Blaze then woke up next day to train with whis. He walked towards whis in the field surrounded by blue grass.
Blaze - So whis, what should i do first? I am ready for my training.
Whis - Before i train you, i would like to see how much powerful you are right now. So please show me your full power.
Blaze - Ok then here i go. ( taking stance for powering up) .
Blaze quickly powered up to his full power in base form. Then he started to transform.
Blaze - HA!
He then transformed into Super Saiyan. But he didn't stopped there. He keeps powering up and going further to the next step.
Blaze- haaAAAAAA!!!
His hair spiked up a little bit. His aura has now electric spark to them. And then his aura stabilized.
Blaze - This is what you can call Full power Super Saiyan or Perfected Super Saiyan....That' s all i have.
Whis - That's all? .....You are hesitating. Why?
Blaze - Well, the thing is that...i do have another transformation but ....that form is really unstable. I will literally lost myself in that feeling when i will transform to that form. So right now I don't consider it my power until its totally in my control.
Whis -... Is that so? Inspite of that i have to say you really are quite strong. Perhaps in few years you can surpass lord beerus. Now that i know your power level i have an idea on how to train you.
Blaze - Hmph. You can rest assured whis that i will definitely surpass him. Its not boasting but truth. So how should i train first?
Whis - Well first of all you have to weed out all the grasses here first. And do it fast, you don't have much time..... Oh and before that i want you to change your clothing for your training. Tell me what type of cloth do you want.
Blaze - Well....i have a small request if you don't mind. I want you to create 2 sets of clothing. First a normal gi for the training and a black coloured cloak for me to wear outside the training and oh please make them indestructible. Although i do know about cloth materialization but they easily gets destroyed.
Whis - (sighs)You know blaze. I am not your dragon but very well i will comply.
Whis then summons those sets of clothes. Blaze then wears the gi and hangs the cloak in the tree nearby.
Blaze then walks toward the grasses.
Blaze - (thinking) Its much similar than master Roshi training. Even in the series, whis trained goku and vegeta like this only. I suppose that the next thing i have to do is to take care of lord beerus bedsheets and clean the jars? Well i am not surprised. Better weed these grasses out fast.
Blaze then started to weed out the grasses all around the field. After some time he finally completes the task and then walks to whis.
Whis - Well done. You have completed it much faster than then i expected. Now for your second task. I want you to lift those training weights there.
Whis then points out the weights he is talking about. It was the same weights that was used in training in the show. Blaze then walks toward the weights and tries to lift them up and with no surprise he can't lift them up. He then powers up to his maximum and somewhat was able to lift them up. Suddenly Whis intervenes.
Whis - No blaze you can't do that. I want you stop leaking your ki. If you can increase your power without leaking ki then you can power up and even transform if you want to. Although i have seen that you did this kind of training before but you are not perfect right now.
Blaze - (thinking) Well when i was training with yardratians i was doing that ki suppression training and even tried to access Ultra instinct but i was not successful. Especially in ultra instinct. I need to see how that technique works then only i can somewhat make a progress in it.
Blaze then managed to lift the weights with his hands.
Whis - Now you have to make sure that you don't fall.
Blaze - Don't fall? What do you.....
Suddenly floor behind blaze started to dissaper.
Blaze - Oh shit. .....
Blaze then started running ahead as fast as possible. Suddenly he somehow dodged a blast heading towards him. He turns around to see whis readying his next attack.
Whis - Good job blaze, you managed to dodge it. Now you have to make sure to keep dodging the attacks at the same time make sure not to leak ki . Oh ....and make sure not to fall.
Blaze - .....Fuck.
In this way blaze started his first day of training. After that whole day has passed. We can see blaze sleeping in his room. And in another way we can see whis talking with beerus.
Whis - So lord beerus, what do you think about blaze?
Beerus -(annoyed) I have to say even i trained hard for thousands of years he is still nearly half of mine power right now. It makes me wonder how powerful he was before.
Whis - Yes, his power nearly caught me off guard. He is a unique being after all. And as for how powerful he was,(smiling) ...well lets just say he surpassed all of us angels.
Beerus - .....
In this way, few months have passed. Although blaze has not managed to get a god form but he did infact acquired the god ki which he integrated with his base form which boosted his power to a new level. During, these times he learned other skills with whis and increased his arsenal of techniques. One day while training, he noticed lord beerus coming out of his house towards him. Blaze hasn't seen beerus for a single time during his training.
Blaze - (thinks) Finally he came out of his whole. You have to think that with his desire to find a powerful opponent. He would have jumped to fight me. But he sure took his time.(he then looks towards beerus) Hello lord beerus. Its my first time meeting you. I hope to fight you someday so that i can measure my strength. I hope you don't mind.
Beerus - (keeps his silence while looks at him).... Weakling.
Blaze - (surprised) .....I am sorry i think i did not heard you correctly. Can you repeat it?
Beerus - ....I said that you are weakling. How dare you to think that you can become a god? Did you really think a filth like you can become strong. Whis! why did you bring this ....thing to my temple. A weakling will always be weakling.
Whis keeps his silence while looking at blaze.
Blaze - (frowns) ...Did i do something wrong to you? And why do you think that i am weak? Even whis here was surprised by my talent.
Beerus - He was just lying to you. Just to baby you. Whis took a liking to you just like a toy which he can discard anytime. The truth is that you were never 'prodigy' and will continue to be a dissapoinment to everyone around you. .... Coward.
Blaze - (with his head down shadowing his eyes) ....say that again.
Beerus - ....Coward.
Blaze - (lifts his head with his green eyes) are gonna regret saying this. BEEEEEERUS!!!!!!!!!
Blaze suddenly transforms into full power Super Saiyan and with a shockwave moves towards beerus to attack. Beerus manages to catch his punch and gives him a backhand across his face . But blaze quickly recovers and gives him a solid punch to his face. Beerus was sent flying through the sky. Beerus then forcefully stops himself in air. Beerus then traces his face to find blood flowing through it.
Beerus - (in astonishment)Amazing, he is more than half of my power already. He actually hurt me.(getting serious) I am not going to hold back then.
Thinking this beerus suddenly started to power up. Whole land started to shake and gets destroyed by his aura. Whis manages to make a protective dome to not to destroy the whole universe.
Beerus with his whole body in aura of destruction rushes to blaze and gives him punches his stomach hard. Blaze spits blood from his mouth and gets stunned for a minute. Beerus follows up by kicking blaze in his head which makes him sink deep into the ground. Blaze manages to stabilize himself and power up massively that destroys the ground around him. He then rushes up straight to beerus and at the same time charges his atomic disintegration in his hand. Once he arrives in front of him, he uses a flash bang, a kind of distraction that causes beerus to be blinded for few seconds. Blaze then used this time to throw his devastating attack towards beerus. Beerus at last second somehow manages to dodge the attack but unfortunately his tail got caught in his attack. As a result, his tail glowed bright and his tail was no more.
In fury, he looks towards blaze who was exhausted because of his attack and attacks him with continuous beam of ki attacks. Beerus then charges his Ultimate move, hakai and walks towards blaze.
Beerus - In the end, you were always a weakling. A filthy being that dared to dream too big. A person who will continue to dissapoint others around him. .....A Coward.
Beerus then throws the hakai towards blaze. Blaze tries to resist the power of destruction but it was too much for him. The energy of destruction took him to the deepest part of ground and deeper until.....he was no more.
The surrounding became quiet and the aftermath of the battle left a massive mark on the home of beerus.
Beerus - Humph. (he then turns around to go back to his home.)
But suddenly..... ground started shaking.