
When Zuhn pulled out his knife, all of the guards stiffened up. They all heard about the story that has been spread throughout the city. Three youths were killed outside of the town, and all of them had white roses placed on their bodies. All of the guards came to a realization that the youths in front of them were the ones responsible, especially after they attacked the guards at the gate.

"Son, You better put that dagger away." The thirty-year-old man looked at Zuhn with slight hesitation written on his face. Just like the other guards, he also heard about the story of the three youths. According to the report, the youth in front of him wasn't going to be simple.

In a flash, Zuhn launched forward, slashing at the nearest guard. The guards behind him out of fear slightly jumped back.

The lieutenant barely saw Zuhn's movements and commanded his men, "Group up!"

The first guard that tasted Zuhn's blade collapsed to the ground with a crash. Since Zuhn moved so quickly, the first guard didn't have time to react before his vision faded.

On the left side of Zuhn, Scar stood stunned by the speed Zuhn displaced. Even though he saw three of his friends die to Zuhn, they were rather normal attacks. His friends were just kids against someone that was a demon. Zuhn never showed him this kind of speed.

After the first guard died, the lieutenant along with the guards understood they greatly underestimated Zuhn's abilities. Without a second thought, the lieutenant turned around and stared down the street. Zuhn followed his eyes and noticed a youth leaning out a window watching them.

The youth in the window smiled and nodded to the lieutenant before staring Zuhn in the eyes. The lieutenant gripped his sword before returning his gaze to Zuhn.

"Hey, Kid! If you can beat me in a fight then I will happily let you leave!"

Zuhn's grin grew even bigger after hearing the lieutenant's words. Clutching his knife, he walked past the dead guard and approached the lieutenant.

"Kid, you were just lucky, If you hadn't caught him by surprise you would be the one dead on the ground, not him."

The other guards understood what was about to happen, thus they backed up even more, all the way till they were behind the lieutenant. The guards started to chant, "Lieutenant, Lieutenant, Lieutenant!"

The Lieutenant brought forth his sword and pointed at Zuhn with a grin, "Let's begin!"

The Lieutenant lunged forward aiming for Zuhn's chest. Zuhn let out a laugh before easily dodging the strike. Zuhn had a small flashback to when he was killing his sixth-ever victim, the man actually tried to fight back. Remembering like it was yesterday, the man had a small kitchen knife, and he was fighting just like the man in front of him.

Zuhn continued to laugh, as the man attack the same way his victim did. Striking, then backing up in a fluid motion. Without a second thought, Zuhn avoid the strike and stabbed his knife toward the Lieutenant.


Zuhn looked down at his dagger before retreating quickly. In the heat of the moment, he forgot that the man was wearing armor. Unlike when he was fighting the man back on earth. Zuhn's attack did nothing besides bounce off the Lieutenant's armor.

The lieutenant shook his head and let out a small laugh. Zuhn's attack did nothing, not even denting the armor. The guards focusing on the battle couldn't help but laugh. They thought Zuhn was special, but it turns out he was nothing to be scared of. The youth leaning out the window and the guards all came to the same conclusion, The lieutenant won the fight.

Scar, now shaking, looked at Zuhn was absolute terror written on his face. Suddenly, the Liuteant mumbled a couple of words.


Zuhn stepped back unconsciously and felt something warm flow out of his chest. Looking down, he saw a medium-sized hole in his chest. Slightly panicked, Zuhn tried to playback the man's movement but wasn't able to figure out how he struck him.

Scar came to the realization of what just happened and cried out, "Shit"

Scar looked up at Zuhn and shouted, "We need to run! This guy is a wizard!"

Zuhn took a couple of seconds to process what Scar just told him, 'Wizard?'. The closest thing that Zuhn could think of was fantasy novels back on earth. Where a wizard was someone that possessed great knowledge and was able to use magic.

In a matter of seconds, Zuhn's face turned from shock to an emotionless one. Zuhn didn't fully understand what happened, but he understood that he needed to kill the man standing in front of him or he was going to die. The only way he was going to do any damage to the lieutenant was to aim for the head.

Zuhn jumped forward with his dagger in hand, while blood trailed behind him. The lieutenant was slightly caught off guard, wondering why this youth was running at him after he hit him with a near-fatal blow.

The lieutenant brought up his sword ready to block the small dagger, thinking Zuhn was going to attack the same as he did last time. Once Zuhn was within three feet of the lieutenant he suddenly switched directions, jumping into the air toward the guards.

