Securing Loyal Help Part One

Feng Xi quickly got up and ran over to her desk with her laptop and hooked it up to her printer. "Ru'er quickly, Get my business suit out. If I want to make millions I will need to show my father I am not just playing around. I will need his help to get a step into the business world." In her past life, it was the same. She had to use the Tang family's influence to get Tang Zhi's companies off the ground. In this life, she will have her father help her.

After printing out all the resources she needed and putting on her business suit. Feng Xi turned to Ru'er and asked: "How do I look?"

"Very beautiful and mature looking, Young Miss!" Ru'er was stunned at how well a suit fit Feng Xi. If she did not know Feng Xi was sixteen she would think that she was looking at a business elite!

"Good! I am off to secure our future!" leaving these words behind, with documents in hand, Feng Xi ran out of her room towards her father's office.


At this same time in the Tang family, Tang Na was having a hard time figuring out what was wrong with her son. "Zhi'er why won't you come out? The physician said that there was nothing wrong with your nose."

"I can still smell it! That damn rotten smell! It still lingers!" A crash and the sound of glass breaking could be heard from within. It seemed that Feng Xi's little trick caused more harm than she had expected.

"What's wrong with Zhi'er?" A man in business attire walked up and asked.

"Master! Zhi'er won't come out of his room, He says he can't get the smell of something rotten out of his nose and it is driving him crazy. But the physician said nothing is wrong with him. I even contacted the Feng family to see what had happened." Tang Na bit her lip as she stared at the door with a worried expression.

"Has the Feng family replied back yet?"

"Not yet, General Feng has just recently returned home. We should find out soon."

"Then we will wait to see what their reply is. You know how Zhi'er is, he hates being unclean more than anything."


"You're late!" Feng Shun who had not looked at Feng Xi yet, lifted his head to see his eldest daughter dressed up in a business suit and was a bit surprised. This somewhat intrigued him since he could see papers in his daughter's hands. But he still had to handle the matter at hand first.

"What happened during your meeting today with the young master of the Tang family?"

"This…" Feng Xi paused her words as she looked at her father. Her expression showed nothing but confusion. "Since the start, Young Master Tang kept saying something about a smell and even asked me if I had bathed as soon as he saw me. I am not sure if he was trying to picture me in such a way or not so I gave him a firm warning. But even after that he still complained about a smell. I wonder now if he was not using this so called smell as an excuse to leave..."

In her past life, their first meeting was filled with flowery words that made Feng Xi fall in love with him. This time things did not work out that way because of Feng Xi's trick. Not only was he not able to spit out any of his flowery words that caused Feng Xi's downfall in her past life but he left in a haggard state without her having to do anything but deal with a nasty smell.

Feng Shun snorted. "If he really did fake an illness to get out of this marriage instead of being straight forward then he is not worthy of my daughter! But..." Hearing the "But" Feng Xi knew he would not cancel the engagement just because of this.

"Because of our deal, I will not cancel the engagement. Think of it as more of an incentive to uphold your end of the deal."

"I understand father. To show that I am not just playing around I have come with a request." Feng Xi turned on her business mode.

It was the same thing she did any time she had a meeting in her past life. Her entire aura seemed to change to that of one of a completely different person. Feng Shun noticed this instantly as his daughter shuffled the papers in her hand. Becoming even more intrigued, Feng Shun put aside his paperwork and folded his hands on top of his desk.

Getting no reply but seeing the interest in her father's eyes, Feng Xi inwardly smiled. "First Please take a look at this."

Feng Xi placed two documents onto Feng Shun's desk. Feng Shun looked at the two documents and his brows knitted, he could understand one but not the other. Seeing his confusion Feng Xi quickly explained. "The one on your left is my bank account. As you can see, I transferred one million yuan into it about an hour ago. The one on your right is a summary of the ups and downs of the stock I invested in. It shows the current trend that is on, is an upward scale. In less technical terms the stock is rising up at a steady pace and shows no signs of slowing down.

"I used all the money I had saved up over the years and bought three hundred thousand shares at one yuan a share at the time. It has only been a few days and it is now at one hundred and twenty yuan a share, up twenty yuan from the time I sold one thousand shares.

"My total net worth including the one million I have in my bank account is now thirty three million yuan."

Feng Shun's eyes opened wide. He had never expected his eldest daughter who was lacking in the educational sense to be so good at making money! "Okay, I now know you are not here to ask for money so what is it that you want from me?"

"I need an accountant. Someone I can use as a go between for the companies I plan to start up." Feng Xi stepped forward again and placed a few more documents onto Feng Shun's desk.

Feng Shun once again knitted his brow as he looked at the numbers on the papers. "Hold on let me call Dai Fen."

"Wait!" Stopping her father from picking up the phone. "Father I want my money and the fact that I want to start a few companies to be a complete secret… Even from Madam Yi and Feng Lan... If it wasn't for the fact that no one was allowed near your office without being called first, I would not even be discussing this with you right now. "

Feng Shun furrowed but they slowly eased up as he began thinking about it. He knew his wife acted well and behaved on the outside but she was sneaky in other aspects. And Feng Lan's outburst showed her disdain for her elder sister. Feng Shun may not know the things Feng Xi was showing him but he could easily read people. Once they cracked their facade slightly he would be able to tell their true nature. Thinking of this, he nodded his head and said: "You can trust Dai Fen. He has worked for your grandfather and me for many long years. He will not expose any of this to anyone. He wouldn't dare."

"Then I will sit and wait then." Feng Xi was glad her father, although strict, had a good understanding of others and was always upright about the things he did. This is why she was willing to come forward with all this and show her unwillingness to let Jiang Yi and Feng Lan know about her business plans. She must first get her foot in the door and gain the ability to protect herself before she could let others know.


Hello, all! Author here! I wanted to take take a moment and thank all the people who are reading my new contemporary romance based novel! After Young Miss Strike Back ended, I had been wanting to write a second contemporary romance novel that was a bit more in-depth. I hope you all are enjoying this novel. Please leave a comment below letting me know hat you think so far.