Chapter 76


Patrick looked up from the page and saw Davvad waiting for him.

"I have to give this to Hersh, for the library."

"It was written for you."

"It's burned into my heart, but I want Hersh to put this in the library. I don't want them to forget that Justine was just a little girl. That she got scared and mad, and was just learning about falling in love."

"I'll wait."

"It's OK, I can catch up to you."

"I'll wait."


Patrick left Davvad waiting at the grave and walked through the rain to the City. People turned to him and put their hands over their hearts, some patted him on the back. The children hugged him. It felt like forever before he walked into the shell around the library. He stopped the first Brother he saw.

"I'm looking for Hersh."

"She's in the library, with Her."

Patrick walked to the black doors and knocked on them. The Brother who opened them didn't say anything, but he put his hand over his heart and let him in.