An Annoying Fly

The next morning Feng Xi woke up and got ready to leave. But when she exited her hotel room she was faced with a man kneeling on the ground with a bouquet of flowers in his hands. "Young Miss this..."

"Just ignore him!" Feng Xi said as she brushed passed the man on the ground. Only for the man to get up and run back in front of her kneeling.

"Miss Feng, please accept this, or I could lose my head!" The man said, sweat dripping from his brow.

Feng Xi's brow twitched as she reached down to take the flowers. She pulled out the card that was attached, opened it, and read. 'To my darling future wife Feng Xi. I hope you enjoy the flowers...'


Feng Xi did not even finish reading the rest as she crunched the card in her hand. She walked past a female servant, smiled, and said, "You have worked hard. Here, something to brighten up your day!" as she passed the bouquet of flowers to the servant girl and walked away, leaving behind a stupefied servant girl. Feng Xi did not want to deal with the matters of love! Not after everything she went through in her past life!

Down the hall peeking around a coroner Prince Jin's face was black. He wanted to run up and rip the damn flowers out of the servant's hands and smack Feng Xi in the face with them! She dared give away something he had given to her!? "Fine if you want to play the game like that, we can play!"

At the next hotel, Feng Xi was feeling a major headache come on. When she arrived a red carpet was rolled out and many servants were standing there bearing gifts. At the double doors to the hotel standing there with his hands behind his back was Prince Jin with a smile on his face. 'Let's see you give away all these gifts!'

Feng Xi let out a long sigh as she asked: "Prince Jin, is this fun?"

"Very!" Prince Jin answered back without any hesitation.

"I see then you can continue to play the game by yourself!" Feng Xi turned around and was about to go climb back into her car when all of a sudden all the servants surrounded her. Anger filled Feng Xi's face as she stomped her feet and glared at Prince Jin. "Why are you being such an annoying fly!?"

"I will stop once you fall in love with me!" Prince Jin declared. In front of everyone who was showing up.

Feng Xi's face turned red with anger. 'Who wants to fall in love with you!?' Feng Xi knew she was going to have a headache from now on. Because of last night, she had been getting a lot of hate mail in her school email. It seemed that someone had taken pictures of Prince Jin coming out of her room and also pictures of the flowers waiting for her in the morning. Now, this!

"Fine, I just have to accept them right!?" Feng Xi gave up, she would rather take the items and sell them later than have to deal with this.

"And fall in love with me!"

Feng Xi wanted to scream. 'Was he a little kid? Does he not understand how to woo a girl? Why is he acting like a spoiled brat!?'

"Not happening!" With that she pushed past the servants and climbed into her car, followed by Ru'er, and had the driver drive away.

Prince Jin turned and looked at Eunuch Li, his face full of anger. "Did you not say by doing this and saying these words she would fall in love with me? Why does it seem she hates me even more now? Are you sure the information you gathered is correct?"

Eunuch Li wanted to scream out injustice! He was just a Eunuch! How was he supposed to know the right way to woo a girl!? He didn't even have a thing to work with down between his legs! "Your Highness this was everything that was said to work here in this book!"

Prince Jin took the book and looked at it. The title on the cover read. 'The Feisty Sexy Wife and the Black Bellied General'

Prince Jin's face went completely black as he took the book and threw it at Eunuch Li's face. "What the hell are you using for reference material!?"

"Your highness this was said to be really popular amongst all the noble ladies! I figured this is what they wished for when having a man chase after them!" Eunuch Li tried to defend himself. Was this not a good way to go about it?

"If she was a regular noble girl, would I be chasing after her!? Six months' pay! Now go research how to properly woo a girl!" Prince Jin's face was full of anger as he walked back to his car.

Eunuch Li picked up the book off the ground and chased after Prince Jin feeling that he was being treated unjustly. "Your Highness, you are not staying here tonight?"

"She left in her car, she won't be coming back here tonight and there are no other places to rest until the next hotel! We will follow after her and make sure nothing happens to her!"

In her car Feng Xi was beyond annoyed, she just wanted to be left alone. Why did the Prince feel the need to follow her around? "Young Miss, are we really sleeping in the car tonight?"

"Yes we are, think of it as going on a camping trip. At least this way we can still have a bit of peace tonight. Why else do you think I had you pack all that stuff." If she was any other noble lady, she would complain about not being able to take a bath. But for Feng Xi, this was no issue. She did not mind sleeping in the car. Even if it was a smaller car she would still sleep in it, as long as it meant getting away from Prince Jin.

Feng Xi closed her eyes, adjusted her position, and leaned her head against the window. She realized that the past two days have been very trying for her. She had hoped after today things would be less hectic.

When the next morning came Feng Xi felt her whole body aching. She stumbly got out of her car only to hear a grunt and a thud as she opened her car door. She looked down to see Prince Jin laying on the ground. Feng Xi's eyes opened wide with shock. 'Why was he here!?'

"Prince Jin why are..." She reached down to help him up only to feel that his hands were ice cold. The question she was about to ask quickly changed. "Why are you so cold?"

Prince Jin's teeth chattered as she slowly got up. He crossed his arms across his chest hugging himself as he tried to warm his frozen body. "You slept in your car last night without anyone guarding it, so I guarded it for you."

"Are you stupid!? What if you get sick!" Feng Xi yelled out, catching Prince Jin off guard. Feng Xi turned around and reached in her car to take out the blanket she had used last night and wrapped it around Prince Jin. "Quickly get in. Where is your car?"

Prince Jin felt the warmth of the blanket that still smelt like Feng Xi and felt a warmth build up in his heart. When he sat down in the back seat, he was surprised to see a small heater resting on the floor, keeping the inside of the car warm without needing to turn the car on. Not only that, there was also a small gas powered hot plate that Ru'er was using to warm up some water for tea. "I had them go back to the hotel." He answered after a few seconds.

"Why would you do something like that! There are animals out here too!" Feng Xi really wondered what went on through Prince Jin's head. Why would he put himself at risk for no reason like that?

Prince Jin didn't know how to answer her question. When he spotted Feng Xi's car he had the driver pull over while he got out. He walked up to the window and saw Feng Xi's peaceful sleeping face. He stood there for almost an hour just watching her peacefully sleeping. He didn't know why but he couldn't pull himself from leaving so he had his driver and Eunuch Li return to the hotel while he sat down next to the car guarding it so that no one would disturb Feng Xi's rest.

It was the first time he had ever felt the need to want to protect something without a care for his own well being. He did not know if this was love or if he just found her interesting, like a new toy. But he did know that he could not bring himself to leave while she was left so unguarded like that.