
Tom watched as Drako and the little dragon trained; at the moment, they were in the open fields where combat was allowed, so they were in their corporeal form.

The little one fights to throw blows with his massive forearms, combining with attacks with his tail, which like Drako, had blades that ended at the tip. He could also manipulate the air and use it in different ways. Thanks to this, Tom could also improve his control over this element.

Drako's experience was too noticeable, but even the little one grew up at a reasonable speed. Drako fought in his first form; he ran around the little boy, immobilized him, and repelled him with his psychic ability. His opponent repelled him with gusts of wind when he could, taking advantage of the moments when Drako did not use his power.

Tom did not interfere in the combat, nor did he say anything.

Types divided the creatures, for example, Drako and the little one were dragons, but they did not look alike; it could be said that simply the dragon types shared certain types. Remembering this, he focused on thinking what name it should give to the little one, as he was not anything happened, I searched the web for the title of dragons from human mythology. Features.

He found nothing that called him the previous one; he looked at Drako, and then at the little one again, the little one also throwing gusts of wind to drive Drako away. He searched the languages ​​of the mother planet for names for the current, and after listening to several examples, he decided on Iska.

He liked the way it sounded. Finally, when they stopped, he approached his companions and proudly announced the name he had chosen. The little boy, no, Iska, was happy.

- Well, well, calm down, I'll keep calling you small anyway.- Drako said, bothering Iska.

"You!" Iska yelled as he tried to hit him with his claws.

- Well, calm down, rest a little, and then we will resume. This time it will be you against me.

- ok.- they answered simultaneously.

The wounds suffered by the creatures could be restored once they returned to their digital state, but the mental exhaustion would remain. If they received a fatal injury, such as beheading, they would only have about 30 seconds to return them to their digital state and restore them. If that time passed, it would be impossible to revive them.

This was thanks to the type of matter that it made their physical bodies of. Although the restoration was not immediate, it would take around half an hour for them to return and not to mention that depending on the mentality of the creature, they could not act immediately depending on how they react to those that happened to them.

Thinking about these, Tom's gaze wandered around him; he could see many people in this place doing the same as him and his companions. Today they were on their own; their friends could not attend practice as they had their issues to deal with.

He remembered that he had not read news about the world of creatures this week. The situation had returned to a standstill after a few weeks of constant fighting. There were videos of some travelers filming the fights from a long distance, which were filled with millions of views being at the level of the tournaments that were made before Vyndra's "union."

In particles, there was one in which the creature that Tom had met in the invasion appeared; in the video, he was involved in combat. It seemed like he was trying to stop both sides by hinting that they shouldn't fight each other like humans. Still, when he did not achieve his goal, he immobilized them with his power; as the rest of the creatures could not respond, they fled, and in the end, it could be seen that this creature remained motionless for a while with an apathetic expression and then flew away.

Tom first felt relief when he saw his remembering how he sought to return to that world, but he did not have the rest he was looking for, making him sad.

Seeing that there was nothing new, he continued his training.

Adolf has a large family, there are five brothers, and he is the third. His older brothers were born with a "defective" gift, which could hardly be manifested and left them exhausted. Because of a genetic problem that came from their father's family, he had not displayed it, but it reached his children. So they expected their case to be the same, but it turned out to be the opposite.

Adolf developed a gift with a reasonably large domain, which would have many possibilities. His entire family celebrated this since he had resigned himself to the fact that perhaps none of his children would serve the human colonies until Adolf's wound.

Sensing his family's aspirations, he decided that would be what he would do. After all, it was the intended path for any gifted. But despite being blessed with a more significant domain, it did not mean that the child could take advantage of it. However, he was competent in his study and training, his control was limited, his parents told him that he should not worry about it, but it bothered him, and the surrounding kids could say pretty hurtful things about it.

He got this out of his mind when he started with his friends and raising Yuan and later Bira. Thanks to the fact that his peers specialized in water, he decided that this would be his area of ​​expertise when he was awakened.

Now he was in his bed resting after his daily routine. He was thinking about his friends and what had happened this year.

It began with the strange disappearance of the creatures and distortions in space around the planet that made him fear he had never felt. Then the creatures reappeared, and now they could have a physical body; he had been delighted when he could hug Yuan; they won the tournament and got the cocktail with which he could improve his body and gift, then the invasion happened ...

Unlike Aiden, who always seemed to give his all and more since the invasion, Adolf did not try to stand out too much, but he felt free with his friends so he could joke with them. When I noticed how Aiden had changed since that day, he again tried harder.

When he thought of Sarah, he felt proud; she had taken the reins of the team since the tournament and could organize them, always thinking of ways to improve together and even get them out of trouble as she had shown in the invasion. She seemed tired sometimes lately.

Tom was the one who changed the most; he differed from when he had arrived at the center, although at times he seemed quite shy at others, he showed great strength; he was always training and studying. Everyone was trying hard, but when he saw Tom, sometimes he felt a little dizzy just thinking about the life he led; he had had a pretty lousy time before coming to vyndra.

He lived practically alone, and his guardian was in the army and was always on the move. He could not believe when he told him that he asked to stay in the apartment when he offered to take him with him, although as all gifted, one could say that he was safe whenever he was in the city, and it is not as if he could leave it either. He couldn't imagine himself in his situation, so he respected him quite a bit.

After the invasion, he could not sleep for a few months. He always dreamed of what happened that day. Sometimes he still felt nauseous when he remembered the bodies. But he told himself that if he wanted to be in the army, he had to put up with it.

Thus, his parents and siblings sometimes teased him and played with him every time they saw him quiet for a while and with a blank look, to lift his spirits. After all, he was only 11 years old. What he saw and what he did was not something he should have gone through.

I look at the calendar displayed in AR, as it gave little to the beginning of the holidays and the end of the school year. He was looking forward to those days, as they had decided they would go to the creature world.

Although the situation in that world was not very stable, it was assumed that there was danger for humans, or that was assured. Plus, they could always return to the human world if something happened. There were distributed portals that functioned as a save point, and from there, they could return. I was also eager to find those treasures that were talked about lately; they could be brought to vyndra and used; there were all kinds of them, even some that gave skills like the ones they had some creatures.

Some organizations had been formed that was dedicated to finding these artifacts, every day I read the news that came out about these objects. He hoped to meet some when he went with his friends.

He also hoped to live an adventure with them; little by little, the dream was catching him. The last thing he thought before falling asleep was that he was hoping those days would come soon.