Working with the ill I was in hotpotatoes some of the times and I didn't even know it!

If I should thank God for anything! This is the thing I should thank him for the most... my intuition! Or I could say his personal spiritual nudges of warnings that I was potentially heading into a pickle and hot-pickle at that too!

As the wings of the medical facilities discharge and admit the wounded and the internally sick; one had to be very careful of what might be coming in, stretch-out on a gurney! What they were carrying inside the facility could be contagious - transmittable and sometimes even fatal!

And being the one almost last, in line of health care link; I was the first one headed for danger! I was the one the bug could hit before anyone else!

If the proper precautions weren't made or taken! Although, universal precautions were set in place... but sometimes it wasn't enough to erase a case of dangerous faces!

Needless to say, with persons constantly mourning and groaning; and doctors hot on demand! As he or she requested this to be done or for that to be done, sometimes urgently! Causing little anxious me, to rush here and dash there to get whatever needs to be done, quickly!

Sometimes, an important task would never be done! And that task was to check persons chart to find out what was wrong with them... what had brought them to the facility in the first place to be eradicated!

Sometimes the doctors knew right off hand what was wrong and at other times they didn't really know! Further tests would have to be done for them to conclude or make a final diagnosis about their clients' problems!

But whatever was in me could oftentimes tell! And if I didn't get the name right there and then I would get the symptoms... a feeling! Because I was too ignorant of this gift that was within me and sometimes even too busy and tired to develop it... or even to listen to its instinctiveness which had Cause me to falter many times through I had ignored it! Not physically but spiritually!

Spiritually I failed; because I ignore truth and allowed mediocre to over-ride my spiritual gift!

Many had seen me as strange already, and some had thought I was doing something demonic or satanic whenever I would utter words that brought about the prophetic!

Sometimes, resulting in namecalling and huge contentions, leaving me wounded and hurt emotionally!

Therefore, I had learnt to keep my mouth shut! But in my quite moments at home or while driving; I would try to analyze what I was experiencing and considered it a psyche gift or something divine or spiritually exotic... but not satanic! Although, some persons would associate my opinions with being something satanic or devilish... even when I had expressed that my only religious practices were praying, fasting and lighting a candle to represent the presences of Christ in my surroundings... it was only Gods' magic!

My premonition had displayed itself more than once in my life and I was very thankful that I heeded my gut or whatever else that was igniting those feelings within me! And so, as a tall white man entered one of the rooms in the facility that I was working, the charge nurse assigned me to him.

Immediately, my skin started burning me like pepper and I began itching all over!

And it just wouldn't stop! It was an unexplained burning that shifted from the body to the core of the soul!

And so I paused and reflected... within minutes I had concluded that something very serious was wrong with this man! Something very dangerous! Something that could be critical to my health or even my wealth!

So I returned to the nurses-station and ask the nurse to give me a report on the patient... something we should have done in the first place! And when she had checked the chart... low-and-hold!

This person had full blown AIDS! From the look on her face! She was unaware and shocked of the diagnosis! And so she thanked me very much for enquiring about what had brought him to the facility to care for his matter!

A few months had gone by and another episode of a strange sensation attacked my body. But this time though it was my head!

My head wouldn't stop throbbing! The whole circumference of my head was on fire! It was throbbing and it was burning at the same time! As though my heart was in my head and had been suffering from indigestion or heart burn!

I knew I had eaten well so for sure it wasn't gas! And as I walked to this particular patients' room the painful sensation would increase dramatically!

I then heard one nurse said to another...

"Room so-and-so has meningitis!"

I went and looked at the room number on the door and had noticed; it was the same room where I had been experiencing a splitting head ache once I stood there!

Now, what is meningitis?

Meningitis is a serious illness caused by inflammation of membranes around the brain and spinal cord. It can be contagious if it is a viral form of, meningitis. So if someone who has this disease coughs or sneeze around you... you could become infected!

Thankfulness, could not describe what I was feeling! I went to the bathroom and did my silent prayer... I thank the Lord for the information, for spearing my will from entering the room and ask him to please continue to protect and keep me, from danger seen and unseen! I then returned to the floor, drape myself with whatever protective gears that I had needed and continued with my working, again! But it wouldn't be the last time that the Gods would protect by giving me a signal in my being... revealing to me that I was in danger and serious danger at that too, was lurking about!

Now I had improved my education in the field from being a nurse's assistant to being a medical technician.

