Where is my daughter?!

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Her mouth opened to speak whatever was going handle her mind but at the second thought, she did not speak even a single thing at that moment.

No words came out of her mouth because how can she tell him that his daughter had been kidnapped the moment she revealed that he has a daughter? Won't this break his heart as well?

From the bottom of her heart, she doesn't know how to even react to this point because she was purely speechless!

"I ASKED YOU SOMETHING ANNA! WHERE US MY DAUGHTER?" Alex was losing his calm. At this time he wasn't Alex but another type of demon.

His blazing eyes were sending chills down her spine but at the same time, Klara did notice how red her face became. She came closer to Anna, with worriedness written all over her face, and looked at Anna carefully, "Oh My dear, what happens? Why is your face so red? and which daughter are you even talking about Alex!"