It was Sunday morning and I went to church as usual.

During service I didn't comprehend well the message that the pastor was preaching! But he did mention house and renting! I had an empty apartment; so I wonder if it was me he was talking!

So when the church service had ended I was introduced to one of the sisters I had never seen before during my church attending! She wanted a place to stay and I had bills to pay! Therefore, I told her I have an apartment for rent and she was welcome to it if she could afford to pay the rent! It would be she and only two others who were allowed to occupy the space, though! Because I surely didn't want any carousing hanging-out in front of my house!

And so she moved in... she and a little fella she claim to be her son or probable her brother! But it was less-than two months that she had defaulted on the rent causing me to rearrange the plans for my budget again, while I reconsider her presences in my dwelling afool-fool recompense for all the money I had spent!

Knocking on the door was useless; so I decided to write a note explaining that I would like the rent or else I would have to take the matter to the court house to get an eviction notice so as to put her out!

Weeks had now gone by and not a single word was heard from her! It was like she had been dead and gone from this amazing earth!

So back at church, I had started enquiring about this strange person; who no one was able to give any information pertaining to her where about! It was as if she had just disappeared from off the face of the earth!

I had made my intention known in front of others... I was going to put her out because I'm not going to let her suck me out like a louse!

Just as I was getting ready to go and file the papers at the court house... there, she showed up at my front door, banging on it loudly and with an attitude; as if the doorbell wasn't working and as though there was an emergency matter!

I was so furious and angry that we both almost fell out!

Excuses, excuses!

I had braced myself for the excuses!

So I said...

"Good morning Sarah what's the story now!"

And from what she had related to me in dialogue, there was nothing I could understand... nothing made sense!

The only part of her conversation that had made any sense to me; was when she mentioned that her friend was coming to stay at the apartment because she had met somebody who had offered her a ring... marriage proposal and a new residence so they can procreate, prosper and branch out on a new beginning!

Not caring about her excuses... my conscience I had to let out...

"So you didn't know that before you made me waste my time and sign this lease! I have no time for you and your hunky dory stories; all I need now is my money!"

That was my verbal revealing!

And just as how God had showed me trouble... a deep grave around me, her friend came from South Carolina with Aids, the disease that conquers and shorten life's journey, sometimes, too early!

Now the friend was in... to be honest, she had paid the three months back rent and after that... not a single red cent!

Now she too was giving me the run-around... I couldn't keep up with this cloning around!

And like I did before, I left a note on her door; so whether she came in night or day she would have seen it and knew that I needed my rents pay!

Nevertheless, my attempt was pure foolishness; because the note on the door was gone off the following day, the lights were left on in the apartment for days at a time, the pipes were running day and night and she wasn't nowhere in sight and neither did she enquired about her rights!

I knew what my rights were, so I found the court house and file the papers to get her out!

By now it was going into five months! And when she didn't show up at court house; the judge gave me the okay to put her things out without a shadow of a doubt!

The whole situation made me felt bad!

Anyway the following day came and she presented herself at my house with a worried look, appearing confused and sad!

By now I wasn't caring about her feelings at all, she pleaded with me to let her belongings be for a day or two because she was going to get a truck to remove them from off my premises so I could be free to rent another intender!

Soft nature and God fearing was I! So I gave her a bligh... she could have her belongings stay there a bit longer; but if she didn't show up in two days; I would be putting them out of my house... that's exactly what had happened and that's exactly what I did... after all my house wasn't any free-for-all business or storage for her belongings!

It wasn't long after she had moved out that I had renovated and got another tenant in the interior... she - the new tenant wasn't about any fool-fool business before the end of the month she was paying her rent and showed no sign of delaying! What a blessing!!!

Although, I had kept the television and air mattress like she had asked me to... it presences around me made me felt awful! My peacefulness wasn't flowing... it was had caused too much of a heavy burden! I just had to throw it out! I truly had to get rid of it!!!!!!

Now it was revealed to me by the Almighty God that those were the spirits of setback - hindrance and lack that I was dealing with; but I was too militant in prayer and action they couldn't overpower my actions!

