
No matter how hard the groupies try, but they weren't able to make Anna talk....in the end they just give up....and started talking to each other...then some went to their own tents to enjoy the long night having fun just like Kate and Daniel....While...some of them...just fall asleep in their sleeping bags nearby the bonfire...

As for Anna she was still busy...with the virtual world and with her virtual friends.... unknown about the outside situation.....

Inside the phone****

"Wind .... what's your real name????" one ask

"No Matter whatsoever it is....I still love my bro Wind" another replied

"Please be my hubby Wind" one propose

"No please be the father of my future children Wind" another propose

" Wind is always mine ....so put your dirty gazes away" one said

" Come on..... girls....stop pestering.... Wind there are others available for that" one answered

" My eyes only search for Wind " one said

" Marry me Wind" Queen propose..

"Where is My Husband...@Wind"Death asked

"Just shut your Bloody fucking mouth....you piece of shit ....@Wind belongs to this lady ... only....last warning" Dancing rain

"@Rain... honey.... Please go little easy on these rookies...I don't like bullies....But I won't mind helping you to bully others....honey"

"Ohhhmmmmggggg.....Wind....said....honey.......to @Dancing rain...Am I Daydreaming...????" one says

" He says not to bully us rookies.... Ohhhmmmmggggg."one replied

"He says he will help in bullying.....if @Rain wants.." one says with a tonne of jealousy...

" Ohhhmmmmggggg.... public display of affection....@Rain & @Wind are so lovey dovey couple..."one says

" I am wind rain shipper....." one says

"Me too" another says

" Wind Rain ohhhmmmmggggg so cute....."

" One is God of death while another is Goddess of life..... what a rare combination....I am a shipper too..." Another says. ...

When...it was past midnight....and Kath falls asleep due to exhaustion.... Daniel.. simply cover her with blanket...and went outside to lit some cigarette.....and have some puff of smoke....

But then ,he saw that everyone were already fully asleep.. except The Mysterious lady....who didn't even tell her name to him....and treat him as completely invisible..... Completely lost in her own world...A virtual one.....

He simply went towards the direction of bonfire...more than ... curious to know...just what exactly is consuming her interest...that she didn't even realise the time ....

The more he try to sneak peek the more he get confused...

Wind rain shipper....??????? what's that??????

She is reading the texts related to this so called Wind and Rain ... without replying anything....Just what on. the earth is that.....

8490 typing....

2356 typing....


Wifey typing.....

3820 typing....

wait...wait...wait....a... minute.....Wifey?????????? How can a girl have wife....???? It's practically impossible.... until and unless she is into girls...that could be possible... maybe that's why, she treats me as invisible...

but .... but...but....hold on....if she is interested into girls...then Kath.....what about her.????

Tonnes of questions were going on in his mind..... without answers.....so the conclusions...was...she is lesbian...What a waste of beauty...like that...

"Hey" Daniel says...

Anna who was busily browsing in her phone.....look upward....at the source of sound.....and find to-good - to -be - true kind of scene....

The hunky was standing right in front of her.... looking distracted...as...if in some kind of deep thinking....

"Aren't you going to sleep??" Daniel ask...

She ponders a little on the question then look at the surrounding environment to find everything pitch black around her.....which signifies that it's past midnight.....and then her gaze landed on the people sleeping soundly on the sleeping bags.....and the only person awake and looking at her ...as if waiting for the reply.....

So she simply left the online discussion that she was completely immersed in earlier...and locked her phone....

And .....ask.....

"What about you?" Afterall everyone is sleeping...so why ...is he awake...

But for the first time ....till they met .....he ignored her....and her question.....and simply left ..... within few seconds....he get disappeared into thin air.....after three or four minutes pass...he reappear...with....a.... sleeping bag???? on his shoulder.....

How rude!!!!!! I mean how could he show off at this time??? what a jerk ??? Anna thought....

" Here" Daniel says....and handed over the sleeping bag to her.... without any prehandling warning.....just like that...

Now dude....you can atleast inform me before hand .....to avoid....any problem....like.. the way you come closer... towards my direction....my heart started beating like crazy...what if ...I got ...a heart attack....just like that..... please..... thought Anna....

After taking the sleeping bag...and handling it with difficulty.....she was about to spread it and sleep...but he simply take all the burden..from her shoulders...in specific....the sleeping bag.... and spread it for her....

Aww.... how cute.... and romantic..and sweet.....the thought just crossed her mind ...and left it with the lightning speed...as she shook her head.....

She simply hop inside.....close her eyes....and within few minutes....fall asleep....

As for him....he just watch this .... beauty....in front of him..... sitting near to her sleeping bag.....and just staring at her face. .....deep in thoughts .....most precisely..... about that Annonymous Wifey...