Chapter 4

Blaze then thought about his next step. Where should he go to train more? There are few options he thought about. First can be earth where he can refine his martial arts and his understanding of ki more. As he already learned from namekians so he doesn't need to train with kami of earth as his martial arts is nothing but combination of namekians and earthlings martial arts which he can also make by learning earth martial arts. But kami does have nifty techniques like sealing arts and his signature kai kai teleportation technique. But the other option is where he can learn more is yardrat. The yardratians are mysterious race. They contain technique that no one ever heard of. Only techniques of kais can rival them. And the last to somehow get attention of whis. But the last option also means he will not be able to travel for long time. But the results will be tremendously good.

Blaze- Alright i have decided. I will first go to yardrat. I will gain much more knowledge than being on earth. And if i somehow got to beerus Planet then i have to go to god ki route because i am not sure how much long they are willing to train me so its better if i first train and harness my own potential first. Otherwise god ki with uncontrollable legendary super Saiyan power(shudders). Its a recipe of disaster. Alright gotta ask Guru for dragonballs.(Heh)

Blaze then flies off to Guru's place. Arriving at Guru's place, he meets Nail.

Blaze- Yo, Nail. Whats up. You still doing your body guard duties huh. You should really retire man otherwise you will end up like statue that no one will notice. HA! HA! HA!

Nail- (grunts) Humph. Are u here to joke around or do you have any business?.

Blaze- Ok, Ok jeez. Spoilsport. I am here to meet guru.

Nail- Come inside

They both comes inside.(Heh)

Guru- Blaze my boy how are you? Do u need something?

Blaze-(thinks)(Guru, my fatty boi how are you)*coughs* Ahh yes Guru i need the help of porunga. Can i ask you for dragonballs?

Guru- Sure. Nail can you help him collect dragonballs?

Nail- Very well.

Guru- And blaze i hope you can help us namekians when the time comes.

Blaze- Sure, Guru. You guys has helped me out quite a bit i will sure to pay you back. Well see ya.

Then they both gathers the dragonballs from the villagers. Nail then summons the porunga.

Porunga- State your wish. I can grant you three wishes.

Blaze- My first wish is to have a bag of infinite senzu beans from earth which i can take anywhere anytime and can summon from anywhere if lost. And no one will be able to access the senzu beans without my consent.

Nail then translate his wish and says to dragon.(blah blah blah blah)

Porunga- Hmmm....your wish has been granted. State your second wish.

Suddenly a small bag filled with senzu beans comes to blaze. He picks it up and ties it to his waist.

Blaze- Before asking for my second wish. I have a question. Can i ask for 2 wishes in one wish?

Porunga- It depends on how powerful your wish is. If it is too powerful then I can't grant it.

Blaze- Very well. My second wish is to have a portable gravity machine which i can use anytime anywhere and can take it with me and i wish for a dimensional storage so that i can could store anything in it and only i could access it.

Porunga- Your wish will take a bit more of my power and will severely weaken the power of third wish. And the size if dimensional portal can only be about a size of manor. U can't increase it more than that. Do u agree?

Blaze- Sure do it.

Porunga- Your wish has been granted. State your third wish.

Suddenly huge Gravity machine comes out of no where. And blaze could also feel that he could access a space like his instinct. He could feel an invisible door like 6th sense in 4th dimension.

Blaze- My third wish to teleport to planet yardrat after saying my good byes to namekians.

Porunga- A very easy wish. Farewell.....

Suddenly the dragonballs gather around in the sky and flew to random directions.

Blaze- Well this is it Nail. I am glad i was able to spend some time with you guys. You guys are fun to be around. And Nail, you can try to lessen your frown in your face. Perhaps you can finally get girlfriend or is it boyfriend? I don't know whatever your species say.

Nail- (grunts) Just get out of here before you will regret it. (turns around)

Blaze- Ha Ha well see ya.

Blaze the disappear from his place. Nail then turns back and looks in the sky.

(smiles) "Goodbye, ....friend."

Blaze suddenly arrives in the new planet and lands on his butt on the ground.

Blaze- Huh well what do you know. Porunga hates me for overworking him even though he has some serious muscles. (grumbles)Lazy ass dragon.(stands up) Well now that i have dimensional space i should just dump my senzu beans there.

He opens a portal and throws his bag of senzu beans there.

Blaze- Now, thats taken care off. Lets see what are the legendary yardratians are made up off.

He was going to check out the planet when suddenly a yardratian teleported near him. His appearance is of like random potato face with legs.

???- Hey you. Who are you and where did you come from.

Blaze- Huh oh my name is Blaze. I came to yardrat to learn from you guys. Can i speak with your leader?

???- Wait. I am communicating with my leader.

Blaze-(thinks) 'must be telepathy'. Ok i will wait.

???- Our leader has agreed. Come with me i will teleport you.

Blaze then touches his shoulder and both of them teleports.

They both appears in what seems like palace with many yardratians training. Some are floating upside down. Some are standing in one leg seems to be meditating. And above them is a another potato face yardratian. And behind him was another old potato face with beard.

???- Welcome stranger. My name is Condo and behind me is my teacher Pregent. What can i do for you.

Blaze- (Thinks) (Yup dragonball names are weird. Whats with condom and pregnant names? Are they couple or something*shudders*. Wouldn't surprise me.) My name is Blaze and i am here to learn every knowledge that your race has. I hope you will allow me to.

Condo- And why would we allow you learn everything that our race has worked so hard to get it? Although i sense no evil from you but thats doesn't mean that we will give you everything just because you said so.

Blaze- are right but i have something to offer. I know u guys work for King Cold mens so what if i take care of his right hand and free your people from his tyrannical rule? Will u agree to my offer in return then?

Condo- ...You know i tried to fight against them but i lost against their squad called ginyu force thats why i have to give in to them unless they massacred our race.

Blaze- One thing i don't understand is why is it that you all guys can't teleport if you guys have that ability?

Condo- Well the teleportation technique we use is called instant transmission which not all people can use. It requires a talent to learn it. That why only some of our elite knows this technique and not all of them can learn it.

Blaze- I see..So what do you think about my proposal?

Condo- I don't believe that you have the power to challenge their elite force let alone someone of king cold level. Thats why you will fight with me and if you can defeat me then only i can accept your proposition.

Blaze- (smirks) Very well but i will warn you underestimating me might result in your desmise.