Chapter 3

Blaze and Sally then arrived at area where we can see large number of trees with various types of monster roaming around the area.

Sally - You know, normally i would take a team with me when i am going for fruit runs. But i have a feeling that u will be enough for those monsters. I am not much stronger than them. I could take out one of them but not all of them at the same time. So..( turns to blaze and smiles) u will protect me, right?

Blaze - (sighs and opens his eyes) U know women we made a deal. Ofcourse i will help u. Now run along and grab what u need. I will keep an eye on you. But i will only help u when u need it.

Sally - (pouts) Alright. But if i die, my soul will haunt u remember this Mr. Broody.

Sally then flies away towards the forest to collect fruits. Meanwhile blaze made sure to remember her ki signature just in case she gets into danger. Blaze then starts to inspect the area around him.

Blaze - Although this planet is filled with warlike saiyans and monsters but it has pure clean atmosphere. (breaths deeply) It's been a long time since i relaxed and simply enjoyed the nature. Now onto the matters. First thing first gaining Ultra Instinct is not easy. Beside i need an opponent to push me past my powers to unlock it. So i can't achieve it at the moment. Now about Super Saiyan God. I don't know when Yamoshi will achieve it but i just have to bide my time and make sure to be close to him. Hmm....i have to ask Sally if i could join his squad. This will give me the opening i need and lastly i need to find a way to get back to my time. Maybe Whis of this timeline can help me.

Meanwhile we can see Sally having difficulty fighting with group of monsters while making sure that her fruits are not squashed.

Sally - (in anger) Where the fuck is blaze. I told him to help me and when i need his help he is not here. I swear if he ran away i will find him and i will roast him alive. I am pretty sure i can find someone who will buy his meat.

Suddenly Sally was attacked from behind and made her flinch and she fell down. In front of her she sees monsters making way for a larger monster to come forward.

Sally - (in panic) Oh no its alpha bear. Usually a general saiyan squad is needed to bring it down but now i am alone without my so called help. Goddammit, I don't want to die early. I haven't even got a boyfriend yet.

She then starts to lose all hope but suddenly she sees a figure shimmer in front of her. And that figure was none other than her supposed helper. Blaze then creates a sword ki and slices every monster in vicinity and killed them.

Blaze - You just can't do anything without trouble getting in your way, huh. (he turns around to stare at Sally and smiles) Man you really need to toughen yourself up otherwise how will u survive.

Sally got a small blush in her face but she shrugges it off and stands up in anger and embarrassment.


Blaze - Dammit women. Stop Shouting and i saved u didn't i? Now that your work is done, lets get out of here.

They then leaves the forest gets back to the market.

Blaze - By the way Sally, can u tell me how can i join Yamoshi Squad? (acting) I always wanted to work with the strongest saiyan ever.

Sally - Woah slow down fanboy. You are not the first one to say that. After yamoshi achieved his Ikari form many saiyans wanted to work him and gain fame but Yaomshi quickly put that thought down. Heck he even didn't let King Sadala let him in his squad although he does goes to hinting with him sometimes. He only trusts his friends in his squad that's why. So don't get your hopes up. Although i will can recommend you to him. So the rest will be upto you. So you can ask him tomorrow.

Blaze - Alright then i should get going. (he turns around to leave)

Sally - Wait. (she stops him) And where are u going mister? Do u have a home?

Blaze - ....Uhh... ofcourse...i have. Why wouldn't i have? (laughs nervously)

Sally - (sighs) U don't need to lie you know. Female saiyans wants their privacy thats why we always make home our priority otherwise male saiyans will hound us. And males usually don't want to make home due to hassle of maintaing it so they mainly live just in the forest. So if u want.....(blushes) u can live with me, until u have a home. Ofcourse u can reject it if u want to.

Blaze - U sure about this. I mean i don't mean to bother u.

Sally - No its okay u can stay but.. (playfully) no peeking in my bed okay?

Blaze - (deadpanned) Sure...lets go then.

Sally along with blaze then arrives at her home. Well...hut is more likely to say. It was just a simple hut.

Sally - U can go inside i am going to talk with yamoshi about you and will come back later.

Sally then goes away and blaze then retires into the hut which have 2 rooms. He chose the empty room and starts to think about Sally.

Blaze - I am not a dense protagonist. I know by her behaviour she has got a crush on me. (sighs) If only i was normal person i would have accepted her but i am not. In my previous life i did not have good self esteem. Because of my failures in life i was afraid to get in relationship as it might have hurted me more. And even now in this life although i am happy with how my life is going but i still have issues regarding relationship. I have many fears about it if i am good enough for her or if she will be used by my enemy against me although I won't let it happen but just in case. And various thought regarding it. So i will observe more and see how the situation goes. If its remain same i will just have to reject her. (sighs) The problem is not her but

Meanwhile, Sally meets with yamoshi in his home to discuss about blaze.

Yamoshi - You know Sally that I don't need anyone in my squad. I am content with my team.

Sally - Believe me i know about it. But blaze is different. And he even took down alpha bear with one strike. You should have seen that. Perhaps he might be even stronger than u.

??? - Stronger than my husband? Well than that claim is something else don't you think Yamoshi. Now my interest is piqued. You should test him Yamoshi not only for his strength but also for his character. Because in all my life i have never seen Sally this passionate before about a man. Maybe she did found someone afterall.

Sally - (in embarrassment) Shut up Carla. This is not what i meant by accepting him.

Yamoshi - (in amusement) Ho? Well now i really can't deny your request now can i? Well lets see what he is made off. Tell him to meet me tomorrow. I will see just how powerful he is really. By the way where is he living anyway?

Sally - (murmurs) my house.

Carla - (sighs) You know what this means Sally, don't you? By inviting a male saiyan into female house you are basically saying you want to be in relationship with him. And he just accepted it?

Sally - I don't think he understands saiyan culture at all. He never looked concerned or even happy when i invited him to my house. He....just accepted it. Which is weird since male Saiyan only have eating, fighting and mating in their mind.

Yamoshi - Hey i resent that!!!!

And they laughed all together about this with yamoshi grumbling in the corner. Sally then arrives home later to find Blaze sleeping in his room. She peeks into his face to see his sleeping face.

Sally - (whispers) You look cute when sleeping.

She slowly comes in front of his face and kisses his cheek and runs to her room in embarrassment.

Blaze meanwhile was awake the whole time and he was not happy about this development. He sighs and goes to sleep.