The fight

The result of today's match would define whether Tom would advance the medical tests or not.

The fight as it would always be done afternoon, there were usually no spectators, but since the semifinals were the other students were interested, it was good to know of possible rivals.

It is not as if it was remarkable to see children fight. But traces of what could be the future of the gifted could be seen.

Sarah was somewhat restless; she had inadvertently put herself in the role of the leader; this happened during the first fight. Everyone was nervous and moved awkwardly; the same thing happened with the opponents. Her parents, since she remembered, told her what it was like and what they felt when they fought. She always put or tried to put to the test all the advice they gave her, she recovered something of value and went out to the front with the gained courage she ordered her friends. Then she started doing the same thing in training; when they got to the second match, they had more confidence. The teachers thought that it would be Aiden who would take that role due to her character, but surprisingly it was not, and when in the second battle, they followed her without problems to they had to change their assessment of it.

Just as her friends were experimenting with ways she could use lessar skills in a fight, she was just worried about this because she eavesdropped on her parents; in the military, they were studying precisely how they would affect combat from now on. It seems that depending on the creature, the devastation was enormous.

Unlike her peers, she began to educate her child later than them, and it was not long before the event where they disappeared happened. She was afraid that in today's fight, they could seriously hurt their opponents.

These days she realized that Lessar was very attached and did not know what would happen if something went wrong. Lessar was learning to speak, and in her attempt told her that nothing wrong would happen.

After spending some time weighing this, she told her friends what she thought.

-Hmm ... well, I hadn't thought about that. I will ask Yuan

As Adolf said, Tom did the same.

Aiden looked at them, and then they both said at the same time.

-Says no problem

They looked at each other and smiled. Sarah was still doubtful.

-Well, what happens is that they have something like a limiter. It's in the manual. Didn't you read it? - Aiden interrupted.

"Now that you mention it, there was something like that, and I was working so hard that I forgot, but I think that's why I didn't feel worried until you mentioned it, Sarah."

-It makes sense- she said somewhat embarrassed.- well ... you know what to do.

-There are quite a few people ...

-Yes, good.

-That both teams go on stage- ordered the teacher who would be the referee today

The eight people went up as instructed by the referee, greeted each other and took a distance, waited one more minute, and then the referee gave the signal. The Level team was in charge at the time. Each activated their domain, and they immediately pulled out a hilt that stretches out into a fighting staff, which were lined with a material that minimized damage. In turn, you could see how a series of pointed needles came out of the pockets they had on their belts; Tom's group also deployed the arrows around them, unlike the others, you could see that he passed his hands over the needles and then these were deployed in midair.

Adolf ran out and shot his needles at the four opponents; this caused them to slow down a bit, as they had to focus on repelling the projectile that entered their domain. Leuel repelled it instantly without blinking, he kept running forward, and I notice As the boy was heading towards him with a tackle, the other three behind Adolf also fired, managing to stop his opponents' career.

Leuel immediately repelled Adolf, seeing how he was thrown backward, he held the stick tightly and looked at his opponents; this would be his victory. He did not care that his opponents were planning; he believed that he was stronger.

He does not notice that when Adolf was flying backward, a kind of small mass that grew up from his bracelet shot down to the ground and even took the form of an amphibious-looking being that opened his mouth and shot a jet of water which hit with him. It was a reasonably strong shock that stopped him and made him fall backward; his companions were somewhat stunned, looking at the creature.

-well done, Yuan!

-It's time! - Sarah shouted when she saw the stunning of her opponents.

Released his creature that was on Adolf's, it was a humanoid with three pairs of wings, somewhat young and gloomy-looking with black eyes, and some pieces of armor. When he stopped in midair over Yuan, Lessar raised his right hand and snapped his fingers; at that moment, next to the sound, a dark flash spread that blinded the three opponents except for Laurel, who was on the sole under the wave of the attack, still incredulous.

You could hear the exclamations of the other students in the gym at that moment.

-Drako, it's your turn!

-don't mention it- he replied with pride

He roared, and glitter could be seen around his body, as the gems in his body did too, he took a few steps forward, and at that moment, the bodies of his opponents glittered and floated in midair and knocked them off stage.

-Miss Smith's team is the winner - announced the referee

The four approached the creatures in the center. Drako walked proudly.

-With me it would have been enough, you did not need to spend energy.-I only did what they asked me- Yuan said

-hmmm .. - was all Lessar said

-Don't be like that, Drako, this is teamwork.

-what I mean is that it could have been better to use them all in the final, and not reveal their abilities.

-that makes sense. - said Aiden, who was the only one who did not release his creature.

-Well, there is still one Yuan returns.

