Something about Blanco

Blanco, he was in Europe, regretted having missed the invasion. Now he believed that it would not have been a problem if he approached the city. Thinking about what had happened, he wondered if something related to this laboratory to the invaders.

He didn't get around too much with the people at that compound, so he wasn't sure about that. He also did not remember hearing anything related to an invasion; the fact was that all these people were entirely focused on their investigation.

His escort also commented that he had seen nothing to show that they were part or had not noticed, which made sense. After all of them, they still believed that somehow the planet was untouchable.

Blanco couldn't help but laugh when he realized this.

Now he was looking for the bracelet he wore as a child in his old home, and he did not know what to expect from those creatures or if they would even follow him.

His house was still as he remembered it; his parents were natives of this colony. To be more precise, they were part of the fertilized ovules transported in the colonies, and that was supposed to form part of the population when they settled in a world.

There were still many of these "unborn" when there was a decline in human demography, and they entered the population. One detail of these people was that they still had some biological characteristics from when humans inhabited the mother planet, unlike today's humans, who had undergone many genetic modifications and not to mention the gifted. Hence, they were prone to diseases that the current population no longer suffered.

Therefore, they placed them in controlled environments, which some call "farms" where they are · "updated" for a few years and then inserted into society.

His parents belonged to a radical group that incited and wanted humans to take over the planet. Blanco believed that they had joined those groups out of some sense of inferiority generated by their updates and the outrageous comparison to "current humans" and the gifted. At some point, they told him that "it was their right as 'originals' to rule this planet for humans."

When they told him their position, he could not believe that after so long since the arrival of humanity to this world, such groups still existed. Another of his recurring phrases was that "the gifted had to serve the originals" and help control this planet.

He did not suffer any sense of inferiority with the gifted or the "current"; he had understood since childhood that his parents tried to make him think like them, but he had a good relationship with these humans. They were simply people to him.

Although he disagreed with their beliefs, he never opposed what they said.

But as she grew up and got to know more people, she encountered many contradictions. She realized that regardless of the ideology, people were strange, beautiful, and terrible. Sometimes it was uncomfortable to see what people were like, others she loved to watch them. At some point, he felt that he had to do something to help them get what they wanted; when he saw a problem, he always approached and tried to find a solution.

If he could not do something, he would look for someone who knew how to solve the problem. To not go to these extremes, he spent a long time studying and learning everything he could. That is why he had put aside the creatures. He did not see how raising these beings could help him to help people.

The more he looked, and the more he saw, he understood that there was no perfect solution to help people. But it was fun to watch things turn out; he liked the complete process, no matter the outcome. He discovered that there was nothing more enjoyable than people. He was never bored of helping.

As he was not gifted, he could swing around the planet, and just as he searched for people, people sought him. Some people followed him; they were people who wanted to help him help. One day two years ago, a group asked him for a hand. They wanted him to help them watch an interspecies tournament that would be held soon.

He had never witnessed one in person, so he found it fascinating.

While they were on one cruise (in which they sneaked in) that was heading to the star where the event would take place, for some reason, he had gotten bored with this request; He thought that maybe it was because nothing happened inside the ship, so he went out and explore the solar system. He had already done what he had to do, so he allowed himself a brief vacation, stole a ship, and went into space. His self-styled followers were with him on the ship, and they had abilities useful to him.

While looking at the map of the area, he discovered that they found a rather exciting planet. It had an asteroid belt and seemed habitable. It was not the planet of the event, but it was in the same orbiting zone. They headed for it. At one point, they intercepted a signal for help; it shocked everyone. Since it came from that planet, the curious thing was that the sign was limited for some reason and disappeared at a certain distance. That is why she had not reached the cruise ship, and they did not understand it.

In that world, it was where he got the black substance that now inhabited his body; while he remembered these things, his partner interrupted his line of thought.

"Sir, there seems to be moved outside." - Adam said.

"Mmm, well, I already found what I was looking for." He placed the bracelet in his hand, and they left the house.

It's not like anyone could complain because he's inside; He was his, but she didn't enjoy being here for long; someone could always approach someone unwanted. Those who still sought to dominate the planet for the originals inhabited this area; most of them were just older people who never accessed a cocktail to extend their life. It was curious how all these people who thought alike lived nearby; he wondered if there was someone else behind all that.

- And your family, sir?

- They are not alive.

- Sorry ... I didn't mean to.

"It's fine, and they died doing what they wanted," Blanco replied with a smile that didn't reach his eyes. "It couldn't be helped."

They went to a park and Blanco focused on the bracelet. When he opened the application for it, an update message appeared. He wouldn't let him see what he had; they practically made him do it.

- This is annoying ... well, let's do it.

- I'll see if anyone in the group can do it. Adam said as he searched his contact list. I notice your sister's message, but I ignore it.

Blanco just waited; he was in no rush. He thought about what he could do with the creatures at his side; it was very likely that he would not follow. It's been a few years since the last time he cared about anything about them, but he couldn't deny that they were fun to play with at that time.

- We have someone working in one store in this city; we can go if you want.

- So, let's go.

The update was pretty quick. When he could finally see what was in his box, he could not find his creatures. There was only one message that they were released a few years ago. Because of the breeder's carelessness, it made sense. After reading it, he remembered that there was such a function.

Then he saw the news of the opening of the creature world.

When he read the "history" of the world, he couldn't help but get emotional. Now Vyndra was stepping up, and it headed everything for war, but it would take a few years for everything to move to the next scene. Therefore, the movement of people would be restricted, so she thought it would interest to move to this world.

He wanted to see how the creatures related to each other and more so now considering the conflict in which they were. She might also find some exciting creature; she turned to her partner and asked if she had a bracelet.

- I was honestly never interested. - Adam answered thoughtfully.

- Well, I'll visit the planet of these creatures. It will challenge to move to Vyndra for some time. "he paused and continued." It would not be wrong to rest a little too.

Adam was accompanying Blanco this time, and it was difficult for him to read his intentions. He helped people, but sometimes he looked at them with a rather haunting look.

With the last incident, he realized that it made no difference in who was shaking his hand, which disturbed him quite a bit. So he was his moderator, that's why he followed him. He believed that if he guided him in some way, he would not happen again. Therefore, he asked that contact who updated Blanco's bracelet once for him to continue by his side and observe him more.

He thought that perhaps he could return the favor he did by enhancing his gift by following him.