Chapter 1

(Year ???)

Planet Earth

Two figures could be seen fighting each other, at extreme speed. The shock wave from their attack could be felt to the entire universe. There is a crowd below them that is overseeing the battle. They were none other than Z-fighters.

Tien : Wow, that new guy is giving Beerus hard time. He is beginning to get annoyed. I just hope he will not destroy Earth in anger.

Krillin: Even Goku in his newly acquired Super Saiyan a god didn't stand a chance against Lord Beerus what do you think about the new guy goku? Is he your friend?

Goku :- Ha! Ha! Well we are more of a rival. Just like me and Vegeta. Man I am getting excited just by seeing them fight.I really hope I can master The power of Super Saiyan God fast. I wanna fight both of them at the same time. Wohooo.I am getting pumped up. What do you think vegeta?.

Vegeta - Tch! Kakkaroto, you were clown, you are clown and you will always clown. Do you really stand a chance against any one of them let alone together. (Besides, I cant believe it. Some no name Saiyan has this much power. Dammit, I just admitted in battle with Buu that Kakkarot can be the only one who can surpass me and now this happened. Just you see Kakarot, I will surpass you and this no name Saiyan too.)

Piccolo: Before getting an ideas. Do remember that Beerus is not our friend nor is this saiyan. So, you better be on your toes. Who knows if Beerus took a liking to this saiyan than he may turn his back towards us.And we will be all be done for.

The two figures in the sky got seperated from the impact of their punches. Beerus has curious look on his face and asks-

Beerus - I have to say, you surprised me Saiyan. After the battle with that saiyan Goku, I never thought that any other saiyan , can match me in strength. And u are not even Super Saiyan God How is thing possible?.

???- Looks like time has taken a toll on you, old friend. You can't even remember me. I am hurt.(smirks). Looks like whis is still spoiling you.

(He is wearing black long coat with hoodie, so his face is hidden).

Beerus:- Hmm..? Do i know you? Whis, what is he talking about?

Whis:- Ho! Ho!Ho! I am really sorry but looks like time really has taken a toll on you Lord Beerus. You Should really just retire from god of Destruction position and give it to him.

??? - Long time no see (smirks). (Lifts the hoodie up).

Beerus:- (surprised face) ITS YOUUU!!(pointing finger to him)

Goku- No way !!! Him...

Vegeta - .....Hmph....No wonder (smirks)

Picollo :- Looks like you are back (smile)

Gohan :- So, it was not a dream huh. (Smiles)

Goten & Trunks :-... Uncle ? ?...

Beerus:- How???

???:- How indeed.....(Stares off in distance)...

... How indeed....


l am what you call a normal person. I have a average family and average salary family. I am youngest in the family. I have a big brother.In my family, i am always compared with my brother who was good in studies and if it is not enough , i am compared with outsiders. I guess everywhere studies were given much more importance. I was not good at studies

Still, I tried to study and passed with average grades. But it was enough for my parents. I can't Say I blame them, because they always want the best for me and I have big dreams too. Too bad that dreams required Excellent marks which I can't get. Being failure to achieve your dream , being compared with others, making you feel even bad. Sometimes i wonder what is my aim, what is my destiny. Why am I alive?.... I don't think i am good person, am I?

I always loved the night. Guess it resonates with my loneliness and emptiness. Especially, the view from top. Today, the wind is kinda chilly....Man, I am gonna miss pizza. I just hope my parents can forgive me, I am sorry but .....I am not strong enough, I am Just tired of this world. I just hope to rest. I am sorry that I failed you. I am sure that or brother will be able to care of you

.....This is it.

You know when you are in the process of falling down, you see world from a new perspective. It looks like you are in parallel world and you are the Odd one out. I guess I really am odd one out, huh .... (Chuckles with tears in eyes).

(Closes the eye)....