A Weekend Getaway

I lay in my bed holding out a piece of cloth in front of my eyes. I heard Lona enter the room, "Alright everything is packed. Are you ready to go?"

I didn't take my eyes off of the handkerchief in front of me. She walked over and frowned, "Why do you still have that? I thought you gave it to him a while ago."

I frowned, "I tried to but... It didn't really go according to plan..."

"Did you get too nervous?"

I blushed slightly, "Why would I be nervous?!"

"You shouldn't be. Just give it to him already."

"I can't just give it to him. I must be careful."

"Why? You gave Prince William his gift with such a confident face."

I sat up and ran my hand through my hair, "Well that's different."

"How so?"

"Prince William has a birthday. Dante doesn't. What if I offend him by giving him this gift?"

She sighed, "How could he be offended? I'm sure he will be so overjoyed to see you think of him."