Rubbing Salt Into Open Wounds Part One

Feng Xi was having quite a bit of fun as she walked towards Feng Lan's courtyard. Smiling and waving at Prince Jin who was holding a camera, Feng Xi began to introduce herself as if she was on a YoTube channel show. "Hello everyone! My name is Feng Xi, and the one recording this is the ever so handsome Prince Jin! Give him a round of applause! Jin'er, show them your face and smile it will send all the girl into a scream session at home."

Prince Jin did as she asked, turned the camera towards his face, smiled, and then turned it back to Feng Xi. "Okay now that introductions are over, let's get to what we are going to do today. As you all know my dear wonderful slutty sister seems to have slept with a lot of men! For such a pure innocent acting girl this is such an audacious act! But now that it has been exposed we have to go over and make sure she dies, I mean does not commit suicide!"

Prince Jin snorted in laughter hearing Feng Xi's slip of the tongue. Feng Xi continued as if she had not made a mistake: "Now some of you may have noticed that one of the pictures was of My dear slutty sister and my old fiance Tang Zhi! Yes, that is right, Tang Zhi fucked my sister as well. Such a shame, I wonder if he contracted any diseases. I am sooo~ glad I only ever met him once and he ran home feeling sick. I wonder if this was the cause? Did My sister somehow get him sick? Does Tang Zhi have a baby in his stomach!?

" Okay in all seriousness that was on me. I had no intention of marrying such a sleazy man in the first place, so I played a little trick on him. But as you may have heard, it all worked out because now I am engaged to the wonderful and handsome Prince Jin! I know some of you ladies out there are probably going to scheme against me, but that will just make things more interesting! So I will say this now bring it on the back courtyard infighting! We will even record that as well!"

Feng Xi who was walking backward this entire time finally stopped and turned around after being signaled by Prince Jin that they had arrived. She turned to the camera and put her fingers to her lips and whispered into the mic attached to the neck of her shirt and said: "Shhh… We will first listen to see if she is crying."

Feng Xi placed the mic near the door to the courtyard and the sounds of yelling and glass breaking could be heard. "Who the fuck posted that! I will fucking kill them!"

Feng Xi looked at the camera and grinned as she whispered into the mic. "Okay, now that we know she is not crying yet we need to start the play!"

With her words, Feng Xi took two steps back from the courtyard door, raised her foot and kicked it open! Putting on fake tears she then ran into the courtyard screaming at the top of her lungs making sure all those around could hear her words. "Lan'er tell me it isn't true! You really fucked Tang Zhi while I was still engaged to him!?"

The sudden intrusion scared Feng Lan but when she saw Feng Xi running in all teary eyed, her eyes flashed with viciousness and charged at Feng Xi like a crazy woman. "It's all your fault! I bet you were the one who posted it! Why do you get everything!? Before my mother married your father we were thrown out by the Jiang family all because your father couldn't keep it in his pants!"

"But Lan'er, my father is not your father! Didn't you know?" Feng Xi suddenly said causing Feng Lan to almost trip on her own feet, making her stop right in front of Feng Xi.

"What did you say? Feng Shun is not my father, how can that be? My mother told me they Feng Shun fucked her and got her pregnant while he was with your mother!" Feng Lan shouted.

"Oh? Your mom never told you… It's really a pity… your father you see… he was an umm… Oh, I should just say it! Your father is a homeless man. You see your mother got drunk and I guess she got hot and bothered to the point she couldn't restrain herself and one thing led to another.. Hehe… So embarrassing! " Feng Xi blushed and held her face as she turned it back and forth giggling.

"Feng Xi you bitch you lie! Feng Shun is my father, why else was he willing to adopt me as his own daughter!?" Feng Lan was starting to second guess her own words when she said adopt! She suddenly thought something might be wrong here but she would never admit it!

Feng Xi suddenly burst out laughing while holding her stomach. "Hahahaha! I am just joking! Your father was not a homeless man. But the truth is you really are just an adopted daughter. And your real father is your uncle! Didn't you ever wonder why you have webbed toes? Birth defect from when your mother and father… hehe... Jin'er what should I do I can't say it on camera! It-it's just too naughty! I'm sorry, for all of you who will be watching this I can't say naughty words like my little sister can. It makes me feel embarrassed!"

It was only then that Feng Lan realized that Prince Jin was there and he was holding his phone up recording everything that was going on! She dared not say anything to Prince Jin so she could only take her rage out on Feng Xi! "Feng Xi it was you! You slut! It was you who was in those pictures, it wasn't me!"

"Hahaha! Little sister, you realize how stupid you are being? All we have to do is call the school physician to come andcheck and the truth will be out. Shall I call him!? Shall I!? " Feng Xi asked excitedly.

Feng Lan suddenly paled as she quickly shook her head. "No! No! I spoke out of turn. But those pictures are not of me!"

"Then let's call the physician over! If we do we can find out right away what the real truth is. All you need to do is have your purity checked while we record it!" Feng Xi announced. "So today everyone we will get a good shot of the hole my darling sister used to do all thos..."

"Feng Xi shut your mouth!"

"Little sister I am making a show here so please play along. All you have to do is..."

"Feng Xi, don't go too far!" Feng Lan's face was full of rage. If not for Prince Jin she would have already run over and beat Feng Xi to death!

"Fine, fine, even if we did do that it would seem YoTube would delete the video and we can't have that happening now can we! The show has to be for all ages! Now, little sister is it true that you did all that for only ten~ yuan per session?"