Chapter 2

In a void, a body of a young man keeps floating. All of the surrounding is filled with darkness where not a single light can be found. There is a weird aura around the body of young man that is sucking the darkness surrounding it.

[Wake up]

The eyes of young man opened. He looks around the void only to find nothing.

???- So i finally died or i am in coma. Really hope its the former. Don't want to live like paralyzed patient for the rest of my life.

[Do u want to live again?]

???- Who are u?....Where are u?

[Do u want to live again?]

???- ...Whats the use of living again if i will be failure again anyway. I can't make any progress in that world because i don't have talent to survive in that world. Its better to die.

[You can't return to your own world but u can go to another world. It doesn't matter if its fictional or real. As long as u can become the strongest in that world]

???- Hmm.... although i always wanted to go to other world but i fear if i will become that useless being again like i was before. But... if its any world of my choice ....then i have confidence that i can not only survive but DOMINATE that world.

[Very well, tell me which world u want to go to and what powers u want. But do remember that I can't give u any instant op powers otherwise your meaning of being reincarnated will be useless.]

???- I have perfect power and perfect world that i want. I choose dragonball world and as for powers, i want to be reincarnated as saiyan with Legendary Ancient Bloodline abd power to learn and adapt to any situation very fastly.

[.... Although i can give u power to adapt but the bloodline u are asking for might be a bit of stretch. Do remember that Ancient Bloodline of saiyan have voilent tendencies. It can decrease your rationality. Especially with Legendary bloodline as it will not only will increase your voilent tendencies but it will increase your power dramatically with each second. So by getting this bloodline u will have to watch out for your body as your body will explode if u will not train your body everyday. Do u really want this bloodline?]

???- ....In my previous life i gave up because i didn't have power and talent to change my destiny. I vowed before dying that if i get a chance to reincarnate then i will make sure i will get every opportunity to be as op as possible. I admire Vergil from DMC because he has given up everything for power and he got the power he deserved. Although his method and motivation differs from mine, but i will always remember his quote that will be used by me from now

"MIGHT controls everything. Without it u can't even protect yourself let alone your loved ones."

[Very well. And what will be your name be?]

???- .....Blaze..


(Planet Vegeta)

All across the planet we can see the saiyans have gathered in the sky for the last fight of their life. News have reached everyone that frieza himself is coming for them. Some looked nervous, some are uncertain if it is true, some are determined. But there is one thing common in them, they are ready for fight of their life. Afterall they are saiyans.

(Somewhere in Planet Vegeta)

Ginnie- Bardock are u sure that sending kakkarot is good idea? Maybe the rumors are false?

Bardock- I am afraid to say that rumors are true. King Vegeta was already ready to rebel anytime. With this opportunity, even if rumors are false, he will not back down. Besides if everything turn out alright, we can always take kakkarot back.

Ginnie- I guess i will trust u on this one.(turning to kakkarot pod). Kakkarot listen carefully u must not become mindless saiyan like the others. Be a kind hearted and learn the enjoy life. And take care of your health. (Eyes turning misty)

Bardock- Kakkarot be a saiyan that will be a model for others. Remain strong and never let go of your pride of saiyan. You have great future. ...You will change the future. Goodbye, ...son.

And so they launched the pod across the sky to outside the orbit. To its destination, planet earth. Meanwhile some where else on planet Vegeta. In the forest, there was bright light and suddenly a young boy of age 3 came out of it.

Blaze- Where am i?

He walks outside of forest to see the caves that are empty. He looks above to see all the saiyans in the sky.

Blaze- Wait! I am in planet vegeta? Hmm...then i have to find which time period i am in so that i can escape from this planet before freiza destroys it..... Wait a second , this scene looks familiar to me.

(Shutting his eyes, he tries to remember this scene. Suddenly, he opens his in horror)

No fucking way. NO, NADDA, ELLIE, NOPE. I can't believe that voice dropped me in the exact time when this planet is gonna be destroyed. .....Shit. I don't know how ki works, I don't know how to fly, i can't even exert my full power before killing myself without proper training. Even if i have high comprehension, i don't have time for it. Besides i have no reason to save saiyans. Gotta find space pods fast.

He walks around trying to find the space pods somewhere. He sees a saiyan overlooking space pods. He walks to him and asks

"Hey man i need a space pod really fast. Can u help me?."

" I am sorry but i can't let u take space pods as its an order from lord frieza to seal all space pods before his arrival. Even though I don't like that bastard, but i can't disobey orders"

Blaze (thinking): Dammit, now what? Will i die like this? Without starting, will my story will end like this?

Suddenly in the space we see huge spaceship coming. From the spaceship soldiers of Planet Trade Origination comes pouring out and fills the sky in opposition to saiyan. From the spaceship, leader of PTO freiza in this first form comes out in this royal pod.

Bardock who was in middle of saiyan floating in space asks frieza.

Bardock- Freiza!! What is the meaning of this. We have been loyal to you from the start, then why have u decided to kill us today. What did we do to you.

Frieza- Ho! Ho! Ho! I have never got any problem with u saiyans. Infact, i liked them since i can use your manpower as mercenaries and make my influence reach far ends. But it saddens me to end all of u like this, since someone didn't liked your presence. Besides, its high time to end all of u monkeys as you were starting to become annoying anyways. HA HA HA HA HA HA( laughs maniacally).

Bardock- (In Anger) FRIEZAAAAAA I won't let u have your way.

Bardock suddenly rushes forward and started to fight bravely and starts to knock soldiers left and right.

Meanwhile with our MC

Blaze- So frieza came at last. I can't sit around like this. I guess i will try to control my energy by meditation. And see what i can do.

Blaze then sits on the floor and try to grasp his power. Sometimes later he feels the heat from space. He openes his eyes to see a massive supernova coming to the planet.

" So bardock failed huh. In the anime , Old Broly did survived in space even in his injured state so i dont have any problem with it. And i can survive this attack too. The problem is that I don't have plot armor so i don't know how long i will be in space and my luck mighy not be good what frieza saw me surviving his attack and captures me. Right now, i am not strong enough to defeat him.

Suddenly he sees something shining in opposite side of planet. He turns around to see a moon shining.far way.

"Oh .....shit"

Suddenly his body started to grow out and fang started to appear in his mooth. His size keeps increasing until he became a greenish great ape who was unusually hige compared to normal great ape. The great ape suddenly started to howl loudly.

Hearing the howl, the other saiyan sees the other side of planet too, and started changing into great apes. After their transformation, they started to push back supernova.

Frieza- What!! How did they become apes? I can't believe they have such audicity.

Frieza suddenly transforms into final form and started to push supernova with full force.

Meanwhile, with our MC

The great ape MC without any control started rampaging around the planet. Since the sky is covered with great apes his form was hidden from frieza. Suddenly a man with hoody comes in that place.

???- Man i just arrived in time. Looks like he just turned great ape. Right now he can't control his ape form especially with his bloodline, i will seal his great ape form and let him keep his tale as it will help in stabilizing his power.

Suddenly, he points his arm towards great ape and starts to leech off all of his power. The great ape starts to lose his power and fell down to ground. The mysterious man teleport to his location and applies a seal to his body in the form of tribal fire tattoo. And our MC reverts back to normal and in uncouncious state.

???- Now to drop u in proper location.

The man then teleport with our MC to planet namek and leaves behind the planet which js destroyed.

Freiza- I can't believe that those monkeys forced me to my final form. Still it was overkill. for them. Looks like i have to train sometimes.

And so in this way ends the story of Planet Vegeta with his saiyans and starts the story of remaining saiyans.