Andrew and Ngaiti ran to the door, flinging it open to find two M?ori holding Dr. Isaac Featherston.
"Doctor!" exclaimed Andrew in surprise.
"This is quite a welcome Andrew, who are these men?"
Ngaiti spoke briefly to the M?ori who released the doctor and then disappeared into the night.
"We are very sorry, doctor, please forgive us. It wasn"t their intention to cause you any harm," Eleanor said, inviting Featherston inside.
"Then who were they intending to harm?" asked the doctor composing himself.
Ngaiti and Andrew exchanged looks.
"Dr. Featherston, may I introduce our friend Ngaiti."
"I believe we have met in England," said the doctor holding out his hand.
After the introductions, Eleanor made tea and everyone was seated around the table. Andrew hoped no one else would come to visit, as they had no more kitchen chairs.
"What brings you by, Isaac?" asked Andrew, hoping to lighten the tense atmosphere.