Rubbing Salt Into Open Wounds Part Two

"Feng Xi! Are you stupid? I already said that was not me!" Feng Lan screamed at the top of her lungs.

"Fine! Fine! Let's just say it is not you. Even though it clearly is. This still does not change the fact that you are a child born from a brother and sister inces..."

"Feng Xi shut up right now!" Feng Lan's face was bright red with anger.

Feng Xi turned to Prince Jin who was still filming, smiled, and said: "So as you can see everyone my little sister is a huge slut. She likes to do "that' hehe…. with anyone for ten yuan! Now I know some of you think that she is just a shameless bitch and you would be right. But that is fine as long as you get..."

"Feng Xi, I will kill you!" Feng Lan finally exploded as she charged at Feng Xi.

Feng Xi let out a scream and began laughing as she ran away doing circles around Prince Jin. "Ahhh! Jin'er! Lan'er wants to kill me! Oh! That was close! She almost grabbed my hair! Jin'er save me!"

Prince Jin couldn't help but laugh watching Feng Xi laughing and smiling away while completely contradicting what she looked like with her words.

Feng Xi suddenly stopped reached behind her, catching the outstretched arm that Feng Lan used to try to grab ahold of Feng Xi, pulled hard, kicked her hip into Feng Lan's stomach, and in one swift motion flipped Feng Lan over her shoulder slamming her into the ground. Feng Lan let out a painful grunt and began to dry heave after the air was knocked out of her from hitting the ground so hard.

Feng Xi smiled brightly and looked at the camera. "And that everyone is called a hip throw! Wait that wasn't what this show was about. Just think of it as a plus. Now as promised I will make my dear sister Feng Lan cry. A word of warning! Do not try this at home!"

Feng Xi lifted her foot and kicked Feng Lan who was struggling to get back up after catching her breath again before climbing on top of her pinning her arms down with her knees. Feng Lan suddenly had a bad feeling and a look of fear spread across her face. "Big Sister wh-what are you going to do?"

Feng Xi smiled and leaned down whispering into her ear. "Did you really think I would marry a scumbag like Tang Zhi who was most likely going to drug me so that I would fuck whatever man he brought in? Sorry, but I knew right from the start what your plans were. Everything that belongs to the General's family will stay in the General's Family, meaning you as an adopted daughter a child of an incestuous relationship will never be more than anything but a mistake on this world." Feng Xi raised her head and looked at the shocked look in Feng Lan's eyes. She smiled and then said: "Dear sister come at me with everything you have. I will take it all and show you that scheming against me will just bring your death a few years sooner than it should have been. Now as a little bit of punishment for what you and your nasty little lover Tang Zhi wanted to do to me, I will now beat you until even your dear mother won't recognize you!"

Seeing Feng Xi raise her fist into the air Feng Lan truly became scared and yelled out: "Big Sister I learned my lesson I am so sor… uoh!"

Feng Xi was like a pro boxer as her fist landed like lightning, left and right, in a matter of only a few seconds she had already thrown tens of punches. The once beautiful and delicate face of Feng Lan instantly became bloodied and swelled up. Feng Xi was currently releasing so much hate and resentment that she continued to punch even when her own knuckles began to swell.

Seeing this Prince Jin quickly ran forward and grabbed a hold of Feng Xi who seemed to be completely out of it. Felling her self being pulled away, Feng Xi looked at Prince Jin in confusion. "Why are you stopping me!? She is still alive! She needs to die for all the things she has done!"

Tears began to roll down Feng Xi's face as all the images of what had happened to her in her past life appeared in her mind. Her mental state was completely shaken. She had held in her grief so long and wanted to tear Feng Lan to pieces every time she saw her. Once she felt her fist hitting Feng Lan's face she knew she could no longer stop.

Prince Jin pulled Feng Xi into his embrace hugging her tightly. Feng Xi did not know why but the warmth, the smell, the light kiss he had given her on top of her head slowly brought Feng Xi back to her senses. She felt like a helpless child in his arms as she wrapped her arms around him and buried her face into his chest crying out all her grief. Crying the tears she wished she had the chance to cry out in her past life.

"Xi'er, no matter what. I will always be here to protect you. I promised that if the sky fell I would hold it up for you. I will protect you from everything including yourself. Right now is not the time to take this girl's life. Wait. Wait for the time when she is at her lowest. I don't know what she did to you but make her feel the pain and sorrow you have felt all this time. Do as you please, I will be there to back you up." Prince Jin leaned his head down and kissed the top of her head again while gently rubbing her back.

It was at this time that Feng Xi felt the barrier around her heart suddenly form a huge hole. The man whose arms she felt so comfortable in was becoming something irreplaceable to her. The warmth she felt at this moment she felt as if she never wanted to let go.

As the two stood there hugging each other, head teacher Qiao Jing had shown up and pushed through the crowd. He looked at the bloodied Feng Lan, then at Feng Xi's swollen fist and already knew who had beaten the girl on the ground. But he still asked: "Who did this!?"

"I did!" Prince Jin said firmly.