Chapter 34 – Battle with Giovanni Part – II 

Giovanni "Naïve"

But things didn't went as he thought as Venasaur's earthquake easily overpowered Rhydon's and sent him staggering and then Venasuar smirked and a white beam hit Rhydon on his chest.

Ash "Yay keep on Venasaur."

Giovanni "Well kid I underestimated you." [What will happen if I made this pokemon berserk]

Giovanni "Rhydon Earth Power and then Magnitude."

Rhydon started to glow as he absorbed the power form earth and then pulsated all that energy into the ground.

Magnitude seven.

The ground cracked and Venasaur got hit and the whole place shook.

As the energy waves were travelling out of the gym they were stopped by a barrier of Mew."

Ash smiled "Well now that's something. Venasaur fill the filed with leach seed's and then Full powered Earthquake."

Then from the dust many seed came out flying landed on the whole field and there was no way Rhydon was dodging it.

Giovanni "Well good tactic but you are still few years early and try to bring your father's pokemon."

Ash "Well that's not your problem."

Then the Whole place shook and it was way more powerful than previous earthquake.

The field was riddled with cracks and was destroyed beyond recognition but Rhydon was still standing. But Venasaur too had bruises.

Ash "Well a B rank pokemon is strong and can't fall easily Venasaur Energy Bomb."

Giovanni "Well you sure are strong. Rhydon Flamethrower."

Ash "Huh"

Rhydon's Flamethrower destroyed Energy bomb due to type advantage and hit Venasaur but Venasaur endured and grunted.

Venasaur "Well Charizard's Flames are more hot than this."

Ash "Well That was unexpected but no problem. Bind him with Wine whip."

Many wine then came out of Venasaur Flower and went towards Rhydon."

Giovanni "Rhydon Dodge."

Ash smiled and spoke into the mic {Grass knot}

Rhydon moved to dodge but his leg got entangled and he fell on head first.

Giovanni "What."

Ash "Time to end this Petal Blizzard combined with Petal dance."

Many Petal flew out form Venasaur's flower and formed a storm. Then Venasaur focused and infused his energy into them and they started glow and move in a dancing pattern and it engulfed Rhydon.

Giovanni "Noo"

Many roars of pain came from.

Giovanni "Well We will end it together Explosion."

Ash "What it is a tactic to use it when you are not capable of defeating your opponent."

There was glow in the storm and then it exploded.

Pikachu used Light screen to protect themselves.

Venasaur was heavily injured but was still standing.

Rhydon was fainted with many deep scratched marks on him and blood was following out of it and there was a deep gash on his chest."

Giovanni was shocked and then smirked "Well I really want to know your background as this is something a ten year kid could do."

Ash "Well you have Right." Then he put on his hood and mask and looked at Giovanni with deep black eyes."

Giovanni was stunned first but then laughed "Well you really shocked me but you made a big mistake by coming into Lion's Den."

Ash just smiled and returned Venasaur and spoke "Well what happens when a Dragon enters a Lion's Den Charizard."

A ten foot tall orange Dragon appeared in the battlefield and Roared and the Roar shook the walls of the Gym.

Giovanni "Well If you defeat this one then I will show my biggest treasure."

Ash "Which you used to destroy the nearby villages."

Giovanni "Being too smart is bad brat but yes those towns and villages were just a trial for my Master-plan now Nidoking destroy that Dragon."

Nidoking appeared on the battlefield and roared at Charizard and rushed towards it at fast speeds with his poison horn glowing purple."

Ash eyes were red with anger "Then why do you want to try them on innocent people and pokemon Charizard don't hold back Flame Blast."

Charizard roared and his tail flame grew bigger and shot a dense Ball of Flames at Nidoking.

Giovanni "Well weak are always eaten by strong."


There was a huge explosion as both pokemons were pushed back.

Ash "Hmph Charizard Flame thrower."

A fire pillar hit Nidoking while he was standing up and pushed him towards the end of the battle field.

Ash "Well then there are many people who want to protect them and too I would say that I am not saint but I am not scum like you too Charizard Flame Charge."

Giovanni "You speak too much brat now Nidoking Hyper beam.

As both attacks Charges a Red flash and a White Beam shot towards each other.

There was bang.

