Blaze with king kai then arrives in front of Whis.
Whis-(smiling in remenense) Blaze... i was waiting for you for a long time.
Blaze- Huh? Have we met before?
Whis- Don't worry about it. You will know about it soon enough. By the way...What brought you here?
Blaze- Well before i say my request. I wanted you to know why i am asking for it. The thing is that i want to become the strongest person ever. Thats why i have roamed around the mortal world in search for knowledge. And i have nearly gotten all the knowledge that i think will help me become stronger. And i hit the ceiling to my powers. That's why i decided to seek training from gods. And i started it with king kai and completed my training. I asked king kai if by some chance i could meet you. That's why (bowing in respect) please can you become my teacher and help me become stronger?
Whis- Hmm....(in curious tone) Tell me Blaze. What will you do when you become the strongest being? What will you do with all those powers?
Blaze - ..... First of all i wanted to say that there is no such thing as strongest person or absolute power. I believe that no matter how strong you are, there is always someone stronger than you. No matter how much powerful you are, there will always be a way to defeat you. That's why i train everyday in a hope that my weaknesses so that there will be less ways of defeating me or to become someone that others strive for to become strong. And if hypothetically i do gain this 'absolute power' then i would want to explore a world. A world which is beyond the concept of strength. I want to know if there is a whole new world hidden behind the wall of concept of strength. Thats all. And of course to protect my family and friends.
Whis-....You never did changed, did you? Very well i will train you but do remember that my training will be very hard. So make sure you have no room for complaints. So are you sure about your decision?
Blaze-(smirks) Bring it on and don't hold back. Who knows i might just surprise you.
Whis -(in pleased voice) ...I think i have a idea. Very well please wait for me. I have some work to discuss with supreme kai. In the meantime you can say your good byes. ( turns around to talk with supreme kai.)
Blaze - Well this is it King Kai. Although my time spent with you was short but i am glad i was able to learn from you. It was quite enlightening. So..(bowing in respect) thank you for training me. And you just wait for me. I will achieve the power of god and will come back to gloat at you.(laughs arrogantly)
King Kai - Now, now don't be arrogant. Becoming a god is not a easy task. A person needs to train for long time to achieve it. Even with a person of your calibre, it will require some time. But...(smiling)i have faith in you that you will become a god. And in that way i could gloat on other kai's about my student becoming a god. HA! HA! HA! HA!(started laughing)... By the way, are you sure about that saiyan Goku? I mean sure he strong from earthlings perspective. But is he really have potential to become my student?
Blaze- Just keep looking at him from time to time. I am sure that you will be surprised.(smiles)
Whis then arrives in front of them.
Whis - So blaze are you ready go? Did you said your good byes?
Blaze - Yeah... Lets go.
Blaze then grabs hold of whis shoulder and both of them dissapers in a beam of light.
King Kai -(sniffs)
Supreme Kai- King kai? Are you crying?
King Kai - (shouts) You are crying , your whole family is crying.
He then teleports out in embarrassment.
Supreme Kai -.....
The scene changes back to blaze and whis. We can see whis traveling in high speed with blaze behind him in a white trail of light.
Blaze - So whis. Why don't you just teleport to lord beerus planet? Why travel long way to it?
Whis - Well i rarely go out of my domain. So whenever i travel outside i try to enjoy the scenery with it. That's why i travel with a speed that i can enjoy the wonders of the universe. That's all.
Blaze - I see.
After some time. They come across a dome protected with force field. Whis waves his staff and the protective shield openes up. They then comes inside of it. Inside the dome we can see a vast land covered with blue grass with a giant tree in between the grass. The sky is painted purple with occasional birds chirping in the sky.
Whis - Welcome to lord beerus planet, blaze. Where you will start your training towards godhood.
Suddenly in high speed a in a jar in comes in front of whis.
Oracle- Welcome back, Whis.
Whis - Oh thank you seer. I hope that in my absence nothing important came up.
Orcale- Nope. no problem. this the guy you were talking about? Hmmm....
Whis - Yes can you show him to his room. I am sure that he is tired and hungry. (turning to blaze). Blaze, i will start your training tomorrow.
Blaze - Ok. but before that can you tell me if lord beerus is awake. I want to test my power against him.(feeling excited)
Whis - Sorry, blaze. But lord beerus is in deep sleep right now.
Blaze - (frowns) Oh ok.
Blaze then followed the oracle fish to find his room. Whis then turns back to enter the giant tree. He enters the chamber of beerus to find beerus awake staring at whis.
Beerus - .....Is it really him?
Whis - Yes i have checked out multiple times. Its really him and not a doppleganger.
Beerus - So he really was true. ....Do we really have to do this?
Whis - I am afraid that its the only choice if we have to preserve the balance of the world.
Beerus - ...........