And so I rise to the understanding and power that God had sent these beings with the characteristic of various spirit to teach me how to discerned their behavior and bind those spirit up with prayer and sometimes fasting leaving them to quiver and suffer; while running back to their master who didn't have any power!

But what was more important to me, was that He had shown me these activities in a vision before they came upon me - before they showed up at my door steps; so I could embrace myself for whatever they had intended to provoke into my state of peace and place of residence!

However, I wasn't aware of the understanding that I could also avoid them completely and wait for the right opportunity to come to me until later on in my researching! I also realized that my announcement and questions for; where are you God? Why have you abandon and forsake me?

He was actually answering me in dreams, visions and the movement of nature and the trees! And sometimes, also in the remarks of people I would meet on the street! Someone had once told me,

"It is the same demon but with a different faces I was dealing with!" But is this statement true?

Because with careful consideration, I perceived it to be so! Why? One might ask.

Because the two ladies wanted the apartment, both promise to pay a certain amount, both promise to live out the one year least; still, the both of them had the same issue of non-payment! The both of them had treated the apartment the same way and also had treated me the same way too! They were both difficult to locate, both didn't give a reason why I couldn't get my money, both had an attitude as if I was obligated to let them stay there for free and they both didn't show any respect for the property! They both were also the same in body weight and size and they both didn't have much furniture either!

So if the demons work like that then God must work similar in this way! Because if Satan copies God actions to accuse us, trick us, kill us and destroy us; then God must operate in a same manner! But how could I find out who is talking to me and who is being a nuisance to me in my house?

I had to figure it out for myself! I couldn't trust the priest to give me such answers I was seeking because I had brought so many issues and problems to them already and still came up null and void!

I love reading the Bible but I'm not fancy for researching to get to a matter... it makes me too anxious! But in my little mind and capable way I concluded that God is love! And all the text I had already, red seem to state so!

He will speak to me in love, He will treat me with love and He will also send persons who obtain a loving and peaceful character into my presences!

Therefore, all the nuisances I had been experiencing in my dwelling was not of God; but He allowed me to go through them and also gave me the grace to handle it without being admitted to the nut house or get stuck on Prozac or any other antidepressant!

No psychiatric stimulant for me!

Although, there were times when I would suffer from a case of insomnia - unable to sleep for nights at a time; because of the forces that shape like human beings that were drawing pictures like cartoon on the walls as though they were showing me a message!

They were surrounding me while I lay in my bed room as strands of long black hair would paste the four walls of my room as a nursery rhymes played repeatedly in my head which seem to ward-off this demonic presences that was lurking inside my room... as it brought doubts of my reality of the Almighty!

Why this force was making its presences known to me I had no idea! Was it coming from one of the churches or from one of the tenants, I had no clue!

But I had mentioned to one of the pastors preaching about me not sleeping one Sunday morning when I had attended church service.

He had asked me why I thought I wasn't sleeping!

My response to him was that, I was clueless! He then went to his office and from that day I had never had that problem ever again!

A much stranger thing then had happen!

I couldn't understand it because I didn't heard a sound and the other persons in the house didn't hear anything either!

It was when I had ask one of my nephews who was visiting me from the home land; to go and checkout the back apartment... how I had refurbish it... he came back with the horrific news that the entire roof had been thrown off and most of it was missing!

One could see the winter blue skies as one looked up!

It was unbelievable strange... it was shocking and heart rending! I now had to find money again to replace the roof! But I was a little shaken mentally from the incident!

Because there was no inclement weather or rushing mighty winds blowing to cause the roof to be blown off from its place of station!

And within a week a new roof was in place and I was able to rent my apartment again!

Needless to say, the presences in the house wouldn't leave out... it had been a nuisance indeed!

Some had claimed it was the white man whom I had as a tenant was practicing necromancy in the house! Because he wanted the house for himself and his crackhead family and some of his gay hearted friends!

