First Meeting Part Three

Prince Jin stared smilingly at Feng Xi who seemed to be frustrated feeling very good about himself. He felt like he was able to get a bit of his face back after what had just happened to him.

Feng Xi on the other hand was gritting her teeth, she did not know what else to do but beg! She took two steps towards Prince Jin and knelt down onto her knees and kowtowed while saying. "Prince Jin can you please leave this lowly girl alone before you end up on your back again..."

Prince Jin who was smiling away, face suddenly froze. He was not sure if he had heard what Feng Xi had said correctly or not. But he was not the only one, Feng Xi was actually cursing herself for opening her big mouth. She had never been like this in her past life but she also never met such an annoying man such as this before either! She had actually let out her inner thoughts as she was trying to beg him to leave.

"Miss Feng, can you repeat what you just said please. I think I might have heard it wrong."

Feng Xi was trying to come up with an excuse in her head but her mind was completely blank. With no other option, she could only do that! Play the tough girl! "I said if you do not leave, you will end up on your back again!"

Feng Xi got up off the floor, put on an angry face, and took two steps forward. But instead of getting any kind of response, she was looking for, Prince Jin burst out in laughter! "Miss Feng if you wanted to hit on me you only needed to ask I would not mind lying down for you."

Feng Xi almost choked on air! How shameless was this man!? While she was trying to figure out how to respond she found herself being pulled into a warm embrace and held firmly onto the bed! All she could see in front of her was Prince Jin's handsome face that was gradually getting closer to hers. This sudden position caused Feng Xi to have a flashback of her previous life causing her forehead to begin to sweat. The only thought that was going through her mind was: 'Am I going to be r*ped again? Am I going to suffer the same fate no matter what I do?'

"Prince Jin please." Her voice was whimper as a few tears began to well up in the corners of her eyes.

Seeing the tears in Feng Xi's eyes that were about to fall down her face, made Prince Jin feel like his heart had just been stabbed. He instinctively reached up and gently wiped them away. He leaned down next to her ear and whispered. "I went too far. I apologize Miss Feng." Before getting up and sitting at the edge of the bed.

Prince Jin looked back at Feng Xi who slowly slid up into a sitting position glaring at him. "Please do not ever do that again..."

"I understand Miss Feng. Let's call it even and start anew. From this day forward you Feng Xi are the only girl I have ever taken interest in. You understand what that means right?" Prince Jin stood up and gave Feng Xi a serious look.

Feng Xi wiped the last of the tears from her eyes and looked at Prince Jin, not understanding what he meant. "I am sorry Prince Jin I do not know what you mean. Can you please explain?"

"That means from this day forward you will be my woman. No other man is allowed to touch you!"

"Sorry, I reject! Absolutely not!" Feng Xi instantly rejected Prince Jin causing the young man to stand there with a stupid expression on his face. He had never expected that the only girl he had ever actually declared as his, would reject him instantly and so adamantly at that!

"You! You are rejecting me!?" He was completely flabbergasted! There were so many women in the capital that would climb mountains just to be his girl but here he found one who wanted nothing to do with him!

Seeing the stunned expression Feng Xi thought it was best to explain. "Prince Jin, this has nothing to do with you personally. I do not plan to fall in love with anyone in this life. I plan to work hard and reach the goals I have set for myself. Even my current engagement I am trying to get out of and had to make an agreement with my father just to do so. So please, do not take offense to my rejection. It would be the same answer no matter who was standing in your place."

Hearing Feng Xi's explanation made Prince Jin feel a bit better. But he still wished she didn't reject him in such a manner. But just because she explained did not mean that he would let things end just like that. "Then I just need to make you love me that is all! Oh, and by the way. Eunuch Li videotaped us hugging on the bed just now. The angle he took was very suggestive!"

"You! Delete that now!" Feng Xi quickly jumped out of bed and yelled as she ran at Eunuch Li who tossed the phone in his hand over to Prince Jin. She had completely forgotten about the episode she just had due to being stuck in a game of monkey in the middle as the duo, one Prince, one Eunuch continued to pass the phone back and forth to each other while Feng Xi jumped up and down trying to reach it.

The duo quickly maneuvered towards the door. Seeing that it was time to leave Prince Jin had Eunuch Li open the door so that the two could make a quick escape. "Miss Feng, just remember I will get you to fall in love with me! And as for the video! I accidentally sent it to everyone in the academy."

"You Bastard! I will never fall in love with you!" Feng Xi yelled out as she stomped her feet! This man was too damn infuriating! She slammed the door behind Prince Jin who had just turned around to say something else only to be hit in the nose once again. Hearing the grunt and a bang from the other side of the door Feng Xi quickly locked the door tightly before running and jumping into her bed.

She laid down and looked at the ceiling feeling much better knowing she got the last laugh. But thinking of what he had said when he left, Feng Xi quickly went to grab her phone and checked her school email. Seeing no new messages made Feng Xi feel relieved and pissed at the same time. "That bastard lied!"

Outside Feng Xi's room in the hallway, Prince Jin was rubbing his now red sore nose. Eunuch Li looked at him and asked: "What should I do with the video?"

"Send it to my phone and delete everything from yours. The only one who gets to see it is me. If I find this video makes an appearance anywhere else..." Prince Jin's eyes turned cold as he looked at Eunuch Li.

Eunuch Li hurriedly passed his phone over to Prince Jin. "Your Highness just take my phone this way you know nothing of the sort will happen."

"En… Good. I will cancel the salary deduction punishment."

"Thank you, you Highness! I knew you were a good person that would never go down the road to becoming an M ...." Eunuch quickly covered his mouth with his hands and cursed himself a thousand times.

Prince Jin glared at Eunuch Li and did not say a word as he passed him and only when he was a few steps away did he say "Four months salary."

Eunuch Li smacked himself in the face for his stupid big mouth!