I needed to climb the ladder... I needed to learn more! But the Gods weren't far away! They would still show up to assist me... to inform me that there was a critical situation brewing ahead of me! No doubt about it, I needed the help... and God knew I needed the help too! Because there were many a times that I was so focus on the work and not paying attention to protecting myself the way I should have!

Amazingly, it happened again! A new place and a new situation! Another person infected with the AIDS virus, was in my presences seeking medical attention!

My skin was on fire! I became almost confused... I couldn't function the way I was supposed to!

Every time, I was supposed to prick her with the needle some form of distraction would occur causing me not to prick here... I felt a sense of uneasiness... I was very agitated! I had to call one of my co-workers to assist me!

John came inside the examination room... he was a very witty kind of personality! He had a lot of tact and knew how to be very discrete with any subject matter we had! Whether they were right in front of him or not! And most importantly, he was a team player... I had never heard him complain about helping a soul-out or showing them something they might not have learnt already!

So he pretended to be checking the patient chart; took it to the front desk and then alerted me that the person who I was dealing with had the AIDS virus!

Yes, I thank my lucky star! Because of my agitation, I could have ended up causing an accident... probable pricked my-self! So now I would be reduced to a state of worry for contacting the virus; even though an antiviral drug for the disease was on site just in case any of the workers had gotten stuck by accident and had to face this plight!

Who said communication has to be verbal? God was pricking me that I was in danger again and that I should be very careful! I had to be the one to stop and check what he was really saying to me; so as to take the proper precautions to keep myself safe, whether by praying it away of fasting it away!

There were other times when I had to take off some of my jewelry because they wouldn't stop burning me like fire!

Can you imagine metal being heated against your body?

Not a pretty feeling at all! But what was the message now, I will tell you as I recall!

I looked for clues all around me! I couldn't find any immediately! And so I ponder in my mind what on earth God is trying to tell?

He was the one who had picked out those jewelries for me! He was the one who had provided the money to buy them when I had desire to have them! So why were they like fire on my skin now?

Was I wearing them too often? Because now, I had them on day and night! And they seemed to be a part of me! Although, I could do without them; I preferred to have them on my body like a royal anthem!

I looked for marks on my skin after I had taken them off... but after examining my skin there were no burn marks left on my skin at all!

But what is in the darkness; one day must come to light! So as I stood at the gate of my mother's house waiting for a taxi to take me... take me to evening classes!

A car going in the opposite direction from where I was going pulled over at my feet and stopped!

The young man driving the vehicle asked, where are the pieces of gold that I had in my possession?

He didn't have a knife or a gun pointed at my head or body region!

But, he was asking me for something very valuable... an asset; and I didn't even know him or had ever seen him before!

I got very suspicious but I was strong and ready to fight!

But my wit and flamboyant personality took over and so I replied with a flirty inquiry!

"What jewelry honey? Any jewelry I had I gave them away a long time ago!"

His mean, though and rough demeanor had now changed to an expression that was a bit more pleasant and friendly!

Nevertheless, he repeated himself and asked...

"You sure you don't have any gold inside the house?"

And so I replied again in a friendly and unsuspecting manner...

"No man! Whatever pieces of jewelry I had, I gave them to a brother that sells in the market by the name of Jah Willy; and the others I sold to pay for my school bill! If I had any, I would have given them to you... no doubt!"

I didn't even wait for him to get a word in! I then asked...

"How much are you buying them for?"

"I thought you said you didn't have any jewelry?"

He bashed out at me!

"I don't have any; but suppose I know someone who has; I will let you know!"

I replied.

"You would do that for me?

He asked, surprisingly.

"Of course I would! Don't we all have to live! You help me and I help you!"

I answered without indicating an ounce of fear as I bend my integrity!

Suspecting that anytime soon, he would pull a gun or a knife and force me back into the house to get the jewelry I had lied about!

"Give me your number, doll!"

I requested again, as I grab a piece of paper from my hand-bag, I was ready to write it again!

He gave me the number and I wrote it down! I then proceeded to ask him for his name and wrote that down too!

A taxi was now coming, so I told him I had to go now or else I would be late for my classes, nevertheless I will give him a shout-out!

I stretched my hands forward to signal to the driver to stop... he then swung his car to the opposite side of the road and he was gone as mad!

But would this be the last of him? Was this, two con-artist trying to con each other? Would he be back in the night to rob me? Would he come back with a crony? I didn't know but I had to find out who he was and what he was capable of before he got back to me!

