Chapter 54

The next morning the boys asked what Patrick knew of the invaders. He told them what he had seen, but they were disappointed he had only seen them from a distance.

Once again Brother Reston had no good news from the Library. He was running on about trying to sort out some confusion in the Guest House so Patrick left him without argument.

"I am looking for the Street of the Leathersmiths," he asked Barsta. "Perhaps one of your group could show me the way?"

"You are looking for the Westers?" the boy said.

"Yes," Patrick said, "what can you tell me about them?"

"They're from the mountains," Barsta dodged through the crowds as he talked. "They are the same and different from us. They live by the peace, of course, but they dress in leather and fur and talk funny."

"Why is that?"

"They're Westers." Barsta shrugged. "They've always been like that. We don't have many in the city."

"So if you knew about Westers, why did you challenge my daughter and me?"