The other two also ordered their respective companions to return to the bracelet. While in the stands, the teachers were arguing.

They just ravaged them.

-yes, this is a sample of what's to come.

-They don't believe that the balance of power would collapse with this.

-I don't know ... There are still a few monsters with the others, and humans are not the only ones with access to creatures.

-It makes sense, but ... you know ... no, well, it's nothing. Let's get on with this.

The man in white was still following the group that had captured the creatures. Right now, they were out of the colony, and he was a little anxious. He didn't know what they would do with the wretched beasts. she remembered that as a child, he had raised a few. "Maybe it's time to get them back, it would be entertaining." his line of thought could be described as chaotic. It could be said that he moved and acted based on impulses and ideas that frequently appeared in his mind.

It was the same three years ago when he sneaked into that frigate that was heading to observe a "game" between species in another system, solar. He wanted to see the battle. But while they borrowed a small ship to get out of the frigate, he noticed something on the map of that planetary system. There was another planet that caught his attention. It had a chain of asteroids around it, plus it appeared to be a graveyard of ancient ships.

He ordered his companions to go to that planet; they knew how random it was, so they did not argue with him and went towards that world.

Now he remembered it as a beautiful adventure; he also got something from that adventure, something he was beginning to understand.

He did not know whether to call these people who were following him. Lately, he had lost them, but he knew how to contact them, "maybe it will become somewhat chaotic, I do not feel like dealing with them now" while thinking this, he noticed that a vehicle of transport, it seemed that there was only one person in it.

At that time, the "backpacks" where the creatures were captured began to vibrate.

-what's going on?

-I don't know; it's getting hot

The one who said the latter removed his backpack and threw it on the floor, the other two did the same. A few moments later, as the vehicle approached, the bags exploded, and the three beasts came out amid the dust that had been generated. They were somewhat puzzled and angry, their bodies were unstable, yet amid a tacit understanding between them, they decided to attack their attackers. These are only humans without the gift; they could not bear or react to defend themselves. A man came out of the vehicle. He was equipped with armor that fit his body.

-a renegade- whispered the man in white.

The renegade approached the three creatures. He had a smile on his face.

-stay away. - said one of the creatures.

-I'm sorry, but I have work to do, please resistance.

Another of the creatures roared. He had understood that he was trying to capture them. When they received the call, they were anxiously waiting to meet those people who had made them grow; it was quite common that once adults.

Some people abandoned the creatures as if it were a game; others did not have the time to continue taking care of them, and with time forgot them. When the rebirth came, many creatures in this situation were anxious and hopeful; perhaps they would be called and would meet these people again. Still, when they arrived, they only found a group of unknown humans who attacked them, felt heartbroken and furious, their bodies were unstable, and they thought that the human in front of them was not only hostile but also gifted.

He was approaching slowly, he hadn't been interested in these child creatures, but he had an idea of ​​what they were capable . The problem was, he didn't know what the three in front of him could do.

His mission was to bring these supposedly captured creatures, but since they had escaped and had no way of locking them in, he was ordered to liquidate them; the high command could not be allowed to learn of this.

He noted that his physical form was unstable. His captors had not been killed, so he decided. Just in case he texted them, so they wake up when they wake up, I didn't know what would happen.

Active his domain, when they were a few meters away, he could not allow them to escape; he immediately immobilized them. The creatures felt desperate, suddenly they could not move, and pressure began to crush them. They were still getting used to the physical body, so the sensations were very violent, the pain, in particular, was too much. There was still innocence in these new beings who had received a new way of existence. They somehow hoped this was just a nightmare.

Perhaps if they had had more time and experience with their bodies, they would not have died so quickly.

The man in white in the distance closed his eyes with some regret and boredom. While they woke up, the unconscious group and the bodies were cremated approached.

-I just saw something interesting- he said out loud and with a warm smile on his face

The gifted immediately activated his ability, and moments later, there was a needle pointed at the man in white.

-What do you want?

-Please don't worry, look, I'm not gifted.

-Hmm ...

-I think I understand what they want to do. I've been watching since they were captured and ...

-Go to the point - he interrupted

-Okay. I think I can offer you some help.

The conversation continued for a time. You could see the changes on her face entirely from contempt to disbelief.

- If so, then let me try it first.

- It's okay

The man in white raised his left hand, with his other hand, he took out a layer of fake skin that covered it up to his forearm. As he took it out, you could see that it was black to his hand. On the tips of his fingers, a liquid of black began to form.

- please open your mouth

The man in white said with a smile that was not reflected in his eyes.

Ps: these days, I will upload more illustrations, especially in this chapter.