So while riding to my classes; I called the number he had given me... I wanted to see if it was legitimate or not!

And to my amazement!

The number he had given me turned out to be fake or bad!!! Now I had to be on guard like a border collie!

Because I didn't know what his intentions were... if he was definitely coming back to rob me!

It was around ten p.m. when I had returned home from my classes!

The house was surrounded by large trees and some low line shrubs and water grasses as well! So I had to carefully enter the house while looking for any suspicious figures emerging from behind the bushes to attack me in the early night hours!

Thankfully, I entered the house safely, close the doors behind me and then went to bed after putting away whatever jewelry I had in a safe place! But my sleep wasn't fully peaceful; because everything I had heard during the night hours, I would have to get up and peep through the windows to see who or what it was about! But only time would tell what I was really up against!

My time at my mothers' house was short lived; but during the time that I was there, I had to keep looking behind me... if anyone would jump-out from any covert corners and attack me!

It wasn't long after that I witness a man been held up at gun point and beaten at the gate to my mothers' house! I was very frightened and afraid so I hid myself in the bushes as I watched as the whole incident transpired!

Why here? Why at his gate?

I had asked myself!

Were they after something else and wasn't sure how to carry-out their operation of criminal events?

Now I concluded that the burning sensation was my warning signal that someone was after my jewel... with two different criminal activities taking place right at my gate... God had pre-warned me before-hand that others were planning my demise and the jewelry would be the thing of value they would be after!

And so the Gods' spoke again! And they had spoken from a place of truth because actions had followed - had manifested to prove that I was in for very serious troubles... who to tell, even fatal worries!

As I rested on my back to fast and to pray; there were all sorts of cords being release from my body. I had been bounded with both hands behind me and also feet and neck! Was I on a slave ship centuries ago and my reincarnated self was giving me a message!

But who or what was releasing these spirituals cords from my body... from my being? And why had I been bounded in the first place or is this a spiritual scheme?

At other moments there were spiral of dust-like substances coming from my ears. Sometimes causing pain and another time to indicate that I was about to hear some form of spiritual messages! Whether it was from heaven, on the earth or under the earth; I don't recall! But it was real... I was feeling it as thou it was an object and also an intelligent being even though it was smoke-like and small as a sea shell!

It was upon visiting another church... a Pentecostal Church that I had experienced even more signs on my body! Big black marks kept on forming on my face as though they were miniature blackberries!

I would squeeze them hoping for some form of substance to be discharged from them... but nothing came out of them! They looked awful on my face and I was very terrified of what they might look like or resulted into in the future! But after constant prayer they eventually disappeared into vain glory!

Nevertheless, another form of symptom would manifest in my body again! Unlike the others this went on for months and was very painful so I had to wear a belt!

I woke up one morning unable to walk properly! At first, it was like I had on high heel shoes! My feet couldn't touch the floor! Anyway, I force it onto the floors and it finally went down! But for weeks it felt like nails were in my feet and my hamstring was been severed by some sharp object! Every step I took I was in tortuous, agonizing, excruciating pain!

I would put on padded shoes, so as to alleviate the pain but that still wouldn't help! I took pain pills in abundance... I used all the ben-gay and every other anointing agent that pharmacy sells... rubbing alcohol and still nothing had helped me with my ailment!

The only thing that would grace me with mercy from the pain sometimes, was prayer, some anointed olive oil and time...!

Some of the church members would laugh at me to scorn while making various mocking comments about some old man being attached to my feet, causing me to hobble as I carried out my daily activities!

My knowledge about their mocking comments was pure ignorance... I was clueless about what they were speaking off!

Nevertheless, I continued to visit the church until I became uncomfortable with some of the members cynical and sarcastic remarks and comments which gave me an head ache!

It amazed me that a group of religious persons were so pessimistic! Not one had offered to lay their hands on me for prayer since they had known what was wrong with me! None had encouraged me with a word from God or the Bible! So when I had had enough of some of the members jeering and teasing, I decided to leave that church and find another God!

And after being away from them for a good four weeks or so my feet returned to its normal state of being and I was happy it was so!

Was I, to take-up my bed and walk? Was The Almighty telling me that I was fellowshipping with the wrong crowd or idiots? Or was it another force compelling me to stay away from that particular church because they were involved in necromancy?

