Chapter 35 – Gengar versus Mewtwo

Ash "Well Gengar Night Shade"

The whole battlefield turned dark.

Giovanni "Psychic."

Mewtwo's Armor on his head glowed and attack in the front.

Gengar easily dodged it.

Ash spoke in the mic {Gengar he is worse than we thought he has no instincts and can only follow orders now just break his armor shadow claw."

Giovanni "Mewtwo Psyshock."

Psyshock was thrown in Gengar's direction but he dodged it and faded into darkness.

Then there were many clanking sounds as Mewtwo was hit many times by


Giovanni "Mewtwo Lightscreen."

A Pink bubble enveloped Mewtwo.

Ash "Dark pulse."

Gengar launched a Darkpulse which hit the bubble and stopped for moment and then hit Mewtwo. There was a crack in the armor.


Real Mewtwo.

[huh the restriction is weakening]

Then he felt the surrounding and felt a familiar aura but then suddenly a pain came.

[Argggh I need to stop myself and thank you Ash]

Giovanni "Psybeam."

A Pink beam came from Mewtwo towards Gengar.

Ash "Gengar Dodge and then Multiple shadow balls."

Giovanni "Follow him."

Gengar ran in circles as Psybeam was following him and launched shadow balls at four per seconds and they crashed into Mewtwo's Armor.

Giovanni roared "Psychic assault."

Ash "Light screen"

Mewtwo's whole body turned Pink and he released massive amounts of psychic power into the surroundings which created waves and the walls cracked Ash was protected due to his aura.

A massive movement was discovered in the sky but no one paid attention to it as they were focused on the battle.

Giovanni was tensed as Gengar was not affected by his strongest attack and then looked at Ash and smirked.

"Mewtwo Psybeam at Ash."

Mewtwo launched a pink beam at Ash.

Pikachu was stunned and he quickly used Light screen.

But the some of it still hit Ash and he was blasted away.

The video was stopped.


Delia "Nooo"


Oak "Shit he was careless."


There were curses all over Kanto.


Pikachu ran to Ash who was still conscious but was coughing blood.

Pikachu "Are you alright."

Mew too came near Ash "Good you were saved by Pikachu."

Dexter "Ash your ribs are broken."

Audino came out "I can heal it."

Then he used a full powered Heal pulse on Ash and his injuries were getting better.

Then all his pokemon came out.

Ash spoke in a weak voice "Thanks Guys."

Giovanni "Lucky bastard."

Gengar's eyes were Red."

And everyone else's too.

Mewtwo too stiffened for a moment.

Mew felt something "Mewtwo is free."

Then the armor broke off and he disappeared.

Mew "He has still not got his control back and we cannot help him in that."

Giovanni "What My creation."

Pikachu "Guys I don't care If I Kill someone today."

Charizard "Who cares."

Then all his pokemon attacked Giovanni at the same time then there was massive blast.

But before Giovanni could die a Black hole sucked him in.

All type of energies were released into the sky.

Mew "Ash We will get out of here first."

Then everyone disappeared.

Then the whole gym collapsed.


Misty "Shit."

Brock "Call Dexter."

But before he could speak.

A message was sent to him "Everything is okay"

Brock slumped down and was in tears.

Misty "What happened."

Brock read it and spoke "Pikachu used Light screen in the last moment and Ash was saved and Mew has teleported him away."

Misty sighed and too sat down.


Delia was crying and suddenly her phone rang.

And it was automatically put on speaker and Ash's voice came "Mom I am fine just some Ribs are Broken."

Delia "Ash good good that you are okay do you need to go to hospital."

Ash "I am teleporting to Professor's lab you can come over there."



Mew teleported Ash and his Pokemon, Misty and Brock to Oak's lab.


Oak was currently in anger but then suddenly his hall was packed and he saw Ash supported by Audino and his other pokemon including Mew.

Oak "Ash Good you are fine."

Misty\Brock "Ash"

Then they went and supported him to a bed.

Ash currently was not bleeding his clothes and mask were in tatters.

Delia came in and hugged Ash and cried.

Ash "Mom I am fine."

Delia "What fine stop speaking and rest."

Mew looked at Ash and spoke "I will head to the clan as I have report."

Ash nodded "Thank you."

Mew "Well next time I want more cakes."

Ash chuckled and then winced "Ouch."

Mew laughed and disappeared.

Oak "Ash what about Giovanni."

