
Chapter 101

"No one, no one, will discharge his weapon without an order to do so, is that understood?"

"We'll be bloody lucky if these things even fire!" came a voice. His feelings emphasized the poor condition of the weapons they carried by everyone.

"Settle down, men, we've an unpleasant job to do and we'll do it to the best of our ability!" responded Thompson.

With his hands on his hips, he regarded the diverse group of men who stood nervously before him. Some nodded in response, others looked blankly back at him or uncomfortably at the ground at their feet.

"All we are accomplishing here today is exercising a warrant of arrest!" Thompson waved the document for all to see. "By the powers granted to me, and to you as newly sworn Special Constables, we will remove from this land and detain two men, Te Rauparaha and Te Rangihaeata!" He paused to add dramatic effect to the seriousness of their task. "Any questions before we begin?"