Chapter 53

The sound of children playing woke Patrick and he lay a while just to listen. He didn't mind this sound as an alarm clock at all.

"Dad, if you want tea, it's made," Justine said from the other side of the tent wall.

"How did you know I was awake?"

"You stopped snoring," she said, though her tone added a "duh" on the end.

He crawled out into the main tent then went outside to get a cup of tea from Justine.

"Is it my imagination or are there way more children around?"

"More kids," Justine said. "There are some from over the other side of the camp. They said they like having something to do."

"They could play where they are."

"Someone has to start." Stone came over to them and sat down. "We started it, and our hosts haven't complained, so now it's spreading."

"Children wouldn't play to avoid offending their hosts?"