Chapter 9

Blaze then teleported to the planet Yardrat.

Blaze- I have one more work to do so that my plans will not be messed.

Blaze then took out the scouters that he took from Cold and Cooler. Suddenly Condo teleported near blaze.

Condo- Did you completed the task?

Blaze- Yup Easy Peasy. But i have to one more thing. And i need your help in it.

Condo- What is it?

Blaze- (showing the two scouters) Do you know how to modify and hack these two scouters?

Condo- I can't but my technicians can do it. Why? What do you have in mind?

Blaze- Well. I want you to feed a message that is sent by Cold. And in the message in want to you to tell them that King Cold and his son Cooler is in very important expendition. So they are going to give frieza temporary command for PTO. Well thats it.

Condo- Well I don't know why you want to do it but okay. (He then goes off to do it.)

Blaze- (In thought) In this way history will not change much and frieza will continue to do as he wants until Kakkarot comes and finish him off. Well Kakkarot its up to you now. I am going to continue my quest to become the strongest.

Condo- Well what will you do now? You have already learned plenty from us. I can't believe that you are such a prodigy. You learned everything we taught you like a sponge. I just to make you learn IT. But because of your immense talent for learning i just have no choice but to give you everything we got just to see how much you can grow. And the scary thing is i still don't know your limit.

Blaze-(smirks) Thats the speciality of me. I have no limits and if i do discover my limit i will just break through it in no time. And as for what i will do,... (with determination)I am gonna become a god.


Blaze- Don't worry about it too much. I will visit you from time to time. And....thank you for your time to help me refine myself to a warrior. I will never forget about it. If you want my help, you know what to do.

Condo- (smiles) Yeah the time i spent with you has opened my eyes to the wonders of the world. Before you arrived i never thought i will ever see someone like you that can bend every logic i have. You are an excellent warrior and i have faith in you that wherever you will go you will succeed.

Blaze-..... Thank you. See ya.

Blaze then ITed out of there.

Condo-...I have a feeling that you will become someone who will be beyond gods.(smiles)

Blaze then appeared in the middle of barren land in another planet. He then shouted with the top of his lungs.


Blaze has sensed that someone was keeping an eye on him from time to time when he was training in planet yardrat. Although he doesn't know who he was but he has his hunch.

Suddenly a figure appeared in front of him. He was none other than.....king kai? Blaze excited expression turned into frown. He was expecting whis but not king kai.

King Kai- (in surprise)Boy, how did you know i was watching you?

Blaze- (in dissapoinment) Oh ....its you. I was expecting someone else. I guess my sensing abilities are not that good.

King Kai- You honed your senses that much. Wow you really are something else. Even I can't hone my sense that much even though i am a god. Tell me boy, do you want to be my student? I can assure you that you will not regret it. Many people wants to be my student but only luckiest one can achieve it.

Blaze - Let me thank you.

King Kai-(panicking) What!!! why? Don't you want to become a prestigious kai's student?

Blaze- Its not that i don't want to become your student. Its just that what do you have to teach me?

King Kai- I can assure you young boy even though you have immense power but you still lack certain finishes that a martial artist have. After all power is not everything.

Blaze- ( after thinking sometimes) ...Well i will accept your proposal but i have my condition.

King Kai- What is it?

Blaze - I want to learn all of your arsenal of techniques that you have and in return you will take me to God of Destruction or his attendant whis.

King Kai- ...WHAAAAAAAAT!!!!!!!!!(Grabbing blaze by his cloth and started to shake him) Did the power got to you. Do you understand what you are saying. He is not just another arcosian that you can beat up. He is GOD OF DESTRUCTION. DO YOU UNDERSTAND!!!! HE WILL DESTROY YOU WITH HIS ONE FINGER ONLY.

Blaze- (Shaking him off) First of all, Don't grab me by my clothes. And second, do you really think i am dumb enough to fight God of destruction right now? I just want to train under him. Thats all.

King Kai - Boy, Even if you train for long time he will still be more powerful than you.

Blaze-(staring at him deadpanned) ..... Seriously? By watching me all those years did you not understand that if by training for 6 years i could surpass full power final fused form of Cold and Cooler. Do you really think that I can't surpass him? Besides i still haven't shown my full power their when i was fighting Colder. (in thinking) Besides, that power is still.....unstable.

King Kai - ...I guess if someone can surpass him it could only be you.( he was then stunned) What did you say? It was not your full power? Even by releasing that much power? Impossible. You are bluffing.

Blaze- (shrugging) Believe what you what to believe. So lets start our training.

King Kai- Wait a minute boy. I have a test before receiving any student. ....You have to tell me a good joke.

Blaze - (started to get annoyed but suddenly smirked) Ok i have a good joke. Listen carefully.

King Kai paid him full attention.

Blaze- There is a kai who is said to be a king but he never has anything to rule because he is too weak. Who is it?

King Kai- Who?

Blaze - King Kai!!!! HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!(Started laughing)

King Kai - (in annoyed tone) That was.... hilarious (started to laugh too).

After laughing for a while, they calmed down.

King kai- Ok grab onto my shoulder. You don't know the path of Otherworld. So you don't its location for your IT. You can teleport there once you saw the location.

Then both of them dissapeared. They appeared on a grassy planet with a small house.

King Kai- Welcome to my home planet. Now if you were other person i would have told you do basing exercise to catch and hit my pets but you are beyond those levels. So i will teach you some of my priceless techniques.

In this way Blaze started to train with King kai and in completed his training in ....6 months?.

King kai- You are a freak boy. A real freak. People have trained their whole life to learn my techniques but you have learned all of my techniques in 3 months . You are technique stealer i am telling you.

Blaze- Well in my defense you have really less technique compared with yardratians. But your techniques are powerful i have to give you that. Consider me impressed. So about my deal with you...

King Kai- Sure, Sure. Just don't hope for much.

King Kai then teleported him to Supreme Kai's Planet. The planet was filled with beautiful forest and lake flowing with clean water. Atmosphere was very pleasant there, just like heaven. Two figures which looks like seems to be standing in distance waiting for someone. King Kai then explained-

King Kai- You see lord whis sometimes comes here to visit Supreme kai to ask for his health. As i have told you beerus's can't die until the supreme kai dies as his life is connected with him. And don't tell anyone that i told you about it. So Lord Whis visit here to make sure that he is in good health. ...That's what should he do here. But he only say this as a excuse. He only orders us to give him tastiest food ever. (sighs) Well you should wait here. He can come anytime.

Suddenly a beam of light comes from Sky. From it a figure with long white slick hair and ...unique clothing came out of it. The figure revealed himself as Whis.

Whis- Greetings to you two. Well i certainly hope you have learned something new Supreme Kai. And i can see we have .....special guests with us today(turning around, he smiles towards Blaze and King Kai and waves his hand).