Pikachu spoke "I don't think even his hair had remained."

Oak "What did you do."

Pikachu "Ten B+ and B rank attacks hit him."

Oak smiled "Your bond is good."

Ash remembered something and spoke "Professor inform league to say the trainer and Giovanni both perished and those who know my real Identity I will inform them as this will end further problems."

Oak "Well that's a way."

Delia calmed down and looked at Ash "Well just don't do anything dangerous but I am proud of you and you should keep him safe."

Oak "Ash you got distracted you are safe now but that will not be the case always."

Ash and his pokemon nodded.

Delia "Okay rest now."

Oak "I will call a doctor."

Audino "No need I can heal him but it will take a week to fully recover."

Oak "Oh I forgot about you."

Brock "Well I will go to my home."

Misty "Same and don't forget that we are always ready to help you Ash."

Ash "Thanks." And he was about to say something but he stopped.


The whole Kanto region was sad at the news which league gave.

The people who knew about Ash sighed in relief.


Falkner "That guy has survived an attack from legendary that will be a story to tell."


Janine "Good you are safe."





Next week

Ash was fully healed and the region had got lively again but the name Destroyer was etched in many people's mind.

Ash's Pokemon were training hard this week and they have got fruitful results.

Dexter " Trainer Ash Ketchum A rank


Pikachu A rank

Pidgeot A rank

Venasaur A rank

Charizard A rank

Blastoise A rank

Kabutops A rank

Porygon B+ rank

Raichu B+ rank

Eevee B+ rank

Flareon B+ rank

Gengar A rank

Audino B rank."

Ash "Well we are ready for the league."

Oak "You should rest for few days as league is a month and a half away."

Ash "Okay."


Ash was currently trying to comb Eevee's fur and Eevee was purring cutely.

Ash "It is not that difficult as I thought."

Pikachu "Why did you thought that it was difficult."

Ash "Because of the mess on my head they are very difficult to comb and I thought it was normal."

Eevee blurted "Strong haired."

Ash then rubbed her cheeks and she started to laugh.

"Ash stop ha haha"

Ash "Well now we have free time so we should relax."

And then he lied over there.

Eevee was on his chest and Pikachu near him.

Raichu and Flareon were under a tree.

Charizard and Venasaur were in hot sun.

Blastoise was in the lake.

Gengar as usual in the shadows.

Kabutops was on the tree branch.

Audino was reading a book on cooking.

Pidgeot was on the top of the tree feeling the wind.

Dexter was roaming the internet.

Oak looked at them and smiled "Well you deserve such rest."

This continued till evening and when an alarm rang from Dexter.

Ash "*yawn* What we slept till morning."


Kanto Region, North of Pewter.

Lance was currently dealing with many pokemons who had a darker shade then the rest.

Lance "Keep attacking"

In front there were six pokemon flying A Salamence, Dragonite, Charizard, Kingdra, Aerodactyl and Altaria.

Then a black Steelix rushed towards him.

Lance watch rang "S+ Rank Pokemon in range."

Lance "Shit You all take the others."

"Yes Sir Lance."

Behind him were many troops lined in an orderly fashion each divided upon a role of attacking and defending and some healing.

The team Captain replied to Lance "Sir I will take your job."

Lance "Good Now Kingdra Dragon Rush."

Kingdra surrounded himself in Dragon Energy and took the lead to Stop Steelix.

Bang Steelix was stopped and Kingdra was blown back.

"Good Now Charizard Salamence Dragon pulse at his flanks."

Lance didn't set his formation while starting the battle

So both pokemons needed to take places and then Push Steelix back half a step and while he had come ten steps ahead.

Lance "Shit Dragonite Hold him Aerodactyl Rock Barrier." And he pressed the distress signal.

Dragonite rushed forward and used Thunderpunch to push him back and Aerodactyl used Rock Tomb to seal him.

Lance "Everyone Dragon Pulse now.


At the backlines

Green received a distress signal from Lance "Oh a S+ rank pokemon. Jiggly you have a battle."

And then she rushed towards the frontline.



Six Dragon pulse hit Steelix but they came in each other's way.

Lance "Shit Dragonite Ice beam."

Dragonite launched an icy beam at Steelix and froze him.

Lance and his pokemon took a sigh of relief "Well we don't know how much time it can stop it be alert Man how does Ash Does it."


The Ice broke.

And Steelix roared.

But before he could advance a small white pokemon landed in front of him.