In hindsight, it was good for this presence to permeate my being, warning me when there is possible fatality lingering in the air! Because nine-eleven was a prime example of how the Gods would warn me!

Just like everyone else, I had something to do in the city! And for most part my television usually watches me - I would fall asleep leaving the television on; but not on that evil night when the terrorist had their plight!

There had been a shift in my being! Because that morning when I had awoken I was paralyzed with sluggishness! I just couldn't get out of the bed! A weight was on me keeping me down onto the bed! I reasoned about the feelings I was having and wondered what danger was lingering near me or in my body!

Was I going to be robbed upon going into the city? Was there going to be a car accident or a train accident? Was something drastic going to take place? Was something horrible and fatal was going to happen?

I lay stilled in that moment and thought about what I was felling! I wasn't even motivated to turn on the television and watch the morning news! And then my phone ranged! It was just a hand stretch away - it was on my bedside table!

I then reached over and got it!

It was my friend on the other line! He asked me, if I wasn't going into the city again and if I had my television on?

I then replied...

"I don't know! I woke up a good time now... but I just don't have any vibes to go anywhere... I just can't move from off the bed!"

"Well God must be with you then! Because, the whole of America is burning down! Turn your television on and see for yourself! New York, Pennslyvania and Washington D.C. ... terrorist planes has just flown into them!"

I was in great disbelief! And that was the only time that I had gotten a little strength to raise my body from off the bed!

And so I made my way to the television and saw the dreadful news! I was in total shock! I was flabbergasted about what I had seen on the T.V. but even more so, with what was taking place inside my body!!!!

Now my whole internal being had changed! I found myself glued to the television and I wasn't eating or drinking much either!

At times my head felt dizzy! I became a different being... something different had possessed my body and I knew it!

New unexplained revelations were now being bestowed upon me and they didn't feel demonic... but angelic in deed! Like all the souls from the site of nine-eleven had embedded my being and were seeking my prayer because they wanted to go to heaven!

Notwithstanding, I fell on my knees and I began to pray! I thank Him for protecting me from going into the city that day! I knew He was the one who had sanction those spirits of sluggishness on me so I wouldn't be entrapped or even get caught in a place of danger and tragedy!

The phenomenal shift had taken place from inside my physical being because a case of high-blood pressure had now engulfed me! And the presence of weight gain had become difficult to maneuver and to shed; which it wasn't like that before, the dread! Was I now a new creature in Christ or a new creature of this world? What was the change for and what did it meant?

I didn't look or felt old! I use to examine my skin and realized that it looked the same! My memory was still intact or even better than when I was a teenager! But shortly after I had a revelation! A revelation of the business of the planet - a design that was not like any other... it came straight from the Almighty!

I understood the business but I still didn't get the concept of the business! But I guess "The Gods" considered me smart enough to figure out the rest! And so I had concluded that most of us are fools when it came to Gods business... priest and all! But what I had further learnt from this experience; that it was time for me to settle down and focus on the business of the Almighty Gods!

The messages were getting clearer and clearer! What to do and where to go!

Divine intervention was taken place right in front of my very eyes... at times I thought I was getting crazy!

What had made it even worst and somewhat frightening was that the words from the Bible kept on shifting... and it wasn't a fallacy it was a reality!

I had to check myself and when I did; I concluded that I wasn't crazy at all! But the spirit of God was manifesting itself to me in a more forcible way from what I recall! This presence wanted me to know it was there and it was real... miracles were performing right in front of my eyes and no prayer or anointing the house or myself wouldn't let them disappear! But were these spirits after something deeper... something deep inside of me! Now I had an epiphany!

Now, this incident had happened a couple years back. I was studying for an examination in one of the old fowl coops on my mothers' property. She was in some form of altercation with a man who had done some work on her property and on one of my sisters' property also. The confrontation led to a big brawl! So the man in question started to chase my mother down with his machete... he wanted to mince her up in pieces like hog! And according to my mother she was bawling out for me to come and save her... to rescue her from his attempt of violent murderous behavior!

And as the sun is shining in all its glory... I hadn't heard a single word coming from her... I heard none of her screams or cry for help! And from where I was sitting I should have heard her screams for help!

I had sat in that same place - same location for several weeks studying for my exam! And I have heard farless volume or sound coming from persons, animals or anything that came through that gate or from that direction! But amazingly, The Gods' had my hearing deafen so I couldn't hear her calls or anything that was happening! Because, if I had heard... ran to assist her, I would be the one with the defensive wounds on my body... or even worst! I would have been the one reserved for the grave or have defensive wounds on my hands! What a bang-ga-rang!

