
Few minutes after ... Anna's phone rings...But she was fast Daniel couldn't help but sneak peek at her phone.....and the next second he regretted his impulsiveness...he just simply stare at the brightening screen of the mobile phone and listen to the ringtone.... without moving an inch if he had been struck by a thunderstorm...

One word keep on flashing in the screen..... WIFEY....

Very soon the darkness was overpowered by the light....and the whole sky drastically started changes it's colour....from... black then finally Mr. Sun rises from the east... . and the whole.....nature...the beautiful beach.....the sand....the sea..... Everyone welcome this new day.... this new beginning....with open arms...but for the humans. ......they were still sleeping..... light....was actually..... disturbing called morning haters......

How....are they suppose to praise this beauty called MOTHER EARTH.... while they are still sleeping.....when...MOTHER EARTH just of her magically awestruck views.....that even words failed to describe. .......That beauty.....

Around 6 O'clock everyone wake up except THE MYSTERIOUS LADY...who sleeps with..... don't give a damn to this world.....kind of attitude....

Few moments later....Daniel came...and shook Anna from her if trying to wake her up.....

While Anna completely complete her beauty sleep...and not wake up.... until and unless she wants to wake up on her own..... keeps on mumbling....."WHAT THE BLOODY HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM .....JUST LET ME SLEEP....YOU FREAKING..MORON..... LADY.....WIFEY.... DON'T DISTURB MY SLEEP....THIS IS THE LAST WARNING...OR ELSE....." the last sentence was completely on if this furious ligress will kill anyone any moment.....

Poor Daniel...who tried his level best to act normal..... can't make it out...after THIS MYSTERIOUS LADY keep on calling .....WIFEY... even in her sleep...

And in the end ....say it out loud...." Wake up... Sleeping beauty....we go.....we can't afford your beauty sleep...just wake up..."

After hearing stranger's voice... Anna's body reacted much faster then her mind....and before she could realise.....she was already sitting on the sleeping bag...with her eyes close....and her little face on her hands... trying to get some support...

even in such a situation....she simply smiled a little and said ...." GOOD MORNING"....

Daniel was completely stupefied.....this girl....who was still not completely wake ....had acted like he had murdered her... yesterday....and today...he actually become lucky hear her sweet voice....Two words.....more than normal.....yet it feels like he won the throne...of three kingdoms.....

After gaining back his senses....he replied back... "GOOD MORNING.....NOW ARE WE LEAVING OT NOT....??????"

Anna sighed a little ....and simply nodded....then in the speed faster than speed of light ...she simply get up..rolled the sleeping bag.....back to its normal position.....and sit inside the car....As for Daniel....he just kept watching....while...his lips automatically turned slightly upward....then his gaze move to the sleeping bag....who was lying there... without an owner.. sigh.... what a girl...he simply took the sleeping bag...and pull it up in his shoulders...and take it to place with other stuffs.....

They were totally twenty six people including Kath and Anna in the group.....

They have totally three jeeps...and four motorbikes...for totally twenty four people but since Anna and Kath joined the last they had to readjust everything.....

Each jeep contains all the necessity required by the groupies.....

and eighteen people while the rest of the eight people were joining on mobike....which means each jeep contains six people.....what an adjustment...


They all take their seats...and unfortunately Kath, Daniel and Anna have the same seat...while Kath seating in between them.....As for Anna she was back on her savage mode.... completely ignoring everything around.....