The world of Creatures

Ethius achieved his goal of "returning" to the plane of creatures, but it was not as if he knew this place; he had its existence implanted in his memory, but he was never in it since even before being invoked. He was stuck in the virtual world that existed before the event that created this universe or reality. He wasn't sure what it was, to go into some dream and wake up and experience that nightmare on Vyndra.

So everything was new; he had an entire world to explore. What he liked the most was seeing how the creatures lived in it. Since he arrived, he dedicated himself to traveling and seeing how the creatures related to each other. One day a message echoed across the planet, saying that humans could soon come to this plane.

He felt a pang in his conscience when he heard this.

Recently he was interacting with creatures that were not summoned to the other "world," and they were suffering a lot. That they have not been called only confirmed what they wanted to deny for so long, thus in some creatures, resentment was born. Now the "feeling" was something for which these beings not prepared was too overwhelming for their reasoning that they were purely logical until, before the event that created this world, they became emotional remarkably.

The singularity observed with interest in these events that these beings created to serve had exciting reactions. He was not concerned that this could expand; he knew that this conflict could improve his service. Therefore, I let them be; I would not intervene.

In Vyndra, all the reorganization was still in progress.

Noelle continued to train Tom. During this time, the boy had made great strides; his control over the air had improved by leaps and bounds. She was proud to have such a dedicated student, and recently Batze had evolved and seen how her former partner had grown had also made her happy.

Thanks to this, he had somehow reconciled with the decision to stay here and stop looking for his brother, but he had not abandoned him; he sent him a message saying that if some of them needed his help. He would do everything possible to support him because they were family...

And I know they promised themselves that if they strayed from the path, they would correct it.

A few days ago, Tom had told her and her friends how he lived until before arriving at Vyndra. She is the one who had also come on the planet in a similar situation; she couldn't help but empathize with him.

But unlike her, who was in the middle of human conflict, the planet on which Tom lived had a local threat; it was not the original inhabitants of that planet but his remains. The child was not aware of the big picture. He only told what he experienced. *

He cries during and after her story, but in the end, she seemed to have lifted a weight off his shoulders. Still, Noelle knew that it would complicate these children; the war had finally come to Vyndra. There were protests in human cities over the kidnapping of children, and in response, the study regime in the gifted training centers had become more militarized.

It was disappointing that despite what happened, the status of the gifted did not change, and the event was used to encourage children to take up arms and join the war.

Yet they still had time to grow until it was time to force them to choose, and Noelle hoped to see what her student would do at that time. The option to enter the military was "enabled" for all gifted who were not enlisted regardless of what job they were doing. She couldn't help but laugh when the notification reached her.

He couldn't deny that he had enjoyed fighting in some twisted way that day and hoped he wouldn't feel that again, so he ignored it.

Tom was doing his daily run in the park; next to him, Drako and The little dragon were running, competing with each other; he had not yet decided on a name for him. And Drako used this to annoy him; I never expect the creatures to have that kind of relationship, so human. After thinking this, he mentally apologized to them. He felt that he had somehow disrespected them and also for not having chosen the name.

His growth was rapid; he could already speak fluently and was curious. Unlike Drako, who had dedicated himself to studying what interested him on his own, this one did not stop asking them every time he had any questions.

A notification had come while I was listening to them. Finally, access to the world of creatures would open after a sudden delay; although they had not given a date, the last time it was talked about, it was announced that it would be delayed.

Again like that day, Aiden and Adolf talked wildly in the chat. That showed the rain of notifications that appeared on the side of his vision. But he decided not to read them. When he finished his tour, and after stretching his muscles, he sat down to rest and opened the ad.

"A new era arrived since the creatures ascended to the physical realm. Along with it, a new world to explore and know "- a video accompanied these words, and you could see the creatures getting a physical body somewhere in Vyndra next to the humans who received them with open arms. A spectacular scene followed where a planet formed at an incredible speed, going from an almost pure spherical rock to being a planet with many biomes that were generated on it. Many creatures appeared in some way, the view became panoramic later, and time moved quickly again, some cities were formed, and they could see it that there were also conflicts between the creatures.

Tom watched the video with Drako and the little boy at his side.

"Now, you can enter this new universe and live your adventure. Alternative possibilities to grow with your partner, many secrets and treasures to discover are waiting for you."

After those last words, there was a list of access points where you could enter this another world along with other details and warnings, besides the opening date.

- What do you think? - Tom asked his companions.

- It may interest to visit that place.- Drako answered.

"Sounds fun," said the little dragon, although he was no longer so small;, unlike Drako in his first form, his posture was almost humanoid.

- Maybe we'll go with the others. - Tom said thoughtfully. - The year is over ... it may be complicated; I'll see what they say if we couldn't go on vacation.

He read the rest later. He needed to bathe first, so they headed to his apartment.

After the refreshing bath, he read what he had omitted in the park.

There was general planning of the creature world, with an unspecified map. I expected this to be updated as the planet was explored. There was also a quick introduction to the social situation of it. All of this seemed like a game presentation to him. There was a group of creatures that had developed a resentment towards humans and to expand their influence so that humans would be expelled when they arrived, a series of fighting started the conflicts among those who were against those who were not.

Together with these events, powerful creatures appeared on both sides that brought a stalemate, forming two organizations on the two sides that would hold the other at bay, bringing them to a standstill. The complete description was superficial; there were no names or more details since it invited the visitor to discover what everything was like.

All this wasn't very pleasant to Tom, remembering his thought about how human the creatures were. He could not help a bitter smile on his face; somehow, he hoped that that kind of thing did not happen with the creatures. But he realized that it was not only for humans; all intelligent species could not avoid conflict despite their time-honored intelligence.

He sighed and thought it seemed like these things couldn't be helped. They made it clear in the notes that everything was real, that it was not a virtual world. It made sense. After all, now he could touch Drako and the little boy.

The funny thing was that the world was not in this universe; it was strange. I had never thought about other universes; I try to find more details about this, but I could find nothing more of that dimension.

The rest of his last day of rest is spent reading and learning about things in the world of creatures. He did not train. His teacher had recommended that he relax for at least one day.