My honesty was now being attack! And my mother swore that I had heard her crying out - screaming out for help! And that I had purposely refused to come to her assistance! And no matter how I tried explaining to her that I hadn't heard her, she refused from believing me... now I was the nogood and useless daughter who had ignored her cries for help... but it could have been a double jeopardy!

These strange happenings! These miracles had become my way of being - of existing...

"The Gods" were still working on my behalf... not that I am complaining! But it must be for a reason, I thought... but what was the reason?

Myself, I had asked!

Will the Gods' protect you?

I had contemplated and had asked myself numerous times!

My answers were yes they will... yes the can and yes they could!

But with all these information, experiences and knowledge; and miracles expose to me; I still had some forms of doubts! Because persons around me were been hacked, left right and center! And why wasn't "The Gods" saving them?

Was He, inhabiting a state of prejudice? Did He, prefer some persons more than other persons? What was His game plan? Or was it something far embedded inside of me that needed His divine protection?

I couldn't find any employment with all the skills I had obtained in the medical field. So I had to resort to selling chickens in my country! The coop was there! The water containers were there! A deep freezer was there! And I had a little money snatched aside in the bank! So I decided, why not start something of my own? Instead of waiting to be a hired hand!

Sometimes had passed by and the chicken had matured so I started killing, plucking and bagging for sales! And on one of my killing days I had the knife cutting and cutting while I was paying attention to something else across the way!

Low and behold... and to my amazement! I was cutting on my finger with the knife... with the sharp end of the knife rubbing against my skin, at that! Not at all... I hadn't been cut by the knife! And I knew for sure that the presence of a higher being was around me preventing me from severing off my thumb finger!

And He - the Almighty, wanted me to know also that He was there protecting me. Because as soon as my head had hit the pillow that night... a crystal clear vision came to me!

A beautiful, medium size built man, were cutting down mango trees same place where I had sat plucking the chickens! And each tree he had cut-down was neatly cut... no rough edges... just a nice smooth even cut, as though he was some form of a professional lumberjack! Very eerie!

And then again; I wondered if he was giving me a warning of what might have happened to me if I should hang around my mothers' residence much longer! Was there going to be a calamity?

I was nervous and desperate for the right answers! I had pondered and had reasoned with myself of what could be and what might be also!

Was this form of danger coming from outside as is always seen in the evening news, the newspapers and oftentimes on the web connecters?

Was there going to be a violent attack on the family; causing persons to be slaughtered like meat in a butcher's shop?

Would this danger be within the community or would it be coming from within the family?

But my answers would come sooner than I had expected them to... so I thought!

Everything I did I was wrong! There were constant badgering and bickering day-in and day-out in the house-hold! There was no peace at all!

My mother was on my back to get out! My brother and his teenage son were on me like a louse! My sister and her children were on me saying I was abusing them whenever I would try to correct them! And they were recruiting other family members in on the action as well; has though I wasn't part of them!

I knew I was in danger! And I also knew there were some shady characters - unscrupulous types on the family tree as well! And then came the throwing of words! The warnings!

The threats! The withholding of foods from my gut!

The complaining or throwing of words about me using their electricity!

And finally, it happened!

Not surprisingly! A big row had occurred between me, my mother, my brother and my sister! Three against one... you can understand!

So my brother raced to the kitchen, got the machete and attacked me with it! It was a tussle and a struggle... a fight of what seems like hours!

I tried to defend myself the best way I knew how to... while the person who had pushed me from the womb was yelling from the side lines for her son... my brother, to chop me with his machete as I screamed out for murder, murder and for help, help, which wouldn't come!

Did I walk away with any scares? I sure did! The machete had chopped me between my elbow and my lower arm leaving an everlasting awful scar on my right arm!

And I thank God for the days when I had invested some time and money into karate classes! And had watched some karate movies too! So physically I was able to defend myself from the enemy, at least a little!

No joke about it! Going on almost half a century the muscle tone are not the same!!!!!

I further thanked the Almighty for pre-warning me; so I was able to have my guards up... and for also allowing me to suspect and expect the danger that had been forming or forth coming in the spiritual realm that would later be manifested in the physical realm towards me! Whether good or bad or on the streets or in the house, His protection means a lot to me!

