
Raising the body through the gift comes in the same difficulty as repelling the body of another when he wants to reach hand-to-hand combat. Tom was experimenting with his body as he had reached the limit as to what he could move with inanimate objects. Improving control of his ability was something he started to do with his parents and decided he would not stop doing it. Not because he could access better things in the future based on his performance since he started learning with Sarah about the basic functioning of the Vyndra society and other details that might seem logical to the people who grew up on this planet. He understood that it was not all as simple as he believed. He hoped that when he grew up, he would not have to worry about many things, maybe getting a job that would give him a stable life. Living in such a complex society was more difficult to survive as it was Before I came to this planet, there were many things that I had to take into account.

He felt a little annoyed every time he thought about these things.

The sensation that is obtained when exercising the gift was quite particular since it varied depending on what you are trying to control. When he used it on himself, it was as if he was trying to move with his arms, and it was strange since He was not using his arms, as manipulating the skill was enough for every gifted, what they felt when using it is not necessarily something universal some could feel itchy others that pinched their skin or even pulled a strand of hair.

The only thing that could be generalized is that with practice and time, the state could develop a more comfortable way to control its ability.

He was practicing for a few hours but had not achieved much, something unsatisfied remembered what Drako had told him about adopting another creature before. He could look for one by immersing himself in the virtual world, but now it was not possible, although that option no longer existed. Where you could search by species and many other features, this page was updated continuously. As he looked at Drako's information, he noticed that there was a new classification having taken the name of those mythological creatures from the mother planet that he took the title for Drako as a new denomination for creatures that share specific characteristics.

He liked the idea of ​​his companions being dragons, so he looked for another one with those characteristics. After choosing one and confirming it, the bracelet detached from his wrist and floated in the air; he could see that it took a different shape, and suddenly he could feel and a disturbance in space. A small portal about fifty centimeters in diameter appeared, heard a voice that seemed to come from the other side.

- take care of him.

He said something hoarse, and an egg came out of the portal. At the same time, the bracelet disappeared and returned to its shape, while the egg seemed to deform and get smaller until it entered a hole in the bracelet.

After leaving the momentary stun, he accessed the new information that had been added in the creatures tab; it seemed like a few days would pass until he hatched. It was recommended to spend time with the egg before the creature was born and make sure to see the birth when it happened.

It is different from Drako, well it should be, I guess ...

He realized that he was still thinking of the creatures as if they were a toy, and a feeling of discomfort invaded him. A few minutes later, he had not moved from the position he was in, but there was a change inside him when he assumed that they were not like domestic animals but living beings with unlimited potential. He decided that he would give them the best possible place and not abandon them. He had to treat them as equals, and now they were his family, his new family.

He looked around; it was a relatively large apartment. very large for a single person, for a child, a few weeks ago his tutor offered to go live with him, this was, in fact, a place he had every time he came to this colony when he was not on duty,

if he went with him, he could leave the territory, but since he was a military man, he would have to continue his studies at the military college. It was not the first time that I invited him, a week later days after his arrival, I had asked him, but by order of the psychologist, he could not leave the place, a year had passed, and he refused because he wanted to be with the friends he had made in this place.

Then he went to sleep, thinking that he was no longer alone.

He had fallen asleep and was running late to the training center; he didn't even have time to prepare something to eat. He entered the classroom a few minutes before the teacher arrived.

While recovering the air, his friends approached.

- You rarely arrive at this time.

- Aiden is right, but you seem somewhat different.

- Did something happen?

- No ... oh yes, I was training late and adopted another creature.

- Seriously? Great.

- Just in time, it seems that they will make some changes to that system and suspend it for a while.

"Oh, it's true," Tom said as he looked at the message in AR.

- Well, then we keep talking.

The teacher had entered, and after greeting him, the class began.

It was the break, and the children went out to lunch. On the terrace, Leuel's team was chatting.

- Are you sure?

- Why not? It would be a reasonably quick way to end the fight.

- But I think it's hazardous.

- Because you think they teach us how to use weapons. Also, think about it, we all use these shells, which could hurt us badly if it weren't for the fact that we use them regularly.

- The rules nowhere say that you cannot use weapons. - Leuel noted while reading the rules.

- Then it's decided.

In the outer courtyard, the other group was in the same situation.

- Well, I think everyone already knows what to do. ADOLF, try not to complain so much.

- But it's annoying, and it hurts when we fight.

- You just said something obvious; you're the only one complaining.

- But both you and Sarah started training earlier than the rest; I never imagined that I would have to fight like this.

- Well, our families are dedicated to that, after all.

- Mmm, Tom, don't you care?

- Not that I like it ... - he answered somewhat embarrassed.- but ... I have to do my part too.

- Well, yes ... but why me?

- Because you are the loudest- Sarah sentenced- well, we have to go inside.

The next day would be the fight.

That afternoon in an alley south of the Colonia, a man was walking; he entered the path out of curiosity when he saw a group enter, his white clothes made him stand out, but he did not care. After a few minutes, they stopped. The man in white kept his distance in a corner where they wouldn't see him.

- All right. Now I will isolate everything within 10 meters.

- Do you think it will work?

- We should try if it goes well. He mentioned that we would take care of the work.

At that time, three of the five were put in the center.

- It seems to work.

While one commented on that, the other two nodded. The bracelets were released, and three portals appeared, and then three mature creatures emerged; they saw those who were in front of them somewhat stunned.

"Who are you?" Said one of the newcomers to the portal.

-Now, quickly!

At that moment, the one who was not on duty took out a device that he installed on the floor. One of the creatures reacted, first with doubt, and then distrust, decided to return to the portal.

The strange apparatus made waves that began to distort the space in that radius of ten meters. Somehow, the portals became unstable.

When the creature noticed that it couldn't get through the portal, it decided to attack; the other two did the same. They could no longer ask why they were doing this, but they had to defend themselves.

They could not even attack; it seemed that the humans already had everything planned, they distanced themselves, and the apparatus pointed directly at them. Suddenly the frequency that emits change seemed to affect and contain the creatures a little; the humans took advantage of that moment to take out other Machines this time were the ones who had the bracelets. At first glance, they looked like backpacks, but it could be that they were not; they emitted a kind of light ray that began to deform and shrink the creatures while absorbing them.

-Well! We did it. Let's lift everything, and we have to go


The man in white never moved while observing everything; after thinking for a moment, he decided to follow them...