Securing Loyal Help Part Two

Feng Shun was actually very happy with the demeanor that his eldest daughter had at this time. It was like she was a whole new person. Feng Shun had a servant come to serve them tea while they waited for Dai Fen to show up.


On the other side of the manor, Feng Lan was cursing Feng Xi's name. "That bitch will probably get it for chasing off Young Master Zhi! There is no way father will let her off! Serves the bitch right!"

"Lan'er shush. If anyone hears you it could be bad. You already let you mouth slip once and look where it landed you. It will be a month before you can even go back to the academy!" Jiang Yi frowned at her daughter. For some reason as of late, her daughter was not able to control her temper.

"Mother it is all that bitches fault that I ended up like this! Are you sure Young Master Zhi is still going to marry the slut?" Feng Lan's eyes were cold. She knew what the plan was. If they wanted to gain control of the General's Manor after the General's death then they had to take care of Feng Xi! Without her alive, everything would be granted to his wife. Their plan would take a long time but it was the best to ensure that none of it would come back on to them. But it all started with her marriage to Tang Zhi.

"Yes I talked to your aunty today she said everything is still going as planned. It was just Zhi'er's nose messing with him while he was in the garden. Probably a plant of some kind that didn't agree with him. Once the next break comes back around he will meet with her again." Jiang Yi explained.

"But Mother, Brother Zhi said he loves me, and only me, he's not really going fuck that bitch is he?"

"Lan'er stop now!" Jiang Yi brow began to sweat. This daughter of hers did not know when to hold her tongue! "Everything will go smoothly. Have a bit of faith in your brother Zhi."

"Un… I will Mother..."


"So how many businesses do you plan to start?" Feng Shun asked. He had looked at the documents that Feng Xi gave to him but he couldn't make heads or tails of them. So he was curious as to what she had planned to do.

"To begin with, I plan to only start a small game company making mobile games. With ad revenue and ingame purchase, I should be able to make a few million by end of year. This will allow the company to sustain itself so I can create new games as time goes on. I want to get one mobile game per month out before anything else. At least then I will be able to have a steady flow of yuan coming in.

"The second and third companies I plan to start is a real estate company and a construction company. I will also pick up any businesses that seem like they are on their last leg. With correct managing and good people, I should be able to turn them around. These ventures are a bit risky but they will pay off if you invest enough into them.

"But most of this will not happen until after high school." Feng Xi would not tell her father about her other plans since there was no reason to at this time. He will come to find out at a later time.

As they were speaking a knock came at the door and Dai Fen walked in. "Little Shun, what was so urgent that you had to call me out here so late at night?"

Out of everyone in the capital, there were three people who could call Feng Shun, Little Shun. His father, The Emperor, and Dai Fen. "Master Dai, I want you to take a look at these."

Dai Fen paid no mind to Feng Xi who was sitting on the couch sipping tea and Feng Xi did not expect him to. When Dai Fen picked up the documents and began reading, his eyes grew wide. He even reread the documents a few times to make sure that all the numbers added up.

"Little Shun? Where did you get these? Whoever wrote these up is an absolute genius!" Dai Fen was not one to give praise to anyone. So Feng Shun was very surprised to hear such praise and at the same time proud because he was talking about his Eldest Daughter.

"Master Dai, The person who wrote this all up is right over there." Feng Shun motioned with his chin towards Feng Xi.

Dai Fen frowned and angrily said: "Little Shun, tell me now who wrote this up?"

"Master Dai, I was the one. I even have the original documents on my laptop if you need me to prove it." Feng Xi finally got up from her seat and gave a small bow to Dai Fen. Her eyes locked with his showing no sign of hesitation or wavering that showed that she was lying.

"You wrote this!? But... " Dai Fen's eyes grew wide he could see that the little girl was not lying! Feng Shun then passed him the documents from the stock market and her bank account. Which sealed the fact that Feng Xi was truly a genius.

"You! Did you get abducted by aliens or something? How come all of a sudden you are a master at business!?" He was truly amazed by this little girl's abilities!

Feng Xi let out a soft laugh before going back into her business mode. Seeing her aura change Dai Fen knew for a fact that none of this was a joke. "Master Dai, I need to find some trustworthy people. People that will not sell out to anyone."

"Oh? What are you looking for?"

"I need an accountant that can do my running around for me. I plan to start up a few companies with the plans you saw there. The first company I plan to start is small. It will have four people two coders and two artists. I already have the first game idea lined up which should take no more than a month to make. To start off, I have one million to invest as starting capital." Feng Xi explained, passing over a few more documents to Dai Fen.

"Hmm not bad, not bad. I got just the person to be your accountant." Dai Fen said suddenly after placing the documents down.

"Master Dai, who do you have?" Feng Xi's eyes lit up. She did not expect to get a name right away, so this was very good. If she could settle things before she left tomorrow that would be for the best.
