Chapter 39

Wakefield stopped and waited for Barrett. "Rather than deem all purchases void the Colonial Secretary, Lord Russell, has agreed to honour our land purchases."

"That is good news, sir. Will all the purchases made by the Company be honoured?"

"Not entirely Dickie. Joseph Somes, the Company"s Deputy Governor, has considerable influence with the Secretary and has persuaded him to see some reason." Wakefield continued on at a brisk walk.

"Yes, influence does help considerably, doesn"t it colonel?" Barrett offered, struggling to keep pace.

"However, we just have to prove that those purchases we made, specifically around the Port Nicholson agreement, are legitimate, and I don"t believe that should be a problem for us at all."

"Prove to whom?" asked Barrett suspiciously.

Wakefield laughed. "Dickie, you will never understand the intricacies of politics."

"Yes, sir," said Barrett, his face remained impassive.