forget to off

yah bro okey.

he leave and he come back into class and sit near to me.

i turn towards him... and with confuse faced i turn towards teacher again. (why this boy sit on tae's place now.. )

jin : cause i am akways worried about girls.

me : huh(did he can read mind also)

jin : you can think like that way also.

me :(oh damn did he can read what i am thinking.)

jin : of corse but not by your mind actually by your face.

me :huh(okey lets try last time.)

jin : (okey lets try)

me :(hum..... ah i think am remembering something. like i forget to turn off the tap)(my eyes winded wait.....what! how can i forget

jin : did you really forget..

me : may be,

jin : i think your house become swimming pool right now.

me : and today mom is coming at home after afternoon.

jin : lets get ready to die sweety.

your already dead.

ah i think i should leave right now..


(she really forget to turn off the tap.... and her whole room is filled with water and her mom is taking her steps towards the room...


am gonna dead meat... what should i have to do.

jin : just face your mom there is no another way.

suddenly period get end...

me :am going by....

and i run from there.... as fast as i can.


jin come towards window and saw..

am running i get fall while runing but again i start run...

jin : ha ha ha ha this girl look different.

jimin :why are laughing bro and were is our new prey

jin : hum look at there..

jimin : why she was running.

jin : she forget to turn off tap and her mother is coming home..

jimin : poor girl, ha ha ha..


tae :finally ah after somtime i am getting relife from that smell... ah i am filling better...


i am running and while running i bump him..

we both get fall.

tae : (no not again ahh my head)

after that i again run away

but my some blood get on his pant...

tae : (yah she already leave then why my head is spinning..) and why her blood smell is coming... ah am filling sick... now i cant control... he run after her. following her...


finally mom complete the stairs and get near to door...

.me : mom stop there..

tae is also coming from behind...

but mom cant hear me clearly and plug the key and open the door knob and water come out from room and we both get on floor..because of water.

were tae grab me from behind.. in his huge and i huge the mom..

we both are safe... but we all get completely wet...

i open the eyes.. and saw a hand on my stomach i turn back