Headache Causing Prince Jin

Feng Xi was not a demon. She could see someone's sincerity, especially when it was being displayed out like this in front of her. She would not just leave Prince Jin out in the cold or by himself to wait for someone to pick him up on the side of the road. Letting out a sigh Feng Xi got into the car pushing Prince Jin to the middle of the seat. "For now just rest. You can call your driver to meet you at the next hotel."

Seeing Feng Xi being nice to him for once, Prince Jin's lips curved up into a smile. He quickly snuggled into the blanket that smelt like Feng Xi, silently taking in her smell as he slowly leaned his head onto her shoulder. Feng Xi did not push him away, she just let him be. She figured this could be payment for him staying out all night long in the cold to guard her.

She braced herself though. She knew as soon as she got to the other hotel those who were already there would most likely make something out of nothing. But it is to be expected. Although Prince Jin was ruthless in his ways. He was well loved amongst the female nobles. Many would rather risk dying just to climb into his bed.

The noble girls who even lied and said they had slept with Prince Jin also did not have any good endings. They would end up succumbing to the back courtyard tricks of the other noble ladies. Long story short any relationship you may have with Prince Jin was normally a bad ending.

But from a business standpoint, Feng Xi did not mind getting close to Prince Jin. Although she could not return his feelings, just having him as a backer was enough to help ward off some of those bigger conglomerates. She did feel bad for using his feelings to her advantage but that was also the way of the business world.

The ride to the last hotel was much longer, Prince Jin had slept soundly for the first time in a long time. He couldn't even remember when it was that he had slept so well. There was something about Feng Xi's scent that had a calming effect on him. He woke up feeling very refreshed.

"You're up?" Feng Xi asked, feeling Prince Jin stir.

"Yes, I apologize for sleeping for so long." Prince Jin did feel bad. He kinda wished he could have spent more time with Feng Xi, instead of sleeping the entire time.

"It's fine. You must have been tired. Here, eat and drink, we still got about three hours before reaching the Hotel." Feng Xi passed Prince Jin a still warm precooked meal. It was nothing major, just chicken, and rice that she had Ru'er get from the store they just stopped at and a bottle of green tea.

But for Prince Jin, it meant a lot since it proved that Feng Xi did not hate him as much as she acted. Such an insignificant act for Feng Xi was causing more misunderstandings than she could ever imagine. Because Feng Xi still thought as an adult she had forgotten that Prince Jin was only a seventeen year old boy. If this was still ten years ago he would have been already married and had a few kids on the way by now. But luckily the marriageable age was raised by three years ten years back.

Since Prince Jin was finally awake she could now ask him to call his driver. He had fallen asleep before calling them earlier and she thought it would be best for them to get to the hotel as soon as possible so that they could give him a ride to the academy tomorrow. "Prince Jin..."

"Just call me Jin'er, Xi'er..." Prince Jin suddenly said out of nowhere with a mouth full of food.

Completely ignoring what Prince Jin had just said, Feng Xi continued what she was saying. "Prince Jin, I think you should call your driver and have them meet you at the next hotel. "

Thinking for a second, Prince Jin did not push the name issue but he did come up with an idea."I didn't bring my cell phone with me so let me borrow yours."

Feng Xi not thinking anything of it passed Prince Jin her cell phone. Which he happily took and dialed Eunuch Li's number. "Your Highness, where have you been! We have been searching for you everywhere!"

"Calm down Eunuch Li, Just head to the Academy without me. I will be getting a ride with my Xi'er. "

"Prince Jin! Eunuch Li, don't listen to him! You need to come to pick him up!" Feng Xi yelled out. She couldn't believe this man! She gave him a teacup of kindness and he was taking a damn tub full! She quickly reached over for the phone trying to snatch it away so she could tell them to please come pick him up. But Prince Jin was ready for this and kept dodging her hands!

Seeing Feng Xi's face starting to turn ugly Prince Jin quickly said: "Eunuch Li, I have to go so make sure to save this number I called you on under Xi'er. I will see you at the academy."

He then hung up the phone and quickly deleted the call from the phone's history so she couldn't call them back! "Prince Jin why would you do that!? Do you plan to ride with me all the way to the Academy!?"

"Un! Why? Do you not want to give this Prince a ride?" Prince Jin, the most ruthless prince in all of China actually cupped his face trying to make himself look cute!

Feng Xi was completely speechless. She didn't know if she should laugh at his antics or curse him until he reached King Yama. All she knew was that she was now stuck with this man for another entire day! Giving up and sighing she asked: "Prince Jin, do you even have money on you?"

"No, I left it all back with Eunuch Li."

"Then I will get a room for you at the Hotel. Do not expect anything fancy, I do not have that much money to spend." Feng Xi knew she was stuck with him so she might as well deal with it all mature manner.

"It's okay I will just stay in your ro..."

"No, you will not!"

Ru'er who had been dead quiet this entire time wondered if Prince Jin really liked her Young Miss. Her curiosity was getting the best of her as she kept giving Prince Jin glances while he was sipping on tea. Seeing this Prince Jin smiled brightly at Ru'er and asked: "Little Miss is there something on my face?"

"Rogue!" Feng Xi yelled. "Do not try to speak to Ru'er or I will throw you out of the car!"

"Xi'er is this jealousy? Are you jealous that I spoke to another woman?" A sly grin formed on Prince Jin's face.

"Jealous your butt! Why would I be jealous? I just don't want you putting your dirty claws on Ru'er, she is like a little sister to me!"

"Di-Dirty claws!? Xi'er I am sure you know about me. How in what way am I a playboy?"

Feng Xi stared blankly at Prince Jin and realized he truly was not a playboy. She could only bow her head and say "I am sorry for my words just now Prince Jin."

"I will only accept if you call me Jin'er from now on… Even if we are not an official couple yet, we can still at least be considered friends now. " Prince Jin firmly stated.

Letting out a long sigh Feng Xi finally caved and said: "Pri- Jin'er I am sorry for my words just now..."

Feng Xi suddenly felt she was now locked into calling Prince Jin by this name as she looked at the smug look on Prince Jin's face. At this point, she felt a big headache coming on.