And two attacks were in stalemate but Charizard had more power so he was slowly getting close.

Ash "More Power."

Giovanni "Use Earth power to increase the attack."

Both Pokemons roared and increases the attack power and waves started to flow from them and the air started to vibrate. Mew didn't have a choice and sent all the energy into the sky.

Ash "Charizard Release your Anger."

Charizard Roared and remembered his state while he was left by Damian and then took care by Ash.

He remembered the happy faces of the people when he helped them.

He remembered the figures of those who were captured.

He remembered the state of villages destroyed.

He remembered the injuries and whip marks of the pokemons used for experiments.

Then his eyes turned Red and his tail flame started to change and he roared and a Massive amounts flames spewed out of him and they rose into the sky at massive speeds and it was like a volcano erupted and the sun was dimmed.

Then he easily overpowered the Beam and hit Nidoking who was blasted into the wall.

Giovanni "What" [Well so much Power it has reached A rank can I handle it yes I have a Legendary and on top of it is psychic pokemon. If his all pokemon were this strong then My Plan will be even easier.]

Charizard then calmed down and was panting but he still had power to fight another bout.

Nidoking tried but he did not got up and fainted from powerlessness.

He was charred black from flames like the ground which was like experienced a drought and then volcano full cracked and burned.

Ash "Smiled Charizard Return you did good."

Charizard smiled and looked at Ash's Shadow and spoke "Gengar next is upon you and don't forget you still have us don't push too hard." And then he returned himself.

Ash looked at Giovanni who was in his own world.


Viridian City.

The Residents saw a flame pillar rose into the sky.

Many thought 'Huh a volcano'

'No there I no volcano'

'Which big boss is angry?'

'Who dares to disturb my beauty sleep?'

In the nearby towns and villages the flame pillar was visible.

Pallet town.

Oak looked at the Fire pillar in distance.

Oak "Well sure he has started. So old friend what do you think of him."

Charizard "Full of flames and anger."

"Hmm but he cares a lot."

"Yup he is good with two sides."


Jenny "What was that Okay now go and surround the area and protect the residents."

Then whole station was in mess as they had still not cleared the yesterday's mess and a new disaster started.

Jenny was sweating [What will happen of me if that thing charges at me no I need to protect the citizens first]


Misty and Brock.

Misty who was sleeping spoke "What happened."

Brock too woke up and spoke "Don't know."


Many helicopters of Televisions were moving towards the Gym and reporting the news.


Ash "Dexter send the video of Giovanni accepting that he was the boss of team rocket and then then start the live feed."

Dexter "Ash if you ask then you can get rich."

Ash "Nah."



Then all the Helicopters near them and all the televisions showed the Video of Giovanni and the proof and all people were shocked.

Many started to curse.

The ones with some power used it to make cases against Giovanni.

The team rocket members in Kanto Panicked.

Then the whole battle between Ash and Giovanni was Broadcasted without giving out Ash's Identity.

All People were shocked again and many started to cheer and some kid were dreaming of becoming strong.

Then a live feed started.


Misty and Brock too saw it.

Brock "So this Ash-a-Disaster we should have known it.

Misty "Well he is doing this for favor ability."



Flint "Good I didn't mess up with him in the start."


Violet "Well Misty did us a favor."

Lily "Yup."

Daisy "Should we ask her to Propose him."

"Let see."



Lt. Surge "Well I think now that we were better off right Raichu"



Pallet town new Gym.

Blaine "Well now you have paid off the debt of volcano or the new stadium."



Erika "Good he didn't use that monster here."


Falkner "Well Kiddo You will shine."



Janine sighed "Well I can never compare to him."



Sabrina "His full power is too destructive."

Sabrina's Father "If you had faced his Charizard or Venasaur or both still you would have lost."

Sabrina "Well I am wondering how strong is his Pikachu."

"Err means."

"Well I cannot see through him."




The Police forces have evacuated the People nearby and tired to went near the Gym but were stopped by a barrier.

The Helicopters too can do anything and they flew high up but didn't go on the top as they were afraid of a flame pillar or something else again.


Giovanni looked at Ash with a Greedy gaze.

Ash "Huh so old fart what are you going to do."

Giovanni "Well you have become an obstruction in team rockets plans so I will destroy you."

