I Said Strip!

Song Xinya's eyes opened wide. 'Was Feng Xi crazy? She knows that I am friends with Jiang Yi!' Seeing Song Xinya's look, Feng Xi could guess what she was thinking.

"Little Xinya, what is more profitable? Keeping a friendship with a woman who is bound to die or forming a partnership that could lead to bigger things in the future with someone who plans to go places? I will let you decide on this for the night. Let me hear your answer in the morning." Feng Xi was about to walk away when Song Xinya quickly grabbed her arm.

"Wait! If you are not telling a lie, will you be willing to help me with one thing?" Song Xinya asked. Her voice showed a hint of pleading.

"Depends on what it is." Feng Xi knew that Jiang Yi must have something on Song Xinya for her to do the things she was doing. Otherwise, who would risk a job at the prestigious Heavens Fall Academy to bully a student. Feng Xi was not sure about this fact but she had a slight inkling that it might be so. This is why she was willing to ask Song Xinya to work for her.

"That bitch Jiang Yi has my mother's keepsake. It has been passed down in my family since the Qin Dynasty. She had stolen it from my house over ten years ago and will not return it. She keeps threatening to sell it if I do not do the things she asks. It's all I have left of my mother..." Song Xinya's eyes started to water up.

Feng Xi looked at the woman who was still in her twenties and felt a bit of pity for her. "I promise to try. If it is in the General's Manor, I will be able to get it back right away. But if it is in the Jiang family estate or has already been sold. It will take more time. I need you to find me pictures of it and write down everything that you can remember about it down to the tiniest scratch. Bring it all to me tonight."

Tears started to roll down Song Xinya's face. She had been so mean to Feng Xi, but here she was willing to help her get back the thing that belonged to her mother! "Thank you! Thank you, Auntie Feng!"

"Alright, Alright! You are making people think I bully my niece. Wipe your tears and get the things I asked for. I will do what I can. I am heading back now, I will see you later tonight." Feng Xi turned and walked away raising her hand, giving a light wave.

Song Xinya wished Feng Xi had changed earlier. Maybe she would not have had to have done all those mean things to a young girl. Song Xinya lifted her head and looked up at the sky. 'It seemed things might be looking up from now on. Feng Xi is worthy of following. I will do what I can to please her from now on.' Song Xinya in better spirits quickly ran off to her courtyard to find everything Feng Xi asked for.

As for Feng Xi, she was currently having a staring contest with the devil himself. In front of her was Prince Jin lazily walking up to her with a grin on his face. Seeing his smug face made Feng Xi remember the pictures he had taken of her causing her to become angry all over again! 'Fine! You got pictures of me then I get pictures of you!' She would not let this go. Being even was better than nothing at all! Since flipping him over didn't make her feel better at least she can get photos of his everything! Feng Xi stomped forward, grabbed Prince Jin's hand, and walked straight to her courtyard!

She pulled him all the way into her own bedroom and closed the door keeping everyone else out. Since he was her future husband only she got to see this! What was hers! Was hers! What was his! Was hers as well! That was how she planned to go about things in the future! "Take it off!" Three words and Prince Jin froze in place.

He suddenly had a hard time understanding Chinese because he could have sworn his Xi'er telling him to take it off. "Xi'er what did you say?"

"I said strip! I am taking pictures of you like you did of me! Fair is fair!" Feng Xi held up her phone getting ready to take pictures.

Prince Jin did not waste worlds and simply undressed all the way down to nothing. He did not care one bit. His girl wanted to see his everything, so he will show! "How's this? Should I pose as well?"

Feng Xi looked at the perfect chiseled body in front of her and swallowed hard. She scanned him from head to toe and realized that she was one hell of a lucky woman. "Maybe getting married to him wouldn't be such a bad… Ahh! Just stand still and don't say a word!" Feng Xi wanted to find a hole to hide in. She wanted to know how she could speak her mind like that! She knew that Prince Jin had heard her as well! She could only scream in her head... 'Definitely puberty!'

Feng Xi knew her trauma from her past life was nowhere close to being gone. But Prince Jin seemed different; she didn't feel sickened by his touch as she did when she first met him. Since then she has been in his embrace many times and each time she was feeling more and more comfortable.

*Click!* *Click!* *Click!* *Click!* *Click!*

Feng Xi was making sure to get a photo of every angle. Once she took about fifty pictures, until she was finally satisfied. "Now if you ever take pictures of me without my consent again I will circulate these images all over China!"

"If you want to blackmail me I can let you do other things as well. You can even touch it if you want..." Prince Jin said with a sly smile as he took a step towards Feng Xi.

"Nope! I'm good please get dressed. I have things to do!" Feng Xi quickly pulled her eyes away from the thing swaying about and ran out of the room her face completely red. All the while screaming in her mind: 'He's shameless so shameless!'