What is her name?!

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Hearing her words, Alex did not reply immediately because he had some other thoughts inside his mind.

He was more riced on some other things like why would Eric kidnap his daughter is this because he knew that Anna was his past lover and also, she is having his daughter, or did he was trying to just revenge on Anna?

He had no idea to this point but for some reason, he knew that he had to get his answers as soon as possible otherwise it would be too late for him to discover them.

When Anna saw that he was still in a daze she took his hand a little and said, "Why are you reacting in such a strange manner? Are you alright?" 

"Y...Yeah! I.. was thinking about something else. Anyways, what is the name you have kept for my daughter?" Suddenly the harsh and angry voice clammed down and was replaced with a sweet smile.