Finally teleporting from Planet Vegeta our mystery man with our unconscious MC arrives at Planet Namek.
(???)- Wooh! Good thing i teleported at the front of Guru's house otherwise i have to deal with the wary villagers. Can't say i blame them though, with what they will experience in future. Maybe Guru can see the future thats why he made villagers nature to be vary of visitors. Now to drop Blaze here
Suddenly, protector of Guru, Nail, one of the few fighter class in namekians comes out of Guru's house.
Nail - Halt! Who goes there?
(???)- HA!HA!HA! You really have done it now Nail. You are best comedian.(laughs while clutching his stomach)
Nail-(irritated) Don't force me to use my strength. State your business stranger. Who are u? Why have u come here?
(???)- Oh yeah i nearly forgot. I have a small request for u. Can u take care of him. Just teach him how to fight and basic stuffs like that and a place among yourselves to live for sometime?(shoves blaze on the ground)
Nail- And why would we take care of him? Who is he anyway?
(???)- I don't have time for idle chit chat. So just ask your Guru for his information. Trust me he will be quite useful for u in future.(shouts) Don't u think Guru?
Suddenly Guru's voice comes out from his home.
Guru- Nail! Let them in.
Nail- ....Very well, stranger. Come inside.
Then they both go inside the house with poor blaze still uncouncious on ground.
Guru- I heard about your request. I don't sense any evil from both your hearts. But why do you want to make him stay here?
(???)- Well he gotta start his journey from somewhere, right? Besides with your foresight you can see that you will need quite a bit of help. Don't you think. He will be useful for you in future. Trust me.
Guru-...Very well. We will keep him.
(???)- Thanks Guru. Well, Looks like our hero is going to wake up anytime soon. Gotta go now before he starts asking unnecessary questions. See ya
He then teleports away.
Guru- Nail, Let him inside will you?
Nail- Very well Guru
Outside, our MC finally woke up from his unconsciousness.
Blaze- Ahhh! The fucking headache its killing me. What the hell happened? (he looks around) ..... let me guess the iconic green sky, blue ground yup Planet Namek alright. How did i get here? Gotta ask the locals.
He stood up from ground starts to look around. Suddenly Nail comes out of the house and says
Nail- Stranger, come inside with me.
Blaze- Names Blaze, man.(thinks) A wild namekian has appeared.
Nail- Ok Blaze man(smirks)
Blaze- Oh come on now you are joker huh
They both goes inside.
Guru- Welcome young one to Planet Namek. So you are saiyan huh. Quite a power you got there. I sense a deep well of power that is hidden in your body. I have to say your potential is limitless.
Blaze- Uhh Thanks. Can u tell how i arrived here?
Guru- There was guy with hoody that teleported you here. He asked us to let you stay here and train you to harness your potential. Hope you are ready for your training Young one.
Blaze- Thank you for letting me stay here and hell yeah i am excited for the training. Give me your best shot and don't hold anything back.(Thinks)( A guy with hoody? I am pretty sure that i am not that much of important person to be saved by kais so no chance of that. And I can't think about time breakers because if they wanted something from me they could have made me wear their slave mask. Hmm... something to think about.)
With this, Blaze has started his training in namek. For a few months Nail has taught Blaze how to fight in namekian style. Manly correcting his body stance, a proper way of throwing punch and kicks, and training his mind. Blaze was surprised when he decided to throw a punch before training and after training he could see quite a bit of improvement in his power. A correct stance can make a significant difference in power. As the time went on his power kept increasing as his bloodline gave a quite burst of power from time to time. To control his power he has to train his body everyday and has to keep breaking his limits. The zenkai from his first time transformation of great ape also increased his power quite a bit. One day when he was bathing he spots the tribal tattoo in his back.
Blaze- What the heck? When did i got this tattoo? I haven't let anyone mess with my body so the only time i could have gotten this when that hoody guy saved me. Well.....its not really hindering me right now so i will ignore this. But i really don't like it when someone messes with my body without my permission. Someday i will find you, just you wait.
With that whole one year has passed training with namekians.
Blaze- Wow, gotta say the meditation technique of namekians are really something. It really improved my overall ability to keep calm while using my power. Right now my power is equal to if not more powerful than final form frieza without any transformation. But man its really is pain in the ass to get the transformation.
Blaze has decided that today he is gonna try to transform into Super Saiyan or Rage form, Whatever comes first. Its been 6 months since he started his training and he is already close to final form frieza. He doesn't to wait anymore and try to transform now because he fears that if he really transformed and lost control then he can say whole namek bye bye, so its better to transform while having lower power level. He already told all the namekians to step aside and watch out for him just in case he decided to berserk. He flew to an area far away from villagers settlements.
Blaze- Whelp. Here comes the iconic moment. The moment every otaku would have wet dream about it. The man, the legend, the Super Saiyan!!!!!!!. I am excited. Ok there are two ways of transforming. First by getting angry or by the "tingling feeling in the back" quoted by Caulifa. Man she has hot peice of ass, And especially that big boobed kale. Ahh the perfect combination of Boobs and ass. I am gonna tap those assets someday. HA HA HA HA!!!!!!
Nail who was watching from distance saw laughing like maniac. He thought ' Did he became insane from eating too much? He already gave us enough nightmare with his food capacity. I can't believe that we have to summon porunga just to satisfy his hunger. (shudders) What a disaster.
Blaze- Ok i have to get serious now. Gotta remember those bad memories.(smiles sadly) i have no shortage of sad memories.(closes his eyes)
Blaze then started to charge up to his full power. There are rubbles that can be seen started floating around. Whole place started to shake apart just from the sheer pressure of his power. Lighting started to crackle in the skies. Wind started blowing ferociously, plant life all around started uprooting from his power. Ground started to split apart.
Nail- I can't believe. Unreal. What Power!!!! Is this the true power of saiyan. The legendary Super saiyan? He told me about his race main ability to transform but i never thought it would be this much. He hasn't even transformed yet.
The truth is that Blaze never really revealed his full power thats why Nail was quite surprised today. He always held back in his spars because he wanted to learn basics.
Suddenly Blaze roars
Suddenly his hair started to uplift. For a split second his hair turned blond. Then he suddenly lost of his power and suffered a massive backlash. Blood suddenly started to pour from his body. He lost consciousness after that.
Nail and others came to his aid and healed him later.
Flashback ends
Blaze- Man that was quite a disaster. Oh well atleast i got a zenkai. Although having a Legendary bloodline does have its disadvantages u have to understand that his advantages are also quite good. My base form is already equal to Super saiyan goku in namek saga. Imagine Having a super Saiyan multiplayer on top of it . Besides while transforming i felt that my super Saiyan multiplayer is much more than normal super saiyan because the power i felt at that time was huge just like depth of endless power. No wonder broly goes mad in his transformation. Good thing the meditation helped me there. A sound mind means a sound body afterall.
Well now that i have surpassed freiza level power i have no fear to face him when i encounter him. Now i can travel to other planets to learn more.