More than once he had been caught in physical and verbal fallacies then swearing on bending knees for me to give him pardon!

Regardless, of what I did or said, I just couldn't get him out of my residence! He would come up with something to convince me that he would be a better tenant and keep the noise and interference down... even offering to pay additional money and at the same time calling the authorities on me, claiming that I was taking advantage of him the poor; and how much he was an elderly man!

And then again... he was swearing on the Bible out loud that he wasn't leaving; because he wanted to die in this beautiful house and it was only the undertaker who could come and move his body out!

He was on the third floor, so I had suggested that he found some other place that he could stay on the first floor instead of climbing all these stairs; oftentimes wheezing and holding his chest while going out of breath! It was I who had to grab one of my chairs, push it under his behind, telling him to sit and rest and whenever he was feeling better, after he has catch his breath, he could take his time and climb the stairs; and go to his apartment and rest!

But his claim or wish of dying in my house wouldn't flourish... it had been blown to the wind and there it perished!

Because a few years had passed by and nothing major had a rise... but out of the blue one day in the early morning little before dawn had awoken!

While sleep was still negotiating with bed; that I heard a tumbling above my head and it was he who had fallen, hit his head on the corner of the book shelf... he was almost dead!

My work experience had equipped me for these situations! So I ran upstairs and found him lying on his bed-room floors subconsciously!

I put a pillow under his head... called his name out loudly to see if he would respond to my voice; but it wasn't after several attempts he started mourning and groaning with a not on his head! Uttering words with slurry pronunciations ...

"Blessing... is that you? Oh... I sure thought I was dead!"

I told him I had to call 911 right away!

Immediately, he blurted out, no way... you can manage to put me on the bed by yourself!

My back was heavy laden but my strength wasn't almost gone! But neither was I any fool to lift a three hundred pound man without any assistance!

Since he didn't want 911 to get involved I tried using the rolling technique instead to get him off the floor or at least in a sitting position as he helped me to help himself!

So I suggested that he rolled and hold onto a heavy piece of furniture that was above his head while I held his pants behind and ease him up from off the floor and closer to his bed! But he wouldn't cooperate with my plan so I eased him back to the floor and then called 9-1-1!

Thankfully, within minutes they were there! And they took him away kicking and screaming as he was pronouncing that he was alright and didn't need to go to the hospital because this wasn't an emergency... while asking me to confirm his comments that he was alright; because I use to work in the medical profession!!!

And while he had been hospitalized I cleaned and straightened-up his surroundings incase his relatives would come or drop-by! So they wouldn't declare that he was a slob and living in a pig sty!

In my moment of cleaning there was a box I had observed resting on one of the shelves in the diningroom area. And something... a six sense had nudged me to open it... so I did!

I was so frighten to see one of my mortgage documents... important paper with my name and signature rap-up in a box shape like a coffin with pictures of grave sights and all who had already been dead!

As I lifted the papers up further, and then I had noticed various powders with my name written on numerous manuscripts! It was now that I had realized, this is where these strange nuisances were really coming from! Or could it be that some of these strange and sometimes miraculous occurrences were coming from a higher power? Both forces were at work... one angelic and the other demonic!

One heavenly the other earthly! One Godly and the other satanic!

I didn't let what I had seen perplex my soul or my spirit; frightened my internal being or bothered me mentally; because my faith and trust was in God Almighty!

I had relied on His presences and power to protect and keep me!

My soul was troubled and my mind was worried! I just couldn't sit-back at home knowing that my tenant had been hospitalized and he didn't really have anybody to come and see about him! What if he went on?

So I had to visit my tenant - "The white rabbit" in the hospital...

By now I had been there on more than one occasion to see how well he had been progressing! But not a word I had mentioned; about what I had observed pertaining to my house credentials!

Anyway, I got his sisters' telephone number while he was in the hospital; so I could call her and tell her what had happened to her brother! Because I was unable to further assist him with whatever the hospital had been requesting and suggesting!

The hospital had suggested for him to go to a nursing home instead of going back to his apartment until he was feeling much better.

