Dr. Seri Is In The House

I pushed the exquisite loveseat groaning at the effort.

Bertram glanced at me worriedly, "Do you need help?"

I spoke through clenched teeth, "No! Now shut up."

After I pushed it in the spot I desired, I rubbed my hands in approval. "There. Perfect."

Lona had been watching me in the doorway, "And what are you doing again?"

I went over to a chair and started pushing it, "I'm setting up my office."

She nodded, "Right. And why are you doing that again?"

I spoke through groans from pushing the heavy chair, "I am going to... Help Bertram... Get better..."

I wiped my brow and stared at my work. I panted heavily, "Why is this furniture so God d*mn heavy?"

Lona looked confused, "But I thought you already cured him of his habit."

Habit was a nice way of putting it.

I grabbed a blanket and threw it over the rest of furniture that was pushed into a corner.

"Well I stopped the habit, but I didn't fix the root cause."

She nodded, "I see... And so what exactly are you doing now?"