Wigglytuff looked at Steelix who was towering on her.

Green "Sing him to sleep."




Steelix didn't knew what happened but he then fell to the side.

Green "Good now return."

Lance "Thanks."

Green "Well You could last to a Pokemon who was a class above you shows your team work."

Lance "This I have learned from a battle with certain person and he had almost Defeated my Dragonite B+ rank pokemons."

Green "Interesting I would like to meet him."

Lance sighed "Well he is dead for Kanto."

Green "Means Destroyer."


"Oh he was a good seedling."

Lance then smirked "Well do you want to meet him."

Green's eyes widen "Are you going to Bring him from Darkrai."

Lance "No I said he is dead for Kanto while his real identity is still alive and he is a person you know."

Green's eyes narrowed.

"Well Let me see."

Suddenly there were two red flares from the mountains.

Green "S rank Warning Shit The Army won't handle it call the League trainers and Gym leaders."

She spoke to her mic.

Then a voice came "We have sent the warning."

Green "Lt. General count of S and S+ Rank pokemon."

Lt. General Flitzer said bitterly "Eighteen S rank but they are not the main problem there are at least thousand of A rank Pokemon and we both don't have Area Attacks."

Green "How many a ranks does the Army has now?"

"Only Twenty."

"Any with Area attacks."

"None they are very hard to teach."

"Shit only if Red was here."

Lance said bitterly "Well We can't do anything and we could only stop them till reinforcements come."

Green "The problem is that many trainers high rank trainers don't have a feeling of belonging to Kanto As the League is short on Numbers Due to Elite four being divided and now even Red and Blue have fallen."

Lance sighed but he remembered someone "If he comes yes."

Green blinked "Who."

"The person kept hidden by league."

"Then why don't I know someone like him."

Lance "You have not went out of border for what five years."

Green "Yes I would like to meet the person you spoke of."


Dexter "Warning You are requested to come to the North-Eastern Border."

Ash jumped up and Eevee fell down but he caught her. "Wha… what happened?"

Oak rushed out and spoke "S grade raid of Dark Pokemon."

Ash "What but then I am just an A-grade Trainer."

Oak "Ash there are thousand A rank Pokemons there and none of the people know Area attack Like you so you need to hurry."

Ash "Well I need to ask my mother."

Delia Appeared besides him using teleport.

"Ash you must go and first be safe."

Ash was scared shitless "Mo…Mom how did you come over here are you a ghost."

Oak laughed "Your mother is more than you see She is A+ rank Trainer."

Ash eyes widen "What I never saw a pokemon with her."

Delia "My pokemons are in Professor Oak's Lab Kadabra bring them."

Kadabra's eyes glowed and more five pokemon appeared.

A Jolteon, Ninetales, Pidgeot, a Golduck and Scizor.

Ash "Well if I had known first then I would have become like Gary."

Delia laughed "Well you must hurry."

Oak "Wait for Blaine he doesn't have a ride"

Ash "That old man."

Delia then gave Ash a face mask .

Delia "This is for your identity but if you don't want then don't use it but for safety's sake I advice you to use it."

Ash nodded.

Delia then Gave him a Black colored travelling bag as his old one was destroyed.

Ash "Well now I would also need to change my clothes."

Oak looked at Ash and his pokemon and then spoke "You should wear Black colored too as it can hide your presence in shadow's and Gengar and hide your aura."

Ash "Well Like Assassin."

Oak "Do you want to be."

Ash shook his head "I want to be an all rounder."

Oak "Good but I think all of your pokemon have high speeds."

Ash "Err right."

Oak "No problem well we have a guest."

Blaine the bald old man then entered the zone.

Ash "Well meet you again."

Blaine said "Well now I have to talk with a dead person."

Delia "Blaine."

Blaine "Just joking."

Ash "Okay I will change and come Guys Return."

All of Ash's pokemon then returned themselves leaving Pikachu, Dexter and Gengar and then Ash went to change.

Blaine looked at Professor Oak and spoke "The situation is troublesome as we don't know how many more would come."

Oak "Yes but the good news is the source is found but General and Vice General have still not returned."

Blaine "They went deep to search it but it was just near and there are only S+ ranks guarding it if anyone of them was here then the situation would easily be in control."

Oak "Well you must hurry as if the line is broken then Pewter city is in trouble."


To be continued.

Next chapter: Chapter 36 – Situation at the North East