at lecture

suddenly teacher intered into class, we all turn towards her,

tae :(just start starring towards her beauty,(her deep eyes which is brighted in sunlight to show her eyes infinite deepness her lips like they are thirsty her cheeks... soft and raw skined... and her neck.. looking soft,... and ready to bite..and her smell of blood )

me : am just focusing on lecture but my pen droped so i bend to take and suddenly sharp edge of bench scratch on my hand.. just little amout of blood come out.. but i wipe it quickly


but her smell of blood which is start attracting him towards her... he hide his face into book, to hide his pale face and from behind mask his long and sharp teeths, he was trying hard to control himself, these theeths start to aching like they want to bite her his head start aching by controlling himself and because of her blood smell he grab his head)

jin notice that (he cant control himself but he dont want to reveal his real identity. so he was trying to hide his face in book)

jin : mam tae is filling sick i take him to home.

mam nodded.

i turn towards him and yes why this boy look sick.. did am stingy or did he have alargy from girls.. didnt because of me he get sick(but wait i didnt do anything i think he already feeling sick so he wasnt talking to me) when he was going i wave him hand... he leave.


after getting out of class.

jin :boy are okey.

tae : yah no not.. i want to bite someone fast as i can... my theeths i cant control it anymore..

they both saw a girl front of them who is walking towards girls washroom, they wait so that girl enterd into washroom after her tae interd into washroom and bite her so hard... and suck her blood his teeths and he was not satisfyed, his whole body want to test her... he never fill this way..

after he bite her he come out from washroom

jin : are you fine now.

tae : no! my stomuch is full but my whole body from inside want to taste her blood.. and bite her.. bro i never fell this way... i want her badly...

jin : we will take her. just get back home today...

tae : yah bro okey.