There is some energy out there... in the universe forming the danger and then there is another energy out there forming the out-come! And one can only be used by these energies according to ones way of life, ones intentions, ones' bloodline and loyalty to the Gods!

Therefore, one as to pray, one has to fast and try to renew the mind every day! So as to get the mud from out of their blood!

If your mind is renewed, about God; then it is renewed about man-kind!

This was when I had brought down the curtains... that "The Gods" were not prejudice!

Although, there are prejudice spirits in the atmosphere wanting for us to believe such!

We have to understand that "The God's" and the spirits are also on assignment just as how we are on assignment!

With some assignments being more important than the other! Causing some persons to have dreams, visions, prophesy, audio connections and sightings all the time... which by the way, all happens in the head area of the body... while with others, these gifts are manifested once in a while or never at all... no dreams, no visions, no discernment and no connection at all with the realm of the Almighty God!

Strangely enough, I had found out that the demonic forces or the enemies of the "God of truth" knows the persons who are highly gifted; so they will spend much time interfering, hindering progress and disrupting activities of these person surroundings or way of life; so as to get them distracted from the work at hand!

Since with these gifts... gifts of: dreams, visions, sight and prophesy, one might need all sorts of skills to maneuver the works of God and that includes what appears to be sinful actions or reactions, sometimes!

But with what I call the actions of heavenly delegators...

NO voodoo or necromancy is involved! But changing around your house sometimes, taking a different direction sometimes... instead of going right, you go left!

Only the God of truth that is within you... he knows what those

changes are and what they mean... In Him we move and breathe and have our being; as the text from the Good book says!

But the covering word says: There is now, no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus!

"I am on the Kings' business... so please leave me alone because you don't know what I am doing! What I am doing may appear to be wrong but God always has a plan to reward me for my obedient actions!" Are my words, to my criticizers!!!!!!!

Because, sometimes, persons do not readily take warnings or suggestions very easily or even; welcome what you have to say to them! Which sometimes causes conflict and contention; instead of a preconceive information or foretold happening to keep one on guard for their own protection!

Always keep in mind that persons will curse you out... persons will start spreading rumors about you! Causing fingers to be pointed at you in a negative way!

But when fingers are pointed at me in such manner; I can only go back to the good old book for references... how Jesus was treated while in the flesh!

A mad man! A devil worshiper! A blasphemy... were some of the names he was called!

So why should I or persons who are gifted; or has these spiritual talents bestowed upon us expect anything differently?

"People are people no matter how times changes! And it is only their actions that will reveal what is really in their heart!

I wouldn't even say go by their tongue; because people change their tongue all the time!... example: if they feel sick and the medication to help them is not ready or at hand... they say they want to die... if they get the medication and start feeling better then they say, they want to live! If they don't have any money to take care of a desired need; then life is hard and bad! Once they get some money life is the best thing until the money runs out again... they start complaining how life is hard and disgusting!"

So a great amount of wisdom has to be used when relaying any form of information that has been reveal through spiritual communications! There is a biblical verse that says: Don't throw your pearls to the swine or else they will take your beautiful pearls to the mud and wallow them into it!

With that been said, we have to understand and must know that God will and God can put a default on our senses just to protect us from whatever might be dangerous to us! He will move us from one location to another so as to improve us or to increase on the spiritual gifts He has given us!

He must has found us worthy of having these gifts and capable enough to handling them even if we mess-up now and again!

Humbleness, Humility, Grace and Mercy is a principle thing in God's eyes! Some of us gives' Him what He wants while others gives Him what He needs from us!

Therefore, it is important to have the right alignment and maintain that alignment even when the rough edges of life tries' to throw it off! In so doing He can call you true, a changed child or a new growing vine! Just like His servant Job who the devil had abused; but God gave him a new life to realize!

I remember vividly, I was doing a menial work... wasn't making much money! Stopped at a grocery store to pick up something to eat after leaving work! The store was full with customers so I had to wait until it was my turn to be served...

I was standing there for a good twenty to twenty-five minutes!

While I was there waiting to be served a young lady entered the establishment and began asking if anyone had seen her purse?

I said no and everyone in the store said no also! She then came up beside me and then took the purse right from under my nose!

Now the color of the purse was silver... very shiny... no one could miss it, right! But honestly, I hadn't noticed it at all... right under my eyes!

God had literally, blinded mine eyes, allowing me not to see the purse until the owner had come and removed it from in front of me!

