Blaze along with condo chose a deserted area to begin their fight.
Blaze(thinking)- Although my power is greater than him but its the first time i am in real combat beside training with namekians. My saiyan blood is boiling with desire to fight. This is gonna be fun.
Thinking this he begins the fight by hyper speeding next condo and gives him fierce kick in the back that launches him straight in the sky.
Condo-(coughs) I haven't even seen him move. His power must be greater than him. I have to use my skills to counter him.
Meanwhile blaze tried to follow up his attack with a punch but condo suddenly dissapers before his eyes. He understood that he used instant transmission.
Blaze- It is gonna be pain in the ass to find him. I have to sense him.
Thinking this he closes his eyes and tries to find condo. In a split second he opens his eyes and tries to counter condo attack from above but his response time was little bit off, resulting in him gets beaten down the ground.
Before he can even come to his senses he was suddenly assaulted by rain of punches with the continues use of instant transmission with him barely blocking all of the attacks.
Blaze- Although these punches doesn't hurt that much but enough is (angrily roars) ENOUGHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!
Suddenly he powers up massively and broke condo guard. Before condo can continue, blaze suddenly appears in front of him and starts the rain of punches and kicks which condo can't even stop. Blaze then grabs him by his head and started to pummel him down left and right and throws him in the air. He then quickly charges up ki attack from his mouth and follows up with a giant beam of ki towards condo. Condo tries to stop the attack but can't stop it. He has no other choice so he instant transmissioned towards the back of blaze to counter attack, but before he could even move further blaze throws a punch back to his face without even looking back which sends him flying to the distance.
Blaze- Do you really think that would work twice? I have been observing your use of instant transmission how you use it when you use it and where you appear. Throughout the fight i adapted to your fighting style. So give up now you are no match for me.
Condo comes out of the rubble. His condition is not really good. He has gashes all over his body and his clothes have tears all over.
Condo- (smiling) i guess you really can help us. Very well i will agree to your demands.
Blaze- Ok before fighting arcosians i atleast want to learn your instant transmission. It will be really nifty for my fight later on.
Condo- ...Ok, but you will not run away after learning it will you?
Blaze-(grunts) I ...have a blood of saiyan warrior. And a Saiyan never runs away from a fight. But if you want confirmation you can go and ask namekians. They are my people after all.
Condo- Very well. Come with me i will teach you instant transmission. But remember this you can only learn this if you have talent. Otherwise don't blame me.
Blaze-(smirks) You know old man, my comprehensive to learn and adapt doesn't only work in Battle. You will be surprised.
With both of their concluded they later came to the palace. With that blaze started learning instant transmission.
After training for some day blaze decided that he should use gravity machine for training.
Blaze- Man learning instant transmission is not a easy task. The annoying thing is that it needs more mental training rather than physical to learn it. That means sitting in your ass all day long. But its about time i use the gravity machine that porunga gave me
With that in thought, Blaze closed his eyes and focused on summoning his dimension. Suddenly a portal openes up in front of him.
He enters the portal and it closes up. Inside the portal we can see a land of the size of mansion with gravity machine in between it and around it only blackness of space surrounding it with stars twinkling all around the space.
Blaze- Wtf? My dimensional space is a floating land in between outer space. What is this? In another world with my land in outer space?(sigh) that dragon....well anyway i can proudly show it to the face of tony stark when i will come to mcu and proudly state that u can buy any land on earth but you can never buy land in outer space. HA HA HA HA HA!!!!
Its just so hilarious imagining his face. Well anyway back to training.
Blaze then enters his gravity chamber. He looks around and found that his size of gravity chamber is around hyperbolic time chamber not at all like bulma's gravity machine.
Blaze- Well I don't know if that dragon it knowingly or unknowingly but thank you. Now lets dial up the gravity. Ok have to think about how much gravity i want.(shouts) TIMES 2.
Hmm..... although it is affecting me but its really minimum. Ok TIMES 20. (grunts) Offffffff... Suddenly he his kissing the ground.
Blaze-(grunting) Heh Ok this is interesting. Times 20 is my limit. Lets break my limit then.
Blaze tries to stand up multiple times and finally he did it in 10 minutes.
Blaze- Interesting, i can adapt to gravity too. Nice. Lets start running then.
He starts to run around the laps and with each lap his speed keeps increasing until he was at his normal speed.
Blaze- Ok this is abnormal. Either my ability to adapt came into process or adapting to this much gravity this fast us really normal. Ehhh i will just blame it on my unique genes and my adaptation skill. Ok lets see how i fight with this much gravity.
Blaze then started to throw punches and kicks in the air at fast speed and keeps repeating it until he is at normal. With his he trained all day until whole whole one day has passed.
Blaze- (looking at the watch above) Oh shit i wasn't really looking at time and this happened? Gotta hurry to condo.
With this he comes out of his gravity chamber. and exit his dimension. Looking around he notices that its night time. But when he entered his dimension it was day. If he spent total 24 hours inside shouldn't be it another day?
Blaze- Gotta find condo. I will ask him.
Flying to him, he reaches condo and asks him about the night.
Condo- Huh? What are you talking about. You were only gone for half a day. Remember you asked for to relax?
Blaze-(thinking) WTF? Somehow my gravity chamber became time chamber? Where one day outside becomes half a day inside? Hmm.. isn't it time dilation? Just like satellites in my previous world have nanosecond of time dilation, maybe my dimension is also in the time dilation? Well anyway its a good accident. I am soo gonna abuse it. (Smirking, he suddenly laughs out aloud) HA! HA! HA ! HA! HÀ HA HA HA.
Condo-(seeing this) Hey what are you smoking? Quite laughing like maniac. You are scaring my students.(whispers).... and me too.
After that incident blaze trained with yardratians and whole 3 years have passed since then. Blaze in day trained with yardratians for 12 hours and at night he trained inside his gravity/time chamber. He abused the hell out of senzu beans so that he could not get famished and tired.
We see blaze floating in the sky looking at the scenery below in nostalgia.
Blaze- Well i could say this with confidence that these years where the most fruitful years of my new life. I can't believe how much i gained in these years. Especially how my arsenal of techniques have increased thanks to yardratians. They really have some op techniques. I can't wait to use them. As for my power? Well.....lets just say even kid buu is no match for me now. Although i haven't really sensed his power ever, but neither did he(smirks). Now time to fulfill my promise to the yardratians.
He turns around and flew to the the palace.
Arriving at the palace he found condom and pregnant*coughs*... condo and pregent training his students their students.
Blaze- (smiles mischievous)Yo couple made in heaven! how are you guys.( and laughs)
Condo- (smiles menacingly) Oh if isn't the knight in shining armor, should i call Xena? I heard she is looking for her knight.
Blaze-(shudders in fear) Ok Ok i give up. Please anything but her. I could fight 100 king cold but not her.
He then remembers a femine body with squid face trying to kiss his face. (shudders)
Blaze -(getting serious) Well its time to fulfill my promise. I am going to lure out Cold and destroy him.
Condo- You know with your power you could kill entire cold family and the scary thing is i know you are hiding even more power that i don't know.
Blaze- (smirking) I could but ... Freiza's end is not going to come with my hand. That is a destiny for another saiyan.
Condo- There are other saiyan survivers other than you.
Blaze- Yeah lets just say that frieza is not only a pivot point for that Saiyan but also responsible for the bonds that he will make with others.(smiling) thats why i will sneakly kill King Cold so that frieza will not know about me. and don't worry no other person from planet trade organisation will come to you. I will make sure of that.
Condo - Well good luck on your journey then.
Blaze- See ya. (waving his hand he instant transmissioned).