The bet, part one

"Are you serious, Turia? You want to come back to see this shit a second time?" What are you thinking? At most, we can beat the odds and make it there in one piece. Then what?"

Theodore failed to understand how going back to the future he had already escaped would help.

"There is no way I can get away from whatever is breaching the wall across the street when we arrive. I also don't even know if I can take you with me, Turia. What if something goes wrong and we both die?"

"If we don't use this chance, we will see the future just by doing nothing, Theodore."

Turia felt, that his concerns were justified. This was a new territory for both of them but certain risks had to be taken if they wanted to succeed.

She also had another goal in traveling to the future.

"What if we go there only for a few seconds and then leave? That's all I ask, Theodore."

This seemed too risky to he cautious Theodore.

He was not about to risk everything for nothing.

At least, if they stayed in the present, they would still have their lives.

"What is it you want to do there so badly? What could be worth taking such a risk?"

"I want to see if I can connect to my future self, Theodore. There has to be a reason this is happening. I'm sure that if anybody has any idea, it would be my future self!"

"Perhaps, but what if it doesn't work? What then?"

"Then we have at least tried to do something. Theodore, we have to!"

Theodore felt a strong headache coming on and was innerly torn on the matter.

They could succeed and perhaps gain a precious opportunity, but they could also fail miserably and die.

This was one of those decisions that nobody should ever make light of.

Theodore felt his throat dry up, almost as if his body tried to prevent him from entertaining the thought. His voice had become hoarse and strained as he made his choice:

"Let's do it. But I have no idea how to use my ability. I can't guarantee your safety."

"I understand. Do you remember any specific feelings just before you woke up, Theodore?"

Theodore paused and thought back on that night. He remembered the feeling of weightlessness.

"What do feelings have to do with this, Turia? Wait, is it because of mana?"

"Bingo. Your answer gets full points."

"Emotions are the key to understanding mana, Theodore. Always remember that using mana is to overwrite reality itself and your mana ability always originates from a specific emotion."

Turia looked right into Theodore's eyes as an idea came to her.

"How about we make a bet, Theodore?"

"What kind of bet?"

"We bet that both of us, together, can change the future!"

"We'll use the chance given to us and try to find out what is about to happen. I will teach you how to wield mana and once we think we are ready, we use your ability to travel to the "Future". With our lives on the line, we bet on our success, Theodore.

"We saw what happens if we do nothing!"

Theodore knew, deep down, that she was right. Besides, it was the right thing to do.

Facing the trouble ahead required strength and learning to wield mana would be immensely useful in that regard.

Once Theodore remembered this he dropped all indecision from his mind. Time had become a valuable resource now. Should either one of them slack off in the slightest, both of them could lose their lives.

He became determined to do his utmost to grow stronger and he looked at Turia, offering his right hand.

She reached out to him and shook Theodore's right hand. The beginning sunrise contrasted their shadows on the pristine white beach as if immortalizing this very moment.

"Let's do it Turia. Even if it's the last thing we do."

Theodore's emerald eyes shone like stars in Turia's opinion. That fearless look facing a foreboding sky was intoxicating for her.

She would follow these eyes wherever


And just like this Theodore and Turia started their preparations. When he wasn't cultivating, Theodore was learning to control his mana.

Thanks to Turia, he quickly became familiar with what she knew, and before they knew it a month had passed.

The only thing that she could not help him with was his innate ability. Theodore however had shown massive progress when it came to shaping mana and using it for simple spells.

Just like her [Space], Theodore's [Time] came from intense emotion. Theodore and Turia both agreed that it was most likely born from Theodore's desire for more time when he awoke his mana in the "Future".

More time to cultivate, to grow stronger, and the strong desire to escape all confines.

They were very similar in this regard, Theodore and Turia.

Both of their abilities arose because of their will to escape their bonds. Theodore had tried his best to activate his ability again but realized that his mana wasn't anywhere near enough.

Although in the beginning stages, his mana already allowed him to listen in on the conversations of machine cultivators!

Turia, on the other hand, prepared by stuffing any kind of resource she could get her hands on inside her [Space] pocket.

Anything useful was indexed and stored and her body had become a walking warehouse of epic proportions.

She tried to prepare for as many events as possible and besides guiding Theodore she was pretty busy. After almost five weeks both of them felt that anything more would be a waste of precious time.

That morning the island was quiet and the staff was told to leave the island temporarily.

Theodore and Turia were ready to make a bet of two lifetimes.