Watching the military exercise

Ethius had no way of knowing that the humans had already identified the site where the creatures experimented on. These people were part of the faction that sought to control the creature, trying to create a scenario where they could get their custody before the case came to the government, so they took advantage of the gap that the situation left them while it was still reorganizing.

Although these humans accompanied by creatures, Ethius did not feel comfortable with their presence, there was something that told him not to trust these humans.

So following this instinct, he thought of a way that he could get out of the place.

He knew he could break free at any moment from the containment of the creatures, he wasn't sure about the force field around him. I didn't think it would be too much of a problem, but as mentioned, if I was in a military installation, enemies would surround me if I came out in force.

If he gave them the location, he did not know if they would use him as a guide or ask him to point it out on a map.

- How do you want me to point out the location? - I ask.

- You will guide us, a special team will accompany you. Once we check the place, we will take care of sending you to your plane. - One man answered, he seemed comfortable with Ethius's question.

- Okay... Then, I'll ask you something before.

- What is it?

- I want the creature and the child I speak of accompanying me.- He got up, breaking the repression of the creature and showing that it could move at will.- If not, I will not move from this place.

The three men looked at each other, Ethius ignored them, but if he had looked at them, he would have noticed the confusion, surprise, and fear in their eyes.

- We cannot let the child be in a dangerous situation...

- I'll protect him, it shouldn't be a problem. Besides, his partner is capable.- Ethius interrupted, and this time he looked at each of his visitors.

"Okay, we'll see what we can do," said one finally, "we're leaving."

When they left the only ones left in the cell were the creatures, Ethius said nothing else, he just sat on the ground and closed his eyes. He felt calm knowing that his people surrounded him.

The attempt to take the creature had failed. They hoped to seize when he woke up, to take advantage and make his move, but they failed.

They put creatures under their dominion on guard, hoping that it would lower its guard and guide it in terms of the decisions it could make, the being had opened up to them and told them what happened, taking advantage of this they appeared in front of him offering the exit I expected, but the little slip at the beginning of the conversation made the creature flinch.

This defined how the meeting would end, and the creature's request to take that boy and his creature with him drove the last nails into the coffin. They had identified who the child was, therefore they also knew who the people were after him were, their guardian was appointed directly by a person they could not touch and they knew that he was aware of everything that happened to the child, if his people did something to him they couldn't stop him. So they quit.

Also, they could no longer make another attempt, people related to the singularity would soon visit the creature, although he refused to give information about the abducted creatures, the singularity asked to be contacted by the one that was confined.

Tom was with his friends, eating at the buffet at the base. He did not know that his existence had in any way helped that being he had encountered on the day of the invasion.

A few more days passed and these days he had met with his tutor several times. Today she invited you to see a Betas exercise carried out by her unit of tutors. They were guided to a plain located north of the city where these activities were carried out.

- This is the basic scheme of a Beta.- Said a lieutenant who was giving a lecture.- As you can see, there are no manual controls, we call the beta cabin "uteri". Once the gifted enters to the uterus a direct symbiosis are generated with the beta.

"Sorry," said a child in front after raising his hand.

- Question, no problem.

- If they do symbiosis… does that mean that the beta is alive? - Tom couldn't help being surprised.

- Yours is quick reasoning. Yes, the beta could be considered a living being; but it is not an intelligent being... It is rather a reactionary entity, which we can program for our liking thanks to nanotechnology. That is all I can tell you.

Tom did not like betas, beyond the beginning he ignored what was being said. He knew firsthand how these impressive things were, but his first encounter with the betas had left a mark of dislike for them.

That he didn't like betas, it was something he was hiding from his friends, tutor or Drako. He wanted to leave the place, but he couldn't, Aiden was quite excited to see the betas up close and although Sarah didn't seem that interested, Tom noticed that he was reading something in AR.

So he did the same until the conference ended.

They then went to the hangar where they got a close look at the betas while they receive maintenance. They then watched the squadrons take off and witnessed the exercise unfold via AR.

With them was a general who showed and pointed out some details that they should pay attention to, and asking the children for opinions about what was happening in the field.

Tom felt the general's gaze upon him. He didn't know why, but he felt that he was paying too much attention to him, even though he seemed focused on the battle and what was happening in this place.

He didn't know if he was imagining it or not, but he couldn't shake that uncomfortable feeling in his neck and back.

- Now something interesting will happen, pay attention.- Said the general, pointing to the scene on the ground.

In the ground combat, some Betas were facing Robots and drones of different types. They cornered the unit, and they were putting a lot of pressure on them. To where they could not attack properly thanks to the efficient interruptions and blocks made by the mechanical hordes. Tom noticed that the way they blocked the betas was focused on exploiting the weaknesses of the gift, therefore the gifted would be forced to improvise, to get out of these scenarios, but in this one, he could not see a way in there to come out of the fence.

"They are lost," Aiden commented beside him, Tom looked at him sideways and noticed that he seemed concerned. Sarah, on the contrary, looked expectant.

When Everything seemed lost, he saw how there would be a compartment in the breastplate of the betas, and several creatures shot out of the team, used all kinds of skills, with which they opened gaps so that the betas came out of the blockade, ride the wave, the team could decimate the robots a few minutes later.

The children clapped and cheered in amazement; they saw similar situations in the sky.

- I hope you enjoyed this.- Announced the general.- Goodbye, have a good day.

He said with a smile and lowering his head. Before leaving, he looked at Tom for a moment and left.

"My father knows General Calaldor," Sarah commented, then turning to Tom, "he is a very important strategic class gifted."

"Wait, you're talking about" that "Calaldor," Aiden said aloud.

- Sure, you didn't realize when they presented it?

- I was so focused on what they told us about the betas that I honestly didn't pay attention to it. Agg, if I had known, I would have asked for an autograph. - He seemed quite frustrated.

- Is he famous? - Tom couldn't help asking

- AAH?.- Aiden exclaimed, but he fell silent instantly.- Sure, you weren't born in Vyndra. Well, he used to fight in tournaments; he was too cool. Later I will send you some videos for you to watch, when you see it you will understand.

- Okay...

Tom wondered why the general paid so much attention to him, he couldn't remember seeing him before. Putting that thought aside, the next thing he wondered was how they would clean the battlefield, the answer came immediately, he could see how the betas were in charge of this with their gift, was astonished how great their domain had to be to move that amount of junk, I also noticed that the piling robots changed shape, and merged into a sphere.

"Are they doing it with their gift?" Tom asked no one in particular.

- I think they could... But I don't know if at that speed- said, Sarah

- I think it's a "smart" metal. Aiden pointed with a raised finger.

"Sure," Tom muttered. He knew ​​what it was, so he didn't comment on anything else.