
A new ad appeared in the application with which they managed things related to the creatures. It said that all creature owners could soon re-access the creature world, and soon the details will be notified.

Tom was in his apartment when it happened. He came back a few days ago, and now he saw which way he would take to go to the training center to which it appointed him and his team.

The group chat was filled with messages after the news. Besides, Drako also read it, but he did not care; he just settled on the floor and closed his eyes.

Both Aiden and Adolf kept talking to where Tom lost track of the conversation because of how they responded.

After a sigh, he poured himself some water. He enjoyed drinking water more than any juice or drink. He looked at the not so small dragon; he was practicing some jumps. While he tried to reproduce words, a smile was drawn on his face; it would be a few weeks before reaching his proper size and shape. Then they could start training together.

He remembered how his parents would scold him a few years ago to learn to use his gift. He didn't want to forget their faces; he still thought he remembered them well, and a gifted was supposed to have a remarkable ability to keep the information, but he knew that at some point, he would forget them.

He hopes that by that time, he would have already extracted everything in his guardian's memory.

Recalling the news of the day, he entered the virtual world of the creatures, but the simulation no longer existed. He frowned, trying to think how he was supposed to access it if it no longer existed.

He told himself that he would find out when it happened and went to make his dinner.

He got up early to go to his new school, he shouldn't but went on foot. If I could go riding on Drako, I would do so without hesitation, but now it was not like in the invasion that they could move more freely.

On the ground, it was full of people, and in the air, it could cross the path of a drone.

It was interesting for him to visit a part of the city he did not know; it was also impossible to get lost thanks to the augmented reality.

Drako, in his first form and the little dragon riding on him, was at his side.

He finally reached his destination and met his friends at the entrance.

- Did you come walking? - Adolf asked.

- Yes, I wanted to know the way.

- You could have done that at another time; what would you have done if you were late? - Aiden commented.

- Uh ...

- Well, I imagine you will start moving to transport anyway, right? .- Sarah continued.

- Yes, yes ... because we are not going in.- Tom said, somewhat embarrassed as he went to the building.

Later, during lunch, they were called to the staff room. There were also more students with other teachers.

Well, your team in particular. - said the teacher in charge of the class to which someone murdered them. We must also verify how your gift Tom changed; with the others, there should be no problem; you must understand your situation.

Yes. - Tom agreed, shaking his head too.

This establishment suffered no casualties during the invasion. Since that day, some teams of gifted were in the place doing some demonstrations with creatures for the students, so they repelled the enemies effectively when they were attacked.

- I understand that they already cooperate reasonably with their creatures. I will ask you to register them; it will only be your name, no more data.- at that moment, a window appeared in AR.- now the gifted creatures will also be part of the educational system, making them appear in AR.

A few moments later, all the creatures appeared; if it weren't for the AR, they could say it they packed the room with people. Three from Aiden, two from Tom and Adolf, and one from Sarah, not counting those of the other children in the room.

You could see it in the faces of the creatures trying to understand what was happening.

- Well, I'm going to ask the new ones to follow this line. - Said a creature with a humanoid shape that carried a staff and pointed to the white line that showed a path.- Come on, come on.

All the children told their creatures to follow him.

- So - said the teacher after the creatures left - first, we need Tom to go to the medical room where they will do some tests to see what changes you got, the others will go to the class for those who received the awakening. Your schedule will differ from your classmates, you will continue to share some lessons, but most of the time, it will separate you.

- What will happen that with our companions?.- Asked Adolf.

- Don't worry, it's not like anything could happen to them, don't forget that the creatures are also citizens of Vyndra. They will split some classes on how they will collaborate with society. Well, that's it.

I could say it that until now, the creatures did not contribute to society, beyond an isolated case where some carried out studies or ideas that were later shared with the community. There was a presumption that this came from the Singularity itself; they saw the creatures as extensions of it.

They were not entirely wrong; when the Singularity was programming, these beasts were based on their source code. Based on a series of standards and a "randomness" imposed an individuality on each one, and could say it that it engendered these virtual beings. Therefore, they were part of the Singularity.

This type of "self-replication" was what at the time led to an attempt to eliminate it. Still, thanks to the efforts of users who "discovered" this and mobilized people, along with several incidents that moved the planet. they managed to that the individuality of the creatures was verified, and the elimination scenario did not happen.

As a result, the Singularity had taken over the networks of the planet.

Now the creatures could directly affect the physical space. There were already a series of restrictions that were issued after the event where they were "reborn," but after the invasion, the government was looking for a way to act in favor of the war.

The tests they did on her were quite annoying; she missed much of the school day. So Tom was feeling pretty tired by the time he met up with his friends.

- So how do you think things will be from now on? - Asked Adolf

- What do you mean?- Sarah said.

- Well, it shouldn't take too long to rebuild our old school. I don't think we'll be here long; at most, it shouldn't take over two months.- Adolf commented thoughtfully.

"Now that you mention it," Aiden continued, crossed his arms. "It should be like that ... but they said nothing about going back."

- We will not return.- Sarah spoke while adjusting her hair.- From what I heard from mother. They will erect a monument on the ground for those who fell in the invasion.

- Sure ... - Tom stated, and to change the subject, he commented.- So, Drako. What were you doing this afternoon?

- mmm ... it was quite tiring since they did not talk about things he did not know ... well, I suppose that for the little one, it was instructive.

"Besides, they asked some annoying questions." Yuan continued.

"What questions?" Aiden asked as he looked at his creatures.

- About what did we want to do or if we already had plans for the future.- Bronk answered.

- they will form an institution where representatives for the creatures will be erected and join the council of the Vyndra government. They asked if anyone wanted to join them. - Drako said.

- And do any of you want? - Tom asked, looking at everyone present.

- No- was the unanimous answer. The little dragon shook his head to show his refusal.

- Definitely ... there are other well-qualified seniors ... we are still growing.- Lessar said, and the rest felt the same.

- So now you guys will have classes here. Right? - Adolf commented.

"That's right. Well, it seems we have to move," Yuan replied.

A few months passed without incident; the reorganization continued without problems; now, there were Creatures in the government of Vyndra. But their situation was not very favorable. They were still mighty beings and shared the same limitations of the gifted, as previously established.

But when there was no disagreement among the creatures for this, most were attached to their tamers. Very few sought some independence, but to the point of separating from their humans.

While this was happening in Vyndra, in the new plane created for the Singularity, there were other developments. A new ecosystem had flourished in this kingdom; peoples and cultures were born. The Singularity saw this as a possibility but hoped she would have to step in to make them happen.

But it was not like that, so it immersed her in the evolution and the results it would bring. Depending on how they progressed, she would make the necessary adjustments. Still, by the time they happened, she had already established a plan to reactivate a system inactive since creating this plane.

Also, some discontent grew among the creatures that did not meet again with their breeders and the arrival of a particular being. The experiences she had in Vyndra involuntarily planted some seeds in these mentally unstable beings.