Ash "Well you are the only Team Rocket member here in Viridian Currently."

Giovanni "You know nothing as there are.."

Ash blurted "Over seventy thousand members hidden here but they are currently in jail you can call Jenny."

Giovanni then dialed a number but it was off.

Another off.


Giovanni was pissed off.

But he soon started to laugh.


And many people were stunned hearing the number and many dialed the police office numbers.


Jenny "Why you have to take me in this." As she was getting calls on calls.


Giovanni "Good but they were just chess pieces for me to rule the world."

Ash "Oh now Listen the remaining Team Rocket members see your boss has made you dance like fools and if you want to get less punishment then quickly surrender and don't let me come over there."

Giovanni was stunned.


Many people nodded at Ash's word and they smiled.


Misty "Ash should take part in Politics."



Soon many team rocket members surrendered from all over Kanto and their number was increasing.

But still there were some who stayed and believed in their boss.


Giovanni "Good but that will not deter me and they are just chess pieces."

Pikachu "Fool'

Ash smiled.

Ash "So what are you going to do now." And he moved his hands into his pocket.


The remaining members had too lost their trust now and they to surrendered.


Giovanni "Well Let me show you my greatest Creation and Weapon."

Then the Ground shook and a square door opened and something was coming out."


Everyone's eyes were staring at the door including Goodshow and the people who knew about the Rocket plan.


Mew spoke "Familiar aura but it is just reached B rank Ash he is easy to defeat."

Ash nodded.

Giovanni shouted "Behold my greatest Creation …"

Ash spoke bluntly "Mewtwo."

Giovanni fell in an awkward style.

And the whole almost everyone watching the broadcast were laughing.


Delia "Ash you are great but he is a Legend be safe."


Giovanni "You know about it."

Ash "Well you created a clone of the legendary pokemon Mew and captured it Dexter show the video."

Everyone saw the explosion in the Cinnabar island due to Mewtwo going berserk and then Giovanni fooling the newly born pokemon.

Giovanni "Well I have created it so it's my right to capture it."

Ash "But he has feelings and he too has a right to live and you have captured it and forced his mind to be shut making it a living mummy."

Giovanni "So what That is the only way we can control legends."

None of them saw Mewtwo trembled.

Ash "No there are many."

"Brat have you ever met a legend in your life."

Ash look at Mew and Mew nodded.

Ash "Well I may not control a legend but I have a legend as my friend no two legends and one is Mewtwo itself."

Giovanni was stunned and the whole People watching the show were stunned.

Ash "Do you know why I first Knew about Mewtwo it is not because of the Video it was because I am his first friend and I came here to free him."

Giovanni laughed "Brat do you think I am a fool."

Ash "Yes if you don't believe it never mind but you should know his powers right he is telepath."

Giovanni nodded "So what is he in your control."

Ash "I don't need him to be in my control and I even don't control my pokemon they just follow me Right Pikachu and even you can ask others.

Pikachu nodded.

Giovanni "Well what can you do of friendship you are a brat Pokemon are our weapons and Legends are the stronger weapon and to control them Master ball was made but it was banned and destroyed but I had got many files from the creator and Red could not stop me."

Ash "Well You are a fool I don't need to wipe their memories to do that and for legends Mew Please."

Mew then changed his appearance back and floated on top of Ash's Shoulder.

Giovanni "What."

Then whole Kanto region was silent.

Giovanni then laughed again.

"Brat we have created Mewtwo to be stronger than mew."

Ash "Oh I also want to see how a B rank Mewtwo can Defeat someone way stronger than him."

Giovanni "But he is a legend."

"Fool you have made his strength stop at B rank."

Giovanni "Well so you are going to use him to defeat me."

Ash "Well I am stopping him from overdoing it and I don't need his help he is here to make sure the shockwaves don't reach the city for you Gengar is Enough."

The surrounding temperature fell and Gengar emerged from Ash shadow's and a B+ rank aura was released which directly Suppressed Mewtwo's.

Giovanni smiled "Well this is my end so why should I stop here and waste time."

Ash "Well you have a chance as Mew will not act if you defeat me you are free to leave but if."

Giovanni "You overestimate yourself well I don't have anything to lose."


To be continued.

Next Chapter: Chapter 35 – Gengar versus Mewtwo