Chapter 4

Next day we can see Blaze along with Sally going to visit Yamoshi.

Sally - So i have been meaning to ask you were is your fur that you wear? I haven't seen it since morning.

Blaze has decided that since he already mastered his Ancient Super Saiyan form, there was no need to keep this form unless he accidentally kills somebody with his intimidation factor. So he reverted back to his base form.

Blaze - Mmm... well the fur was not clean anymore so i decided to ditch it.

Sally - Oh....well you did looked cooler in that fur. Its a shame. On the other side (playfully) you are quite handsome without your hoody. You should never be shy to show your face, i will not laugh.

Blaze just grunted. After a while they reached Yamoshi home and met with him.

Yamoshi - So, you are the one i keep hearing about Sally. I swear she talks a lot about you.

Sally - (embarrassed) Hey thats not true.

Yamoshi - Anyway you should know that i won't take anyone to my squad. So to prove your worth you need to fight me. I will test you to see if you are worth the effort or not. Come with me, i know a place where we can let loose without worry.

Carla - Well we both are coming to watch your fight too so make sure not to blast us otherwise....(smiles sadistically).

Yamoshi felt chill across his body but shrugged it off and flies towards a directtion. Blaze then followed Yamoshi to an empty land.

Yamoshi - (taking his stance) There are some rules that you should know before joining my squad. That is never to question my orders. So my first order is... don't hold back.

Blaze - (thinking) Old man, if I don't hold back i think i will destroy you along with this planet in a single tap. (he then looks at Yamoshi and smirks) Ready when you are.

Suddenly Yamoshi dissapers from his place and appear behind blaze and kicks his head. But blaze managed to block it in time and managed to deliver a Counter- attack that Yamoshi barely block it. Ofcourse blaze was holding back but he was also making sure to make Yamoshi sweat a bit. Blaze then followed up with a uppercut that sends Yamoshi flying. But he managed to hold himself back in air and charged energy attack in his both hands and launched a rapid fire balls of ki towards blaze. Blaze put his hands in front of body and blocked all the shots. After a while smoke surrounded blaze until he was not visible at all. Yamoshi then paused his attack and begin waiting for blaze to come out of the smoke. Suddenly he sees a small ball of light floating towards him slowly. Yamoshi put his guards up and noticed that the light ball was very slow. So he charged an attack and blasted it towards the ball. But when his attack with the ball it suddenly lit the whole surrounding making Yamoshi blind. Meanwhile blaze was watching this from the sky above Yamoshi and was waiting for it.

Blaze - Hmph. Looks like the flashbang worked like a charm. Although i could easily defeat Yamoshi through strength but is not what Yamoshi is looking for. He is a leader so he is looking for an.indiviual who knows how to fight not how much power he has. Yamoshi already is strong enough for this era. After all this is still medieval period and survival is more important than strength right now. Now then lets see if he does transform into his Ikari form or not.

Blaze then rushed towards the blinded Yamoshi and kicked him in the gut hard enough to make him spit. He then continued his onslaught of punches and kicks and Yamoshi was getting struck with all these attacks without his defense. Blaze then charged his fist with ki and delivered a devastating blow that sent yamoshi into the mountains and embedded him to it. Blaze then charged an kamehameha attack and launched it towards the mountains.

Blaze - If you didn't transformed right now Yamoshi this attack will kill you.

The attack struck the mountain but suddenly a huge spike of energy dissipated kamehameha wave. Yamoshi the slowly rose to the air and sent a glare towards blaze. His eyes has become yellow along with his hair gaining spikes on them. Yamoshi finally transformed into his Ikari form.

Yamoshi - Now, you have done it.

Meanwhile with Carla and Sally.

Carla - I have to say Sally your boyfriend does have some abilities that managed to make Yamoshi put his guards up. But i am afraid this is where it ends. It was fun while it lasted but now yamoshi is serious so just hope that he doesn't injure your boyfriend too much.

Sally - (in distress) I hope he would be okay.

Yamoshi then used his hyper speed to appear in front of blaze and elbowed him. Blaze was caught off guard and lost his balance. Yamoshi then carried on with barrages of punches towards blaze face with him having difficulty blocking them all. Yamoshi then paused and made lots of clones with his after image technique and started charging his his final attack. Blaze seeing the urgency started to look around for real one but each time he attacked one it turned out to be fake. Blaze has enough so he charged a little bit of his ki and created a shockwave to destroy all fakes but he found that yamoshi was not there at all. Suddenly he hears a voice above him.

Yamoshi - NOVA BLAST!!!!!!!

Yamoshi then launched a huge ball of ki towards blaze. It looked like mini version of Super Spirit Bomb. Blaze then tried to stop the blast his hand but it engulfed him and exploded creating a smokescreen. Carla and Sally managed to make a shield that protected them from the blast.

Carla - (sadistically) I swear if my new cloth has a single tear on it. Yamoshi will know the meaning of pain.

Sally - (swear dropped) Women, there are explosion going on and you are worried about your clothes? (focuses on battlefield) Somehow i have a feeling that blaze will survive this.

Carla - Come on Sally although Yamoshi was not using his full power but this was his one of the powerful attacks. He should be severely injured at least . You should be ready to parch him. Who knows he might melt his heart to you from your "kindness".

But suddenly they hear a voice from the smoke.

??? - You know, I have to say if i was a normal Saiyan that blast would have severely injured me. But unfortunately for you i am not.

We then see smoke clearing out with a figure standing. Blaze managed to tank the nova blast without sustaining a single injury. Only his clothes were damaged. He was smiling in amusement with his hand folded while looking up to Yamoshi.

All of them were shocked to see his basically undamaged form. Nova blast has no effect on him. Yamoshi was quite shocked to see this. Although he hasn't poured that much power but still. Carla was faring no better as she was seeing this with her mouth opened. Sally grinned at her but underneath she was glad he was safe.

Blaze - Not bad, i expected this much from you but it will take more than that to defeat me. So are gonna continue or not?

Yamoshi - (powered down to his base form) No, i got what i wanted to know. You are strong and smart enough to join our crew. So, welcome to the team.

Yamoshi then gestured for handshake which blaze returned gladly. In that moment Carla and Sally went to them.

Carla - I have to say blaze you are quite strong. There are not many who is as strong as you. But its still weird how we never knew about someone like you. With your talent you might have potential to be our king. Tell me what is your secret?

Blaze -(smirks) Well drinking milk and lots of pushups will do that to you. As for not knowing me well i was training quite a while in wilderness so its no surprise you don't know me.

Yamoshi - Anyway in celebration for you joining our squad lets go have dinner with us in the banquet.

Blaze - Banquet? Is there some sort of celebration going on?

Sally - Well if you should know about it even for a dunderhead like you. Every weekend we have a banquet where all saiyans gather around and eat and drink in celebration for their good life. You should join us too.

Blaze - I see ... well i will not deny the free food. Count me in then. But i want to hunt some monsters so you guys go ahead i will be right back.

Sally - Great lets meet up there later at night.

Blaze then flies off towards the forest to hunt.

Carla - You know in banquet lots of saiyans also meet their loved once and confess their love to each other. Are u gonna do it too?

Sally - Yes I don't want to beat around the bush. Beside we saiyans are not good with feelings anyway. So i will just shove my feelings on him and brace myself for the results.

Carla - Don't worry i am with you. Besides why would he even deny you? You will become good looking caring wife for him which is what everyone wanted.

Sally - Thanks Carla. You are the best.

Meanwhile Blaze was feeling a bad omen that will come to him.