Instead of landing in front of the guards, Zuhn decided to jump on their heads. He started to pick up speed as he ran across all of the guards. The lieutenant, slightly taken aback tried to keep up with Zuhn's increasing speed.

Soon, the lieutenant wasn't able to keep up with Zuhn's movement, which lead to his downfall. After noticing that the lieutenant was looking at where Zuhn was previously, he decided to strike.

Zuhn launched off one of the guard's heads that was behind the lieutenant with his dagger pointed straight at his neck. Zuhn grinned as he felt the blade enter the lieutenant's neck. In mere seconds, the lieutenant's body hit the pavement.

Before the lieutenant's vision completely turned black he thought to himself, 'W-What… How… did he get behind me? W-who is he-'

The lieutenant's eyes closed and a pool of blood started to form around his body, leaking into the streets.

Down the street, the youth in the window looked out in horror with his hand covering his mouth. Tears ran down his face, but they weren't tears of sadness, they were tears of anger. The man who just died was the strongest subordinate he had in the whole city of Hencewood.

The remaining guards watched in horror as their once supreme commander lay dead in the streets of Hencewood. Most of the soldiers dropped their weapons and began to beg for their lives.

Scar tugged on Zuhn's shirt, signaling for them to leave before anyone else showed up. Zuhn nodded in agreement before the two turned around and started to run.


After running for several minutes, Scar pointed to a small wooden shack located in the slums.

"Welcome to my house!" Scar proudly proclaimed.

When Zuhn walked inside the house, he couldn't help but laugh. What lay in front of him was a small chair with one of its legs missing and a table. Once the adrenaline started to wear off, Zuhn started to collapse but was able to catch himself, leaning on the wall.

Zuhn kinda shocked, looked down at his chest, remembering he was injured in the fight with the lieutenant. Looking at Zuhn, Scar quickly ran outside and came back a couple of minutes later with what looked like a makeshift first aid kit.

Scar made a half smile before saying, "I know it doesn't look like much, but there is some useful stuff in here, I think…"

Scar started to rummage through the first aid kit, taking out bandages, a needle, and some thread. Looking over at Zuhn, Scar smiled and said, "I've never done this before, but anything's better than nothing, right?"

Zuhn rolled his eyes before laying down and lifting up his shirt. Zuhn almost fainted when he saw how large the wound actually was, he was rather surprised at how he was able to kill the lieutenant with the near-fatal wound.

Scar grabbed everything he needed before looking at Zuhn, "Okay, are you ready?". Zuhn nodded while putting his shirt in his mouth and biting with all his remaining strength.


Zuhn shouted out in pain, he was able to feel each and every prick from the needle along with the pain he was already feeling from the wound. It felt like the needle was making the pain worse with each stitch.

After some time, Scar exclaimed loudly, "Alright! I-I think I'm done."

Zuhn half conscious at this point leaned up and took a look at his wound. Looking down he stared at the zig-zag pattern on his chest, before looking at Scar with a slight frown.

Scar turned around and pointed to the three-legged chair, "O-Okay, how about you sit over there. I'm going to go get some food, I will be back shortly." Once Scar left the wooden shack, Zuhn found some strength to move over to the chair.

Once he got himself on the chair, he took a second to look around the wooden shack. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed there was a book on the table on the other side of the room.

Already in an immense amount of pain, Zuhn didn't want to get up, but he felt a strange sensation when he stared at the book. Fighting through the pain, Zuhn hobbled himself over to the table and grabbed the book.

When he got the book in his hands, he felt a small vibration radiating throughout his whole body. With the book in hand, he walked back to the chair. Before he was able to open the book, he heard Scar walk back inside.

Looking over, Scar was holding two paper bags and brought one over to Zuhn. When Scar was close, he was able to see Zuhn was holding a book, he stopped for a second before saying,

"Oh, Zuhn that book won't be any good to you. From what I heard, only people with special talents are able to open the book. Even with that talent, most aren't able to understand the contents."

After putting the two paper bags on the table and handing one to Zuhn, he took out an apple and what looked like to be water in a glass bottle. Scar smiled and sat on the ground and started to eat.

"This is what the town hall gives to the slums every day."

Zuhn took out his own water and apple before turning his gaze back to the book. The title read, "Cultivation and Skills". Without a second thought, Zuhn flipped open the book. The table of contents had several page numbers along with different levels.

When scar noticed that Zuhn was able to open the book, he dropped the apple he was eating and looked at Zuhn suspiciously.