The preconceive notion is, I could have somehow been embarrassed, if I had taken the purse with its contents; resulting in me getting a fine whopping from the community folks or even the government! And that could have led to a fatal situation... much problem!

And then again! The person whose purse it was could have needed the contents in the purse much more than I did!

Which she had confessed to when she had found it! She had stated that the money was to buy food for her and her child for the week and to pay her light bill! And how she didn't know what she would have done if she hadn't found it!

And so, for me, it was another thankful moment for thanking... "The Almighty"!

He had kept me from the sneers of the devil, even though I was in a terrible place, financially!!!!

To keep it real - to be honest... if I had seen that purse, I would have taken it and then thank God for providing it for me! Because I was very broke! I needed some money fast to satisfy my desires!

So which ever part of my being God sees fit to use to reveal that He is present and around me... watching my every move, I thank Him!

And especially now when I can look back and say, that was God intervening on my behalf for my eternal cause!

My only problem with God is: What is He hiding from and for what reasons?

If He has conquer death and the grave; and if He has given us power to trampling on scorpions under our feet; why is there so much turmoil, violence, conflicts, war, injustice and human strife in the world today and why hasn't He done something about it?

A startling conclusions or perhaps a revelation...

Someone... a systematic force in the kingdom business or kingdom realm is not doing their part... is not following through with what they had promised to do or has been receiving false information so they are unable to plat there part!

And because of such, there has been pure anarchy - chaotic society... frustrations, unrealized dreams, violence, death and even family strife!

Has the Gods shown you or told you what it is that you must do? Or is there some form of a systematic envy, plot or jealousy in the kingdom realm that is causing progress in some areas and failures in other areas of our lives? And how do we break-down these systems that are formed against us?

I guess we have to go back to the drawn board... if thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven! Or should we believe a lie! Because all things work together for good for those who love the Lord and is called according to His purposes!

Regardless, I still say trust the spirit of Jesus Christ; even though it may be very had and frustrating at times to do so. Because as the Holy Book says; His way is not our way and our way is not His way! Here is a verse that I like! God uses the foolish things of this earth to confound the wise! Are you paying attention to the foolish things of this world or are you following the crowd?

Example: Someone has a college or university degree; so they must be right and you without the degree must be wrong! Because according to society these individuals training makes them right... their degree puts them in a place of authority! But, what is the Almighty saying?

A little secret between you and me... whatever, God says that is what is right, even if it look wrong to you at first... He doesn't care about your university degree... He cares about what He tells you and me to do and what He shows us!

So if you have live a life having a good relationship with God then you shouldn't worry about those soulless critters call demons!

Could it be that "The Gods" are protecting you, talking to you and redirecting your steps! Could they be administering some form of information that will help you make the necessary changes in your live?

If there are nuisances in your house whether provoking you physically or annoying your space by interfering with any electrical equipment... your smoke detectors or televisions! Please know that by constant praying and fasting you will get the victory once you don't submit to its or their annoyances!

Therefore, keep fasting, praying and worshiping the Almighty God! And as the verse says: Resist the devil and he will flee; draw near to God and God will draw near to thee!

Love to travel! Say a word of prayer before you hit that stretch of road! Because you never know who God will send on the high-ways and byways to assist you or protect you from!

And in retrospect you never know who the enemy is going to send to knock your lights out either!

I will close the curtains by saying; if you are a part of God, then He will fix Himself into your being so the wiles of the enemy won't be able to touch you! In Him we move and breathe and have our being! Says the scriptures!

Are you able to identify in your flesh what God is saying?

Pay attention!

It might just save your life... because it has saved mine! So let the God of all Truth be: Your Peace, Your Protector, Your Provider, Your Priest and most importantly, Your Prince!

Always know that; "The Gods" still do talk and are on assignment just like you and I!

His mode of communication:

Audio - which means things are about to get serious or they are serious!

Dreams - you can pray or praise them through or wait and see them come through your life or the lives of others. Sometimes they can be serious and sometimes not so serious!

Feelings or a touch - time to move right away, time to pray, fast, call the prayer team, get to work... do something!

Sight - like a television screen; action is needed. Start praying for the understanding of the full picture to be revealed to you and the actions you must follow in order for you to get a peaceful out come!

Sights - usually indicate mostly that heavenly actions taking place in your life.

So listen-up and pay attention; because God and His team... The ATeam is looking after you and me!

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