But he adamantly refused their suggestions! He told them that he wanted to go back home... he had even suggested to the nurses and doctors that I was very experience and how I would assist him while he was out!

I knew I had a Christian heart; but that wasn't something I wanted to be a part off at all! Since, at the time I had started studying for my bachelors in theology and I knew how annoying he could be... and that was his philosophy!

And I was right... as soon as the hospital had sent him home he wouldn't stop calling me every single hour! Nevertheless, some of his calls I assisted him and some of his calls I just had to ignore him or else, sooner or later I too would be on the floor or on a hospital gurney going through the door!

As soon as he was feeling better, he started-up with his necromancy again!

It was one night... in my state of sleeping that I was awakened by him chanting out my name and his cat named Betsy simultaneously! As though he was performing some form of ceremonial or divination ritual, while in a state of weeping!

From where I was resting, I could see when he threw a white t-shirt out from his window; which was above my master bed room; onto the back apartment roof landing! I believed he would have asked me to get it for him the following morning! But instead the following morning he showed up at my front door announcing that he preferred black magic to whit magic with a smirk on his face... I could easily slap him; but I restrained myself and left it to the hands of the Almighty, to squash him!

It wasn't long after, that this big buffoon fell again... this time he had cracked his head wide open! Thick clots of blood lay on the floor like liquid floor polish waiting to be mopped away by those who adore floors!

I didn't know what had flattened or floored him this time! If it was the Almighty God! Or anyone of the necromancy spirits he had been meddling with!

But he was a human being just the same! So I did the humane thing... I called 9-1-1 to come and get him again!

The only difference was, this time... instead of coming home to his luxurious apartment he was sent to a nursing home to recuperate from whatever that had been ailing him or the ghost who had knocked and floored him!

And for a while the house had been quite and nice!

No alarms were going off and no smoke-detectors were whistling while no one was cooking or smoking!

No boilers were rattling, sending mixed signal of weather conditions happenings! And no burst of clouds moving to and fro throughout the entire house like it was fogging inside and out!

But when his sister came to visit him, other strange things started to begin again! Strangely, she opened the back door to my apartment as though she wanted to come in! And swung her left hand inside my apartment!

When I had raced to the back door to confront her! I saw a tiny body with deep blue eyes staring right back at me in a motion of giddiness and frivolity!

She then said...

"Oh, sorry Blessing, I just didn't think twice before I let myself in!"

Like a crook caught red-handed, I knew she was lying, because she was calling before she came to the door!

I just didn't felt like answering because I really didn't want to be bothered with their devilish and superstitious behavior!

And within a month or two my voodoo working tenant and his sister were searching for some place new!

Although, not necessarily better; I had concluded!

Not long after searching they found what they were looking after!

And so they moved out without me serving them any notice or taking them to the court house to face judge Masters!

And so I truly believed, it was the Almighty, the Master-of-Masters, who had caused the disaster... and had him fleeing as though, there was some news of a plague or horrible weather related calamity that was coming to banish humanity much, much faster!!!!

Bags and pans in hand he was maneuvering the stairs like any white run-away slave... stuffing all his belongings in the back of his sisters' golden volks-wagon as if they going on a trip to see a higher obeah man!

I thought I had finally gotten him out... it was only the bigger items like beds and dressers that needed to be taken out of the house!

But no! I was dead wrong! Because as the clock stroke one a.m. the following morning he was calling... weeping and snorting... saying how much he missed me and his apartment and may I please let him back in!

He was even offering to increase his own rent again; if I would only just grant him this favor and let him back in!

He was now swearing on pinky as he kept on calling me darling and professing he wouldn't be a grand master because I was too much of a sweetie!!!

And so I responded no and hung up the phone! I was done with his whining and griping and his fortymouth!

Persistent, he surely was... calling all hours of the morning stating that he was a good tenant and that has no grudge; but I had to stood my grounds and keep him out regardless, of the money he might have been paying! After-all, I needed some sleep too I was just sick and tired of the stressing!